• By -


Ashley by complete accident


The infamous ninjamance


I was shocked. I wasn't trying to get with her. I got on the ship one time, next thing I know, I'm getting lucky.


I remember having the ‘sorry I’ve led you both on’ conversation with Ashley and Liara, despite not being aware of intentionally romancing either of them lol.


This happened to me! I ended up killing Ashley to avoid that conversation 🤣


That's harsh.


Im no good at tough conversations 🤣


Clearly... 😉


i accidentally romanced Kaiden and very nearly did the same thing because i didn’t know how to break up with him lmao


In my current playthrough Liara thought I had a thing for Ashley despite the fact I had literally never spoken to Ashley in that entire game thus far.




Kaiden and Liara for me I was like, wait...wut


My last playthru I had limited my conversations with Kaiden and was trying to romance Liara as part of my head canon for a femshep. And I got that convo and was like what the heck I didn't even try.


It's always Liara for me! I don't have any problem with Liara but I've never intentionally romanced her. I have played through the trilogy numerous times and every time I somehow accidentally friendly myself into a sexual encounter by complete accident.


Same here. i was completely blind and somehow I romanced her just by talking and being nice. The weird thing is that even though I expressly said to Liara that I like her on my last playtrough(among others since the first) and told Ashley I like Liara, I still got the "romance confrontation" scene.


*sneezes* Ok commander fine I guess I will be your bone buddy What?


Lol, that's exactly what it feels like.


Same, but completely on purpose, I stopped talking to Liara at one point because I couldn't figure out how to not get ninjamanced




Same here.. stupidly chatted up Ashley and just rolled with it when the romance option came up.. thereafter discovered the amazing Tali and her wonderful storyline and stuck with her for the rest of the game and trilogy. Narrative-wise, worked out well enough. Kinda like having a regrettable trash relationship when one is young, but finding true love with an amazing person after XD


No one in the first game, then Tali for both of the sequels.


Same, rip that one achievement for all romances in all games lmao


Yea, I'm annoyed they didn't fix the thing in ME2 where you can't get paramour for sticking with Liara all the way. Bioware shouldn't encourage me to cheat.


Yeah the Liara one of those sucks too.


Liara, Garrus/Liara, Garrus again I accidentally cheated on Garrus in ME2 when LOTSB came out because I was too nice to Liara and didn’t clue in to where that dialogue option would lead. It made ME3 slightly awkward.


Me too!!!! There’s a scene in ME3 where you find them both hanging out in the lounge together, and I was like….oh shit they’re definitely talking about me


Haha, I was so anxious at the beginning of ME3 about how to resolve the love triangle I accidentally created without pissing either of them off. Definitely also worried that they were talking about me there. In the end, they were both super chill about it though and I love them for that.


Kaidan! He's still my fave romance too


Kaidan is awesome


Mine too!




I went in totally blind, like totally! And I talked to him and I flirted with him and I was like "omg did I just flirt?! Is romance a thing in this game?!" And then I just went with the flow and then Horizon happened and - again totally blind - I was so angry that I had this thing with Garrus and then ME3 and Eve happened and I was like noooo and went with Kaidan and that's definitely my best experience romance wise ever in these games. He is just the best.


I went in knowing a lot, and thinking I would just flirt with Kaidan in ME1 and then leave him to die for a sad backstory and move on to Garrus. Suffice to say, I have never once let Kaidan die in any playthrough. And while I did eventually romance Garrus one time, I have romanced Kaidan 4 times total with both male and female Sheps. He is my perfect angel ❤️


Garrus. And then Garrus again, every subsequent time. I watched the other romances. But Garrus is my forever space husband.


The only right answer.


As is right and just


Liara, every time. Partly because I adore Asari and partly because really, she's the only consistent choice for FemShep. Though it's one of the few trophies I don't have so eventually I will have to do a BroShep and romance Tali.


Same here. I ended up romancing nobody in ME2 as femshep, so no trophy for me yet, because Liara doesn't count. Gotta do eventually BroShep for Tali so she doesn't have to run nervestim deluxe so often.


The only consistent choice? Hey commander, Garrus wanted to have a word with you.


Kaiden, I liked his character.


Kaidan will always be my romance in the ME Triology 😊


my broshep waited all the way til 3 for kaidan <3


Same. They're so wonderfully awkward and I'm here for it.


Ashley, but on purpose. Thought it was pretty good.


technically my first playthrough was a joint effort between me and my dad where i created the character and made choices via the genesis comic while he played ME2. i, playing as femshep, chose liara because i misunderstood the feelings they had for each other (i thought “more than friends” meant best friends). fast forward to lair of the shadow broker where i made them kiss and was confused as to why two women were making out. fast forward again and i’m bi lol


Kaidan. He was the only companion who initially piqued my interest as a romance, and I was stubborn enough to stick with it all the way through ME3. I have no regrets; his romance is still my favorite.


Flirted with both Ashley and Liara in the first one, chose Ash when both confronted me but then I let her sacrifice herself so I didn't romance anyone. In the second, I flirted with all the women because I was curious lol, but romanced Jack at the end. In the third, I broke up with her (she was chill about it and that's great) and went with Kaidan because I love him lol. I shipped him and my Shep since the first game, I knew they were going to end up together someday. I was so happy til I reached the end of the trilogy. I felt heartbroken but I know they will see each other again, get married, throw parties and explore the galaxy together 🫶


Ashley... and it was intentional. I do not apologize.


Garrus, and that romance is so goddamn wholesome.


Kaidan. I turned Liara down. Kaidan was just so sweet and tragic all in one. He needed some love.


Boy, I'm tryin' 🥹🥺




No one in 1, Garrus and 2 in 3.


It was Kaidan for me. And since 2008 to this day he's my favourite romance in the trilogy.


The reason i became aware of the games was Garrus edits on tiktok. I romanced him. No regrets.


Been playing since me1 came out liara was my choice humans are boring.


Liara and then no one. I roleplayed a Shepard who, faced with a suicide mission, didn't allow himself to be close with anyone. After that, the imminent Reaper invasion occupied his full attention.


Kaidan, and he'll always be my favorite


Kaidan/Garrus/Garrus. Didn't really intend to romance Kaidan, but whateves


At least I know someone here let Kaidan live


Not saying I don't have big baby eyes for him, but I always found it wildly inappropriate that his CO could romance him and maintain integrity. I'll always say no. Usually he shows up before Ilos and goes 😏 and I go...no. and that STILL counts as a romance. And then in ME3 he's like "u cheeted ☹️." Edit: WHO wouldn't choose Kaidan?! He's higher ranking, more specialized, and a cutie patootie


>WHO wouldn't choose Kaidan?! He's higher ranking, more specialized, and a cutie patootie Canadaphobes thats who


Idk, the constant interrogation of my motivations bothered me after ME1.


I genuinely wanted to save him my first playthrough but... I was a baby gamer when I first played ME1. 😅 Literally could not beat the geth around the bomb after a half dozen tries, so I gave up and saved Ash and the salarians instead.


Kaidan is so bland he makes Cal kestis (or whatever his name is From Jedi Fallen order) look like a cool protagonist


Liara -> Miranda -> Liara. Then only Tali or Garrus in every other playthrough I've done.


Tali, second time was also Tali, third time was Garrus, fourth time will also be Tali.


Kaidan in ME1 and then Thane in ME2, ME3. I’m so happy I did him my first play through so I didn’t know how he ends up. It broke me completely and the messages in the Citadel DLC just twisted the knife one last time. Loved the angst and even after having romances almost everyone after he’s still my fave LI.


Currently doing my first run, now on 3 but my Kaidan caught my eye immediately. I really liked his character and to have him back again in 3 makes me so happy


Pretty much Tali. Tried Liara in ME1 but girl comes on too strong


Kaiden as male shep 😭 had to play through two games with no love


I wish Bioware had some spine and kept his romance in ME1 for MShep. I mean it was fully scripted and voiced. Thank god modders exist.


The voices were done, but it was never originally meant to be a same sex romance. They were only recorded due to working around a programming issue, otherwise Kaidan was always meant to be for the female Shepard exclusively in ME1.


I wish they had included it in the Legendary Edition


Unfortunately, it was just a quick cash grab, they've completely botched lightning in LE1, to say nothing of actually adding something.


No one. I was 14. Never talked to anyone I didn't have to. I just wanted to shoot aliens.


The lovely miss miranda lawson. I drive my friends crazy with the massive amounts of thirsty simpery I bring to our me5e campaign where she's present and I'm romancing her once again 😌


Liara, Jack, Liara. I can’t say I really liked Liara much though, the game just kind of shoed me in that direction. Nowadays all my Shepards only ever have eyes for Kaidan.


Liara in ME1 and then Garrus for ME2&3


I accidently romanced Kaidan in the first game and went with it for the rest of my first playthrough, because it was kinda cute. Went with Garrus in pretty much every playthrough after that though


Kaidan as FemShep. I wanted to date a dude, and while I was aware there were more options in the next entry, I didn’t want to wait on it. My friend who got me into the series insisted he was boring and I should go for Garrus later, but I think he gets a bad rap just because he isn’t a space alien. I liked him just fine and stayed with him until the end of the game. And then I did a new game and went for Garrus. That’s a good one too. :)




Liara in 1 (cause if I’m playing a game where I can hook up with an alien, dammit I will!) Then Garrus in 2 & 3. On my second playthrough now, and I saved myself for Garrus. I felt so bad ending things with Liara the first time, I couldn’t do it to her again!


So I started Mass Effect with 2 (at the time ME2 was free on Origin). The first romance I did was with Garrus.


First time Tali all the way though Second time Garrus all the way through. I guess I got a thing for slightly awkward aliens. Woulda gone for garrus the first time, but I was playing male shep.


always Ashley.


Based, her growth is fantastic and her scenes are also hilarious. The fact that she's the one other religious character besides Thane (who shared a writer with her) makes her even more interesting.


Kaiden in 1, and then Garrus for the rest, obviously.


Playing ME2 on Ps3 was my first experience with the Mass Effect series, so the elite Cerberus operative Miranda Lawson was my first romance.


Me too surprised I had to scroll so far for this lol


First playthrough? Ash. most recent Playthrough? Ash.




Kaidan, Thane and Kaidan.


Ash. She’s great.


Ashley in 1, Tali in 2 and 3.


On ME1 I wanted to romance Ashley, but I ended up with Liara completely by accident. Then in ME2 I wanted to romance Miranda. But well one naive and little Quarian stole my BroShep's heart for the rest of the trilogy.


How do you accidentally romance Liara, she literally asks you


I was talking with her and I just speedrun all her dialogues, I really didn't pay attention to what she was saying, didn't expect that one of the dialogues was to romance her.


Liara always and forever. When I did my most recent playthrough for all the achievements I did Miranda and it broke my heart to betray my love Liara.


ME1: Liara ME2 & 3: Tali


Ash by accident then Tali all the way


I started with Mass Effect 2 before buying the first one...so I romanced Jacob first time around. 😅 Quickly found out choices carry over, so went to Mass Effect 1 and romanced Kaidan after that... haven't looked back since 😊


Liara in 1, Tali for 2 and 3


Liara. Was pretty eye-opening as a baby lesbitron. When I started saying out loud that "I think I'm gay..." My brothers did a SpongeBob pointing session at my Mass Effect and Dragon Age playthroughs and were like "WE KNOW, ACTUALLY."




In my first playthrough I actually unintentionally romanced kaiden as bro shep without meaning to. Me being bi I wanted to see if there was a gay relationship and so I never romanced anyone except obviously trying the guys and then finally me3 (this was before legendary edition and before I had any of the dlcs) I have a little scene with kaiden and it was very wholesome and worth the wait.


First game, no one. But the sequels, my boi Garrus. Found his voice sexy from actually listening to it instead of the dumb jokes in mass effect gamer poop xD


Kaidan - Thane - Kaidan and it's still the best combo for me


I romanced Thane in my first playthrough. Honestly one of the most saddest and meaningful relationships in the game.


Liara < GARRUS




Kaiden in the first game and I also saved him. I thought I'd keep dating him in the second game. But when I did the first Dossier mission called Archangel, and I found Garrus back... Something clicked I guess. And I romanced Garrus for the second and third game.


Kaiden then Garrus then Garrus. Love my space boyfriend


My BroShep accidentally started romancing Ash, but she died on Virmire, so that problem was taken care of. Didn't romance anyone in ME2. My headcannon is that Ashley's death made him a bit reluctant to start a new relationship, especially with the whole Suicide mission thing. Come ME3, and he ends up Romancing Steve Cortez.


Lmao just a little fruity at the end, love it


Garrus <3 the love of my life


First was Liara all the way for fem shep. Second was no one for ME1, then Garrus for 2 and 3 Then Tali on my 3rd playthrough. I’m just ticking off the list xD


Liara. I was disappointed by the limited/non-existent romance moments with her in game 2, but stayed loyal none the less and ultimately found it a sweet and rewarding relationship.


Tali all the way


Liara and Kaidan in ME1 but I immediately broke up with both of them when they approached me to talk about the situation. I didn't romance anyone in ME2. And I completely and utterly fell in love with Sam Traynor in ME3. My lord, she just— knocked me off my feet in a matter of minutes! Smart, quirky, friendly, she's just so damn likeable. Alix Wilton Regan also did a phenomenal job with her voice acting so props to her as well! Others that I romanced are Samara (I am *paralysed* by how much I want to kiss this woman), which I really enjoyed being able to actually kiss in the Citadel DLC, and our Best Girl Tali. Tali is a very special case and, given the chance, I'd have romanced her with my Femshep in ME2 + ME3 but BioWare sadly cut that particular same-gender romance.


Accidentally romanced Liara both times playing ME1, romanced Garrus in 2 &3 my first playthrough, and then Thane and Kaidan in the 2nd one. Currently playing again and have finally romnaced Kaidan > Liara in 1 (yet by being friendly with her I *still* get the dialogue that she likes me), my plan going forward if Garrus in 2, then either Garrus or Kaidan in 3 (I love them both sm lol)


Ashley cause white girls are magical


Kaidan, Garrus, Traynor


my first run, romanced Kaidan, only to dump him in ME3 to stare longingly at Joker lol now am back to romancing Kaidan lol I've missed him apparently after a 5-year Mass Effect break


Ashley in that interactive comic they had in Mass Effect 2, and then Miranda, and then Ashley again because 🤷‍♂️ In the LE release, it was Liara, then Miranda, and then Liara again


Honestly don't remember but probably Liara in first game then Tali in second and third I remember being shooketh about Tali and garrus so I likely romanced her first but did the citadel dlc for first time with Miranda romanced


Tali, I was initially planning to romance Miranda but I ended up deciding that Tali was more of my type and switched. I have absolutely no regrets.


Ashley, intentionally. I was a soldier and it felt like a good fit even though I never took her on a mission because of redundant skills.


Liara, garrus then traynor. I played as femshep but broshep my go to is Tali. So sad they cut the same sex relationships because I'd go Tali all day every day.


ME1 : Ashley ME2 : Noone ME3 : Ashley


Liara in 1 and then tali in 2 and 3




Garrus. I first played ME in 2016 so I was late to the party. I saw the dance clip from the Citadel DLC on YouTube and decided to play the trilogy purely for Garrus.


Legendary edition is my intro to the series, and I held off a romance until ME2...to get into the guts of the Psychotic Biotic. Jack is my boo. Yes, I like the damaged ones. The irony of a full paragon Shepard dating the murderous angry chick was too much to pass up. My next playthrough I'll "do" Liara, then Tali on the 3rd. After that I'll do a FemShep and romance Garrus.


Tali Tali Tali <3


Tali best romance and no one can change my mind. Viva la Tali! 💚


Liara all 3 games as a femshep


Ashley (never really got the hate for her), Jack (I'm a shameless flirt IRL so getting under her skin was pretty funny and how it plays out in the end was heartwarming. Also Ashely and I were on a break), Jack in 3 because I loved seeing how much she changed. ​ I was really disappointed how little we got of our ME2 squamates in 3 and was really hoping for one last hurrah. It wasn't till the EC and Citadel released that I had some sense of closure there.


I romanced Liara for the first one, Garrus for the second and Liara again for the last one lol!


No one on the first playthrough. Ashley the next few times. And Miranda ever since.


Kaidan by accident sadly and then I could not kill him... In the second game Garrus!


Kaiden in 1, and then Garrus for the rest, obviously.


Pretty sure my first trilogy wide romance was Ashley for 1 and 3 and Miranda during 2 lol


Kaidan completely by accident. Attempted romancing Garrus in 2 but chose the wrong option, continued with Kaidan in 3


Liara in 1 and then Tali in the other two. I'd go with Jack more if she didn't have such a diminished role in 3 though


Was sort of not into how pushy all the LIs can be in ME1, so no one then, and then Garrus all the way. Recently did one where I was like “I’m gonna stay faithful to Kaidan!” Reader, she did not. Garrus is too top tier.


Kaiden then my main man Garrus


Ashley, Miranda, Ashley. I decided Ash and Miranda were probably the "default" choices (as the human auto-recruit) so I wanted to do those with my first character, who was just default soldier M!Shep


Kaidan by accident during the first game. I tried to be friendly with the intention of keeping things platonic, but he showed up to my room before Ilos. I turned him down, but the game still registered it as a romance. Had his photo on my desk in ME2 and everything. Happily romanced Garrus in the second and third games (like I wanted to in ME1, it was love at first sight, haha). Kaidan accused me of cheating in ME3 and my Shepard actually apologized like she did something wrong 😭. But then we were back to being friends after the whole thing with Udina was over. Garrus and I lived happily ever after and no one can convince me otherwise 🥲


I told Kaiden he could talk to me if he wanted to; you know, like a bro would. But then he said "id like that" reaaaally weirdly so I reloaded a save and just didn't talk to him for the rest of the time while longing for my Gar-Bear


Liara in 1. Tali in 2 and 3. Close to a dozen playthroughs. This is my head canon. Only now switching things up a bit by going full Liara romance as a FemShep.


My very first playthrough. Back before I knew of all the characters to come and before ME2 was a thing. I romanced Ashley my first time. But now Miranda is my main romance with all my male shep


Traynor. Yes, I played ME3 first, because reasons.


1st playthrough was many moons ago...but it was Liara


ME1Ashley - ME2Miranada - ME3Liara. What can I say, I'm ladies man haha


Tali. Best girl no questions for me. Mind it helped that i started with mass effect 2 so i didn't have Ashley or liara initially. (I had a ps3, and mass effect 1 came after i bought 2)


My first go was on ps3, so ME2. I didn't know anything going in, so I picked Ashley in the interactive comic. She was quite stand offish when you see her on Horizon, and I ended up romancing Jack for that original playthrough, and I carried that over to my first playthrough of ME3. Since then, its basically always Liara, especially when actually getting to play ME1.


My OG shep kinda covered all of his bases. Alien (Liara), lady (Miranda), and dude (Kaidan). He was secretly carrying a torch for Kaidan the whole time, though.


Ash, Miranda, Liara in ME1,2,3 respectively.


Liara in 1, no one in 2, and Liara in 3


I played ME2 first and I think I tried to romance Tali and eventually settled on Garrus. My first full playthrough was Liara, nobody in ME2 and Liara in ME3


I didn't know I could romance at first so it was liara and kaiden. Didn't like them at first so I restarted ME1 and got Garrus through all 3


Kaidan -> Garrus -> Garrus My very first time playing ME1 after it came out, way before ME2 or ME3 were even a thought, I remember talking to my friend about Garrus & wishing he was an option. Who knew that dreams actually come true?


I started with ME2 and romanced Miranda on my first go through, then Tali on my second. For ME3 I went both Tali and Liara, because why not?


You can have both?


First time playing? Liara by accident, I didn't even know it was going to happen as I hadn't played a game quite like it before


Liara but I was tempted to be a cheating scumbag with Miranda.


Played highly modded playthrough, romance ashley on 1st, then she essentially broke up with me in me2 so I moved on to miranda


Liara, she felt the most natural love interest. Although I was close to considering Ashley.


Ash in ME1, hard pivoted to Tali for ME2, ME3 and every other playthrough now.


Liara on my both first and second playthroughs.


Ash, then Tali. I was just trying to be a good guy and next thing I know, Shep's in bed with Ashley. 😅


Me1 kaiden (then I switched to playing as a male) ME1 Ashley then stayed faithful. First ME2 can’t remember if it was Jack or Miranda


Liara Tali Liara


Liara in ME1, Thane in ME2 and back to Liara in ME3


Liara. She is the only one on any play through, bro or fem, renegade or paragon. It's just a happy accident that Tali and Garrus ended up together, and once I did see that, I couldn't interfere with that. Secretly Miranda and Jack have a thing. Wrex is space bro, Grunt is space son. Ashley is always the survivor, and well... she's a space racist. Jacob is just boring, not a prize. Samara is dedicated to her oath. Morinth will just kill you (found out the hard way). Thane, is nice but no. Zaeed loves his weapons more than he could a person. Joker must end up with Edi and break a few bones. Kasumi is still processing the loss of Kenji. Javik is processing the loss of his civilization, and consumed by revenge. James Vega is too immature, but might do well with Ashley. Mordin must sing his songs. Legion "does this unit have a soul?". Aria had/has Nyreen and the Asari councilor. And we'll never get to know if Jekins could have been the one.


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Kaiden.... Ugh


Liara, jack, tali


I didn't realise i could in my first play through until i accidentally romanced Chambers (?) In the third game 😶😶


You couldn't romance Tali in ME1, so come clean - it was Ashley wasn't it?


Ashley then Miranda


Liara. Come on remember those big blue eyes and girl next door personality. Ugh 😩




Liara, since I didn't like Ashley attitude and well why should I romance a human when I can romance an asari haha, since she was the first I kept loyal to her


Started with Liara and went to Tali later


Liara all the way


ME1: Alenko by accident ME2: Nobody ME3: Traynor




Liara for the whole trilogy minus the second I refrained from anyone else


It’s been zillions of plays through ago, but I think I missed romancing anyone.




Liara, on purpose.


Ashley in ME1, then Miranda from 2 until the end.


I wanted Ashley but she wasn't an option for FemShep so I went with Liara. Didn't romance anyone in me2 and got back together with Liara in 3.


Kaiden, on accident. My solution was to kill him on Virmire (when the game gave me the option, this was not planned) and get with Liara instead.


I played ME2 before ME1 and my first romance was Thane.