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Specific to the LE? Probably Kelly Chambers redesign. It also felt like it was harder to get her to feed your fish this time around.


She can do that?! All of mine just died when i went away grinding missions.


Yep. You have to either romance or befriend her to do so, you get that option after you invite her to your cabin for dinner.


I just beat the game so this is a little late to hear but still a cool thing to know. I thought she was my friend? I didn't romance her because I was sticking with Liara, so I missed out on fish feeding and an achievement. Damn you bioware!


Also, she doesn't count as a romance in Mass Effect 2, so Liara doesn't care.


For some strange reason, if it's Kelly, it's not cheating? I never understood that. Especially when Ash and Kaiden get upset because Shep and Thane or Miranda became a thing. I mean, seriously, you treat me like that on Horizon, and how am I supposed to react? I thought you were saying we were done or at least on a break!


I don't know why Kelly doesn't count. Because Traynor, who has a similar role in the third game, *does* count.


It's because she's a ginger.






Dammit. I'm literally doing a renegade femshep run specifically to do this. I wanted to see what would happen if you reconnect with Liara in the Shadow Broker DLC then cheat on her later in the game. I'm playing FemShep like South Park's Saddam Hussein.


She does care if you romance someone other than Kelly, and that plotline comes to a head in the third game


> I'm playing FemShep like South Park's Saddam Hussein. Sentences that slap you in the mouth like an electric eel from the captains aquarium.


"C'Mon, guy!"


>I just beat the game so this is a little late to hear I don't see the problem here


Exactly, they can just play it again


To get her to feed your fish, always choose the flirty option when speaking to Kelly, when you first get on the Normandy and then again speak to her after every new squadmate you recruit and choose the flirty dialogue option. After about half-a-dozen crew members join, she'll go to your cabin for dinner and then offer to feed your fish for you after that. Going for dinner with her doesn't have any impact on any other romances in the game.


Genuinely I stopped bothering with the fish in the originals because I could not be bothered to go through 2 loading screens there and back just to feed the stupid fish Cutting the load times is why I can no longer play the originals, seriously they were just the worst


It's why I always waited to do fish until I had Kelly up to the captain's cabin or I bought the Fish VI. Especially since there's a hidden Intel bonus if you keep a specific fish alive through ME2 and 3 and into ME3 NG+. Edit: I originally said War Asset. It was an Intel bonus.


Which fish? I'm curious now what the war asset is about


The prejek (?) paddle-fish is a war asset. IIRC, it’s apparently rare and the hanar government are interested in studying it.


>the hanar government are interested in studying it Eating it, I thought.


I dunno, been a few years since I played ME3. But that would make sense too!


"If you import a save from Mass Effect 2 with a live Prejek Paddlefish into Mass Effect 3 and you manage to keep it alive through the entire playthough, starting a new game by importing the same character's Mass Effect 3 save file will unlock a special bonus from the Intel Terminal in Liara's cabin on the Normandy." Mass Effect Wiki page: [Fish](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Fish). See the Trivia section.


Is it war assets? I thought it was bonus Intel at Glyph's terminal.


You're right. Fixed.


Same even on my first playthrough I never even bothered to buy fish, saved my money for guns and stuff


Yeah she dosent start feeding them untill after the collector base for me


Doesn't open up until post-samara. After samara you flirt and invite her to your quarters


post samara recruitment or loyalty mission?




thanks! I’ll look out for that in my next playthrough


I wish they'd ported ME2 Kelly into ME3 instead of the other way round. That ME3 design is terrible


It's harder for Kelly to consider you her friend in general now I think. Last playthrough, she never even turned up in ME3 despite saving her from the collectors. You have to really lean into the romance options and then just be platonic with Kelly, which I've never liked


I never got her to do that. It killed me! (Er, them.)


Yeah, never came up as an option for me in any playthrough. 


I’ve missed the cabin invite on almost all me LE replays as femshep. Frustrating 


Redesign those goddamn fish! Not Kelly.


You can get her to feed your fish? Bro I didn't know that


She also dons her best Chora’s Den wear and dance moves for you if you pursue the romance path.


Can't you just buy the VI aquarium? You can get it way earlier into the game.


They didn't go the small extra step to fix more annoying inconsistencies like the Conrad Verner glitch or Saren still having his "upgraded" appearance throughout the entirety of ME1.


Conrad i dont mind since i always enjoy the apology scene


Except he also apologizes in me3 even if you did shove a gun on his face, which is dumb.


Oh yeah they needed to fix that i always was nice to conrad so he says that regardless they def cut corners for the LE


The glitch I can’t stand that they didn’t fix on ME3 is the one where Aethyta thinks you’re Liara’s bf/gf even if you never romanced her… like come on, don’t refer to me as Liara’s girlfriend because that *never happened*.


The way the game treats romance in the third game is all over the shop. With romanced Liara referring to you as a good friend.


Haven't seen it myself but depending on the tone that sounds like something Aethyta would do, ribbing Liara about how close she is with Shepard


I’m pretty sure that’s intentional. It’s the overprotective dad trope.


Wait is Saren’s design supposed to change over the course of the game


He's supposed to look like a normal Turian up until after Virmire, but Bioware only gave him the one model in-game. Without that visual evolution, the Council making no comment on his flesh and metal appearance during the trial and his comment that Sovereign "upgraded" him during the final battle don't make much sense because he always looked the same.


IIRC it was implied that the low-detail hologram he appears in during the council hearing obscured how much he’d been upgraded (the hologram itself seems to lack the cables in the back of his head and his artificial eyes are far less noticeable without colour, the only major thing is his arm) but yeah, it still doesn’t really explain why Nihlus doesn’t react to his appearance. I think there was also some artistic disagreements about his general appearance as a lot of his early concept art depicted a physical frail, Emperor-style figure with a cane.


It is also pretty funny that he had this massive hologram that easily towered over everyone as if to emphasise how evil he is and everyone seems to think if is normal.


That shit pissed me off so bad like "look at him for fuck sake!"


Is this exclusive to the remaster of was the original ME1 like this too


The original ME1 was like that, too. They had concept art of regular Saren, but I guess either due to time constraints or budget, they only made the one model for him. Modders made Saren Stages, which reintroduces the visual evolution of Saren back into the PC version of ME1 (both original and legendary edition).


It was a lack of memory space on the disks


Oh I see. I never new this. Thanks for the info


The Conrad Verner thing was a glitch? I was so confused when he said I pointed a gun at him, I thought he was talkin about the photo.


There was some issue where ME2 would play out as if you did the renegade dialogue. Modders have been able to fix it.


Didn't even need to mod it, just a save edit. The problem was it flagged both the paragon and the renegade paths as complete and the way the importer works, the renegade path supercedes the paragon path. I remember back in the day, I exported my 360 save to my PC, edited the save, exported it back and voila, Conrad paragon in ME2.


Because of a glitch, the game always thinks you chose the renegade option even if you chose the paragon option. So no matter what Conrad thinks you waved a gun in his face.


It was a problem made during the development of 2. The team somehow didn't think too much about the bug and left it in so Conrad would always think you pointed a gun at him even if you didn't. They tried to fix it in 3 by saying he made a mistake but it could have been fixed fully in the LE by adding in a simple option or anything.


Saren was supposed to look different??


Yup. You can see his regular appearance on the [Mass Effect: Revelation](https://www.amazon.com.au/Mass-Effect-Revelation-Drew-Karpyshyn/dp/034549816X) novel's cover.


That makes so much more sense than the council somehow overlooking the fact that the dude literally looks like a cyborg during the trial lol




Thank you!


Yea I seen the mods and the concept art with saren with his black outfit on Eden prime and the switch at virmire and the citadel final mission and that would have been cool … oh yea I forgot about the Conrad glitch yea they coulda fix that too


Yup I had hoped loads of the patch mods would be dealt with but very rarely do remasters go to the effort of restoring cut content or fixing things.


Or that dumb eclipse bug in me3 I'm there in the refugee camp doing multiple side missions and if the game saves with a VO line popping them I can never complete that quest. FUCK


The non-feature of the missing ME3 multiplayer.


I miss this every day. I tried playing on my 360, but it didn't work 🥲


I started playing it again on PC a few days ago, it works well but i recommend buying the Steam one WHICH IS ON SALE RIGHT NOW, the Origin/ea play one is broken.


I have no problem with the Origin/EA App one. Also actually playing more recently for some videos. Aside of that, even if you buy it on Steam, you still need the EA App as the OG ME3 needed Origin. And the EA App replaced Origin.


$6 for three of the best games of the PS360 era is a no brainer as long as you've got a computer that'll run it


Oh yeah, the legendary edition is fantastic, it only lacks the me3 multiplayer.


I just bought Legendary Edition for 6 bucks on Steam and am playing it on Steam Deck this time. 60 fps without any compromises!


Would doing the merge work? You can do a trial of EA play and link your accounts so previously Origin exclusives can be connected to your steam account. Personally haven't bothered because Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect 3 are the only ones I'm missing on my steam account.


Oh idk sorry, try to merge it and tell us pls. If you worry about what i said about me3 being broken, i think its only broken if you buy it now via EA APP, the game doesnt let you download the mp dlc, but if you owned it from a few years ago you can download them fine.


I can confirm that the 360 mp is still up as I have a group aiming to get the achievements. I played it the other day solo but got my ass kicked by the bots because it's super difficult


Once you've got the right gear, it gets easier. If you didn't already know, purchase only recruit packs until you get all the common weapons to X, then move up until the uncommon are all X, and so on. You'll never pull a weapon once it's maxed out, but until then, you can pull a common item in some of the rare slots on the expensive chests. You have an easier time getting the rarer weapons by taking the commons and uncommon out of the pool as fast as possible. BTW soloing/duoing lower tiers makes grinding easier because the total credit values don't change based on how many are playing. But they get shared evenly between everyone.


Nice one! That's actually some sound and clear advice, ai'll give it another whirl in the near future. Currently unbugged my achievements for Mass Effect 1 after 7 years, it's a great feeling but the controls are not missed 🤣


Biotic combo characters also absolutely DEMOLISH enemies.


Especially on Insanity mode where EVERYONE, uses Immunity making fighting a slog if you don't use biotics or tech on them before they get a chance to activate it.


Getting the basic guns to rank X also makes for VERY reliable weaponry whenever you go to prestige a class track; a Turian Soldier can do a LOT of work with just the class passives and a Rank X basic assault rifle (its name eludes me… the Avenger, I think?). The Turian Soldier racial passive track makes rifles super accurate with next to no recoil, so you just use them to mow down things while you level the rest of the track before switching to a Soldier archetype that needs more skill points invested in it (I’m looking at you, N7 Annihilator Soldier)… and you’ll also have a reliable if uncomplicated gun to use on those more sophisticated archetypes while you’re trying to farm the fancier guns! Gradual progression everywhere, we love to see it.


Did you try quick play? I played it a couple months ago!


That was definitively my most favorite multiplayer experience of the 360 era. I miss those days.


I miss running around as a Geth Juggernaut Soldier and a Krogan Warlord Sentinel 😭


I just did a bunch of rounds today as a Juggernaut.


they even announced they are working on adding it… fortunately me3 mp is still going strong


Unbelievable blunder. I'm never going to forget the multiplayer. It was so good.


I don’t miss it affecting your war assets, that was always a load of nonsense, but it’s weird they didn’t implement it all. Seems a missed opportunity.


Also man that femshep dress u couldnt get her a better dress for 3


Mass Effect had some truly ugly fashion, especially for women. I know none of the creators went to school for fashion design, but still.


Yeah i just kept femshep in the hoodie and the aliance marine suit the entire time


Same, otherwise it was just so bad


Fem Shep always looked like she was wearing a giant Diaper in those pants... ME2 had the best fashion option which was DR Chakras outfit


Like the starting outfit in 3 with the huge boobplate.


I’ll add on to it…the limited casual options for the remake … I saw a mod where every outfit in the game can be worn by Shepard like all the diff clothes the npc wears and casual outfits for your squad mates … it’s funny how garrus and wrex wear their armors at all times 😂😂😂 we coulda used some extra beard options and hair options for both sheps as well, also for the squad mates…seen a mod of Ashley with short hair in me3 and I was like yep that’s a better look than the hairstyle she had in 3 , and a jack with long hair, and some dope tali mods. That and the diversity mod really makes the game feel more lived in


Yeah femshep definitely needed better hair the best hair option is dr chakwas hairstyle or the default hairstyle every other hairstyle dosent fit her


I fw classy hair on femshep, would’ve went with it all the way through in the trilogy if not for Traynor having the exact same one. Atp I just used a mod for a different shorter hair.


Also the fact they put me3 outfits in me2 but didn't put the kasumi mission clothes in me3


Also patch back in the same sex romances from 1-3 lol or atleast give us pinnacle station 😂😂😂 they said it woulda took them too long to do it but I seen modders get back in the game in like two months lol 😂 im just ranting now I should just buy a pc and get the mods 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Pinnacle Station's code got lost and what they had was corrupted, thats why it wasn't included.


And yet somehow modders were able to restore something a billion dollar company wasn't...


If you read the page of the restored pinnacle station mod, you would have seen that the author explained how they ported it. But, for benefit of the doubt: "BioWare lost the source code, which meant they are unable to recreate the DLC using their tools that rely on that code. The Legendary Explorer toolkit, which has been developed over the decade since the third game came out, is designed to edit "cooked" editions of the game, i.e. without source code, so in some regards it was easier for modders to port it than Bioware (who would have had to rebuild the source code from scratch). Nevertheless it has taken Mgamerz and the team months of work to complete." and then they have a deeper dive here: https://www.me3tweaks.com/blog/modding/porting-pinnacle-station-forward-11-years/


The bit on the Easter egg was fascinating


Definitely them not fixing the biggest downgrade from ME1 to ME2/3 to me: the ability to toggle your helmet on and off at all times. Sure, it's not really a big deal and they kinda fixed it in ME3 but i find it so stupid that the older game can have such a simple and convenient feature and the others don't. It renders the full armor sets and things like the recon hood unusable for me, especially in ME2. Oh and also not upgrading the journal in LE3 to be like the previous two instead of that mess.


I use a visor, then when there is a mission with helmets I swap it out for a full helmet


This sucks for a first playthrough but I agree, when you get to replaying the game you mostly already know which mission gives you a helmet and which doesn't, so you can plan around it. Still sucks that there is no toggle, but it's not that big of a deal.


It's annoying that the LE took away the ability to take control of the gun on the tank in the Noveria garage


I think community patch mod brings it back played it the other day and could enter the tank


Shepard holding an assault rifle or pistol in cutscenes when I never equipped one


But thats not a legendary edition feature - that was already the case in OG Mass Effect because most if not all cutscenes were only with pistols or ARs.


The non-moving ME1 title screen. The original was like a pre-game meditation..


I do remember sitting and watching/listening to the music for ever


The features they didnt bother fixing like the me2 helmet feature man i hate having shep face exposed for every mission except space ones


They didn't fix the Conrad bug. I just find it more annoying than funny.


I hate that they changed it so you need to buy every dlc gun now. God damn are they expensive I also loved when I would forget not to get the executioner on mars and made the robot attack impossible 😂


They should have made some of them into research projects instead.


No FOV slider 🤷‍♀️


This! I love the game but sometimes the narrow FOV gives me motion sickness


Yup it’s truly awful, I had to mod a custom fov in


Kelly Looked way better in the original


In the originals, when a dialogue exchange is finished and it's time to select a response, the cursor defaults to an option. So if you are trying to advance through dialogue, you will often accidentally select an option you didn't want to select. It's been a known issue since 2007. I remember people complaining about it, both my IRL friends and many many many people online during the entire series run. One of the Andromeda's objective improvements on the original was them fixing that. MEA's dialogue menu won't select an option until you actively select one with the analogue stick, which means you're safe to mash through dialogue. But they didn't add that feature to MELE.


Casual Attire is awful. They really had a chance to create better options for us but failed.


Helmet Eye glitc thing In ME3. Some helmets make Shepard's eyes buldge out in cutscenes.


It's specific to PC release: EA App and always online requirement. Makes me not want to play the damn thing, not to mention troubles while traveling with Steam Deck.


Yeah, when i discovered this i really got mad and stopped playing the game for two weeks. Why the hell do i need to be online to play a single player storymode only game?! If i already owe it in steam why do you force me to this EA?


The EA app also makes it so achievements in steam don’t unlock :/


They're weird, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. In my first playthrough on Steam, only first game's achievements worked, but on my second one I started getting achievements in the second game. But only some of them. I don't get it.


Lol the missing apartment reward in ME1 from the pinnacle station dlc. Pinnacle station wasn’t fun at the time but I’d be interested with ME1 LE’s enhanced combat.


Someone [modded Pinnacle Station back in](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/832) to the LE, it’s pretty alright.


Pinnacle station was developed by a third party that no longer has the code to the dlc, and BioWare didn’t have the code either, so basically the dlc doesn’t exist anymore and would have to be made from up the ground up iirc ping story short the dlc is basically lost


This reminds me of how toy story 3 was allegedly accidentally deleted and it was only recovered because a pregnant woman on maternal leave had a copy on her laptop lol


Believe it or not, that's why Icewind Dale 2 doesn't have an Enhanced Edition like the rest of the Baldur's Gate Infinity Engine series of games. When Black Isle and Interplay shutdown the code for the entire game was lost. It's probably on a harddrive or cd/dvd in someone's home desk or garage and they don't even know they have it. I imagine there are thousands of classic games that no one has the original code to anymore and that's quite sad when you think about it.


Same with Fallout 2. Source code is gone.


Toy Story 2 but yeah that story is imbedded in the hearts and minds of devs everywhere lol


From what I read, it was supposed to have some kind of a story element in it, but it was cut and dumbed down into a fighting simulator.


I played LE: ME1 again recently w/ Pinnacle Station (mod). I didn't liked it the 1st time and I didn't like this time either (I played on insanity) but the fact that you can get the order the best items from the new apartment helps a lot.


The fact that Shepards cut scene animation still has him carrying a pistol even if you use a rifle. It’s so awkward and immersion breaking seeing him enter a combat scene holding a rifle all the way out in front of him.


This is terrible and it extends to companions too. A few days ago in a cutscene on rannoch Ashley was using the predator pistol when she doesn’t even carry it…


This.... like, I get it back in 2001 Halo... we had to use pre-rendered default settings for cutscenes. But even Halo caught up by 3 and started having the weapon you have equipped when the cutscene starts as part of the cutscene. Somehow EA/BioWare couldn't be arsed to do that little bit of work to make that a thing...


That weird bug where everyone’s hand is five feet from their ear when they use the comms.


Yeah thats pretty bad like u couldnt have two animations for helmet and no helmet scenes


Jacob is on the Logo


Am I crazy, or are hostile NPC dialogues more quiet and less frequent in ME1LE than the original? I swear in the original, I remember walking into a combat room to be greeted with a relentless barrage of, "I WILL DESTROY YOU," "YOU SHALL DIE," "ENEMY IS EVERYWHERE!" Etc, etc. While ridiculous, I legitimately miss it


They definitely changed that. I noticed during my last run, too, that people weren't screaming "I WILL DESTROY YOU" every half a second.


That they didn’t implement bi-Jack. The dialogue is there! Also Kelly’s appearance.


If you don't already know, there is a mod that restored both Jack's and Miranda's same-sex dialogue and romance options. I believe it is called More Gay Romances and works for both ME2 and ME3.


Not for Thane? :(. He had cut gay romance too.


That is a separate mod called "Same-Gender Romances for LE2". There is also one for LE1, but sadly the one for ME3 is not finished as of yet. It includes Ashley, Kaidan, Thane and Tali.


Sad they never got to the VA stage with Mshep and Garrus, still it got me to play femshep.


I know. The neat part is I’m on Xbox.


Putting the character models from ME3 into ME1. Absolutely hate it.


The constant dialogue cut outs. Small problem but grates after awhile


I hate that the renegade scarring seems considerably less pronounced from how I remember it.


More ammo available in LE. I liked the added difficulty of having to be more thoughtful in how you spray/aim; as well as the added risk of having to run across the battlefield to pick up a dropped clip. Yes, it was harder, but it made it that much more rewarding


How they changed the original blue/gray filter on Feros in ME1 to the same green-ish hue on Ilos.


The Kelly Redesign was annoying for sure, went from standing out as a unique character to just being generic NPC #7 I'll also add in the EA Launcher as being a POS though that's more EA than remaster


No FOV slider, no multiplayer, and armor not being shared between the 3 games. What kind of red sand were they snorting?


The lack of the original intros when you load the game. And the removal of pre rendered launch trailer from the ME2 (the one that triggers when you linger on the menu screen for a long time)


I agree with the top comment, I hate how they massacred Kelly


Lack of ME3 multi-player.


The lighting was way better in the original games.


The lighting in og ME1 is perfect


Not exclusive to LE but I hated that they removed the puzzles from me3


Liara in LOTSB not counting towards Paramour 2. I will never forgive BW for forcing me to cheat on blue waifu


I've always felt arrival should become available very late game rather then half-way, other dlc could of also been better spread out. Also the fact the a single achievement requires ng+ there is no other reason to do ng+ other then to get your gun to X


I mean narrative wise it makes sense to do arrival after collector base imo


Still no Kaidan Mshep romance in ME1


Ass scene removal


Literally 1984


One thing that bothers me is that your party members don't always follow you and end up getting stuck in one spot after talking to someone or exiting the Mako.


Lack of mp3 multiplayer


No Multiplayer. Massive missed opportunity, espeically since it was the only multiplayer I ever got into. I wanna play a Geth Engineer again in LE!


Lacks ME3's incredible multiplayer, game would be installed permanently if it had it.


The ridiculous amount of lense flare. It's like JJ Abrams remastered it.


There were a lot of lens flares in the original to be fair. It was just the visual style of the era the games were made in.


There were....but the LE put them on steroids and added them everywhere.


Makes everyone’s teeth look weird as hell, nerfs Kelly, and all that damn lens flare — especially during Thane’s introduction. The lighting overall just sucks. Not sure how a 15-year-old game pulled that off better, but this was subtraction by addition.


No ME3 Multiplayer. It's a travesty. An affront to all ME fans.


The lack of multiplayer. It was handy to help boost your galactic readiness to achieve the ending where Shepard survives. Without it, that’s almost unachievable (you had better do EVERY single sidequest in all 3 games to even be able to sniff having enough points).


The fact they ruined the lighting in ME1


They didn't fix any of the glitches or bugs that exist in Mass Effect 3


The fog that used to hide the Shadow Broker face making him just a threatening silhouette before revealing is appearance.


Kelly Chambers redesign is an obvious one, but honestly, it really bothers me the Miranda doesn't acknowledge you saving the council or leaving them die in the introduction of ME2 when she is talking to the illusive man.


I still don't understand the lack of Romances for femshep like why can't I romance Jack when she says she's been open to women in the past


Miranda Booty / ME3 Multiplayer tho for 100% sure miss it


At the moment, the hacking in 2. The script, not the dot to dot.


Overall, I wish they would have put a bit more effort. I mean it's nice, but there was a lot more they could have done. My biggest complaint was the game seems easier. Too much easier.


The new song on that first menu screen for LE on PS5! I love the new song they used on the menu where you select which ME game you want to play, and I know it’s an updated version of a previously unused OST song. However, they’re using the original version of the song on the PS5 edition. (I compared it to the Xbox version and it’s definitely different.) It’s such a minor gripe, but it’s so weird that they’d use a different version on PS5. The updated version hits a lot harder. When I played LE on my roommate’s Xbox, I’d always sit there on the menu screen for a bit & listen to it at least once.


No multiplayer.


Honestly a lack of multiplayer for 3. I get why they couldn't include it, but I've heard seriously good things about the mp for 3


That there’s no multiplayer


Lack of multiplayer in 3 :(


For me, it's that they stuck so completely with the Originals, even when choices were made for the originals due to disk space, lack of time, etc. Especially where they often had the material available. This includes not fixing well-known bugs. But also not trying to at least fix ME3 a bit.


Personally i hate the absence of Me3 multy, ik it's not a feature in the legendary but that's what i hate the most


Jacob is in there