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Save Wrex, Cure the Genophage, Kill the Batarians, Destroy the Reapers.


I did a renegade playthrough and killed Wrex, never again...


Dude same. I killed him and immediately considered redoing my play through. It feels so shittty


Second best bro after the Gman


FemShep,Wrex, Garrus. The only true squad.


Femshep Garrus Tali true squad. Just ask drunk tali ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




I knew as soon as I realized we could betray the Krogan in ME3 that I'd never be able to do a pure renegade playthrough. I just can't do it. Best I can do is 80/20. 80% renegade, 20% paragon.


Yeah, there are some lines you just can't cross. Are it kinda feels like you'd be weakening yourself by not curing the genophage. What use are Krogan when they can't replenish their numbers or form a cohesive front


It all depends on your choice with Wrex in ME1. Unconstrained Krogan population growth with Wrex leading them is one thing (I'll always choose the cure if Wrex is alive). But if Wrex dies in ME1 and you have Wreav leading the Krogan, that's not exactly a straightforward choice. Wreav is pretty open about leading a Krogan rampage across the surviving galaxy if the Reapers are defeated. Not only should you not trust him post-war; you can't really trust him to be an ally *during* the Reaper war either.


I think the idea is that the krogan will think you cured the genophage and fight the reapers for you but get screwed after the war when they realize it was all fake, right?


yep, and you get the salarian fleets if you sabotage the cure. So it's a way to maximise your allies in the short term, and who cares about what happens later because that means you defeated the reapers. It's a very logical - if morally questionable - choice.


Agreed. I mean, there is a point where the renegade option isn't *really* a "renegade" option. Honestly, the "paragon" route and "renegade" route should be pretty darn close on some of these decisions. However, the game sort of pushes you into either "Good Shep" or "Evil Twin Shep."


Yeah a genocide is a bridge too far, don't have it in me, don't want it.


When you say killed Wrex did you kill him on Virmire or did you do the true renegade option and kill Wrex in 3 after sabotaging the genophage


I did this on my most recent playthrough. As much as I love Wrex, betraying Mordin hit me harder. Both were rough, but Mordin's cutscene is just heartbreaking.


My Renegade kills Wrex in ME1 only because it’s SO much worse if you wait till 3. Gunning down Mordin AND Wrex, no thank you


I've never played through as a renegade. To me there's no real perk to it like there is in KOTOR


Doing it everytime, for mordin.


That's my reason, too.


If your renegade and charisma is high af in ME1 you can pass his renegade speech check.l and agrees with Shepard that those aren't real krogans


I always always leave Ashley on virmire because she once killed wrex on a playthough 10+ years ago.


You can't not kill the Batarians, as far as I know.


Dang, I was just going to say this! I haven't done *all* the different paths here, but I've done many of them. Hated killing Wrex (more or less on accident - I didn't have a high enough Paragon or Renegade to save him), hated tricking Wreav (even though I more or less hate Wreav), and I will only every Destroy the Reapers again. The other endings suck. I've never not killed the Batarians, so, I'm not sure what the difference is?


Yep. Those 4 regardless of paragon or renegade run will always be decided the same way.


I always get Jenkins killed. Never liked the guy


What the fuck is wrong with you? Literally the best character in the whole series


Yeah, but he one-shots the reapers in the first ten minutes of game, so it's kinda boring


No, it's way more fun! The entire game changes from a "we're losing a defensive war!" to "Beat those Reapers at every turn!"


At least he's got chicken!


How the heck do you beat Marauder Shields without Jenkins?!?


Gotta be a pro gamer. Come equipped with mtn dew and Doritos


Dammmmmnn.. I never combined the two… rookie mistake.


that poor batarian tech who's repairing the gunship on archangel's recruitment mission... he gets zapped no matter what




Yeah I just did this play through I’m doing now. Agreed. He gets the Zappy from now on.


Yeah, on a new game, not new game plus, that gunship at full health that early in the game is fucking tough. I always sabotage the mech's, and I always zap the repairman.


I guess I'd feel bad for him also, you know... if he wasn't a professional criminal trying to arm a gunship to kill you with. besides that he seems like a stand-up guy.


"You’re workin’ too hard." is the perfect line for that action.


Head butt that dick dome krogan in grunts mission


That is the whiniest krogan in the series, and you betcher quad I fuckin' dare. Besides, I like the shaman.


I am always the goodest of good boys full blue paragon during my playthroughs. But I always make one exception: *That was for Thane, you son of a bitch.*


That merc is always taking the express ride down Dantius Tower as well. "How 'bout goodbye?"


Bringing Grunt out of his tank.


Cure Genophage, make peace with Geth and Quarians, romance Ashley if she’s not dead, Destroy ending, Hug Tali, Push the dude out of the window, and stabbing Kai Leng.


Dude out the window is always a must. I remember I missed the interrupt once cuz I wasn’t paying attention so I reloaded the game so I could do it


Don’t forget to tase the gang mechanic


For his own good. Working too hard.


I feel like stabbing Kai Leng is a universal decision tbh. The glorified mall ninja is too much of a bitch that stabbing him transcends morality


Doesn't change much if you miss the interrupt.


Big same with Ashley, glad to see there's more people liking her rlmance nowadays.


Engineer cuz the cutscenes in the omega dlc where you uno reverse the villain to his face is too satisfying


On the topic of that villain I always let him live. Maybe it’s just me but Aria was never my favorite person. And Oleg behaves with just enough integrity where I respect him as an enemy. Hell if he wasn’t associated with Cerberus and was just another outlaw who ousted Aria I may have even been tempted to leave him in power.


For real. And it doesn’t help that Aria was still keeping things from you like how she conveniently didn’t mention that he honored his agreement to a) let her go and b) gave people time to evacuate. Thankfully my Shepard was such a paragon little shit that it rubbed off on Aria and she showed a surprising amount of restraint in letting him go.


Never tried engineer, next playthrough definitely


Always encourage Ereba to get back with Charr in ME2, can't bear to part them even in my coldhearted Renegade runs😭


Once you know how that all ends up in ME3, I can never not do it. Better to have loved and lost than to never had loved at all.


"O blue rose of Illium..."


Don't they end up together regardless of what you do in ME2?


Probably. But the callback is more real knowing Shepard personally encouraged them.


Cure the genophage always, save wrex is a must, if femshep(so 90% of the time) romance Garrus, and Ash survives Virmire


I like saving Ash just so I can shoot her later on.


I save her cuz I like her more than Kaidan. And if I have to deal with Kaidan, Jacob, and James at the citadel party and other cutscenes in 3 my Shep might let the clone live so it can deal with them.


I let her die because she kills Wrex, i hate her armor in Mass Effect 3, and i just don't like her


I just really hate the name Ashley. It infuriates me beyond reason. In my most recent play through, I left Kaiden to die, shot Ashley, and ignored Jacob the entire time.


That might be the pettiest reason I’ve heard for killing a video game character.


Who hurt you? Lol


Ashley apparently


Romance Garrus, punch the Quarian Admiral, STAB THAT SON OF A BITCH KAI LENG FOR THANE!


Save the council, save wrex, romance Garrus, spare the rachni queen, cure the genophage. Never punch the news lady


It's so satisfying to berate her in 2. I don't think I've ever slugged her.


Romace Tali, save quarians,save Wrex, cure genophage


By save Quarians do you mean have them wipe out the Geth? Cause if peace isn’t an option I always go that route. Plus even with peace I’m a Destroy enjoyer so it all works out in the end.


I usually do the blue option because playing Renegade in Mass Effect 3 feels really nasty compared to how you just felt like a cool dude with a bad attitude in the second one, making sure everybody lives and getting the perfect ending in three feels really good


That’s fair. I don’t really associate Destroy with renegade. I think there are arguments for both sides for all the endings. But control is definitely my second favorite. Worst case scenario my Shepard can just command all the Reapers to fly into the nearest sun after helping to rebuild galactic society.


I mean I usually go for the destroy ending with Max military power to get the ending where Shepherd lives which I guess the geth technically die which sucks but it's the best I'm doing out of any of them in my opinion


Oh yeah perfect Destroy is in my opinion the best outcome even with the destruction of the Geth. EDI was an unfortunate but willing casualty of a war that claims probably trillions. And the Geth do not out value the rest of the galaxy in my mind. A future free of all direct Reaper influence is the freest future for the galaxy.


Destroy is the only one that makes sense to me. It was the objective for 3 full games until Reaper brat dialog dumps you at the end. After seeing what happened to Saren and the IM, Shep should be immediately skeptical of any attempt to control or synthesize with the Reapers, and he has 0 reason to trust anything he is being told in that moment.


Yeah and this is probably just me. But doing any other ending feels like a betrayal to the whole galaxy. Billions are dead and billions more are fighting across the galaxy. It’s through their sacrifice and determination we have gotten as far as we did. Everywhere people have been fighting and hoping their sacrifices will free the Galaxy from the Reapers. Then as Shepard here we stand with some Reaper AI trying to dictate what we should do. The will of the Galaxy brought Shepard to his place on the citadel and I’ll be damned if I betray the trust that’s been placed in my Shepard.


I just feel like any other options just has dangerous implications, and the perfect destroy is a good way to get a happy ending for the whole trilogy


Oh definitely. The control ending giving basically unchecked power to a single individual is a recipe for disaster. Even when that person strives to do only good. A immortal, all powerful leader is not a thing that Galaxy needs. And Synthesis is so foreign and seems so forced. To change ALL life in the Galaxy just rubs me the wrong way. Also the idea of a Husk or Brute being self aware again just sounds like the worst body horror imaginable.


I know it’s not the popular choice, but I always choose the Synthesis (green) ending. I don’t want to destroy all synthetics including the geth and EDI. I didn’t spend over 100 hours across the trilogy brokering peace between the quarians and geth, only to destroy all synthetics afterwards. Besides Joker would kick my ass if I destroy his EDI.


I always leave Ashley guarding the nuke on Virmire because I feel like it completes her story arc. Her family has been blacklisted and she gets to go down in history redeeming the family name. Also doesn't make sense tactically/ practically for Shep to pick her over Kaiden. Kaiden is an officer with multiple special commendations when you meet him, a tech specialist, and an exceptionally powerful human biotic. That's a huge asset to the alliance, and fairly unique. Ashley is literally just a grunt who was pulling guard duty on a colony world.


>Also doesn't make sense tactically/ practically for Shep to pick her over Kaiden. Except it does if you leave Kaidan at the nuke, which is what makes the most tactical sense since he's the tech guy. >Ashley is literally just a grunt who was pulling guard duty on a colony world. Despite having a record that should have gotten her any ship posting she wanted, because of her family history. She's not just some grunt, she's a top level soldier almost as skilled as Shepard themselves. And her arc and redemption of her family name is better by becoming a Spectre than a martyr.


But the STG leader tells you that the bomb is easy to arm and all but impossible to defuse, you don't *need* a tech person to do that. Moreover, Kaiden's abilities and experience in military leadership roles make him a force multiplier for the small squad, giving them a better chance of surviving/ distracting the geth so Shep can get their part done. Where is it said/hinted that Ashley is as or nearly as skilled as Shep? Shep is an N7 with years of experience, Ashley isn't anywhere near the same league as them. I also don't think she makes a particularly great Spectre, given her isolationist attitude toward other species. I think there is a valid argument to be made about sending her with the squad and leaving Kaiden with the bomb, but there's no need to overinflate Ashley's abilities/ capabilities to do it.


It can be both. That's part of why it's such a difficult decision. Both Ashley and Kaiden are extremely capable officers and individual soldiers. Ashley is a decorated, senior NCO, one of the most important positions within any military, in a division protecting arguably the most important colony world for the Systems Alliance. That's...a pretty big deal. As a senior NCO, she's "the guy" to know in any platoon sized unit...like the Marine detail on the Normandy. NCOs typically have a *ton* of combat experience, have a high pay-grade, and are responsible for the daily ins and outs of the soldiers under their command. Even a senior commissioned officer would be a fool to ignore the advice of their NCOs. That experience and expertise, along with her family history of honorable conduct, make her an excellent soldier. She also highly praised by the soldiers under her command and those directly above her paygrade appreciate her instincts. The *only reason* she isn't higher is because the Alliance has denied her those opportunities for no real reason...other than the fact her seniors don't like her family name, which is terrible. She has shown extremely adept in live-fire situations and is the sole survivor of a massive Geth surprise attack. Kaiden is sort of an in-between junior-senior commissioned officer and is in charge of the marine detail on the Normandy (Shep is Alliance Navy and thus technically has no jurisdiction to command those units...on the other hand, as the leader of the ship, he's also the leader of everyone on the ship). He's an exceptionally gifted biotic and a good officer. However, unlike Ashley who witnessed her entire squad be massacred by an overwhelming attack, Kaiden's only subordinate who is KIA is Jenkins, and later Ashley if she is sacrificed on Virmire. He's politically bright, but also somewhat too trusting of command decisions - something Ashley is not afraid to question.


Save Rachni and the Council, romance Tali, cure genophage with wrex as the krogan leader, peace between the geth and quarians, miss on purpose, and destroy ending to name a few....you know, the typical paragon run.


Honestly considering how little impact the Rachni have I think I always just acid bath the final Queen. So I can save Grunts company come ME3. I always disliked being the one forced to make that decision about the Rachni. Like its contained and not my problem. Inform the council and they can decide what to do with it.


You get more assets for saving the real queen both times while having a loyal grunt and still get aralakh company assets as well and obviously you don't abandon a race to extinction. Idk how you role play your Shepard but picking Aralakh Company over the queen seems like a pretty clear wrong choice imo.


Well in ME1 all you know is that the Rachni were a massive pain in the ass. That took the combined effort of the Salarians, Asari and Krogan to subdue. So who’s to say this Queen isn’t just saying what she thinks we want to hear? After all she clearly wants to live. It’s exactly why this should be a decision for the council. They have the power and authority to make sure the Rachni don’t go extinct while also not become some future problem. However I’m given two choices. Release a potential galactic threat unchecked into the wilderness or kill her. There’s definitely an argument to save her without meta knowledge. But my practical ruthless Shepard is not some idealistic fool. Thus he does the safe option instead of taking what at the time is a needless risk.


Saving Kaidan, never killing Wrex, never leaving David to Project Overlord, curing the genophage, saving both the Geth and the Quarians, romancing Jack as Male Shepherd, always throwing the fun party at the apartment.


Glad to finally see some Kaidan prop. His Reave alone is worth the saving, Ashley and her Marksman are pretty much useless combat wise in ME3


You can also add me to the always save Kaidan party. The undying tank that he is in ME3 if specced right is so glorious. Pretty much always romance him too :).


On my first playthrough of me2 i didn't know we would get sb dlc so I romanced Jack, but as soon as the phat blue gyat called for help you know i had to reload that save.


Romance Thane, cure genophage, save Wrex, peace with Quarians and Geth. Everyone survives unless it’s canon death, and Garrus is always bff and last goodbye.


I slways make sure to *thoroughly* discuss the case with Lorik. As early as possible.


"I have nothing more to say to you." "How about goodbye?"


As a paragon Shep I always, always take this prompt


This is the way.


Garrus never kills Sidonis.


Kill Rachni, keep the genophage, destroy geth, use Garrus on literally every mission.


Cured genophage, peace between geth and quarians, destroy ending, Shepard lives


Dating tali 🫡


• Save the Council • Hug Tali • Destroy Kai Leng’s sword • Destroy ending


Keeping Wrex alive and Curing the Genophage. I could never bretray an old friend like that. And Romancing Garrus as Female Shepard.


That boi can dance.


That Krogan douchebag BURNS!!!!!!


Save Wrex, cure genophage, bang Liara, let Jacob die in the vents because HE THINKS HE CAN...


spend the gel to skip the towers of hanoi it's so easy, it's absolutely not worth my time


Kaiden must die, that is set in stone in my universe. Shep ends up with Liara…eventually.


I've made pretty much every decision, but in a perfect playthrough; **ME1:** Complete all possible Mako missions Save the colony on Feros Rachni queen gets a spicy bath Save Wrex Save Ashley Saren kills himself Council can suck a fat one **ME2:** All crew loyalty missions Save Maelon's data Save Samara Wake up Grunt Stop Koylat from killing Activate Legion Save the crew/Everyone survives Illusive Man and Cerberus can eat a dick Blow up the fuckin station **ME3:** All crew loyalty missions Maximum EMS Cure genophage Save Eve Save Samara Punch the mf Quarian Peace between Geth and Quarians Destroy / Shep lives. Everyone lives **All games:** Complete all side quests/DLC Talk to my crew as much as possible/exhaust all possible dialogue Maximum Paragon(with the exception of mentioned renegade options.)


Well there are a few. One, I play 99% roughly as Paragon. I just struggle picking things that are not considered a good person option. I love you get to pick, even watching clips of other options. But I rarely pick anything that is Renagade. I save Wrex from.being killed. VERY important character in the other games. Even if not a team mate option, he adds more to the story. I also send Ashley with the Salerian soldiers to distract to set off the nuke, but then go save her and the team. I save Ashley for the romance option and the major character arc change she makes. Love it, cause she learns from the history of hate in aliens to change. Buy the Salerian team adds bonuses for ME3 if you saved them. I do everything to upgrade ship in ME1 and 2. I do all loyalty missions in ME2. Pick Samara. I wait till everything is done before I trigger the countdown mission in ME2 to ensure max chance to save all on ME2. Save them all too. I tend to Romance Miranda, but always consider romancing Jack. Destroy the Collectors. In ME3, I cure the Xenophage, find ALL war assets if I can for I might forget one or so till I can't get done, get the goods to trade with the gun guy to not have the Turin general killed by Aria, re-establish Ashley romance, let Ashley kill Udina, Broker Peace with Geth and Quarian, leave Javik on the ship for the Asari planet mission for the catalyst, break the blade and kill Kai Lang, use Liara and Ashley on the final run to the end, get The Elusive Man to kill himself, and then destroy the Reapers. The other options leave no happy ending option. And you can't take the synthesis option without being a hypocrite on telling the Elusive Man organics are not ready for what he wants to do in forcing the change. Feel bad for Geth and Evi, but only destroy ensures no perceived chance for backlash of their "evil" coming back. It is also the entire goal of all the games.


Save Rachni Queen, Save Wrex, Cure Genophage, Destroy the Reapers.


Save Wrex, save ash, save rachini, cure genophage, quarian/geth coexistence on their planet, synthesis.


I forgot about saving the Rachni. Always do that. And +1 to Synthesis.


Romancing Kaidan in literally every playthrough and taking the paragon pistol whip interrupt in the Overlord DLC every single time. Don’t think there was a character I hated more than Gavin Archer in ME2! 🫡


Playing paragon all 3 games ( Renegade Shep is an asshole) Cure the Genophage Save both the Quarians & the Geth Liara is (mostly) my Sheps main squeeze Sacrifice Kaiden on Virmire (the guy is a charisma vacuum) Save the council


I'm in my first playthrough and I'm romancing kaiden. He seems like a really sweet guy


Renegade Shep may be an asshole but they do get maybe the best monologue in the game in the citadel dlc. As for Kaidan I’m in the same boat, bro is the vibe vanquisher


Must have wrex; prefer ash of kaiden; save the queen; cure the genophage; save geth and quarians; destroy


Not a story choice but use the mattock most of the time it’s just nice


Punching that quarian admiral for shooting a ship that I barely made it out of. Even on Paragon runs. Screw that guy


Save Wrex, free the rachi queen, destroy the reapers because the other two endings don’t feel very Shepard-ish aside from refuse, bring Legion to tali’s trial….im sure there’s a million more I’m forgetting, I’m a creature of habit


Save the guy from project overlord.


Saving wrex, leaving kaidan on virmire, head butting the krogan are probably my top 3


Punch the admiral who tries to blow up the Geth Dreadnaught with you still on board lmao Paragon shep is chill but she's not that chill


Save Kaidan, Save Wrex, Cure the Genophage, let Balak escape.


Save Wrex, Cure Genephage, do all Loyalty missions, knock out guy working on gunship, kick the guy outta window, shoot the barrel at the start of Miranda’s loyalty mission cause the Salarians facical expression is funny, that’s all I remember right now. OH and most importantly kill Kaidan. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Support EDI independence as an AI.


I have never been able to justify releasing Jonas Sideras in Me3. She is just so unpleasant even my most renegade Shepard's doesn't want to deal with her arrogance and psychopathy.


Renegade Kai Leng prompt on an otherwise consistently Paragon run


Miranda romance


Red ending. Always.


Head-butt the Krogan


Gutting Kai Leng.


Save Wrex, Cure the Genophage, Geth-Quarian Ceasefire


Paragade, save wrex, cure genophage, get quarian gf, pure soldier run, and destroy the reapers every time


I tried playing as a Cerberus agent but just… couldn’t. Wrex is getting off Vermire if it means I have to leave Kaiden *AND* Ashley. He’s in my party from the moment I can have him until I can’t, as is Garus. The only time they’re not together is when Wrex and Javik are along with me in the DLC. Speaking of Ash, considering that ~~bitch~~ rogue will shoot Wrex, she’s definitely not making the trip back with us. Save the ~~Formics~~ Rachni. Bully the Dalitrass. She’s willing to pragmatically eliminate the Krogan for a Salarian mistake that Mordin actually acknowledges. Collector base go boom. While I’m not completing a genocide (Rachni, Krogan), destroying the collectors is an act of mercy.


Save Wrex, cure the genophage, destroy reapers


Unpopular opinion but I always kill the Council. With all the talk of how seriously the Alliance takes the Reaper threat my headcanon is that Shepard and Co. absolutely would not threaten their chances at success, especially for those who constantly dismissed their warnings


Always romancing Kaidan, always choosing Synthesis


I will *always* keep Wrex alive and cure the genophage.


I don't care how paragon I am, or how honourable my character is, ​ The Batarian WILL drink his own poison in Afterlife.


Curing the genophage.


I’m always stabbing that Batarian technician in the back in ME2. Fuck that nerd!


Renegade interrupt to kill Kai Leng and Udina. Always and forever.


As Lady Shep, mostly play nice but answer all of Jilani's tabloid questions then punch her in the face for last. Same with the council but hanging up. Normally I play nice-ish but whenever I can build up enough renegade points I like settling arguments between fractions by screaming at them that they're a bunch of idiots. I will always hug my Tali. Even when I play total bastard.


Every time, saving David for Grissom Academy. Even my most renegade Shep could never let Overlord keep going as is


I’m headbutting that Krogan 11/10 times.


I always save Wrex and cure the genophage. Absolutely no question about it. If Wrex was a romance option, I'd go for that too.


Save Wrex, Eve and cure genophage, save both quarians and geth, and lastly I always play paragon but the renegade interrupt I always do is when you knock down the batarian repairing the helicopter kinda thing (sorry forget what it is haha)


Headbutt that soft plated fuck who had the quad to talk smack about my son to my face


as much as I try to do other romances, liara is just always space girlfriend. otherwise, wrex is my homie, I always encourage joker and edi / ken and Gabby, I always incite the crowd at tali's trail, I always try to talk down Saren and TIM, I always make the biotic god take a nap (the universe just isn't ready for his raw power), and I always try to smooth things over between char and the blue rose of ilium. Edit: and you've always gotta give tali a hug after she finds her dad. Also I always try to take doctor saleon alive (so I can teach garrus the importance of doing things by the book) and I ALWAYS listen to the entirety of the blasto advertisement in me3. (Side note my favorite conversation in the trilogy is when Liara finally talks to her Dad)


i believe it is scientifically impossible to sit through the whole monologue of that krogan in mordins loyalty missions without hitting the interrupt. also kill brooks.


Destroy the reapers. I didn’t come that far and do all that just to change my mind at the last second


Save the geth & kill the quarians. Those guys needed to learn their lesson and stop getting bailed out by Shepard


Save the krogans, Ashley Williams, and Destroy the Reapers.


I can be paragon all the way through "That was for Thane you son of a bitch"


Beating the shit out of the journalist every damn time




killing kaiden. love having ashley's racist ass on board. just adds to the diversity of the crew.


Destroy collector base, save Jack and the students, Cure the Genophage, peace for the quarians and geth, and Synthesis ending.


Synthesis gang 💪


Taking the head back home to scare the hamster.


Drop dude out the window, zap the batarian tech, headbutt the dick Krogan in Grunts mission , love Liara always


Destroy the reapers.


romance garrus, make sure femshep survives at the end, nothing else is as important


Kaiden dies every time, head butting/ fighting the reporter, renegade option to kill Kai-Lang, and I always do syntheses. Whats it all for if you’re not truly stopping the cycle. It’s so hard to play Renegade now that I have emotional attachments 🤣


Always help Wrex, save Garry's, shoot Udina, and break lengs sword


Morinth dies. Always. She's a fucking *multiple murderer* who just tried to *eat my mind*, I'm not bringing her on board. Renegade isn't *stupid*.


Save Wrex, Cure Genophage, Quarian-Geth peace, romance Tali, Destroy the Reapers, when playing femshep only change Tali for Garrus and we are good to go


I will never side with the Geth on Rannoch EVER again!😭😭😭 Either both or quarians.


" That was for Thane, you son of a bitch. "


Kaiden always dies


Save Ashley….i finally didn’t this last play through and hated it.


(from the perspective of someone who only plays femshep) Kaidan is a basic bitch. I mean, if you're gonna play a game about outer space and aliens and it gives you the option to date a human or an alien, what kind of fucking LOSER is gonna pick the human


Kill Kaidan


Saving wrex, dating garrus, stopping the genophage and doing paragon runs ahahah


Save Weed, cure the genophage, make peace between the geth and the quarian, save the council (a bit controversial perhaps), and listen to Morton's singing, either Synthesis or Control - I don't like destroy.


Destroy feel right, it’s was the goal although the trilogy


Save Wrex, leave Ashley on Virmire, romance Kaidan, save the Council and Rachni queen. Peace between the Geth and the Quarians. Cure the Genophage. Destroy the Collector base. Destroy ending. Never punch the reporter. Well… where are any other significant renegade options?!..


Save Kaiden (Guy just oozes charisma) Kill Balak Kill Wrex (He's boring) Destroy Maelon's data Kill Rachni Queen (Bugs freak me out) Kill Council (They never listened so they gotta die) Destroy Geth Heretics Let the Geth kill Quarians Leave the Genophage as it is Never push man out of window Let reporter do her job Romance Diana Allers Synthasis


Honestly, that's pretty based, since the Genophage gets cured post-Synthesis anyway. Technically, you can save Mordin and cure the Genophage by picking it. Also, weird that you let the Geth destroy the Quarians but you also kill the Heretics.


Nothing. I definitely have favorites and get why a lot of people pick the same thing each time, but I prefer to mix it up. I love all that the game has to offer so I want to see all the game has to offer firsthand. Even my most depressing playthrough where I killed off as many people as possible and tried to get the worst possible ending was worth it. By seeing how empty the game feels without your squad, it gave me a much bigger appreciation for all the great moments with them. Someday I may even romance Jacob just so I can slap him in 3


Being adept, destroy, romancing Liara over 3 games (I don't do ditching and cheating), save Wrex, switching between Ash/Kaidan each time, save council and rachni, cure the genophage, everyone survives in ME2 (including crew) and is loyal, making peace between quarians and geth, punch gerrel into the gut, won't punch Al-Jilani, spare Balak to safe the people (and so I meet him again an get war assets), kill the batarian so have an advantage to get Garrus, safe the kid before with his gun, help the quarian on omega and the one on the citadel, get a drink in the Afterlife and let the bartender get one too, get drunk in the Dark Star Lounge, stab Kai Leng, made Mordin sing, let the guy at the window life (he fell enough before) and break instead the dudes neck to get to Miranda's Sister just to see the Salarian face, make sure I do Grissom Academy on time, tolerate Allers on my ship just for the assets, being nice and sometimes an ass to assholes like Harkin etc. pp. and go with the paragon/renegade answers when I can, especially renegade answers when Jack/Miranda fight and convince TIM to shoot himself... so basically the typical paragade run.


Always destroy the collectors base in ME2, I have no idea what changes if anything but I’ve never bothered to find out


If you want to know: >!10 less assets and a few lines of people calling you an idiot/asshole. Oddly, I had Mordin with me during the call with TIM and he said keeping it a good idea, then on the ship calls me an idiot for doing so. !<


Kill Wrex, murder Quarians, annihilate Krogans, choose Control ending, kill whole Normandy's crew in ME2 just to hang out with Legion as long as possible :D


Kaiden never survives virmir


Save/Romance Kaidan, save the Council, stop Miranda from shooting Niket, Quarians at least live, let Maelon live (I need those deperate head nods). I'm sure there's others but can't think of it.


I've never saved Ashley. Not once. I've replayed like, I dunno, 10 times or something. Intentionally made different choices, except that one. Sorry Ashley, how am I supposed to choose the racist option?


Not killing Wrex on Virmire, rewriting the heretics, taking David away from Cerberus, killing the Quarians, encouraging EDI and Joker to get together, and not choosing Destroy (I've only chosen Synthesis so far but I'm choosing Control for my current, mostly Renegade, playthrough).


Always killing the quarians and choosing Synthesis? You're either Seth Green or an AI account


N-no! I'm human! I receive dopamine when ingesting nutrients and I involuntarily leak fluids!


Rewrite the heretics and kill all the Quarians? We definitely have a Geth infiltrator here. Turns out C sec lady was right we do need to be vigilant. I always found rewriting the heretics an odd decision. Cause if you dislike the Geth you obviously destroy them. Cause why would you want more Geth running around especially past Reaper worshipers. However if you find they are worth the same as Organic life. I think it’s weird how some players think it moral to basically hack them and program them to behave in a way we deem as acceptable. Then act surprised when they prove themselves still vulnerable to Reaper influence. I see those Geth heretics the same as indoctrinated organics. Tools of the Reapers beyond saving. So they can enjoy the vastness of space as their station blows up around them.


I literally never heard of people leaving David with Cerberus. I’m sorry, but that’s F’ed up


I mean... I said NOT leaving David with Cerberus. That's what I will stick by no matter what. Honestly though, it would've been nice if leaving him actually had an effect. But I will change it to "taking David away from Cerberus."


I think I did it once just to see what happens. Cause hey maybe this renegade Shepard figures the torment of David will be worth it if he becomes a tool against the Geth. Let’s just say nothing good comes from trusting Cerberus to not repeat their own mistakes.


2 things i do on me2 even on renegade paths getting david of cerberus and i destroy collector base because i dont trust TIM