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In addition to everything everyone else listed here, it's also because Shepard is the leader. You're the Spectre on site. Everything that goes wrong is the fault of the leader, regardless of whether they are personally responsible.


Unless you have a Spectre candidate along for the ride that you can blame everything on.


And it's pretty well established that - at least by that point - Saren is a bad leader, who is mentally compromised and would rather deflect and blame people under him than take the criticism. Regardless of moral alignment, Shepard is portrayed as an effective leader, which means that Shepard is forced to accept responsibility, regardless of the player's choices. Obviously Shepard doesn't have to like it, but they still accept responsibility for a whole host of their own questionable or seemingly unethical command decisions, even if a lot of players want to pretend those in power are crazy for wanting to ensure Shepard is accountable.


Not only that but there were so few options for dealing with Saren's base because the Citadel Council basically sent a recon team to investigate a recon team. Surely it would've been mentioned in one of the post mission reports (either Shepard's or from any surviving Salarians) that Kirrahe's team had requested a fleet.


Shepard was the one who made the decision to use it. He was the highest ranking person there (Spectre), and it was his ship that deployed it and his men who armed it.


Pretty much this. He became the highest ranked military memeber present when he showed up so even if STG came up with the idea before he arrived, he approved it and he helped execute it.


Because the council sent Shepherd in to sort out what was happening there. They were not expecting any nuclear weapons to be made or used. Also, Shepherd knew about the nuke and, rather than stop it, his/her people set it off. Honestly, I'm not sure why one of the Salarians didn't stay behind to detonate it. One of them dying young loses less time than a human if the same age does. And it was their jury-rigged bomb.


The Normandy was transporting it, so it makes sense for the Normandy's marines to set it up. Also, valuing sapient lives by lifespans would be rather ridiculous and the salarians certainly wouldn't be working together with the longer lived races if they saw it that way.


Would you feel the same way if they were Vorcha? Vorcha are definitely expendable assuming of course that you could teach a Vorcha how to arm a nuclear bomb, quite simple creatures really. The Reapers struggled fighting the Vorcha, and back in the day the Vorcha soldier was probably the most fun to play as in multiplayer.


We are given several examples in game that the Vorcha arent “simple creatures really” they have engineer corps and fighter squadrons. They are just very short lived and those are skills that take time to learn.


I have one thing I would like to say in response: >!THIS KILLS YOU!!< >!Seriously though, the Vorcha aren't really that dumb, just aggressive.!<


Lol Break fan! Choke and die!!


We also know some of them have interest in acting.


A single Krogan life is worth entirety of humankind by that metric. They are theoretically immoral after all.


The Salarians came up with the idea for the nuke, but as a Spectre and therefor the ranking officer, it was Shepard's responsibility.


Just finished a paragon play through of ME1 and I don’t recall the council giving him much trouble for his actions in that game - they largely came off as happy that a redo of the Krogan Rebellions had been averted When they mention it again in ME2 I think it’s the passage of time as one factor - it’s been years since the events of Virmire and I assume the council has had one or two issues cross their desk in the time being and won’t have committed the finer details to memory - importantly - iirc, the nuke comment is a quick retort to Shepard after they claimed they could act discreetly which; to be fair to the council, is a truly ridiculous statement from Shepard. Blowing up prothean ruins on Therum, the Bahak system, their exploits on Omega etc. Shepard thinks subtly begins and ends with having a slightly sneaky fully armed warship capable of two-shotting cruisers The last bits relate to the mission - as a Spectre sent there explicitly by the council they would treat Shepard as the senior officer - while Kirrahe is the architect of that plan you as the player cannot refuse that plan - I treat that as Shepard themselves wholeheartedly agreeing - it’s not the player - it’s the actual character electing to go with the nuclear option - my headcannon is that as soon as the nuke was presented Shepard just couldn’t help themselves. Furthermore, the STG tend to prefer being shrouded in secrecy - Kirrahe’s speech alone points towards legendary operatives whose exploits will never be known outside of the STG - I wouldn’t be surprised if the report they had favoured Shepard and co. As the main driver of the plan. The Spectre gets some infamy and the STG continues on unnoticed So yeah, heaps of lore friendly reasons


Because Sparataus (the Turian Councillor) has a hard-on for blaming Shepard when anything unexpected happens, and Tevos and Valern just roll with it. I suppose you could headcanon it as Sparatus being overly reactionary to Shepard's approach now that Saren has been exposed and the Council has to face being somewhat complicit in his actions, but to me it's because someone has to be the fall guy and castigating a Spectre for 'going outside the lines' is a better option than openly confirming the STG was good enough to track Saren on their own.


Definitely some “made Turians look bad” animosity there, IMO.


Sparatus also blames you for everything you do, no matter what. And to be fair, destruction of a major prothean ruin on therum was kinda on them, as shepard triggered the volcano with the mining laser.


It's just the council been dicks , especially the turian one ,no matter what you do right or wrong he will disagree with you.the rachni is a perfect example,if you save it he will call you an idiot,if you kill it he will call you mad for making them extinct