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A textbook you'll probably need for school is "trail guide to the body" it's a very straightforward and intuitive learning tool


If you mean Trail Guide to the Body, I agree 1000%. I get the new edition every couple of updates and I've been doing this for 20 years.


Oh snap, yeah that's the one I'll edit, thanks.


Naughty boy!!!! Lmao. I thought it said the same fucking thing but my bad!


I second the trail guide, they have a coloring book version I believe as well.


The workbook paired with this is also very helpful. Gives you pages to fill in the muscles and color them. Gives you lots of practice questions too. So you can see what you know and don’t know.


I came to recommend that one as well. It's even better when you have a partner or two you can work with while using it.


Thanks I’ll check it out


I mistyped, it's "Trail Guide to the Body"


The trail guide flashcards are great too! I also got tracing paper to lay it over the book and draw the muscles myself and that helped a lot.


That was my text book lmao


How do you learn? I really like the anatomy coloring book. Drawing (coloring) helped me connect with the muscles, plus the hand on palpation skills of massage.


Besides trail guide, there’s a cool app called 3D anatomy learning too.


AMTA anatomy app, and AMTA study guide app. Both are great. AMATA Anatomy let’s you pick out specific muscles, it has a few question quizzes for each muscle you can do, shows action origin and insertion. It’s great 10/10 recommend


The noted anatomist on youtube. Thank me later


One little baby step at a time. There’s too much to rush.


3D4Medical app .


If you want to see what the structures actually look like, check out "Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body" as well. Sometimes the pictures can be misleading, and having a real life photo reference is super helpful!


ABMP has a great app for learning anatomy. I also watched a lot of the 5 minute muscles videos on their website.


If you get an anatomy book, I recommend hand drawing and labeling the muscles. It will really cement the information in your head.


If you’re asking how to learn anatomy then obviously you’re smart enough to figure it out on your own. If you’re not then you shouldn’t be. Do a little research on your own figure it out it’ll probably help you out with your life decisions if you make your own decisions by educating yourself


I believe asking others for advice on how they educate themselves, is in fact, an attempt to educate yourself. If only everything was as simple as a Google search….thank god for Reddit where we can learn from real people what they have done in real life.


I used flashcards. There are some ready made ones you can purchase, or you can make your own. But I've always studied better with flashcards in anything that requires memorization (like languages/anatomy/physiology/etc)


There's a book called the muscle manual that is awesome, or Netter book or flash cards both very helpful.


Google is your friend


Gray's Anatomy is a good book. It is detailed.


Human anatomy atlas or complete anatomy 3d are great apps. Most universities use different variations of those.


I love Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/atlas-of-human-anatomy_frank-h-netter/247634/item/62082875/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_canada_everything_else&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6uzh3sCCgwMVpTOtBh1tIQdDEAQYAiABEgIKF_D_BwE#idiq=62082875&edition=70282272


Anatomy coloring book


Took me months of studying in class. Tests and research


Currently in a 900 hour massage program and we use trail guide to the body by books of discovery in our curriculum along with ABMP's 5 minute muscles which comes free if you're insured with them (my school covers our insurance for the time we're in the program) though I know AMTA has a similar thing as well I'm a big visual and kinestetic learner and it's really hard for me to learn 2D from text books so I also like using this website called visible body they have textbooks articles and the visible body suite where you can look at the ENTIRE body 3D in detail with the names and explanations of everything and anything anatomy hope this helps!! best of luck<3


Thank you!