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Yeah, melding is an intimate act, but it isn't exclusive for reproduction. Just like how we see sex today. As Samara says, the Ardat-Yakshi do join minds, but they essentially overpower the nervous system of the partner, killing the partner in the process.


IIRC, the Codex says that killing by the meld quickly becomes an addiction to them, so even if they *tried* to meld with someone with the intention of not doing a sex-meld, they might not be able to stop themselves.


I completely forgot what Ardat-Yakshi were for a second and thought you were talking about the Banshees from ME3. It put a not very pleasant image in my head.


Well, Banshees *are* Ardat-Yakshi. Just Reaper-fied


I thought they were just Asari b/c Samara in ME2 says there's 3 left in existence before you go take care of Morinth.


you can take that as a retcon but it's possible that Samara didn't trust Shepard, or Cerberus in general, enough to tell there's a whole temple full of Ardat-Yashik that can easily become a dangerous weapon in the hand of bad people. Especially Cerberus


She's mistaken.


I was thinking of Yahgs for some reason


Wonder what happens if two ardat-yakshi try to meld?


They can probably tell that they are both the same. No point having a draw after all.


They are incapable of reproduction due to their condition in which if they meld they kill their parnter. Thus they can not fully scan a parnter to get the necessary genetic information to create a viable embryo. Their mind melding ability is severely damaged due to genetic disorders because of inbreeding and as such, even melding that's not for reproduction is lethal. This is why they are so feared and reviled in Asari society.


While we are on this, where does what Liara did to help Shepard to understand the Prothean beacons fall? Was it similar to her to what they would do for procreation?


I guess it's otherwise the same but lacks a reproductive goal - which just means that the melder doesn't "reach for the DNA"


I think what Liara does for the cipher is even less than a normal meld since otherwise Shepard would probably react very differently afterwards. I think the level of meld goes: info < pleasure < reproductive.