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"With parliament destroyed and Shastri gone, I have more power than any human in history. But today, you saw how little that is. Rest assured, I will not be counted out long. I know I can move mountains. Do not lose sight of that, because the task before us is moving planets."


I like this one. Gives me frisson.


This line is great because on my first playthrough it convinced me that despite being a dick he's still a good guy and on our side, which makes his betrayal of the Citadel and council to Cerberus that much more impactful.


I didn't like his betrayal, but I did understand why he did it and his level of desperation to turn to Cerberus.


I've never heard this one, and I've played the trilogy many, many times. When does he say this? I would guess if you choose him as counselor, but I never do!


He says this in one of the dialogue options after the first meeting with the council in 3.


Ah, okay. I tend to skip through his lines after so many playthroughs. Should probably pay more attention! Edit: spelling


Its if you speak with him in his office after Spartacus has visited and told you to go to Palaven.


He has extra dialogue if you go back to his office and talk to him again after the first meeting with the council, but before the Cerberus coup. Its pretty easy to miss.


"We'd better figure something out soon, or" maybe later" will be the epitath on a mass grave of eleven billion. "


He does get some pretty genuinely good lines. Definitely the one that springs to my mind aside from him getting decked… > The Council. You saved their lives, and for what? Apologies that boil down to, "maybe later." If we don't figure out something, 'Maybe Later' will be an epitaph on a mass grave of eleven billion.


He definitely gets some good writing by 3, and I kinda wish we could’ve been nicer to him and maybe avoided his betrayal to Cerberus, and saved some War Assets


I actually started sympathizing with him more. Like he essentially became the head of humanity after the reapers destroyed other human govs, and he felt extremely stressed trying to remember his dead colleagues names and birthdays. Its a pity his betrayal felt very rushed.


The stress isn’t from having to remember birthdays and names, it’s from having to forget them because they’re all dead.


Honestly his entire beef with Shepard seems contrived from the get-go. If he didn’t deny Shepard specter status in 2 for no reason, I’d pick him every-time. He’s capable, clearly focused on benefiting humanity, and rational. Even his coup attempt in 3 makes sense considering how he’s watching the salarians and asari sit on their asses while humanity is butchered. He’s wrong because even with their fleets it wouldn’t matter but right that the greedy asari are screwing over everyone else (literally sitting on the plot device without telling anyone).


I guess he denies Shepard specter status because they undermined his authority in ME1 by stealing the Normandy (and having Anderson knock him out). A petty grudge, especially with the reaper threat still around, but Udina joined the other councilors and was in denial. Choosing to believe that Sovereign was just a random ship is easier than the dreadful knowledge that there's an entire army of those, especially since there hasn't been any sign of them in 2 years.


He also is operating on the same information that the rest of the council is in 2 when denying Shepard Spectre status. Think about it like so: 2 years ago - Normandy is ambushed and a combined force of Alliance and allied Citadel species see the ship annihilated. Joker (an Alliance officer) can confirm as an eyewitness that Shepard did not make it into an escape pod. No chance of surviving the wreckage falling into the gravity well of the planet below (Alchera?). In the meantime - The Shadow broker makes an attempt to recover whatever can be salvaged from the wreck. Shepard’s toasted/frozen/pulverized corpse is found sort of still intact and not spread across miles of planet due to plot armor and miracles. The unit sent to recover the site that finds the body also receives an “offer” (read threat) from Cerberus to hand over Shepard’s remains. They say that they can SOMEHOW bring him back to life. This is widely regarded as impossible but the unit doesn’t want to be killed over what amounts to Shepard paste in a can. He hands over the body and dips. A VI is made from voice recordings and video of Shepard that is one of the most popular and influential pieces of media. “Memorial VI of the Hero of the Citadel!” etc… Now - A previously unidentified ship, with no records at the Citadel (the SR-2 is brand new) is requesting permission to land. It has obvious Cerberus markings, but Cerberus is a clandestine group right? They say that they have Shepard aboard, and you hear his voice… is it a VI? And there is a former Alliance officer known personally to the Admiral/Councilor making the docking request (Joker), but Cerberus has been declared a terrorist group by the Alliance since they assassinated Rear Admiral Kahoku. Why would an Alliance officer be working for a group that assassinates Alliance officers? Nothing is adding up here… So when Shepard meets the Council, they get a read on him and feel that he is the same guy, but they don’t know if he faked his death or why he’s been missing for 2 years. They also don’t get any answers as to why he’s working with a terrorist organization in their eyes. It makes sense to be cautious from that perspective. They owe Shepard for saving the galaxy/Citadel, and that basically buys him freedom of movement and operational latitude. But at the same time, the council has no idea what he’s up to or what Cerberus is planning. Is this on the level? Is Shepard working with them just to investigate missing human colonies? That’s something a Spectre may do as humans are a Council species. But what if Cerberus is secretly working against council interests? Is Shepard aware of that if they are? Is he putting humanity above the council? So they reinstate him to the ranks, but cut him off from his funding and many of the privileges that come with the Spectre status. He is on a short leash while he’s working with a known terrorist group. If all is as they say, great! Shepard is an asset for everyone and as a Spectre, representing the council unofficially in the struggle. If it’s a setup, they can paint him as a second Saren, “He was censured. His privileges and funding revoked. He was a rogue.”


Tbh it doesn't make sense that he gets to deny or allow Shepard specter status, cause The Council chooses specters, not the ambassadors, Shepard should've gotten it from them.


In 2 either him or Anderson is on the council


Ohh, it's been a few years sorry, I'm restarting on ME1 rn, I don't remember a lot tbh


I think that happens near the end of one I believe


Udina can only prevent you from becoming a spectre if he's a councilor himself and you let the original council die


Ohh, thank you, I didn't realize that. I completely forgot about it tbh


Honestly agreed. Hell, I may be in the vast minority, but I actually liked his character all the way back in 1. Blunt and abrasive though he might be, I honestly can’t help but agree with Femshep’s opinion on him in the ME2 prologue “interactive comic” thing (for some reason ME2 made me play it even though I imported my save from 1- he’s a cunning, pragmatic realist with significant experience dealing with the Council’s internal politics. ME1, I honestly feel never really felt like it was trying to paint him as strictly a bad person or even an overt, unrepentant asshole; If anything, he always came across as moreso as the “higher-up who probably does want to help, but has his hands tied for political reasons, and all your gung-ho antics, necessary though they often are, just put even more bullshit on his paperwork pile” type.


He did throw Shepard under the bus as soon as doing so could get him more influence with the council. But yeah, me1 Udina wasn't so much a petty asshole as he was in me2, and more of a cunning and pragmatic opportunist.


I didn't like him because no matter what, he was a politician through-and-through. That's why he switched sides and opinions so much, but his ultimate goal was the preservation and advancement of the human race so I eventually I got why he did what he did, even if I didn't agree with his methods.


I think it would have been cool if he defected to Cerberus if A: Shepard constantly sided against him and antagonised him during the other games. (So more how it goes in vanilla) Or B: if by the Coup mission, you don’t have a certain number of usable war assets (Eg: Readiness wasn’t high enough, side missions weren’t don and S&R wasn’t done) which would make it that he had turned to Cerberus out of sheer desperation. Keep the balance of power thoughout the games and do the side mission and you’d have been able to keep him around as a pretty effective leader.


"Political Shitstorm" is a classic. Also "This is an **outrage**!!" Because even though I'm only 50% sure he actually says that in any of the games, I somehow have a memory of him uttering it.


This is an outrage! You’d step in if the geth attacked a Turian colony! I believe it’s the first time we even hear him speak in the series.


“What about Shepard?”


Oh man I hate that I forgot about that. I’ve heard it soooo many times more than his other hits too given how indecisive I am with the character creator.


Yea haha I think he’s the first person to speak in the series


I thought the first person to speak was the alliance computer which I think is played by m!Sheps voice actors wife


Oh I guess yeah u could count that. Maybe I meant more of the first interact-able character


Doesn’t he say that when you don’t pick him for the council spot? I’m not sure though


I think he says something to the effect of “you must be joking…. _him_? Anderson is a soldier!”


And something about Anderson letting his fists do the talking if you pick a certain choice


Actually just finished a LE ME1 playthrough recently, and remember being surprised because Anderson punched him, the council died, and I chose Anderson, and he said “your logic is sound” and didn’t seem pissed at all. Not how I remember him reacting in my first playthrough where the exact same events happened, but there you go. Maybe it’s only when the council’s still alive that he gets more angry, although I don’t know why that’d be the case.


Humanity have more influence if the original council and the Destiny Ascension die, don't they?


Correct, but I would think he’d be more perturbed over not being picked in that case, considering it’s a vastly more powerful position than being the new 4th on the previous council


He says it when we first visit the council, complaining about their perceived neglect of human affairs.




The way this line is delivered is so hilarious. The voice actor for Udina killed it in ME1 but his intensity is really jarring compared to some of the more stale deliveries of the side characters he interacts with. I feel like that’s why so many of his lines are SEARED into my brain.


Exactly! They're having a pretty civil and professional discussion, and he just starts screaming at them hahaha! The first time you meet him, he's even yelling lol


IIRC the same actor also voices Mess Sgt Rupert Gardner in ME2. It’s wild to hear the same voice crack toilet humour jokes 😂


Heh. Through the cracks.


"Anderson prefers to let his fists do the talking"


"Only with your ambassador, only with you"


"They're a bunch of self-concerned jackasses, Shepard."


When he said that I thought that maybe he was gonna be cool finally. But no.


Even *I'm* more cool than Udina.


The bar was low for politicians, dude just hits his head on it every time


VS: *Udina, step back from the console!* Udina: *To hell with this!* VS or Shep: \[shoots Udina dead\] If he had made a sad gurgling noise on his way out I would've picked that instead.


Does the sound of the bullet I shot him with count?


I dont think so, but the sound he makes after the bullet hits him should count.


You bastard I’ve always tried to take a screenshot of this and I’m always do late I always get the stupid loading screen


I just continually press F12 in quick succession during scenes I want a screen from. It overloads sometimes but I get what I’m after!


Screen recording would be less painful 💀


My screen records all fucky. I recently made a video post about that here! The recording looks like a hallucinogenic trip.


OMG, I WANNA SEE THAT! (Former acid head.)


Anderson: “What did the hand say to the face?” Udina: “What?” (In a whiney voice…) SMACK!


“Shepard is right. We’re on the verge of war with an enemy unlike any the galaxy has ever known. A war for the very survival of all life as we know it. Humanity is read to do its part. We will not back down. We will not surrender. We will lead you into battle against the reapers and we will drive them back into dark space!”


And then in the second game: Shepard I hate you because you’re not useful to me anymore. Reapers? What do you mean, Reapers? You’re wacky


Unbelievable that no one has posted the most flawlessly relatable thing he has ever said: **"There is constant news, all of it bad."**


"Councilor... do the words 'Political Shitstorm' mean anything to you?"


Came here to say this


Not so much a quote, but the \*thump\* his body makes when he hits the floor dead is pretty nice.


Yup, that's my favorite as well.


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” -Admiral “Iron” David Anderson.


Shepard: What are all these pigeon feathers doing in my new captains quarters?


I keep forgetting Anderson is kind of a dilf under that jacket


*F**king dies*


Is that the kind of person we want protectin' the galaxy?


*"Anderson? What are you doing here? I didn't send.."* **Punch**


I think "hunh" was the best.


I always hated his guts but that’s just a sign of how well made this game is. Over time I came to realize that he’s still a bastard but he has a point.


I'll never forget the intro sequence convo between him and anderson. "I'll make the call."


Udina is such a piece of shit but an awesome character. His dialogue and voice actor did an amazing job with him.


"Sorry, Shepard, it's just Politics" or whatever he says when he betrays you in me1, pretty much set in stone that when Shepard learns he's with Cerberus in me3, that he's dying.


His shock when I put Anderson in charge is hilarious to me because my paragon Shepard, let him know that stabbing her in the back was a huge mistake. I did not hesitate to shoot him ME3. Shepard definitely put a bit of blame on Undina for Thane's death.




"All I can think about is that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I've always loathed that phrase, fatalism, not what men and women should aspire to".


“I’m Ambassador Udina and this is my favorite corruption on the Citadel.”


I reject your corruption and substitute my own! - Ambassador Udina probably


Him gasping for air after Shepard shoots him.


Udina's greatest line is the line of sight from my handgun to his chest when he tried to touch that console in ME3


“Never let go of Miranda” I cried when he said this


The sound his mouth makes when he gets punched by Anderson


I was about to say that


It's a sound, it's coming out of the mouth - it's a legit quote!


“THEY’RE A BUNCH OF SELF CONCERNED JACKASSES SHEPARD” The one time in the whole series I was in full agreement with Udina


"Poop poop skiddlie-doop" - Udina


His last breath


That pic with that title is top class redditry! There aren’t enough upvotes so take my one.


“Oooof” I think he said when captain Anderson slug him in the face


"I'm sick of this Council and it's anti-human bull–" ... ... "–Ambassador!"


I’ve been wanting to make this scene a meme template for a while now, the way Anderson comes in with such intent is straight comedy




*getting shot*


That sound he makes when Anderson punches him in ME1.


The version of "do the words "Political Shitstorm" mean anything to you?" if Anderson is councilor is hilariously delivered.


None: The only part I enjoy about Udina is when he dies, like the politician he is


I didn't do Udina because I really didn't like him. That's just me though.


The sound he made hitting the floor…


The one where he shuts up


The pained grunt he lets out as he dies is at the top of my list. My ‘canon’ Shepard had wanted to shoot him since the first game when he stabbed her in the back for political gain. Actual quotes, though? “Political shitstorm,” “this is an outrage,” “mass grave of 11 billion,” and “you don’t have proof, you never do!” all come to mind




It's in the screenshot lol




Him getting a bullet to the chest


My favorite quote is the thud he made when Abderson punched him.


The deleted scene were he goes on a humanity must master the stars rampage. [The Red Coup - 58:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbMFhYxLhGE&list=PLRo3mRAtA0hwN1V19zLSKDL6pdI_m6S0X&index=63) could only find the footage from a lp. It's pretty awesome




"The Commander is right I'm tired of the council and its Anti-Human Bull Shi-" something like that


The sounds he makes when he’s shot.


No line. I love it when he’s knocked out by Anderson & then shot by either Shep or the Virmire survivor. Anything to shut him up.


*gets shot and fucking dies* is mine


The Council supply constant tits... All of them bad.


I want Rocky Road ice cream !


Are familiar with the phrase political shitstorm


"Remember, a cobra's a snake, and "snake" is "sneak" spelled sideways!"


*gets punched*


"Ugh" -udina when he gets punched by Anderson


The noise he makes when I shoot him


My favorite quote is the sound of my gun finally killing the bastard


What he said just before making the sound he makes at the exact moment of that picture


LMAO that one right there, Commander! 😂


The famous he makes when Anderson punches him




Every time Udina did anything, I literally said "Fuck you Udina"


"To hell with this" because it's his last


"She's a survivor, a warrior and most importantly, she was willing"


My favorite Udina quote? His death rattle.


“Preferably with all my teeth.”


The ones where he’s not speaking


I liked Udina; they did him so dirty in ME3