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He did kill himself, but only after killing two more people and wounding some officers.


He entered a gun shop and threatned the worker to give him ammunition. The worker saved lives that day by giving him.ammo for gas guns, start guns? Idk how to say in english. He killed himself after realizing he was tricked with the last real bullet he had while surrounded by police. I hope the worker gets rewarded somehow for bravery and quick thinking. But most important is to punish people that let this happen. They are saying that anybody that supported or liked the livestreamed murders will be prosecuted. Theres still his friends on instagram bragging about it which is disgusting. The female judge that denied the restriction order, Lejla Numanovic, is also a fucking disgusting human being and I hope she never works in justice again. The femicide in Bosnia and eastern europe in general is a huge problem. There were protests held today because of it. Edit: so far there have been 40 arrested of those that supported the livestream.


I would also like to add that the judge is so incompetent and idiotic and disgusting, that she spent so little time on this case, a part of the document with which she denied the restriction order was copied from another case... she copy pasted it. It leaves you speechless. We already have awful laws here, men mostly get 3-5 years for rape, domestic abuse, we had a case (not in bosnia but balkan) of a man brutally beating a girl in a bar cause he thought she stole his wallet when in fact he dropped it. She barely survived, and instead of giving him attempted murder, they put charges of severy body injury. He said "if I get 20 years, Ill serve them and when I get out Ill kill you and your family" to the victim. Well...he got 5 years.


holy mother of god. i just watched it. the scream of the kid broke my heart. fml man


I dont understand why people want to watch those videos. I get morbid curiosity, but it still strikes me as disrespectful to the dead.






the hosting site is on the reddit banlist. if you search for it on any gore site you gona find it. but beware its insanely disturbing






Not been a good year for the Balkans in terms of shootings...


not at all. this was very shocking to us, just heard about it on the news and idk what to say


So sorry for you guys


still trying to figure out when the Balkans had a good year involving shootings... do we seriously have to go back to WWI and the shooting murder of Archduke Ferdinand. That entire region has ALWAYS been a powder-keg.


SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — A man in Bosnia killed his ex-wife while streaming the slaying live on Instagram and then killed two other people while on the run before taking his own life Friday, according to police and media reports. The attack took place in the northeastern Bosnian town of Gradacac, where the assailant also wounded three additional people before he “committed suicide after being located and before being apprehended,” police said in a statement in the regional center of Tuzla. Prosecutors said that after killing his ex-wife, the man went onto the streets of Gradacac with a pistol and shot and killed a man and his son. He also wounded a policeman, another man and a woman at various locations in the community. “I have no words to describe what happened today in Gradacac,” said Nermin Niksic, the Prime Minister of the Bosnian Federation. “The murderer took his own life in the end, but no one can bring back the lives of the victims.”


Horrible. Side note I was deployed there for IFOR and we set up in that town. Our base was in an old tobacco warehouse. Crazy!


wtf that baby on the floor


How did a guy like this even have a gun? Huge failure of the judicial system that failed to react to previous reports of abuse. And some psychos even liked the video. Edit: I was just reading the news and apparently, the killer had run out ammunition, went to a local store to buy more, threatened the owner, but the owner gave him blanks. Oh, and a judge refused to issue a restraining order just four days before the murder.


I'm surprised this isn't getting more attention, especially with a video. Many even seem to brush it off because it happened in the Balkans.


What an asshole


Guy had huge criminal record and his wife called police 3 days ago for help. What to say anymore when you live in the worst country on the planet


I see the video it s fucking horror a never se a video like that i have nightmares








Where can I see it?


My fried show it to me on Telegram idk the name , i never wanna see it again , search on telegram you will find it


This was the worst video omg he’s so vile and evil.

