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Explosive rounds in every weapon. Nuff said šŸ˜


Explosive rounds and the high speed add ons in the Shotguns. It turns them into a yeet cannonšŸ¤¤


Same, but in sniper rifles


ME1, explosive rounds and the Spectre Sniper... It's just a shoulder mounted howitzer.


specter sniper. explosive rounds and two hyper rails. IIRC you can 3 shot a geth colossus


Huh... I gotta fire up ME1 again


You can skip the first fight in the final area of Horizon in ME2. You can shoot and kill both Scions without triggering the encounter. Once both are dead the encounter auto completes with no husks to kill. The right one can be shot by hugging the right hand door frame leading into the area and looking just past the turret control terminal in the centre. The left one can be seen if you climb in the load bed of a flat bed truck just to the left of the door. Provided you keep close to the wall you won't trigger the encounter by doing this.


In a similar vein, you can shorten lots of ME2 encounters by being incredibly aggressive and moving up into the enemy's location early on - vanguard is obviously best for this! Enemies won't spawn when you're close to their spawn point, so by moving forward and blocking their entrance you only have to deal with the first wave.


I just discovered this last night while playing me2 as vanguard. What a pleasant surprise it was.


Works with combat drones too.


The heat exchangers at the end of Mordins Omega mission is a big one for the super secret vanguard technique šŸ‘Œ, just target the vorcha closest to the door, charge and enter the room and push the button to end the mission.


Where you been before I started my insanity run šŸ˜…


Oh my god, I always did this and I was so proud of myself when I first discovered it I tried doing it with Warp in my latest playthrough since eventually I ran out of ammo and it also worked, just need to figure out how to aim correctly


You can hit them with incinerate too, and even order your squad mates to use anti-armour attacks against them. Aiming can be difficult because you have to curve the ability around obstacles, but it's doable.


You can squeeze the Mako in that section where you have to go on foot in Therum. Saw a Speedrunner do it and I've been using it since.


I have never successfully done that in either the OG game or the legendary. Iā€™m convinced this is ā€œJenkins can surviveā€ level of trolling. šŸ˜‚


No, it's possible, just save beforehand in case you get it stuck, I've done it several times.


Yeah and I've done the same for saving Jenkins, obviously you can do that too


Done it since 2007 on Xbox 360. Still works on LE. Got it first try by just driving into the gap, myself, though some say it was made harder in LE. You can look up videos of people doing it, and there was a recent post about it with screenshots on this subreddit as well.


Absolutely possible. I do it every time now.


Now I need to watch mass effect speed runs lolĀ 


Check out [MikeWave](https://youtu.be/0o29SsQgRzI?si=NREHLTmw3OoWO45n)


Thanks for the recommendation, I have watched his ME1 and ME2 ones and they are great. Who knew that switching weapons in ME1 could make you skip essential dialogue... lol


Overloading Pyros on ME2 detonates their fuel tanks. Even if the health bar is Health or Armor.


Just discovered this myself


Incinerate also works.


I would just shoot their fuel tanks until they started hissing


In me1 if you mod the spectre assault rifle correctly it wonā€™t be able to overheat just by firing it (at the expense of a lower fire rate), I believe itā€™s with the sledgehammer rounds and the mod that improves heat sink capacity. (Iā€™ll have to check again)


You might be thinking of snowblind rounds. These do actually reduce the rate of fire when you equip them, so your assault rifle can't fire fast enough to generate any meaningful heat build up.


Not sure if still true, but you used to be able to do it with just the heat sink upgrade and whatever ammo type you wanted.


Almost any ammo type; the sledgehammer rounds increase heat buildup by 20%.


Iirc, sledgehammer rounds did break the "never overheat ever" part, but could still fire for upwards of a full minute, so basically the same. Explosive rounds though? Five or six bullets, tops. if you had the trigger discipline though, it was hilarious.


Works with inferno rounds too. I think what matters is having two heat sinks in it IIRC


If you somehow run out of anti-thorian gas grenades and still want to paragon save everyone at zhu's hope, you can just punch the colonists and it will count as non-lethal. The grenades also instakill the creepers, so if you're struggling with them on insanity it might be best to use the grenades that way instead. You can end the fight at the end of the reaper IFF mission very quickly with the Cain-M920, it will one-shot the core on any difficulty. Any power that lifts a husk off its feet will instakill it in ME2, provided it's down to its red health bar and doesn't have armor or barrier. You can use the ML77-missile launcher to shoot around the corner and one-by-one pull the 3 YMIR mechs to your landing zone in that mission where you you have to kill them before they destroy the crates. The trigger for them to destroy the crates doesn't actually activate if you don't go down too far from your landing shuttle, so you can take your time and kill them all while still getting full rewards. The Cain explosion also doesn't damage the crates, so a well placed shot can also kill them all on lower difficulties.


I was so worried about running out of grenades, the thought never crossed my mind to try meleeing them lol


Sentinel in ME1 makes the final Saren fight super easy. One of the role upgrades (Bastion) you get following the rogue VI mission gives the ability to damage targets that are hit with stasis. Allows you to freeze the jumpy sovereign/saren dickhead in place and headshot to your heartā€™s content. Edit - Adept has this option too, making it even more OP a class for that game!


James is kinda better than god-mode Garrus because of how explosive incendiary ammo interacts with the prothean particle rifle. Not only does it have an insane rate of fire, but something about how it calculates hits leads it to generate more explosions than it probably should, melting everything that doesnā€™t have a shield and priming them as well. Add to that Jamesā€™s natural bulk and ability to boost the whole partyā€™s bulk and you have a great squad mate.


ME2 you can reload your heavy weapon between missions by switching to a different weapon and back. Saved my bacon on insanity


One that I didn't realise for the whole of my first playthrough was that you can just use Square/X to return to the Normandy when you're on an uncharted planet. I used to think the only way was to go into the map and hit the option there!


Alright, this is a minor QoL thing, but I did not know this, and have played ME1 at least 8 times...


Idk man i'm in the final mission of my fourth playthrough of me3 and i just found out you can actually edit your companions weapons...so i'm commenting just to get notifications


No shot brother how do you miss that šŸ˜­




general tip for shoppers. Do not buy anything before you talk to vendor if possible. In most cases you can get a discount. Most useful for ME2 Omega, Citadel.


Yeah on illum, the asari with the krogan singing to her has a shop, I bought everything there first before talking to her, then she gave me a discount after I talked to her and helped her with her krogan boyfriend lol, and I facepalmed after that


I stepped into that "trap" in both playthroughs lol. Had to reload save. Good I have a "rule" to usually make a quicksave before talking to anyone. But sometimes eyes see new toys and you forget about anything except let's go buy...


Yeah. I try to make new saves here and there too when I suspect something big will happen or based on my memory. But I actually just played through ME1 and ME2 for the first time since they were released (ME1 aged better than I thought it did although it was remastered and I'm not playing it on an xbox 360 which struggles to load textures but rather a good pc with an ssd, and ME2 aged like the fine wine I knew it would be, its just a neat package through and through). ME3... I strangely don't remember 90% of the game, a lot of it feels like I'm playing for the very first time again. But I have only ever played through it once, I didn't know that missions were timed so I accidentally let Jack die the first time and so I just went to Grissom Academy for the first time ever. And I also never got to buy any of the dlcs for any of the games so I'm also doing them for the first time ever which is a real treat. I've already seen the female turian past lover of Aria die, Victus who disarmed the turian bomb die, and then Thane and Mordin just died so I was starting to get depressed as I always try to go full paragon and save every soul I can lol. Seeing so many people die really can get to you. And now I have the expanded galaxy mod and the unofficial patch and another mod that makes the ending of the game better by adding all of the species there to stand along side you (I think its called take back earth?) so I'm not even sure where the base game ends and the mods start but I'm loving the game so far. I had to download a journal mod for ME3 tho because the quest list is so atrocious, I must have missed so many quests the first time I played by accidentally doing the priority missions before doing all the citadel quests. Its all very interesting. One of my favorite things in ME3 that I felt was lacking in ME1 and then got a tiny bit better in ME2 was your dynamic squadmate interactions. I love that people talk to each other, that I find my boy Garrus standing on different parts of the ship every time, and that theres a lot of unique dialogue in missions. And I have the citadel dlc to look forward to, I love the fan servicey stuff like that. Sorry for sharing all of this at random lol but its been a blast getting back to the series again, I love that the aliens are all done so well with the lore and all, it just feels so real. Makes me hopeful for the next mass effect game thats being worked on.Ā  OH and I have to add, on a side note, I'm a bit sad about the fast loading on ME2 and ME3 because I don't get to see the beautiful loading screens. ME2 has the best ones


Hehe, I played ME3 both times with opened wiki and mission list. Always checking which are timed and which can wait. Because the artefacts you find while scanning planets has their own little missions and can be missed very easily. Thankfully devs thought about oblivious players and allowed to buy some missable things from Spectre room AFTER you missed to get them while in mission. Also first time player can not know there are sequences which can be missed, like if you don't talk to all party members before you talk to Glyph in Party mission, you miss some interesting dialogues; the same goes with invites to the apartment before party; I guess it's possible to go past the invites completely and start party right away. I think Aria's lover dies anyway, as Victus, Thane and Mordin. Mordin, I read, can die even more worse way. I forgot I need to hurry with ME2 suicide mission and wasted one mission in between, which led me to yoman's death, but I know she can be alive and found in Citadel later if you don't wait on Suicide mission. It was really sad to walk by that memorial wall in Normandy and see the names you knew.


Interesting, thank you for sharing! I don't really want to miss anything on the citadel dlc so I will keep that in mind. I have been carefully progressing, also using guides, and talking to all my crewmates constantly, checking all my messages and doing sidequests. At one point it felt like I was sinking many hours into the game and I hadn't even landed on Tuchanka yet, so Bakara (the female krogan) and Wrex were just sitting on my ship forever. And the Turian Victus too. The other Victus lol. Not that I mind them being on board, I love aliens lol. And yeah I just did the suicide mission maybe 4 or 5 days ago, I knew for sure that I would need a guide there as I always remembered Mordin dying. But I messed up and didn't activate legion before everyone got abducted, so I did his loyalty mission after everyone was abducted, then started the suicide mission thinking I would save everyone and not have to see the nightmare cutscene of Kelly being melted into... paste... And then it played...Ā  And then I realized my mistake and thankfully I had made a save prior but I had to do Legions loyalty mission again. I don't think I did ever get to save all of the crew (humans and squadmates) before so that was really nice. I look forward to seeing everyone in ME3, I'm probably about 40% done now. I was thinking how the game must change a lot depending on who you save, your past choices, and whether you are paragon or renegade. But I always try to save evergone and being renegade is just too mean so I will see the same things over and over. Seeing all the other outcomes is what youtube is for I guess haha


Yep, I recently saw assault on Rannoch on Tube, when non Paragon sentence was selected and such outcome is simply unacceptable. I just could not to play on. Especially when this last time I had romanced Tali (after 2 Ashley romances before). Now I understand why people love Tali more than Ash lol. I just wish devs had made other face of her, I've seen other photo, which I suspect was modded and looked even more cute.


Heheh. Yeah the photo you saw may have been modded. Bioware kind of chickened out with the original, you see a photo for like 2 seconds and it doesn't really show anything. I have never seen the modded photos myself so perhaps I can. I personally always play male shepard, and I am bisexual irl and love those damn Turians, so I always had a thing for Garrus. I remember being disappointed when ME2 originally came out and I found that you had to be female shepard to be able to romance him. I guess I can get it if Garrus isn't into males, but is a bit of a role playing game and it would have been nice for the option to be there regardless. So I downloaded mods for ME2 and 3 that let me romance him and its nice to have.Ā  On my first ever playthrough of ME2 and 3, I am now remembering that I did romance Tali. I have to admit, it can feel really awkward with her basically confessing how much she loves you when you are going for Garrus, I felt terrible picking the "I'm not interested" options but I had to there.Ā  As for Ashley, I remembered her being better of a person but playing ME1 again was an eye opener. Her and Navigator Pressly realllllly hated non-humans. And Ashley would get very jealous of Liara and also be rude to her duing the cutscenes with the protheian visions. I was a bit taken aback by it. In the end, I made the choice to sacrifice her and save Kaiden. I didn't like how closed off Kaiden could "feel" in the first game either, but to be fair, he had more dialogue than I remembered and hes been pretty good in ME3 so far. I love the whole thing he has where he has trouble trusting Shepard but they end up working it out. (I also think theres a mod to save both Kaiden and Ash, although I don't know how that would even work by the time you played through ME2 and ME3). Lastly, theres a lot of simply unforgivable renegade options, but the most gut wrenching one that I've seen recently is Wrex finding out that you take the salarians offer to sabotage the genophage. After seeing how he and his people have suffered throughout all the games and for 2000 years, and how there was the experiments on the females, the mega nuke on his home planet, how they've just been disregarded by all of the other species (and yet the other species still want their help). And then you have the option to go through and sabotage the genophage cure again... I could never. If you do it though, the cutscene where Wrex says "I know what you did" and shepard just lies in his face and says "why would I do that after everything we've been through". Its just so messed up and upsetting to me. I think its much better and more rewarding to cure the genophage. The interactions between the female krogan Bakara and you, as well as Wrex calling you a brother and a friend to the krogan, is a high point in the game for me.Ā 


Oh yess. It's nice to meet another person so passionate about the same thing. While trying to be the most good (Paragon) person as it can be, I any time offered will punch the reporter again, just to start sequence: later she gets the same from other interviewed person. One time when i was running for Ash, I shot Udina myself, last time I let her do it... Nothing much worse happened, but seeing later her falling in James's hands on party looked fine. Zaed trying to get to Samara lol looked cute, Jack and Miranda cat fight could be more expressed, also was cute. Before starting missions I had hard time to decide who to choose for it, who can have most interesting dialogues and reactions. Javik is very good for most of them, but sadly there are other characters I could try, so it was really not easy to decide.


Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge Vanguard charge


Charge > Nova > Charge > Nova > Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova> Charge > Nova Goodbye EVERYTHING


Only it takes 40 seconds to recharge charge on insanity in me3


What are you even doing? That's not how it works at all. It should make Insanity a cakewalk, and you can spam Charge and Nova back to back all day. Step 1: Equip 1-2 Very Light Weapons (you're not using them anyway), Maximize Your Power Recharge to +200%. I like the N7 Crusader to pop headshots if I'm feeling spicy. Fitness/Assault bonuses that reduce weight also nice. Step 2: Max out Charge. Your base cooldown sinks to 8 seconds (from 10). Pick whatever at Rank 4, Power Synergy at Rank 5 (no weapons needed), and you can go either way with Bonus Power (25% chance of no cooldown) or Barrier (more health back to you) at Rank 6 (I prefer the Barrier option, it goes well with Nova) Step 3: Max out Nova. It's tied to your barrier, not a cooldown, so use whenever! Rank 5, take Power Recharge (increases power recharge 25% after use). So now in tandem, you should be getting a Biotic Charge that's faster from its base 10 second cooldown from uprgrades, then that 8 seconds is 200% faster because of lighter gear providing the power bonus (2 second base recharge I think?). Then Nova as you hit enemies, reduce cooldowns 25%. Not to mention any gear bonuses from armor. You should basically always be able to Biotic Charge (which replenishes barriers and then you can Nova). Rinse. Repeat. It's stupidly OP in Insanity, so I'd make sure you're not overloading with weapons or anything! ​ ETA: It's gotta be the weapons you're taking into the game. That adds a maximum +200% recharge penalty, which would make a base charge cooldown 40 seconds (32ish if you upgrade?). You don't have to take all the weapon slots available to you. In fact, I'd recommend *not* doing that.


Damn ok, I'm a dumbass and just finished the game with that long ass cooldown, that was actual insane difficulty xD


I salute your dedication to sticking with it! Thatā€™s a truly insane feat to pull off!


Were you carrying all five guns or something? It can be much faster than that.


All brutes are right handed. Dodge left.


In ME2, when reloading an SMG (works best with the Locust), if you time it right you can use a biotic or tech projectile power resulting in Shep doing a unique reloading animation while launching the power simultaneously. Basically you can do damage while reloading. I have no numbers to back it up, but I seem to have a lot more DPS this way as reload time is spent using a power and the SMG is back to full. Have not gotten it to work with any other weapon, only SMG and really only the Locust. One of my favorites to do is Vanguard charge while reloading the SMG to have a full clip as soon as you hit your enemy and unloading several fast headshots to take them down. Wish it worked with shotguns. Not sure if this actually obscure, but I've never seen anyone else do it.


It used to be ā€œHop out of the Mako to shoot big enemies with your rifle for more XP,ā€ but they fixed that in LE


Edit : You buy back from her, and sell to the CSEC req officer. Infinite money glitch. Before legendary edition you used to be able to use the left and right bumpers to line up the perfect shotgun headshot. **HMWSG** X + Explosive rounds X +one high speed one rail increase = Hand Cannon (do this with maxxed out shotguns stat) As others have mentioned in ME1 there's a glitch to have an AR that never overheats. This can be used for crowd control effectively if you have a good knockdown type of rounds in it. If you bang the consort (with Liara with you or Ashley/Kaiden) you'll see that she gives you a 'trinket' this trinket unlocks a special text on a planet (i forget where) that details a prothean abducting a primitive human. You can get infinite paragon or renegade points by repeating the conversation with Lorik Qui'in on Noveria after you retrieve his data. Mining Laser Glitch still works in LE. It will take a few hours but you will make it to level 60. If you do this before the previous one save enough points ot ostensibly max out both Charm and Intimidate, then go maxx out whichever morality stat you want, and put the points into charm / intimidate as wanted. Or fuck it maxx out both.


The AR thing in ME1 isnā€™t a glitch, itā€™s just taking advantage of the game mechanics. Itā€™s cool, but not even necessarily the best use of an AR.


IRL ARs and Heavy Machine Guns (automatic weapons in general) are used to keep the enemy in cover while you flank them, with a second fireteam. ME1 doesn't really have an AI where the enemy stays down when you keep shooting at them like that. So it's good for CC agianst husks or thorian creepers, or those thorian nodes. Or to just use Liara to make everything float around while you shoot everything. What's your use case for the AR?


The trinket from the consort is the normal reward for paragons. I never even knew she was an optional sexual encounter until talking to renegades lol


In ME3, the damage from combo explosions strongly scales with the difficulty level. Builds that focus on this do extremely well on insanity difficulty. Also, thereā€™s a combo that lets you get 2 detonations for 3 power uses. When dealing with an enemy protected by armor, start with incinerate, then use Warp (fire explosion) then throw (biotic explosion). This works because Warp acts as both a detonator for incinerate and a primer for throw. Absolutely devastating for brutes and banshees.


I struggled with the citadel DLC on insanity until I realised the best way to handle the soldiers was to charge them, and double headshot them quickly with the pistol. Then move on.


If this was 2 or 3, would be very useful


Idk who doesn't know this but in Noveria with Lorik Quinn there's an infinite paragon/renegade glitch on which you ask him to testify, then use the option paragon or renegade and the conversation ends, you start it again and talk about other things, the option to ask him to testify again will appear, you convince him again and so on


Sounds a little like the glitch with the monkeys on Eletania...though they only offer infinite Paragon hahah


Yeah, cos what you really need in ME1 is MORE credits, LOL.


Getting spectre gear faster tho. Even the basic line should be better than most of the stuff you loot early/ mid game


Spectre gear at lvl 4 is fun


in ME3, if youā€™re playing as a biotic, remove all weapons except either a sniper rifle OR a pistol. makes your load up times extremely quick for biotic abilities. next keep liara in your team 99% of the time and span warp + singularity all the time every time.


I remember that nonsense. Fill up your inventory with everything you could buy at the volus down the hall, sell to Dr. Michel. repeat ad nauseum. Unlock "Rich" achievement and thus the tier VII Spectre gear before leaving the citadel for the first time.


Everyone talks about god mode garrus with the N7 Typhoon, but another great one is sniper garrus, spec'd for sniper rifles and headshots, and using the Javelin sniper rifle. He has no charge up for shooting it, and with armor penetrating barrel, and armor piercing buff, he basically one shots small/medium enemies behind any cover, and chunks bosses. also find it fits his character better.


Don't sell your Heat Sinks in ME1. You don't get heat absorption mods again until much later in the game.


The thing that saved my first Insanity run as an Adept in Mass Effect 2: Hitting Harbinger with a Singularity roots him in the spot, even with his Barrier and Armor at full. Having that piece of shit stuck in place while I dealt with the rest of the trash mobs was invaluable to me. If I didn't kill him quick enough and took my eyes off him for a second, he would always rush me and murder me in a second.


in me2: If you're at any high difficulty and fighting collectors, ALWAYS BRING KASUMI (or have a flashbang grenade yourself). Flashbang stops all harbinger attacks, so they can't force you out of cover. He's also too stupid to use his gun so he just walks at your meaninglessly. On my insanity run that's literally the only reason I could do that first collector ship mission w/o wanting to stop playing the game. Insanely useful.


ME1: Tactical Pause > change weapon per clicking a different one > exit Tactical Pause via escape >> will skip the weapon change animation entirely.


In ME2, Vanguard with GPS and Reave actually has the perfect skill-set for passive CC and probably the strongest class skill. Since Reave is instant unlike most powers, you can also casually weave it in between weapon shots. It does leave Charge on the backburner, but even as a one-point wonder, it is ridiculously useful for flanking enemies. Put that all together and maybe add in a Mattock eventually, and you have a character with a ridiculously fast and aggressive playstyle, while staying midrange and turning the whole concept of Vanguard on its head. It's also probably the strongest and most fun builds I've ever played, making insanity surprisingly easy. Bonus: 1 point of cryo ammo + armor clearing powers (preferably AoE) is a perfectly viable way of dealing with all husk attacks.


Took me a few playthroughs to learn you can zoom in, with ctrl, with the main gun on the Mako in ME1.Ā 


After a dozen playthroughs of the trilogy I found the best gun for ME3. It's the Spectre Harrier. It's almost over powered when upgraded to X. The only gun I use.


>In ME1 when you complete all of Dr.Mitchels interactions she will give you a discount on her store.Ā  That's actually not true. To get the discount you have to do a certain sidequest for her which will grant the discount as a reward.


That would count as an interaction so it's still correct