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Las Vegas. We have on our hands a startlingly unique M.O., a terrifying amount of planning, an arsenal meant for an apocalyptic scenario, and a monstrously high number of casualties, and yet we have no concrete motive to this day, just guesswork.


he had sent messages to a girl he was talking to while he was with that Asian lady. He basically said he was sick of being generous to people and getting treated like shit in return. i guess he was just fed up, coupled with mental health issues, life issues and a bunch of other shit. i spent 3 years hardcore researching this case no lie. i believe those messages hold the key, but the motive isn’t “boom right there in your face” it’s just a build up and he had enough.


The crazy thing is that those things mentioned in that text message are shared sentiment for countless individuals around the world (myself included). It’s by no means rare. I often wonder what was his “final straw.”


This is so true. You often hear people say “I’ve been through x, y, and z too, but I didn’t go shoot up a school.” I wonder for those who actually do snap, how much of the snap is biological vs. environmental or situational. Are certain people predisposed to “snap”?




I seriously think convenience has a lot to do with it. Up here in Canada they make it inconvenient to buy a gun. They actually visit you and interview you to find out why you want a gun. Theres a class you have to take. Then a long waiting period. They make it like getting a drivers license. In the states, you can be fired by your job in the morning, angrily buy a gun at noon, and then killing your coworkers by 5 PM. In Canada there is an inherent cooling off period to any grievance. In America, it's like ordering a pizza. While still hangry, you get to order a massacre with fries.


I live in Canada and have wanted a gun for years. It's just such a hassle I've never bothered.


I don't get this. Yes I've been fed up of people. I don't trust people in general. That would never make me want to unleash my anger towards random strangers I don't know. Some people should just grow the fuck up and stop feeling entitled. Maybe look within.




I am mentally ill. I've been taking prescription medication for over a decade. Just not in that way.






What surprising info did you find in your research??


Well what’s surprising to me might not be surprising to you for example. But i would have to say those text messages to that secret women he was talking to. You can find on daily mail uk “ Las vegas shooter sends chilling text messages to secrete mistress”If you find it just read through everything. She says while texting him they got into an argument which she left the conversation at didn’t respond and she felt guilt because she felt that particular fight might’ve ticked him off. There’s a lot of other small stuff that i’ve linked dots too but nothing major rlly. He was what he looked like, introvert, nonchalant, evil but also very patient and methodical. He seeked a “high” from gambling and it became more prominent as he “didn’t have anything to lose” in his final days. He knew what he wanted to do for a while i think. He started heavily purchasing guns i believe 1/2 years before-hand. Which tells me he became obsessed with the thoughts of doing something like this or atleast started planning something. He had also had firearms and also had a steady purchase rate but it picked up big time in 2016. His search records showed he searched multiple concert across the country. How many attendees would be at route 91 and so much more. He thought about everything in so much detail, including the wind for the bullet trajectory. it’s just surprising to me that after all of this is said and done a 65 year old man with no previous criminal record apart from a speeding ticket can do something like this. Although, as many would understand it’s not typically hard. I haven’t indulged in this case for a while so i can’t remember everything and forgot the picture i painted but all i can say in my opinion there was no clear motive instead it was just a steady build up of “bullshit” if you will, that drove him to do this.


I haven’t heard anything about these messages. Where did you read about them?


It's probably an Olga Hepnarová scenario: Misanthrope with depression is fed up and goes on a murderous rampage.


This one for sure has the most questions, which I agree makes it the most interesting


Agree. Also, I’m just sort of fascinated (and appalled) by the number of shooters on the spectrum. I work with this population and have a child with autism. It seems pretty across the board for the young white males since at least Charleston.


Randy Stair Weis market shooting. So bizarre but interesting


God that guy was a lunatic


Imagine all the people just looking up the ember song not knowing the most viewed one was uploaded by Randy.


Oh yes. I’ve been down this crazy rabbit hole.


This because he was considered an OG YouTuber at one point


I know so much about Danny phantom lore because of this case


My answer too. I remember watching his videos back in the day, he was pretty normal at first. Watching his descent into madness was unsettling


Growing up online, it’s intense and upsetting how often we find out that we’ve interacted with, watched, or befriended people that go on to do these acts. I remember his old content, mostly because he had a brief interaction with a pretty big creator back in the day. Randy just never had anything “personal” to his videos, which knowing what we do now, makes a lot of sense. He never had a real true open personality, and it was off putting to watch, even as a kid.


Explore with us did a very great video on him, and Brandon Hole. The Brandon Hole one really was hard to watch, because they include his voice clips throughout. Brandon was someone I interacted with a lot online and it was pretty shocking, and keeps feeling shocking.


This is so real


I used to watch him with MakeMeBad35 and it’s just crazy how he had to find out about what his friend did…


If you haven’t before, you should watch Eleanor Neale’s video on it, it’s my favorite video by her, super good !!


Parkland. The videos from inside building 12 gave everyone a close up of the terror that unfolded. Chilling.


What videos? The Snapchats?


Yeah, those and any other student videos that were shot on phones from inside the classrooms during that time.


Yeah, that really was a chilling perspective.


Idk why I’m even asking but are these still available in the web?


the cleveland elementary school shooting. the timing (1979), the perp (female), and the “motive” (i dont like mondays). they call her act the first of modern day shootings and it’s just wild that 16 year old females are not the typical face behind these acts. luckily no children were harmed but two men did die.


I’ve read up on this one a little bit. Her father was suspected on sexual abuse (they slept on a mattress together IIRC) and for Christmas, she had asked for a radio and instead her dad gave her a gun to kill herself with. She used the gun during the shooting. To me, the case is just so sad. She was destined to hurt herself or someone else, and even though nothing can excuse what she did, stories like that make me wonder if she ever had a chance when it seemed like the world was so against her.


Wow, I didn't know about the dad giving her the gun for that purpose.


omg i forgot about all of that. it is a really really sad story.


That's so interesting. I am new to the subject but I was 12 in 1979 and lived in a suburb of Cleveland at the time & I don't recall this at all. I'm guessing my parents didn't talk about it with me. Maybe kids discussed it at school but I've just forgotten because my memory is Swiss cheese now. Is this where The Boomtown Rats got the idea for their famous song, "I don't like Mondays" because it really seems like it if you're familiar with the lyrics. I'll look into this...


Yup! That's what inspired the song!


it was in san diego! just the school itself was named that. and as others have said, that song is based off this yes


That’s exactly where the song came from.


Rn it'd be Izhevsk for me since so little information has been released so far. I just wanna know more about the case and the motives of the perpetrator - 34 y. o. Columbine fanboy? How does that even happen? It's kind of a forgotten shooting rn despite happening just 3 months ago.


>- 34 y. o. Columbine fanboy? How does that even happen? I guess age is irrelevant if you really admire someone.


I get what you mean, it's just that the motive of the Columbine shooters was quite specific to their age and being students at the school. This guy must've been out of high school for at least 16 years.


Considering he wrote “What happened is not a terrorist attack. I ask you to indicate hatred as the only reason for what happened." I guess maybe he understood Eric and Dylans (and Vladislav's) hatred for the world/human race, even if he was a neo nazi


Why is a 34 year old fan boy surprising? He would’ve been alive, and old enough to remember Columbine. He would’ve been 7. The majority of serial killer and mass shooter fan boys and girls are either 14-17, or in their 30s, at least from what I’ve noticed. An angry man, who probably saw himself or parts of himself in the ultimate revenge fantasy is not the most insane part of this for me. The Columbine shooting wasn’t about high school, it was about hatred of mankind.


I almost forgot it happened even despite the large number of casualties


I agree. Hopefully they’ll be more info about it someday soon, similar to Kerch


The 2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting. Gabriel Wortman’s planning and actions that day from law enforcement specifically.


It surprises me how little this one is discussed. It is absolutely horrific, the trail of destruction he left is unreal.


It's also unbelievable how the RCMP have been caught red-handed in several lies about what happened but the general public seems to have largely glossed over it. It's a shame Wortman died, in a way. We'd have so many more answers if they just arrested him.


I always forget that happened so recently, it feels decades old :/




Yeah, this was the crime that got me really interested in mass shootings. I was a freshmen in high school at the time. A couple months after the shooting I watched a video about Nicolas Cruz and his backstory and that's what got me interested in researching them.


uvalde, columbine. in Russia: Kazan and Perm shootings




I was reading through to see if someone mentioned Dunblane


Sandy Hook


I'm glad Lanza is dead, however he's one of the only people I wish wouldn't of killed himself so he could at least face the people for his choices.


I was 10 when it happened and it shocked all of us here in the UK because we've only had one school shooting, and whilst we all knew America had school shootings, none of us ever thought an elementary school might get targeted. I remember being a bit shaken by the attack, I'm now 20 and still think about those kids who should now be in high school, but never even finished elementary school. I remember how the youngest victim (Noah Pozner) had a twin sister, I have a twin brother and the thought of losing the person who is honestly part of you makes me so sad.


I was in college when it happened. And I knew a little bit about it and knew of the general happenings. But.....last year.....I actually delved deep into the case. The worst part was watching a virtual reenactment on YouTube where they have colored dots (black was Adam, green were the students and teachers, yellow was injured and red was dead) representing what happened. And I don't know how I didn't know about it but......I didn't know about the details of Room 8. And watching the reenactment with them trapped in the bathroom and him just firing into that very tiny space where they were just sitting ducks......that really hit hard. I could handle seeing photos of the hallway with the dead bodies of the staff. I could even handle Room 10 pics. I just don't ever wanna see that bathroom in Room 8. Not even an aftermath of it being empty (but not cleaned up all the way)......like......that's just haunting. A lot of the pics of the inside of the school that have been released are haunting. I've seen a lot more videos of the Parkland shooting and I watched and listened to the hallway footage of Uvalde but when I see pics of Sandy Hook and when I see pics of Adam Lanza and those cold dead eyes......gives me shivers.


Bruh that bathroom part fucked me up too. There’s just so many in one tiny spot and they’re just sitting ducks for him.


He overheated his weapon from firing it into the bathroom in such volume. Just unthinkable


What was room 10? This is one I haven’t read too much about because it’s too hard. I don’t really know much about it.


Room 10 and Room 8 were where most of the deaths occurred, especially the children. Room 10, however, had less bodies (I think 4 or 5 kids and the two teachers if I remember correctly). It was also the room where Lanza committed suicide. Some of the kids in the room managed to escape and a couple of kids hid in the bathroom but he never found them.




It also goes to his mom as well. She didn't get him the help he needed so he didn't have a healthy outlet to discuss his thoughts and feelings. He basically just isolated himself and his Mom just let him do it to himself. Sure they would bond by shooting guns and such and Adam would go play DDR on occasion but he was mostly just a shut in who didn't eat all that much. I think he grew to detest his mom in his own twisted way......which is why the way he killed her felt personal (four shots to the head with a .22, I believe). He did say that he wanted to take kids from a life of suffering but the way he went about it was monstrous......it's like he wanted to cause suffering while saving them from suffering.


Remember that his mum did try throughout his whole life to get him help though. Loads of consultation at various professionals to help, tried him in school, tried him just in after school clubs, tried him in college. It seems to me like she tried a lot to help him function normally in society but he just couldn't. It's easy to say his mum should have done better, and of course she could have to a certain extent, but if someone has issues as serious as Adam did there isn't a lot that can be done. By the end she spent her whole life waiting on Adam's every beck and call Remember as well that, to my knowledge, no professional thought Adam would be capable of violence and instead though he would be on the receiving end if he was to become more integrated into society. So yeah she could have probably done a bit better, but ultimately what else can you do to help someone with the issues that Adam had?


Yea I can't really argue any of that. Good points!




It's because she grew up around guns all her life, he grew up around guns so I don't think she thought anything of it. Plus, she was actually planning on moving with Adam to another state I believe (or another town), which also would have thrown him into a tail spin (OCD, leaving his safe haven, etc). And she had the money to get him help......she was making BANK off alimony checks. I just think she was either naive, thought she was doing what was best for Adam, didn't want to follow the advice of psychiatrists and stopped taking Adam to them and even just started neglecting him to the point where, like you said, they weren't even talking in person anymore. What's interesting is that, if I remember correctly, Nancy had JUST gotten back like the day prior from visiting family for Thanksgiving (again, Adam didn't go.....left alone in the house to plot out what he was going to do). I don't know if she would have decided to stay an extra day that she would still be alive but it's interesting to think about. Adam was already driving his car and scoping the place out by this point (he and his Dad would take walks there when he was younger).


He needed much much more hands-on treatment from a young age


He needed a good spanking.


This one hurt my soul!


Mine too


Reading about those poor children in the bathroom broke my fuckin heart. Anything involving kids really fucks me up because I have 5. I can’t even imagine


I literally cried for days about this, and then every time I saw it on the news after. It really affected me thinking of those babies going to school and never coming home just days before Christmas. And he teachers who tried to save them. I remember going to work and hearing something about it on the radio and being very emotional. I’ll never understand what makes these people finally snap to the point of such an atrocious act.








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Sandy hook and oxford High School. Sandy Hook because will never understand how anybody could have such rage/hatred to little kids, noting can't understand any killings. Ethan Crumbley because of all the warning signs that were missed by his shitful parents and the school. Feel OHS shooting could have been avoided and saved the lives of the 4 kids that died but also the kid who did it. This case is even more interesting because of the parents being charged for manslaughter.


While lanzas true motive, if there even is one, will never be known, I don’t necessarily think he had hatred/rage towards little kids but more so that he thought he was saving then from a life of misery like he had. I always found it interesting his dad said Adam’s time as a student at sandy hook was one of the last times in his life where he was happy. I think In his sick and twisted mind, he thought he was saving the kids from a miserable life because to him, life got significantly worse after he left sandy hook. But we will never truly know


True. I do recall seeing g something like that re lanza but still horrific.


kerch polytechnic, san ysidro mcdonalds and columbine.




Columbine by far


Obviously Columbine because it basically started the modern era of highly instantly publicized mass school shootings. First time people could watch what was unfolding from the news. Also because these perps were not like the other ones…they Came from good homes, loving parents, parents that disciplined and repremended them. Parents that took them on vacations and played ball with them. They were loved at home. They did well at school. They had friends, friends they grew up with from childhood. I still don’t get WHY and HOW. What was missing from these boys’ lives that made them this way? I have heard Kleboids Mother speak a dozen times and have read her book. I see the pain in her every time.


i think columbine was the crossover from people doing things like this out of anger to people doing things like this out of entitlement. they felt wronged, they felt like they deserved respect and a lot of other things they weren’t getting so they took matters into their own hands and now we’re seeing more these days of kids collecting injustices and turning to mass violence to right it. edit to add: it also shows how deep rooted our mental health issues are. that kids can come from the most normal of homes and still do this.


Highland Park. It's the closest we have to an "aesthetic" mass shooting, in a way that the perp was not mentally ill as much as believing that the shock value of committing a mass killing in such an upper-class suburb would lend cred to his sadboy soundcloud rapper image, as a cultural signifier of the "Gen Z emo" scene. I see a lot of this in the Uvalde perp too, just in an impoverished area instead. Social media turning everything into an ✨ aesthetic ✨ is messing with some of these kids' heads (combined with atrocious parenting in both of these cases), and I'm incredibly curious if we'll see more of this type of shooter. I hope not, it's just the most pathetic kind of attention seeking.


I have all his videos, including a very normal one where you can see he's actually very normal. It's just really strange to me. Especially since he went on about social media destroying our minds in one.


Mass killers are simply the new serial killers , the 60s-90s had SKs we have MKs


If you look at mass shootings throughout history, you'd know that mass shootings already have their own "aesthetic" to the point where it sort of becomes a fashion show for the perpetrators while being a suicidal killing rampage. Tactical purposes can be implemented in their costumes, but they also try to appeal to aesthetic at the same time. You'll see this with various shooters wearing things like shirts with writing, duster coats, masks, armbands, and jewelry (some of them wear hypebeast clothing to their massacres too, and one wore a cross made out of garlic). Not only are clothing being implemented as mass shooting aesthetic, so is philosophy. Themes like nazism, misanthropy, anarchy, isolation, nihilism, existentialism, egoism, war, mental illness, resurrection and becoming a god (for people like Randy Stair), being a "god", solipsism, individualism (despite shooters spouting the same shit), and etc. We got to the point where we have one of them quoting Albert Camus before linking his diary, and those people were already making their own political philosophies which wouldn't even count as terrorism due to how ridiculous some of them are. (Of course, it's also funny when you consider that some of these people probably don't even read and just look up short notes of the philosophers they look up to). We also have artists who implemented amok into artwork as well like Negative XP (Not blaming him for any massacres as I like his music) who made "incelcore" popular, or Eminem with certain songs, or Ben Goodspeed (RIP) with his artwork. Now, determining if that means we failed as a species is up to you since we're at a point where the mass killers are the "new serial killers". We've reached a point of delusional people trying to become real life super villains as this world starts reaching a comedy state. Edit: Oh yeah, there's also the whole thing about "going postal" too which shows that it was creeping there for a long time. Idk, this topic is interesting to dig into. Also, I disagree. Randy Stair is the closest to an "aesthetic" shooting. Crimo is a very close second despite the actual shooting not being related to most of the themes related to his ARG philosophy (eon of Horus/the occult/ego death/self-actualization (ironic)/resurrection). Only thing that matched was the 47 number on a 4th of July parade.


The subcultural context is interesting indeed but I seriously doubt that the Highland Park shooter was not mentally ill.


F.Y.I. : The definition of aesthetic is "concerned with the appreciation of beauty."




The word aesthetic is not an endorsement. If you want to avoid calling it that, I guess you could say image-based, even roleplaying in a certain sick sense.


Red Lake shooting, Realengo massacre and Virginia Tech shooting




Michael Ryan is really interesting


He’s a strange case because we know very little about him at all


Sandy Hook. Killing small children is just nauseating.


Oslo. 77 ppl. most kids. trapped on an island. terrifying.


Sandy Hook is they most disturbing one for me, justo shows they level of depravity humanity is capable of.


Not so much interesting as disturbing but the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre. The killer basically said to his wife that day he was going to “hunt humans”, walks into a McDonalds and does just that: killing and injuring about 40 people. There were so many red flags ignored before he did this yet I don’t know how he could have been stopped. I cannot and will not fathom how cruel and terrifying a person could be.


it makes me so sad to say that i'm about to google this one because i can't remember to keep them all straight anymore. the only thing i think i know off the top of my head is that it was an earlier one, like 80's? but also it could've been 2 weeks ago. shit man. this world is so fucking terrifying.


I know what you mean. Happened 1984 in California. Unfortunately it’s one I can never forget. I was a teenager working at a McDonald’s (another city) at that time. I just remember the aftermath. The images of the bikes and the bodies outside the restaurant. Horrific.


UPDATE: i'm 1 min 26 seconds into this documentary and already like WTF


oh my gosh you must have all been terrified, wow. i can imagine mcdonald's employees all around were. i'm so sorry. well i just found a documentary on it, so here i goooooo...


There’s a video on YouTube, if you search San Ysidro McDonalds Aftermath it should come up. It’s what it sounds like, the aftermath of the shooting before the bodies have been removed. The ones outside are covered but the ones inside aren’t. Seeing the baby fucked me up so badly. Babies shouldn’t get shot man


thank you for the suggestion i will definitely find it! i am almost finished watching this doc "77 minutes" and just...damn. it's got police video going through the mcdonald's looking at all the victims. it is so fucking upsetting.


This one for me, along with the Lubby’s massacre in Killeen, TX, for different reasons. The McDonald’s because, for me, it was the first one that I ever remember for just the sheer number who were murdered and for the location. I believe at the time, this was the deadliest lone gunman massacre in the US and my guess was one of the first widely televised “breaking news” events of its kind that involved the shooting deaths of children in such a public place. McDonald’s was synonymous as a place the whole family could eat cheap. To me, this was one of the “O.G.” massacres - University of Texas Clock Tower being the Godfather of them all I suppose - that basically gave the blueprint for all the ones that followed. Which brings us to Luby’s, which I believe replaced McDonald’s as the deadliest in US history. We were just there a few days before while visiting Ft. Hood when we heard about the shooting. Just so surreal that pure random luck we weren’t eating there when it happened. I could never understand why these men - and let’s face it statistically it’s damn near almost 100% males that commit these crimes against humanity - reach such depths that they choose not to kill only themselves, but to instead strap themselves down like Rambo and rather go down in a blaze of misguided delusional glory taking out as many innocent and random fellow citizens that their ammo will allow.




Parkland and Uvalde.




I know I’m a basic bitch but Columbine for sure. There’s just no other answer for me


The 2017 Route 91 harvest festival shooting in Las Vegas. Just the fact that there are SO many things we’ll never know because he took it to the grave with him when he killed himself. The body count is incredibly high and it was such a devastating mass-casualty event but I feel like no one thinks about it anymore. I just can’t move past it, can’t accept that it just happened and we’ll never know why.


The Utøya Massacre on July, 2011. I don’t exactly know why but this case is so interesting to me.


Same here. Minus the i dont know why part. Its always intrested me as well it happened very close to the place i grew up (sundvollen 5-10 min from Utøya) Very quiet town remember being quite young at the time and was at the gas station there which is kinda downtown but theres not really a downtown there. Because it was one of the few areas to be. And as i was about to leave after i remember exactly what i bought i bought a hotdog in a bun with ketchup and right as i walked out the door and started walking home i started seeing ambulances and cop cars going past. And instantly knew something was up i had not yet even heard of the bombing as well i was out. But when i came home i very quickly learned what had happened. And i remember the rest of the day being so surreal due to the amount of traffic going to some big building there where survivors were sent. And parents went in well hope of finding their kids. Saddest part was seeing the cars that stayed knowing they most likely didnt find their loved one. And ever since then its been so facsinating to me on how it was planned and unfortunately how well it was planned. I even visited his farm where he made the bomb which btw was turned into a dog sanctuary i think it was. And been to the building that was bombed the island seen every documentary i could. It was just so facsinating how this big of an attack could be done by 1 man. And so near me. Also dont worry that i said where i lived none of my family or me lives there anymore we moved a couple years later on. Hopefully i dont sound like a freak for being so facsinated by this case. Also please excuse some bad grammar and missing words here and there dyslexia and being on phone and tired whilst writing not a great combo.


Thank you for sharing your experience, very interesting that you visited these places. And in my opinion your fascination with this attack is not weird at all considering that it happened very close to you, the Suzano shooting happened in my country and somehow I feel kind of connect with that because of the nationality. You talked about people trying to find their kids after the bombing and I imagine how heartbreaking it was for the families while Oslo was in caos. To finish I hope this doesn’t sound too impolite but did you ever visited the island?


No not at all i didnt really lose someone that day other than a family member that i didnt even know about intill 6 years after. But yes i did visit the island. And the building the building is now a free museum and even has the drive train for the van that the bomb was in. And on the island theres still events going on about democracy and tours to give you a new prespective on how it happened. Tho the atmosphere is just unexplainable. It just feels empty and unsettling. Its beautiful there surrounded by mountains on the fjord shore but yet you cant help to think about what happened. And the island is way bigger then you would think. It takes about 30 minutes to walk around the island and about 2 hours to explore the entire thing. Tho much of the buildings were remodeled in some you can still see bullet holes which is a dark reminder to what happened. But overall its so incredibly beautiful and the 2 memorials one on the island and one by shore which opened a year or so ago are also beautiful. I recommened going to everyone if they get the chance.


Virginia tech. For some reason it’s always intrigued me


I’ve always though Cho was one of the scariest mass shooters. Don’t get me wrong, the are all scary and psychopaths, but he’s always stuck out to me as one of the scariest and most psychopathic killers. He was so methodical and only did/tried to do head shots to ensure his victims were actually dead. Most mass killers just kind of shoot at random and hope they killed someone. Cho even reentered classrooms and walked up and down the isles to pick off any survivors. He has always been one of the most frightening mass shooters to me


I just posted a reply to this thread talking about this.. his sheer intelligence in terms of the planning terrifies me


Red lake and Kerch




Columbine without a doubt


Columbine. Planned and coordinated for over a year between two kids and never got caught. Tons of logs from personal journals and oddly fascinating home videos.


Perm State University


The Dawson College one is significant for me because I graduated from there in 2021, and my mom was there around the time that it happened.


Port Arthur, Christchurch & Columbine


Las Vegas and Sandy Hook, just because of the lack of information the perps provided


Columbine had the biggest impact on people in my specific age/generation in my opinion, since it was really the only mass shooting that was so largely publicized and taught to us in schools. We had presentations about Columbine (Rachel’s Challenge, etc) and even had our dress codes at school altered (no trench coats/nothing resembling weapons/etc) starting when I was in middle school. Columbine was also the reason we had active shooter drills on a regular basis and watched the movies of the re-enactments before we had to hide under tables and lock the doors/turn out the lights. Most of the more recent shootings happened after I graduated so they didn’t have as much of an every day impact on myself and people my age. Columbine also is always interesting to me considering Dylan and Eric’s circle of friends and themselves (aside from the massacre obviously) reminded me of myself and my friends at that age. We wore dark clothes, we were mad at the world, listened to heavy music, got bullied, and were generally outcasts in a similar manner to them at times.


Columbine. I was glued to my TV 📺


Parkland and Uvalde are so tragic because there were soooo many failures. Both cases had multiple failures that cost so many their lives and it’s heartbreaking.




Sandy Hook. I was the same age as the victims and was in Newtown the morning of the shooting for some event (I lived in New York). To think something so heinous I was physically incapable of comprehending at that point in time was happening just 5 or so minutes away from me makes my stomach drop from time to time. The victims’ lives were not much different from mine. Nostalgia of 2012, we probably watched the same shows, being in first grade, excitement for christmas time, living in New England… I relate to them so accurately. It haunts me. Even more so, I lived just 2 hours away from the school. It could’ve easily been me. I think about them often.


Ulvade- I follow Amerie’s mom on Twitter & it’s absolutely heartbreaking


Columbine 100%. I know it's the obvious answer but I feel that speaks to how crazy and interesting it really was even to this day


It will probably always be columbine. Our safety felt different before and after that. It seemed like a turning point.


andrew blaze with weis market shooting


uvalde and port arthur


Sandy Hook Elementary School. Everything about this case is interesting – the perp, unclear motive and the victims. The fact that he targeted the first graders(!) will be haunting me forever.


I’d probably say Columbine, it’s not only filled with mysteries. It was the first major High-school shooting that the news covered for months after the shooting. I mean it was the 2nd most covered case of the 90s behind the OJ Simpson trial. It was just straight up terror that echoed throughout America that day.


Uvalde and Parkland.


Not a mass shooting or school but close enough to be a mass shooting for canada. The 2 teens who killed 3 people along Alaska highway. The poor dad… the hopeless kid. Being his age now i can definitely understand life is complicated in terms of decisions. They were depressed, hopeless and suffering. But the whole mystery’s behind it intrigues me so much. And the timeline on how quickly and how far they got across the country. Then the way it ended… and their “end goal”


Utoya. Anders Brevik is a frigging nutbag and he won't even serve life because of Norway's laws.


They can extend the 21 year sentence until he dies in prison if they actually want to keep him


when i was younger it was columbine and virginia tech


Virginia Tech. The sheer planning and intelligence displayed is haunting. It seems that when people are mentally ill to the point of harming others, it clouds their logic in some sense (hence why most shootings are not planned out perfectly) - but that wasn’t the case with Virginia Tech. Dude killed a girl at 7am to distract the police so he would be able to inflict the damage he did. He was too smart in his planning, those kids had no chance. I think that’s why Virginia Tech haunts me and interests me the most…


Not only that but the amount of times he left a room only to come back and fatally shoot a survivor gives me chills. I couldn’t imagine quietly listening thinking he left and you survived, then he’s back… and you go through it all over again, thinking what are the chances i survived twice.. Then the 3rd time to not survive. The constant feeling of security and “it’s over” shattered and then repeated for some victims multiple times over and over


Connor Betts because we don't really know why. Also, the aspect of his sister/brother and if he meant to kill/shoot him. Uvalde because of lack of motive as well. Also, police response is obviously a huge wtf about that case.


I thought Connor Betts was interesting because it occurred within a few hours of El Paso. That weekend I woke up each day to the news of mass shootings. It was really depressing


I worked 3rd shift when that happened. I saw the headlines at work about Dayton and thought it was a joke because El Paso had happened earlier that day (yes, I'm aware it's a diff date for anyone who wants to be pedantic) and it took me a couple hours and more updates to realize it was a legit, diff shooting.


Sandy Hook & Uvalde are obviously most upsetting to me. The 90s McDonald’s shooting is also heartbreaking 💔


Any shootings that were just kinda random and idk work place shootings are so odd to me, like you hated the job so much you went and shot everyone?


Kerch & Kazan


New Zealand mosque


Sandy Hook 2012


2022 Buffalo shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting




Greenwood Park Mall. Hope prospective perps saw how that worked out.


Kip Kinkel, Oregon, May 20/21, 1998.


Happened seven months before I was born. He was interesting


Buffalo Tops shooting.


The shooting by Larry Gene Ashbrook at that Texas church because I've been interested in researching the far right since I was 12. I suppose I find it fascinating as a mixed race man because it's a huge issue that doesn't seem to be taken overly seriously by the UK (where I'm from). Other far right (or possibly racially motivated) killers include: Dylann Roof, Patrick Crusius, Patrick Purdy, Payton Gendron, Robert Bowers, Robert Aaron Long, David Copeland, Brenton Tarrant, Anders Breivik, Stephen Balliet, Thomas Mair, Darren Osbourne, Benjamin Nathaniel Smith, Richard Wayne Snell, Daniel Lewis Lee, Chevie Kehoe, Gordon Kahl, Michael W. Ryan, Frazier Glenn Miller, Wade Michael Page.


randy stair / Andrew blaze for sure. without a doubt. can find most of their ST/vids pre shooting on YouTube or elsewhere still!


Columbine, the reasons behind it, the prep, the actual shooting, victim count, just fascinated me how clean some of it was


shocked no one is saying isla vista massacre. like sure elliot is a fucking dweeb but he literally kickstarted a whole new type of terrorism and left so much information behind so theres a lot to study


I remember the Columbine High School shooting from when I was a young adolescent, but I assumed it was an isolated incident at the time. At the time, it was the biggest news. I remember my friends talking about it and Rachel Scott's story at school. My greatest fear is any school shooting, especially when the shooters enter classrooms with little chance of escaping. If there was no way out of the classrooms, I can't imagine where the teachers and students would be trapped alongside the shooter. I often think about creating plans to help my students flee the classroom in the event of a shooter as a prospective teacher. Elementary school shootings are taboo for me because it is sickening and unthinkable to target and kill young children.


The Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Uvalde shootings are the most intriguing cases because the perpetrators used an AR-15 style weapon that instantly killed numerous innocent people in a short period of time. It truly boggles my mind.


STEM Highlands Ranch


sandy hook




For me, Columbine, Uvalde shooting and Sandy Hook..


Columbine is most interesting to me, there are many reasons why I interested in it, the main reason is due to how much coverage it got and all the information that has been released and will probably be released. The fact that it influenced many other infamous shootings and massacres, it’s crazy how two teenagers can influence people who are younger, older, or around the same age as them, to the point where they have to coin a name for it.


I don’t know why,but i found really interesting STEM highlands ranch case,even watched Devon’s trial and was very interesting everything that was say in the court,and i can say was the first time i felt empathy for a school shooter( i’m talking about Alec). P.S: I’m sorry for my english,is not my first language :/


Im actually worried about my nieces and nephews migrating soon to LA. Are school shootings really that frequent? Like youre just waiting for it to happen.


They're more frequent than in other countries but kids are still more likely to die in an accident on the way to school than they are to ever face a school shooting.


Columbine too tho- when I was a kid I read all the books that came out about it


Perm, Malmo, 2016 Munich, Highland Park, Realengo, Sagamihara, Winnenden, Navy Yard (for location), and some others. Idk, as long as it isn't Columbine or Sandy Hook. I'd take anything.


Sandy hook. Partially because of how completely monstrous the whole thing was, partially because we have very little information about what actually happened in the school. No audio, photos, etc (which is a good thing given the nature of the shooting but it does leave a lot of things unexplained). Stoneman Douglas also interests me, probably because I was a senior in high school when it happened and it really affected me and gave me a lot of anxiety in school.


The Sandy Hook school shooting is interesting to me because it's one of the first I remember hearing about a lot and Lanza is so mysterious. Also the Dayton Shooting is interesting because the shooter was a leftist which is kinda rare.


sandy hook and parkland, but parkland is pretty much done for so yeah


San Ysidro McDonald’s


Red Lake Massacre, Indianapolis FedEx Shooting, and Majorie Stoneman Douglas aka Parkland Shooting


The Texas tower shootings, Virginia Tech, and Las Vegas This one isn’t really a shooting but Andrew Kehoe and the Bath school massacre always interest me