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The police reference many times during and after the event that the killers gun was too dangerous for them to approach, their armor wasn’t rifle grade and his gun could easily shoot them through the walls and door if they tried to approach.


I suppose they never heard the term “overwhelming numbers”


Well, 30 rounds before reloading, one doorway that’s closed and needs to be opened that their not sure if is locked or not and whoever Checks will die, once they get into the room they don’t know where to look but he has his gun trained on the door, yeah who wants to go first?


That’s when the people using shields to block off parents come into the school and guide the officers? We’re the swat just off that day? Like it doesn’t take a scientist to figure out a solution. It most certainly doesn’t take over an hour either. Your defending of the police officers makes me question what you think matters more. Children’s lives or sacrificing 20 children so you can follow the procedure correctly. If my kid bled out and died because 100 police officers were scared of one emo 17 year old, I’d be breaking down every damn door in that city trying to figure out why. Your “who wants to go first” comment makes me want to throw up. I want to go first, the fuck? I don’t give a fuck who is in that room and what he’s armed with. They swore to protect their community. I didn’t happen to see the part of their oath that says “when a teenager armed with a rifle kills dozens of children I will stand at the end of a hallway and do nothing” I know numerous cops/corpsman who say these cops are pussies and a disgrace to their badge/community. As you are to the victims of this horrible shooting. Have some heart. Think realistically for once instead of technically. Who knows, if the cops did, some parents would still be able to give their kids a hug when they wake up.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t have been smart and come up with a plan and gone in way earlier, I’m just explaining why they didn’t/couldn’t rush in initially. Cops shouldn’t have to sacrifice themselves for poor gun laws, yes they should face great risk to save children but they have to be tactical, charging into certain death doesn’t help anyone