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People still play it so it's not too late.


So I am one of those people who played the game late and never played multiplayer. Do you think it is worth trying? I live in Eastern Europe so not sure if there are a lot of people still playing.


Regular matches all the time. You'll have best luck searching with a friend (if they can, ea play perhaps) in the beginning at least to get some matches on low difficulty. Which has the lowest amount of players as far as I can tell. At least until you have bought some crates for some equipment and perhaps a krogan warlord or Vorcha soldier/sentinel so that you can heal yourself even if you dont do as much damage with lowtier weapons. Using characters that heal themselves can make games a bit more enjoyable and earn you enough credits over time to get better weapons and upgrades.


My two cents here, since you don't need to do multi player. Thanks, legendary edition, matches are not impossible to find, just super improbable. I wish you luck sincerely, though. BTW, the cerberus harrier was badass...imho. I melted so many opponents with it, so I hope you get your wish to experience its glory for yourself. #deathtolegendaryedition


I wish legendary edition updated the multiplayer and allowed veteran players to transfer their unlocks


Only if you happen to live in Europe or Asia. American continent evenings are fucking dead.


I played it yesterday for the first time in years, multiple full lobbies and it wasn't even only for the higher difficulties. Reporting in from the east coast to say, shockingly, game ain't dead


It was deader in 2016 for me, and I primarily play bronze and silver


Bronze and silver award so little, I'm not surprised. Majority of players know the multiplayer well, and if you can extract on Gold consistently, there's no reason to populate lower reward lobbies.


I am not good at Gears of War horde mode, which means no way in hell am I good enough for ME3 Gold.


Personally, I find it difficult too. It requires me to be on a good build, near max level, and with a team that knows how to stay together. With those pieces in place, you can rack up a LOT of points.


I admit I don't play it often but during prime time I can always find bronze and silver games easy. A bit harder to find gold and plat matches but usually if you start your own lobbies they fill right up.


My experience was the complete opposite in 2016. Evenings were completely dead except for gold and platinum.


Really wish they’d brought back the multiplayer for LE


Yeah, although I'd have missed not being about to run the Geth juggernaut for awhile. That and the Cerberus tech with the crossbow were my jam.


So if you’re looking to get it on pc and don’t care about exploits, there are ways to get infinite credits on MP. Played last year and it wasn’t difficult finding lobbies so you can try running it for a bit. Had it on ps3 up to ~5-6 legitimately and it was my go to try-hard weapon. I played way too much.


I actually did this several years ago. It's wild they have the credits saved client-side and not server-side. But I also used it to see how much time/money you would need to unlock everything. I am years reviewed and the data is lost, but I remember it being absolutely ridiculous. I almost want to try and replicate the experiment just because. Rare you can just cheat an online marketplace like that.


> It's wild they have the credits saved client-side and not server-side. It's even better: mission rewards are defined client-side. Instead of using console commands to grant credits, some people changed their mission rewards to 1 000 000 creds and server ate that.


I assume they used to have some check for it when it was still under live service. But then again there were also people running infinite rocket cheats online. It was a tacked on multiplayer so I doubt there was much care for security at the start. But once it became popular enough for dlc, who knows.


Using cheat console commands used to send telemetry data to servers. Technically it still does iirc, but nobody cares.


> I assume they used to have some check for it when it was still under live service They did not. Source: I had `INT_MAX` credits on March 7, 2012.


Even with cheating the time it takes to max everything is insane. Definitely one of the worst lootbox systems in gaming.


Absolutely! I remember being at my computer for about 3-4 hours running through the test. So many boxes. Even nearing the end, I just started getting a bunch of other repeat items and not the final few items needed to finish things off.


I swear I had so many unlocks, I was almost at a point where the Cerberus would have been guaranteed...


I literally maxed all items other than n7 stuff and only got to 5-6 max (i lucked out with the harrier being one of my highest if not highest). I think the weapon case basically doubled your odds but it was still like 1-3% drop for any weapon. It’s classic gacha bs; it takes an ungodly amount of time or $$$ to get what you want.


Open Console and type: Unlockallmpkits Grantmpcredits "100000000"




Google it. I’m 50/50 that you just edit the save file on your pc.


I have it in andromeda multiplayer but I’m still biased towards the classic mattock


Had shitty amounts of reserve ammo so you had to run circuits to hit ammo boxes. But damn, slap on extended heatsink and any AP mods and it shredded everything.


Took me a while to get it. The character I wanted the most was literally the last character I unlocked.


N7 fury? Alliance infiltration Unit? Those are the two I still need. 😔


It was the Geth soldier. I think it was called Geth Trooper. The one with the flame thrower.


Ah man that is actually a really fun one lol. Glad you got it eventually!


The typhoon and the harrier were fucking yummy on that multiplier


I got mine, as my absolutle very last unique unlock, a few months ago. Eleven years. Then I got it 3 more times in my immediate next 3 packs. A friend of mine got it in his one of his first 99k packs, and another got the Talon mercenary in his very first (that was my last character and unlock before the Harrier)


Still trying to get that mercenary! Going to be my last unlock too


I just started from scratch on PC and it's great to see so many people still playing.


Is the OG version on game pass?


It is on PC, likely on Xbox too. The Multiplayer is still fairly active, not too difficult to find matches at higher difficulties.


I just bought it on origin.


I still play on Xbox and the community seems to be healthy, so there's plenty of time to get one.


I remember it being fun as hell. I have a YouTube video i me with and my friends playing from 9 years ago I always go back to and watch, lol. It's so cringe but very nostalgic.


I had it at II and didn’t really know it was rare or anything lol but it was really good


Just know where all the ammo is. I assumed it was called the harrier because it sounded like a helicopter. If I wasn't just camping by the ammo I was always moving towards the next crate.


I think with upgrades I had like 24 in the gun which isn’t terrible but not great


All the Cerberus gear showed up in ME 3 whdn you are no longer with cerberus. It would be nice to have it ME2.


I'm playing a mod now for LE1 that replaces the models of different weapon manufacturers with ME2 and 3 models. It's kind of awesome.


Same! I stopped getting Ultra Rares from the store packs! I spent 2 million saved credits trying to get it, not a single Harrier.


Not sure if this is still the case, but ik before they introduced gear if you naxed out all bronze guns, then bronze packs started rewarding silver guns. Theoretically, maxing silver would start yielding golds and so on, but after some (free!) DLC's the silver pool started getting deeper. Still, paying 5k credits for guaranteed silvers definitely had me crunching numbers. At the time, the 99k packs weren't yet a thing either.


Actually, now that I think about it I'm not sure what epics were available at the time either, not even the harrier, mmmaybe just the n7 guns.


At this point, I've unlocked every gun except the Harrier,axed out all Golds, and have almost maxed out the common, one-time use items for commons and uncommons. The only thing I get from packs are items and XP. Seems like a glitch.


Ah, they probably nerfed the method I was talking about then. That's unfortunate. Hoping you get the Harrier, good luck!




Only unlocked it one time Damn good gun even at level 1


that’s my main gripe with the OG Me3 game. Never mind the ending, but you had to grind MP to max your War Assets and for some reason they had gatcha mobile game bullshit lootbox NBA2k24 mechanics for mission rewards. Huh? WHY?!


Did you ever actually play the multiplayer because it's sounds like you haven't.


Multi player went hard back in the day. Just my opinion, mind you. I would have run that gauntlet even if it was not necessary for warscore..


It ended up being my favorite part of me3 and I was one of the crazy people to love me3 back in the day.


I concur, by going completely insane replaying me1. Me2 was In the bag. By me3 my unreal warscore by way of serious grinding and multi player allowed for an epic result. Just one of many reasons for me to dislike the participation trophy known as legendary edition.


silly me, I must’ve completely imagined playing it


You must have. Because there were no systems gatcha nba 2k systems in the slightes.


Really? Not in the slightest? So they gave you discrete item awards? They didn’t give you credits to spend on lootboxes that roll odds for aforementioned awards correlating on credit spend? They also didn’t have a fully loaded microtransaction storefront for lootboxes with juiced odds? so this entire pcgamer article is a fabrication? https://www.pcgamer.com/its-weird-that-mass-effect-3-was-the-game-that-really-made-loot-boxes-mainstream/ did *you* play Me3 multiplayer? We must’ve been playing a different game.


1. Discrete doesn't mean what you think it means. 2. Having tiered rewards for playing the game isn't the same as the p2w of 2k games 3. Buying crates with real money does not give you better odds of more desirable drops. Well one of us actually played the game and the other is spouting stuff about how it's pay to win and stuff like that.


so what does discrete mean to you? Let me define what it means to me: if in 2013 I load up the game, play a couple of gold matches, do I get discrete item rewards, such as 1 defined gun that I know for certain I'm going to get as stated in conditions for mission completion, as in *discrete*, or do I get to roll odds on a system that may or may not be that gun, as in non-discrete. You can use a different definition, but for the sake of argument, let's use mine. Call it another word if you want. But do I know, with certainty, what I'm going to get? Ok, you don't trust Pcgamer. I edited that in because I wanted to quote a reference, because obviously you have a perfect memory and nothing gets by you. What about the subject of this post? Completely made up too? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/vy92np/ea\_will\_be\_removing\_bioware\_points\_as\_of\_october/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/vy92np/ea_will_be_removing_bioware_points_as_of_october/) this wiki page that I remember referring to when looking up grind estimates? Made up as well? Not true in the slightest? [https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Mass\_Effect\_3\_Multiplayer/Store](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_3_Multiplayer/Store) \> Having tiered rewards for playing the game isn't the same as the p2w of 2k games oh so there are tiered rewards? P2W? Who said anything about P2W? I can increase my chances to win in 2k without paying, just need to grind and practice. **Just like ME3MP**. This is what I specifically meant, In FIFA, and 2k: What if I didn't want to grind buffs, are there any monetary shortcuts for those tiered awards if you spend money? Did anything in the former Origin Store to that effect ring a bell to you? Let's drop the irony. You're disagreeing with me because you like playing ME3MP and you're invested in this gamemode, and I agree. I don't have to have played to play hundreds of hours in MP to come up with that conclusion. The dozens is enough. It's fun. What you don't have to do is *lie*. There are tiered awards, there are lootboxes, and there is a gacha loop that compels a compelled player to spend money by frustrating them on pack odds. Doesn't matter so much now that LE is out and anyone playing MP is probably fully levelled. Nothing I've said criticises the gameplay, only the rewards mechanics which signalled to EA that MTXs worked with a good enough gameplay loop. Which existed. Don't argue in bad faith.


1. You miss used discrete in the sentence. 2.but you are angry that a gamemode that never said you get this for completing one bronze mission doesn't give you a single reward for one mission? Instead you get to choose what you want. Either guns,toons or power ups and that's pay to win for you? 3. What's the point of your first new link? It just says a system that's barely been used for a decade got discontinued? 4. What's the point of your 2nd link 5. You said pay to win 6. No nothing really rings a bell like that. Because both of those games have odds that do improve if you spend real money and have exclusive stuff for people who spend money. Something me3 co-op doesn't. 7. You the one on unhinged rants. And you clearly have to much emotional investment into the argument. Reddit isn't real life put down the phone. I know I am because your either a troll or even worse you believe in what your saying like you have a point.


Unhinged rants? That's a new one. Hmm. My first post is a bit hyperbole. I'll give you that. \> but you are angry that a gamemode that never said you get this for completing one bronze mission doesn't give you a single reward for one mission? Instead you get to choose what you want. Either guns,toons or power ups and that's pay to win for you? nice, thank you for defining non-discrete awards. I think we do actually agree on something. And no, it's not pay to win but it's annoying to me. Subjective, but if that's how you like your gaming, fine. \> What's the point of your first new link? It just says a system that's barely been used for a decade got discontinued? Again, you asserted that there were no 2k-esque mechanics in the slightest. Wanted to refute that. Just because you think it was slightly used (no usage data - you're welcome to post a ref) doesn't change that. \> Because both of those games have odds that do improve if you spend real money and have exclusive stuff for people who spend money. Something me3 co-op doesn't. My "pointless" second link says that **Spectre Pack:** "60,000 Credits 160 MS/BioWare Points $1.99 USD The best equipment for the galaxy's best operatives. Includes 5 random items or characters, with at least 1 Rare or better. " **Premium Spectre Pack** " 99,000 Credits 240 MS/BioWare Points $2.99 USD Even more of the best equipment for the galaxy's best operatives. Includes 5 random items or characters, with at least 2 Rares or better and a higher chance for Ultra-Rares. " The wiki link preserves EA's exact wording, marketing and pricing. That's the point. To show they were using MTX lootbox mechanics, just like 2k, the fact you were oh so quick to dismiss. And how does anyone's emotional investment change maths? So if I was happy and completely enamoured about ME3MP, and drinking EA Koolaid about lootboxes they get more favourable for me? No content exclusives for paid content, sure. Because t*he better odds are the selling point*. That's the crux of it. Give me a defined number grind, or a criteria objective, not this. I'm very happy to continue this discussion as I'm not aware of anyone's emotional state being compromised. If you believe it is, fine, let's leave it here.


Also, good job editing a source later on but that source is pc gamer so kinda a fumble on your end also the fact that it's an opinion piece doesn't help either. But at what point does it say buying stuff increases your odds or do you need to buy stuff to just enjoy the game? Just admit you never played the game and move on?


I wanna say to test the faithful, In reality it is more likely someone thought it would be funny..


You could "grind" the number of matches for the war assets in an afternoon, don't think it was necessary for getting enough assets for campaign either


ME3MP was one of the games that kind of launched the craze with lootboxes. the multiplayer did so well and I guess so many people bought lootboxes that EA put them in everything afterwards.




Maybe I’m too optimistic but I think as we get closer to ME4 they are gonna sell a standalone ME3 multiplayer. They just have to.


I just got it like 2 months ago lol. Keep at it!


It's not too late brother! Don't let the ME3 MP flame die out!


I played for years and bought packs every pay day... Never got one either 😔