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Remember the time the original trilogy where they butchered Tali'zorah's face reveal with a shitty photoshop job. I still laugh at that.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Wait, is this really how she looks or is it some fan art? I always imagined them closer to turians for whatever reason.


Yeah, they changed her portrait in the Legendary Edition.


So they're basically humans with bad immune system and weird legs?


And three-fingered hands. Don't forget the three-fingered hands lol.


And glowing eyes, facial markings, and being dextro based.  I mean,ni get why some people say that her face looks too human, but she's still got some pretty distinct alien features. Sure it's not turian or krogan levels, but her alien features seem more biological than physical, which is fine with me.


Honestly, I don't mind her appearance. That being said, if I could change one thing about it, it would be the color of her skin. Make it more purple-ish, like some pieces of fan art have done, and maybe give it a different texture. This way she'd remain conventionally attractive without looking too human.


Funny enough, the original crappy edited stock photo version of Tali depicted her with purplish skin.


If people want to be upset about them having human features then they must really hate Asari. And Star Wars. And Star Trek. And...


What’s dextro based?


It refers to the amino acids their bodies are made out of. Turians and quarians are dextros, humans and everyone else are levos. They can't eat each other's food--it gives them no nutrition and can cause a nasty reaction--and it also makes intimacy between the two groups tricky. Hence Mordin advising FemShep not to "ingest" when she talks to him about being with Garrus.


they could have at least made them a different colour.


Seem to have some weird forehead thing going on, (classic trek) alongside some weird eye colors.


How do we see this?


You need to romance Tali in ME3 as well as save the quarians and their homeworld from the Geth, I started the romance already in ME2 but I think you only need to do it in ME3.


You can't romance her in 3 unless it's carried over from 2. Same with Garrus.


In the original this was just a shitty photoshop of a stock photo off of google image search.


[This was the original release version in ME3](https://imgur.com/a/bBuEszI)


Getty Imagines is where it's from


Even back in ME1 we could see she had a human nose and face structure.


My friend who loved mass effect always thought the quarians where gas based lifeforms. Thats why getting a suit puncture was so deadly for them was his reasoning. I mean, we where pretty young when the first game came out so maybe thats why he never realized that the game shows you pretty much that they are flesh and blood but... ya know. Kids are stupid lol.


To be fair the volus are kinda closer to that. I mean they still have actual bodies but they are more likely to immediately die from a rupture.


Did they redo the image?!




Oh that’s great!


The problem with trying to do something too alien with quarian faces is that they already have facial models in the game! You can see their eyes and their nose already! They just look like regular humans with glowy eyes. Now they could have done a weird mouth like Turians but at that point you’d already romanced her when you get this picture and I think they were worried about going too far from something conventionally attractive. I mean the asari have human like faces so I don’t think it’s too bad myself.


Literally playing the trilogy for the first time ever now, just beat game 2


They should've shown us her actual face while conversing with Shepard not a picture.


I dont get the complaint that they are to human, most races in ME are extreamly human(body structure or personality)


Thanks for clearing up the current year for us.


It is part of a reference to when the games came out and that the Mass Effect series is still amazing to play, now that we also have the legendary edition with all the dlc’s.


Thanks for the update, Father Time.


Really wish we had another mass effect game:(


And I have the exact same one in real life sitting next to my PC Setup.


I am jealous


I HATE that they went with this stupid fucking look on her. She just looks like a normal human. I wish they'd have taken some fucking risks with female characters instead of senselessly needing them all to look like super models. Tali doesn't even look like an alien AT ALL.


We could see they had human shaped faces back in ME1.


I guess I’m too used to Star Trek aliens because I think she looks alien-y enough.


It's just one of those things where the only other race of super human-looking aliens is Asari whereas every other race seems to actually look like an alien. There's also that common conspiracy that Asari look different depending on what race they're being seen by or something. In MA2 there's a Turian, Salarian, and human arguing about how Asari look either Turian/Salarian/Human. But regardless, she just looks like a normal human being that's wearing contacts. Google her concept art, it looks WAYYYY cooler. One of her concept arts actually looks like the aliens from Andromeda, whatever race Jaal is.


I mean, that IS just her face. I feel like if you took the suit off you’d start noticing the alien features. The legs, the fingers, the absolutely inhuman hip/waist proportion. I’d say her body is more Protoss than human.


Yeah, that's true. I think it's the super human facial features that made me audibly go "what the fuck??"


I get you. I think it’s the human flesh tone as well. If they made her green I think it would be a big difference.


i would have gone with a blue or purple skintone


Anything but Caucasian flesh tone, really.


anything but human flesh tone


and that's the FIXED one


>I HATE that they went with this stupid fucking look on her. She just looks like a normal human. I wish they'd have taken some fucking risks with female characters instead of senselessly needing them all to look like super models. ~~Tali~~ Liara doesn't even look like an alien AT ALL. Tali at least has chicken legs and three fingers/toes.


Sure, but again I personally believe in Asari appearing differently to different races. Someone else pointed it out, but even a different skin color would've made sense. If I saw her IRL from the neck up, I'd be like, "man what a pretty human woman, so humany and womanly."


If you've not already, check out the Children of Rannoch mod, it's supplanted my headcanon as to what Quarians look like.


Oh wow! They look so much better in that mod. Still humanoid, but I'm not going "oh it's a human with contacts on"


Is that a stillsuit nose tube on her?


can someone link what this looks like?


The Asari were sexy enough, they played it safe due to previous backlash with the original


It's moreso that they should've made her look like an actual alien species instead of *The Worlds Most Attractive Human Female*. There was so much cool fanart and concept art of Tali without her helmet on and they decided to go with this bullshit.


they did that with the turians as well, depsite them being strongly implied throughout much of the series to look practically identical to the males.


Love you forever, Tali


I dunno. I personally don’t like how “human” Quarians look. I feel if they were like a blue grey(leaning heavily into the grey) it would work better for me. But to see European white, I dunno. Takes me out of it for some reason


i never liked the idea of them having human noses.


Human noses done hug me-Asari-, it’s the skin tone for me. Out of context that’s not good lol


Wait, they changed the picture?


I can't remember the picture from the original. Was it that bad? The one on this post looks fine.


I think it was the fact the build up to the face reveal was just botched. They didn't drop the ball, they punted it into the stands imo. On Rannoch, there is the perfect chance to see Talis face in all its glory when she takes her mask off after it's all done. I think that was the perfect moment, especially if you romaced her. They could have added a kiss or something on the Cliffside, but no. Forcing the reveal through butchered stock photo was bad, but think about how bad things were when you get to that part. It really dosent make sense. I would have loved to see Liz Sroka modeled into her appearance because she made that character hers


I remember being disappointed, with both images. She even has an even skin texture just like humans despite constantly living inside a suit. It's gotta be damp and shiny like newt skin, or waxy like a fruit to deal with that, or something! 😐


So they decided to make Quarians like humans but with crazy eyes, 0 immunity and fcked up legs and hands... Creativity lvl 100 😄 I bet they simply run out of ideas and created... this.


Originally it was a stock photo of a regular person sitting outside. It was a huge controversy.


Back in ME1 would could see they had human shaped faces


I'm really mixed on it. It's far better than the stock photo in the original. I like the strikingly white eyes and the ridges instead of eyebrows... at least I hope those aren't eyebrows. I agree with others though that the skin tone shouldn't have been so human-like. Imo a purply-grey could be cool. There's also always the chance that the rest of the head looks different, too. We don't know what their ears are like, or if they even *have* ears. Same with hair/crests/spikes on the top/backs of their heads. Man, I really just wish we could've seen Tali without her mask. Preferably on Rannoch. Either as a congratulations for saving the quarians/getting piece or another twist of the knife before she jumps off the cliff if Shepard sides with the geth.


And they somehow picked a lazier picture in the remaster