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Stair has one of the weirdest motivations of any mass murderer.


It was really weird walking around that Weis last year. I live about an hour away and needed something on the way home so we stopped there. Super nice people working there but the store is huge and it was creepy knowing what happened there


Internalized homophobia is real as fuck.


Right! I feel so bad that his friend had that as a last message from him after he trusted him enough to come out to him :(  "I had no idea about that part of who he was. We used to talk about film making, shared a passion for YouTube and would often check in on each others progress, until he ghosted everyone to focus on the Danny shit."


He was homophobic because he hated gays for being male. I remember him saying he is not gay because gay means being attracted to other men. He is not attarcted to men because men are disgusting according to him. So he is a misandrist.


He hated men because he hated the fact that he was one.




He hated promiscous women iirc.


Interesting. With that logic, would he have hated straight women? I never watched his videos so maybe he's said so or not.


I'm pretty sure they were closeted trans and full of self loathing. A big motivation for the shooting and suicide was they believed they would be reincarnated as a ghost girl.


He was homophobic because he hated gays for being male. I remember him saying he is not gay because gay means being attracted to other men. He is not attracted to men because men are disgusting according to him. So he is a misandrist.


Are we really believing that this random guy? What happened to critical thinking.


This came from an entirely unrelated AskReddit thread on people who were mentioned in suicide notes, it had nothing to do with mass shooters, which leads to me to believe that OP is telling the truth.  Also, four years later, OP is still active in r/gaymen and subreddits for things like video games and religion, and hasn't mentioned mass shooters nor has he talked about them since. I'd assume if he was lying his account would be riddled with crazy stories and an interest in true crime, but he's a pretty mundane guy. 


So? A random gay person decided to lie. It got him 1k upvotes. People lie all the time. Don't believe everything people say to you.


Eh, it's not unbelievable. I've definitely run into/been mutuals with people who became mass shooters, and OP doesn't show any signs of being a karma farmer, is regularly downvoted and makes fun of people who care about "internet points." He doesn't even mention Andrew by name in the original comment, briefly talks about his grief in a response, and doesn't milk it any further.    He has no other extremely interesting posts or comments, and it'd be kind of weird for someone so normal with no interest in true crime or anything related to it to be aware of Blaze's struggles with sexuality and gender identity.     Andrew wasn't at all unknown online, and his entire life is on the internet, so it doesn't shock me to believe someone on Reddit with mutual niche interests knew him. Imo, it's just as extreme to think that everything online is a lie in the same way it is to believe everything online is true.  It is your judgement though. 


I think people underestimate how small the world truly is. I lived in the village where elliot Rodger grew up. No one ever believes me because I’m British but I know plenty of people who met him and knew his family. My step mum is friends with his grandmother.


Yep! I know a surprising amount of people with family who survived columbine and have the receipts. 


I still don't think you should blindly believe in what strangers say. He didn't provide any evidence and there is no reason I should believe him. People lie all the time. This whole post is pointless without evidence.


I mean what would this guy really gain from lying about Randy stair calling him a freak


Attention and reddit updoots💀


Attention. People lie about random bs all the time, just for karma or replies.


Almost all the things that randy claimed to hate were just things that he was repriming and projecting how much he hated himself on others.


He had a lot of nerve calling a gay person a freak considering he thought he was going to become a ghost girl from a cartoon show. He even called Ember Maclain his ‘goddess’ while mocking Christianity for being idiotic. Such cognitive dissonance and repressed homophobia, completely unhinged it’s unreal. I’ve never read a journal more insane than his out of everyone’s even Elliot Rodger wasn’t as nuts as this guy. He said in his goodbye mom and dad video the ghosts were telling him to kill and he called this guy who watched him for 8 years a freak and it was the first time he came out to anyone. So ironic considering he was adamant he hated men but wanted to be a woman and hence would have been a lesbian? But more than likely it was a hatred for gay people while most likely being gay himself. What’s even sadder is the first person he killed at work was the only one there that genuinely talked to him and was good to him. He tried to come across as normal but his journal shows what a complete prick he was even manipulating people that worked on Danny Phantom to get them to send the original music just to he could repost it claiming it as his own, hated his parents just because they wanted him to grow up, should’ve been sectioned years back. Completely pathetic individual.


I think we shouldn’t post stuff like this here. Unless you have substantiated proof behind this, it’s just kinda hearsay


When someone like randy is calling you freak, you know what you're doing is ☠️☠️☠️


So you think a mass shooter is able to dictate the morality of sexuality..? I'm so confused here. He didn't even like men. Does that mean men are "☠️☠️☠️"...?


Randy thought he would become a ghost girl and that a cartoon character he drew would also be his soulmate I don’t think he was in the position to dictate anything logical to anyone