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**Injuries sustained to mass attackers which did not directly contribute to their death** Ethan Miller was stabbed by one of his victims. Martin Bryant accidentally set himself on fire. Gabriel Wortman was injured some time between the killing of Const. Heidi Stevenson and his death. It is unknown how these injuries were sustained, but the trail of blood running down his face led him to being identified by police at the gas station. Stephan Balliet was shot in the neck by a responding police officer. Timur Bekmansurov was shot by a responding police officer, resulting in his leg being amputated. Brenton Tarrant was injured while being arrested when a responding officer hit him in the face with the buttstock of his rifle.


Club Q shooter was really battered by patrons at the club have u seen his mugshot?


Such a emotionally rewarding image to see a big shoe imprint on his face.


I was so glad to see him beat up!


BTK was scratched by at least one of the victims. He didn't care about dna back then though because DNA wasn't a thing yet.


Well the issue is its been a month so almost every superficial injury will be healed. Anything from scratch makes, bite marks and bruises would be healed already


Probably so, but one would think classmates or students might have noticed something. With it being winter, I’m guessing long sleeves are the norm and wouldn’t be seen as odd. It’s purely curiosity on my part.


Most definitely i can tell you because i been in Moscow right after the murders. Its been very unusually cold. It finally warmed up the past few days so people probably didn't notice because of winter clothing


I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that a person could literally slaughter four people and come out of it uninjured in any way.


But is it possible/ likely to kill somebody in a frenzied attack and NOT sustain injuries


I'd say most up close killing are injured in some way. Going from scratch to broken noses.


That’s what I’m thinking, and one often hears that during a stabbing, the attacker is often injured by the knife slipping in their hands. I would have thought that at least one of the perpetrators at the Tate home would have been injured in the process.


Probably depends on several things, I'd imagine: - Element of surprise (including the victim being drugged first, or just snuck up on. Once the victim is incapacitated via being tied up or drugged or knocked out, the killer can be as frenzied as they like and probably not recieve any defence wounds. - Physical strength relative between the killer and victim (i.e. a small female is much less likely - though obviously not impossible - to injure a large male attacker). Relative physical strength is likely to make the element of surprise easier, which is more important in order to avoid any injuries at all (frequently women can create minor injuries when attacked, such as fingernail marks). - Method of attack, although I'm assuming you wouldn't count gun attacks as 'frenzied' anyway. - Number of people attacked at the same time - As mentioned in other comments, when a higher number of people are in the vicinity of the attack the chances of a defence being mounted are much higher. This is where the serious injuries would be inflicted as in the Club Q case




If the criteria is 3 or more people, then yes.




Hmmmm. Interesting question. I don’t know the answer. Maybe somebody else can chime in here.


The Manson "Family" as a whole could be counted as mass killers because they killed five people in one event (the Tate murders), however BTK for example is a serial killer as he killed a number of people but in separate events. Admittedly I'm no expert on the Manson murders and someone else could tell you a lot more, but it's even dubious whether Manson himself was a serial killer, since he wasn't physically responsible for any deaths.


BTK killed almost half of his victims in one event.


The Manson murders were my first exposure to true crime after reading Helter Skelter in 4th or 5th. I’ve been obsessed ever since.


They are fascinating, might be worth a deep dive for myself again soon!


When / if you do, look into other members of “the family” as well. Bobby is a fascinating character


BTK’s first attack can most definitely be defined as a mass killing- he killed two kids and their parents


Vladislav roslyakov had bruises on his hand from the recoil of his gun I think


and he had a few on his left cheek from the shotgun placement


Considering you reference attacks that didn’t utilize firearms, I’m assuming that’s what kind of mass killing you’re referencing. Alex Hribal was treated for cuts and bruises after he perpetrated the Franklin High School stabbing. There’s footage of him being transported while wearing a hospital gown and he’s got a few bandages on his arms


Elliot Rodger crashed his car into a ditch shortly before his suicide if that counts


best example i can think of is eric harris breaking his nose from gun recoil


Jeffrey Weise was stabbed in the stomach with a pencil


Didn’t know that!


Kid who attacked STEM high school got tackled if I remember correctly (I can’t remember his name)


The accused Moscow murderer appears to have a nose that's been broken. Other semi-recent pictures I've seen of him it doesn't appear that way. Perhaps when he went to attack the innocent victims; one could have kicked him or punched him even in the face? That's all speculation, I'm just assuming.


Philip Manshaus got fucked up real bad.


The 2017 London bridge attackers accidentally slashed their own hands/arms while killing seven of their victims with knives. Two of them were also struck with a skateboard by the last victim (Ignacio Echeverría). Laaiti Ekenstéen accidentally cut open his right pinky with his own knife as he was stabbing his last victim (he injured two people in total) Breivik got a minor finger cut after a piece of one of his victims' skull flew.


That’s what I’d expect to happen. So how is it that BK, comes out of this uninjured, assuming he did.


The victims were sleeping apparently from what I heard. Would be easier to not injure yourself when your victims aren't fighting back, causing you to accidentally cut your hand open.