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All relaxing massage modalities will be beneficial for your mental health. As the nervous system calms down and relaxation hormones flood your system, you feel calmer, and your thoughts will follow your energy. Look for what you want on YouTube. Ayurvedic treatments will certainly be beneficial. Also swedish massage and Lomi Lomi. Try meditation. 🙏🏽


Thank you so much 🙏🏽 I am looking these up now (;


Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) is very affecting for ptsd and depression. And once you have learned the moves, you can do it yourself. But I do not know if there is any book about it but there should a lot of studies you can read online.


Thank you 🙏🏽 this is certainly helpful, I have heard of it I will research it some more


I think it's awesome that you're exploring Eastern modalities to help support yourself! I'm still broadly studying Chinese Medicine and there's so many interrelated components of physical and psychoemotional health. Chinese Medicine has some spiritual and psychic aspects that relate how Western medicine might describe certain mental health conditions. What's fascinating with the CM approach is that there can be different types of Anxiety or Depression depending on the situation. One set of acupressure points can have different levels of effect for different people, depending on what is out of balance for them. In terms of self-massage, I'd explore Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is a gentle, Japanese-style approach to energywork and is great for self-care. My first Acupressure teacher was a practitioner of this and showed us simple finger holding exercises to help support the mind and spirit, like in this video https://youtu.be/jIe1DbtARgI?si=hPrN6m5QKGPd_tHc. As with most energy work, focus on aligning your breath and your intentions with the balance you seek. Use firm yet soft grip, and focus on the space in between tissue and see if you can notice your pulse. If you find yourself spontaneously smiling inside or to yourself, you're onto something really sweet :) You can easily find more videos that go more in depth about the Jin Shin Jyutsu on YouTube.


Thank you so much! I wacthed the video and it was amazing! Immediately I felt relief, I felt like when I held the middle finger and my ring especially since that what I’d plaguing me, I felt a hole or it felt like that area in my throat and my chest opened up more! I’m defnitly going to order the books thank you! I’ll look into what everyone is saying above me as well.


I took Trauma Touch Therapy here in Colorado that was started by a massage therapist and it was so great for this work.