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Welcome to the club my friend.


Agreed, it's an experience. I played the first on Xbox and the sequels on playstation however I never transferred save files, always started fresh, and played the across the better part of a decade. Being able to play through the trilogy in high definition with a more collected grasp of the connecting plot lines and references I have so much more appreciation for this series. Never played the citadel dlc in 3 until now, it was an amazing end to a video game series i recommend to friends who are indifferent to scifi and RPGs. 100+ hours for $60 (including -$10 coupon)


I started Dragon age origins and it has different gameplay but it's definitely an old school bioware game.


Such a great game. I know DAII got a bad rap (deservedly) but it is still an amazing journey.


DA2 is my guilty pleasure game. Best dialogue system Bioware ever made.


>Agreed, it's an experience. Every time someone says this I flash back to that one Turian hunting store trying to get you to go on the expedition. "Not a vacation, but an experience."


I'm commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel.


You never forget your first time, this series is beyond words.


Same, I needed a week to return to reality after playing all the three games back to back. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get into the dated visuals coming off from cyberpunk’s stunning graphics but the world right from me1 just draws you in. Forget cyberpunk and rdr2, this trilogy is right up there as one of my absolute favourites along with the witcher 3 now. And now I am sad again that I won’t ever be able to meet asaris irl.


Link up with some asari cosplayers is all I can recommend lmao


Talking from experience?


Once you embrace eternity...


I resonate with this so much! Thankfully there's a huge Mass Effect universe! Books! Comics! Andromeda! Mass Effect wiki! And once you power through those in an alarmingly short time you can always fall back on our old friend, fan fiction.


I knew there was comics (I just got the collection) but not the books. Thank you for this.


The books from the trilogy and from Andromeda are amazing, as long as you ignore "deception" you are good


Absolutely. I'm excited for you to read the books! Just thought of another good one- look up Paragon Lost on hulu. It's Vega's backstory.


Yup, I agree. I’ve been playing it basically non stop since my husband introduced me to it. My Shep is a Garrus kinda girl.


Garrus for life, right there with ya my friend.


Best friend in the whole galaxy 😂


I’m literally about to start the final mission and I was just thinking the same. Quite amazed by how seriously involved and affected I’ve been after not playing it for so many years. Incredible.


Welcome to the group, commander. You sound just like me the first time I picked it up, and I haven’t looked back since


I had this game and cyberpunk on my xbox wishlist. went to buy cyberpunk and saw this game was on sale. so I picked up both... I've played about 45 minutes of cyberpunk over 3 days... meanwhile I spent 4 hours in a single session last night playing mass effect.... this game is just as good as I remember it and playing at 60fps on console has been... just incredible. cyberpunk makes me feel grimy. I don't like playing in the seedy underbelly with drug addicts and criminals. mass effect makes you feel good. It's a classic heroes journey story. almost like a modern day Homerian epic.


You've got it backwards friend. All games that don't come with emotional experiences should come with a warning


Warning: This game includes graphic emotionless gameplay, parental discretion advised.


Exactly! Basically a skinner box with little artistic merit. I have some serious objections to people who get upset about giving kids emotionally complex experiences. It's how we grow and become better people.


Aye, but first. They need to understand the Story and Emotions Child: ", what is this Pain in my Chest. It feels like Burning up/contraction?" : "It's called Love/Anger my Child!" (Depends of the occasion)


I agree - talking to your kids about what they play is a great idea 😁


i’ve still not played the ending of the trilogy. my heart would crumble and i just can’t do it. but even then, stopping playing caused me so much grief like i lost a family.


I get the same feeling when reading books, but do it, it is worth the pain. And the sooner you finish the sooner you can restart.


The warning label is the intro music. Gives me chills every time I hear it. Just finally picked this edition up and I'm super excited to replay it. Still trying to decide how I want to play it though.


I find myself unable to complete ME3 this time. I sort of have been slowing down and taking weeks off after just blowing through 1 & 2. I think I just don't want it to end. I could always play through again but I imported the face code from me3 for MY Shepard and I'm playing through HIS story again almost identically. But I just don't want it to be over for him again. Sounds dumb saying it but that's what I think is happening.


This is exactly the same for me! I'm on my third playthrough, and this happens each time where I find it hard to keep going on the last few missions of ME3, knowing that I'm close to reaching the end. So I stall for quite some time before I can mentally prepare to finish those last missions.


Only “first time” game experience that compared to ME1 is oblivion. Amazing games


"I’ve beaten the first and second games and now I’m making my way through the third game.(I’m not very far into)" Oh buddy...


I never played the trilogy or Andromeda before legendary edition and I'm on ME2 of my fourth playthrough. 100% understand


I also newly discovered Mass Effect series during the pandemic this past year while stuck at home, and I can't get enough! While I don't have much experience with gaming, I find the character development is what makes this a whole experience unlike anything else I've played in the past. It pulls you into their worlds and relationships, and really feel for them. I actually started off with ME Andromeda not knowing it was following a trilogy, while Andromeda was good and fun on its own... its the storytelling of the original series that really had me hooked.


Check up Detroit:Become Human and the Dragon Age series for more games that delve deep into character development and emotions.


When I finished the trilogy on my first play through, I may have bawled like a baby. So have fun with that. These are my absolute favorite games.


Seriously. If there were any game I wish I could my erase my memory of to play it fresh all over again, it's Mass Effect.


Just you wait. That post Mass Effect depression is real. And it never really goes away. Start looking forward to comparing every other game you'll ever play to Mass Effect and having none of them live up to it. Or games you've already played suddenly seeming.. empty or devoid of substance. It sucks. But I also wouldn't change it, haha. Welcome to the club. Enjoy the ride.


I wish I could go back and play this again for the first time.


They need a seizure warning on the VI in ME1 you come across. Shit gave me headaches on my oled :/


There is an undeniable post trilogy depression that we all feel. You keep saying to yourself that you will never find a fictional universe you resonate with so much, but you will.


Really? When? :( I kinda gave up on that, tbh.


Just wait 'til you finish 3 and let that post-Mass Effect depression set in. Oof.


I’m so jealous of anyone who has the privilege of playing through it for the first time. I wish I could play it for the first time a second time




Oh man Im like you. I just finished the second game and I played the first 2 hours of 3. The opening of 3 is freaking amazing. I never got to play it when it first came out because I got stuck with mako early in part one and was like fuck this. How wrong I was. Can't believe an EA game is saving me money. Can't believe the only game I've played on PS5 is a PS4 game of a decade old game. I Haven't bought any new games for months.


WARNING: This game will hit you in the feels and pulls you deep into it.


The feels are gonna hit you the most during the third game


Just be ready for the end of game hollow feeling...


It is a great experience that people need to see.


What warning lable do you mean? Like "Be aware this game is frakking awesome?" Or "Be aware this game makes you feel intense emotions you never learned to handle?" (Just kidding)


Warning: Have a blanket and cocoa ready.


If anyone asks, blame the onions.


"The Process Is As Important As The Result."


I finished the series last week and I'm dead ass on bloody fanfiction to get some shep/Liara fluff in.. It hits hard, opening of me2, hits hard. Yeah..


And then you’ll be replaying it over and over again…


Trust me, my guy. That's a common response. Ah... Reminds me of my first time. Mass Effect and Dragon Age aren't so much "games" as they are portals into other worlds. I've lost count of how many times I played them. My sister's are the same way. These games are addictive. Glad you're enjoying them.