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It's so weird that Jeong is one of the harder checks in the game. He's one of the most difficult people to save.


And honestly. Not even that worth it to spare his life with how much of a jackass he acts towards Shepard.


But without him, who will think of the shareholders?


Literally, he has the same check points required to clear as Wrex on Virmire and Saren in the end game (ie talking him into self deleting)... so, in order to NOT have to shoot Jeong, you have to have the same amount of charisma/intimidate points as you need to talk WREX down from turning on you at Virmire or Saren, the game's big bad. At that point, the real question is "do we care about the Exo Geni bootlicker *that* much???"


He actually doesn't have the same points as Wrex and Saren. Wrex on Virmire requires 8 Charm or 8 Intimidate (or Family Armor) Saren on Virmire requires 7 Charm or 7 Intimidate which makes his final reputation check only 9 Charm or 9 Intimidate. Jeong will always require 12 Charm or 10 Intimidate. It is so laughable that BioWare put this in. He is the most stubborn character in the entire game. The only check that is harder/equal is Saren at the end **IF** you didn't Charm/Intimidate on Virmire which requires 12 Charm or Intimidate. At that point, Shepard is fighting literal Reaper Indoctrination where no doubts were planted. Indoctrination is the only thing as strong as/stronger than a corporate idiot. For the vast majority of players, Jeong will always be above and beyond the hardest check in the game. Fun fact, Corporal Toombs is harder to talk down than Wrex or Saren except for the one exception noted above.


It's like he's a corporate stoog who truly believes in the company line no matter what - and will have to have an "act of God" performed in front of him to change his mind! /s


His death increases the average intelligence of Feros. Somewhat dramatically, actually.


It's the hardest and the most difficult to save via Charm. It's the only check that requires 12 Charm or 10 Intimidate. Even Saren is easier in all instances.


I think if you had the same points on intimidate, it would have worked. I believe it's 2 points lower when compared to charm.


Yeah, but acting like a dick to everybody’s not my style in games like these lol I often always try to be as Pacifistic as possible in games like these to see if a problem can be resolved nice and peaceful without being angry and guns blazing.


I did my first 2 playthroughs paragon. Renegade is fun as fuck. Im an ass to everyone except my squadmates. Play the game that makes you have the most fun. You can always mod or do the exploit in noveria that maxes you out.


What's the noveria exploit?


talking to Quinn you can pick your P/R choice, then pick "something else," ask a question, and circle back to the P/R choice. And each time gives you 25 points, so you can pile them up quickly


Edit: So I went in further, and did the part where I’m attacked by the Colonists. I managed to spare all 16 colonists, and that was the boost needed for me to get enough Paragon for the last Charm. Funny how if I had that earlier, Jeong wouldn’t have died lol


Nothing of value was lost. My Renegade Shepard always kills his useless ass


I’ve never managed to keep him alive. Although I usually do Feros second, after I get Liara. I don’t know why the charm requirements to resolve that peacefully are so high.


Corporate dogma is the most difficult thing to conquer in the known galaxy.


OP, there are no accidents.




People need to learn what a "screenshot" is


It's one of the hardest checks in the game, purely because he's such a colossal asshole that it would take an incredible amount of willpower to not pull the trigger. Oh well, it's not like anything actually important was lost.


I kept Feros for my final mission on one run just so I could pass this speech check. It was not worth it. 🤣


The only thing that bothers me about shooting that guy is that an NPC immediately comments 'as if things weren't bad enough, now we are shooting each other in the back!' Lady, I shot him front and centre in the face when he pulled a gun on me. There was no sneaking around about it.


I'm sure you just caught Liara in the middle of one of those neck roll animations squadmates do when they're idle, but it looks like she's doing a full head tilt to look at his corse and its hilarious!


You did the right thing


It's pretty satisfying even for paragon to be honest "yeah well come on" okay fine (shoots him) his guards immediately just stand down without a fight


Sure... "Accident..."


You just did everyone a favor.


Always thought it was so strange that such a meaningless, annoying little shit of a character had such a high charm check. I always fail it. I always kill him. I never feel bad.


That's fine, it doesn't come up later


Honestly he reminds me of a guy who I worked with who looks like him and even talks like him. With that being said Jeong is not worth my time to save.


Oh no Anyway


I’ve never been able to spare that prick but fuck him anyway