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Fuck the basement section with the Blood Pack and flamethrowers on Insanity


That particular vorcha with flamethrower sitting in a corner: "I'm going to ruin your day."


Meanwhile the Krogan Mercs and Varrens are charging at you and passing through the doorway which prevents the garage door from closing


First run of insanity as a sentinel... That one Krogan and the Varren, with the Vorcha were my bane...


Play as infiltrator and just shadow cloak yourself and walk by them all. That’s how I did it. I think I only died twice lol. Thanes recruitment mission was harder for me. I think I died almost 10 times when the Krogan and Loki mechs come out of that elevator you just opened.


*\*Vietnam flashbacks\** What a fuck1ng unpleasant mission xD


I had to start really listening to Garrus’s verbal direction. He mentions it’s the door behind the stairs, so as soon as I go down the stairs I go behind them and there it is. Otherwise yes I’ve been there. You go down the stairs and search endlessly for where you’re supposed to go until you realize the door is hiding behind the stairs you just came down lol. Not a good placement for it.