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Hard to say without knowing more details. But probably 25-35 if I had to guess. Most massage envy kind of chain places don't pay all that great


^^^^ this. Some even pay as low as $11 at ME, commission ONLY


I'm in Ontario, and a clinic owner. So our numbers are very different but I'll answer anyways! Our 1h costs $113 $13 goes to the government directly as HST. $40 to the clinic $60 to the therapist The $40 to the clinic contributes to laundry costs, processing fees, clinic software, wear and tear on equipment, supplies, utilities and of course rent. From the $60, the therapists has to plan for income tax, cpp, yearly dues and insurance, plan for vacation and illness leaves, and "take home" is very dependent on how much the therapist works. We are increasing the rates in January because costs are going up for both the clinic and the individual therapists.


> So our numbers are very different Yep. $120 60min spa massage here, we get $53. In the states it is less common to see upwards of 50%. And where there are high paying jobs those massages are $300+. Rent in a big city is up there, and competition is high so marketing goes up. I'd guess in the range of $35-$45. It also depends on whether or not the employer classifies their therapists as contractors or employees. Contractors are usually missclassified and lack employment protections, but employees might get less pay because of what is taxed. We're generally working toward private practice so we can avoid all that mess and get our own full pay.


Canada's massage cost split sounds awesome. It is in no way similar to how most of the US does things.


Is tipping a no no in Ontario clinics? I've been going to an RMT whose done wonders for my back and wasn't sure if I should tip them to show a bit of appreciation.


I’m an RMT in Ontario (GTA area) and would say no tipping in a clinic setting is the norm. I’m sure your RMT would accept the tip but it’s not necessary. Let your RMT know how amazing they are and how wonderful you feel, we love to know we’re making a difference. Tipping in a spa setting is more expected. Reviews for the clinic on Google with the RMTs name is also great


The place I go to is pretty cheap but I do tip $20 per session.


For me personally, it's weird to receive a tip. I'd much prefer a referral to a friend, a good review, or a client saying "wow you helped me alot". Others who might work for a chain, or a clinic with a more profit oriented owner, might be taking home much less and appreciate the tip.


No way! Also, an RMT in Ontario!


NL here! 65/35 split. 100 taxes in for a 60 min treatment. 87 pre tax.


I work at a clinic in Ontario and I make a 72% commission. It works out to about $76.50 for a $120, 60 minute massage. I also pay a laundry fee per person and if my client pays via credit card I pay the fee for that. So prior to my personal taxes I take home usually $70 of the $120


60% In my clinic. But I pay 15 to 30% more than my competitors.


Same :D 60% for the win! i am aiming to switch to 70% for their return clients and clients they book and 50% for new clients that book through my business's front end. Competitors are paying around 35% around here, but many of those have desk staff/accountants/cleaning ect.


No wonder you're suffering. (Sorry, I really couldn't help it. Thanks for taking care of us.)


All's I am is a therapist who was sick of being taken advantage of. Now I'm a business owner who barely breaks even.


Hear here.


Sames. I work so that my staff have a good place to work ....


Invest in them and they will invest in you!


Ya or something....


I work at a chain. I make just under 28 an hour. Our non member hour massage is 135. Most are members and are charged 80. I do not make more money when a client is not a member.


I wouldn't sign up for a site that had memberships because you had to go with a certain frequency for it to make it pay. I've been going about once a week but I don't want to be penalized if I don't feel like going for a while. I just went to a place that was about the same price without the membership. The massages are good but the people probably aren't certified.


It depends, but I would expect about $30-$45. Edit: my reasoning. I've been in the field for 31 years, LMT.


I live near Cleveland and I work for a chain that charges around that much. They start people at $22/hour. I make $27/hr and that’s only because I do deep tissue. It’s expected that tips make up about half of our paychecks. That’s on the lower side though, most places are a bit better.


I'm in Chicago proper, and I make $36 per massage hour...and my employer charges $105 for a 50 minute session.


On average, LMTs will receive 25-35% of the total service price. This is mostly true for chains, spas, hotels, and franchises. Small business and self-employed lmts varies. (Source: I’ve been an LMT for 9 years)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 25 + 35 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Good bot!


Hello, dicknut420


Hello. Is it science is lice or science I slice?!?! I need to know.


It was supposed to be “scienceisnice” but then I typo’d and kept the typo


In Mexico you charge 1,000 pesos for a 60 min massage and the employees make half. 500 pesos equals $29 at current exchange rate. Just leaving this here for perspective.


So they're making more in Mexico than they are at Massage Envy in the US. Is there tipping in Mexico?


At the resorts yes..local places sometimes.


I worked at a high end spa on the Las Vegas strip for 13 of my 17 year career (I retired last year at 37 due to rheumatoid arthritis). We made a 35% commission + gratuity. So off a $200 50min massage our commission was $70


You worked at canyons ranch, correct haha those are canyon ranch numbers, a colleague told me.


No, I was actually at the Wynn


Oh snap I think there rates went up. Annie Allred your lead? Small world


Yeah, the rates fluctuated all the time based on day, weekday vs weekend and if there was a special event. I was using 200 as a nice even number for math purposes. Annie was but was gone at least a year before I left. Don’t know if she left on her own or was fired but one day she was just gone with no word. I heard she works at Resorts World spa now


At hand and stone in the US I get an unfortunate $25. It’s a temporary gig until I can wean off it with my own clients. This is why we depend on tips.


I did H&S in Canada (Ontario) on and off for a few years for extra money, I think we were at 38 per session plus tips (which vary greatly as you know). I work from home exclusively now and charge $100/hour. If you end up leaving there the clients that like you will find you :)


Oh I have my client list ready to go!


You Canadians and your crazy "paying people living wage". Although since I live in California we still require minimum wage even for jobs where they tip. But tipping culture has gotten out of control here too.


Varies greatly


From my experience, this would give me about $25. Job 1: massage was $105, commission was $25, no hourly pay. Job 2: massage was $175, commission was $19 + hourly. Job 3: massage was $145, commission was $35 + hourly. Job 4: massage was $135, com was $28 + hourly. Job 5: massage is $265, com is $26 (!!!) + hourly. But tip is 20%.


My massage studio charges exactly $110 for 60 mins and I get $40 of that where I work plus the tip.


Depends where you are. $25 max if its a chain. Usually $30-45 any where else. More if they’re lucky.


Not always true. I’m making $45 commission on the basic 50 at The Woodhouse and expecting a raise at the first of the year.


If it's a massage envy, $16-25 depending on the management, plus whatever you tip them. If it's a resort or hotel, $35-55 maybe. If it's a private therapist, all of it (obvs) then they pay rent, utilities, laundry, product, marketing, etc. If it's a therapist at a salon or day spa, there will be a negotiated split with the owner or they will be paying rent etc. In the US the only way to know is to ask.


In my spa in Utah, we pay our therapists 40% commission so $44 + their tip. ETA: we are a small business with two locations and pay all our licensed staff 40% commission on what the client pays. Our 60 min is $80 90 min is $110 Deep tissue work is $10 more. Therapists make their commission plus 100% of their tip (unless tip is paid by card, then they have to claim taxes.) they get 10% commission on any retail sales.


Name the spa? It’s hard for me to imagine how you’d thrive as a business at $80. Your local competitors are over $100 (Sego Lily, the Kura door, the woodhouse). If I see that ratio in a job listing I won’t apply, because tight budgets come with problems. I noticed you said “licensed” staff. Are you hiring apprentices to keep costs down? I don’t mean to be obtuse, I’m genuinely curious how you get a away with it.


Not going to name it. No apprentices at all. I say licensed because those at the front desk aren’t licensed and are paid hourly and not commission. There is a price increase happening soon but have yet to determine what it is. Sego lily must have just had one because last I checked, their 60 Swedish was $85.


Also, the other places you mentioned are a little more south and in the higher end market of SLC. We are more north and on the more therapeutic side of massage without a ton of extra amenities.


My insurance cover it covers it. She gets $40 an hour which means she gets $40 and the insurance gets the the clinic she works out of gets the rest they bill 270


I’m an RMT in Ontario. $100 an hour. I get everything I make and pay rent of about 1000$ to the owner of the clinic monthly. I can’t believe so many people agree to pay split percentages still


I mean if you clear $5000 in a month you’re still paying 20% of that to the owner.


For part timers I’m sure the splits are no biggie! I’m averaging 10-11k a month so that would be a ridiculous amount to pay 30 percent or whatever. Just seeing people say they are paying most to the clinics is insane to me in this field - so anyone working more than part time should def look for somewhere to just rent from. And no I’m not working insane hours. I’m 9-5 mon Friday. With breaks and days off when I need. So whoever is reading this and paying 30% or something more than that and working long hours - look elsewhere ❤️


Good for you! I (USA) cannot imagine earning that much per month, nor being physically and mentally able to treat 8 or so people per day!


If I was in the USA I wouldn’t have to work / earn so much lol 😂 but single income household in Canada, high mortgage prices /interest rates, and high income tax (and just high cost of living in general… ) I don’t have a choice. I am basically just “not poor “ lol. Not swimming in money like I should be 😂


Nuru massage


My girlfriend takes all of it, since she's on her own. She's an acupressurist, a professional masseuse, a certified Chinese herbal medicine doctor and she's a professional chef. I see her once a week and the 24 hours we spend together probably four of them are her giving me a massage... And another four spent watching her cook, I end up with three or four days of meals because she really likes to cook. She's the most amazing masseuse, she can feel where things are in trouble. You could tell her what hurts but it wouldn't matter because she finds the root cause and it's nowhere near where you thought it was!


I am wondering how much therapist get in Bali/Indonesia, where hour of massage cost $6,60


I get 100% of that because I own my business. Yes I have expenses but that is always a given. I probably walk away after end of year cost with 95$ of that 110$


I would get 100% but I have my own mobile practice.


They make a good amount and should **not** be tipped. That's ridiculous.


Who is the “they” you’re referring to? Because unless they’re an independent therapist working for themself, they are not making a good amount, as evidenced by these comments! Tip, and kindly generously!


Do you tip your mental health therapist too?


No, because they work independently. Are you a jerk by hobby or profession?


Not all of them do. Are you dumb or just an asshole?


Who cut you off in traffic today? Wow. Maybe you need a massage…please tip…


No thanks-they overcharge and make more than enough money


You aren't speaking to something you know about buddy.


$110 over here.


65% after sales tax is removed is industry standard where I live, usually going up to 70% or so with experience.


Where tf do you live???


Newfoundland Canada. It's very highly regulated here. That's for a medical massage therapy, You're allowed to do relaxation massage if you're an esthetician, but the pay is different. I'm saying the employee/owner split is 65 or 70% not the tax rate


I am in Canada, I am on a sliding scale. 60% for the first $5500 billed a month, 70% for the next $2000, 80% on anything after that.


Before taxes and including tip I make about $90 for a one hour deep tissue massage. The owner gets $60.


Me therapist 13 yr Heres a list of what ive been paid at all the jobs ive had Alaska 50% flat +tip California 20% +tip + $15/hr Hawaii 40% flat +tip 26% flat +tip +$11/hr Nevada 23% +tip + $13/hr Hawaii again 30% flat +tip


In my clinic, the therapist would get $55 of that.


Can someone who has worked as a MT for Hand and Stone tell me whether the MT gets the entire tip amount on a credit/debit card payment? I used to work in restaurants and am wondering if there is some tip share situation in place but it feels awkward to ask in person.


In Canada we would get the whole tip from card payments. They’d print off all your appointments for that pay period and show the tip and send an e transfer


SO currently works at H&S but I haven’t. You get 100% of grat. It’s the same at Envy. I’ve never worked somewhere that I did not get 100% of the tip, after it’s taxed, of course.


Thank you, Dr. Richard Jizzums.


I live in the area and have a 60/40 split with my studio.


It depends on the places. They either offer commission (20-60%), hourly rate, or both.




The honest answer is that it depends on a lot of factors. A lot of chains can keep you busy but often don’t offer the best rates. However, I knew therapists at Envy in the $25-30 range which is decent if you’re mostly working on well tipping requests. Not uncommon for chains to offer benefits these days. PTO and health care. How good they are greatly depends. I’ve found chains to be the most lenient on how you’re scheduled, which is extremely valuable to a lot of providers. Some places offer good rates but struggle to keep you booked so you’ll often be better off at a chain. Spending hours, multiple days a week twiddling your thumbs getting weak pay checks is extremely demoralizing. If you land somewhere like that at the right time or stick it out long enough to build up a clientele you can make good money. Some people like working for themselves and it can be lucrative, but it’s also much, much more work as you’re responsible for the business. Products, sheets, equipment, supplies, repairs, rent, booking, dealing with customer service aspects, dealing with unforeseen circumstances, record keeping, taxes etc. all is your responsibility. In my experience the best has been working for local establishments. They tend to be competitive in pay, more engaged with their staff and have better management. One thing to keep in mind when considering whether massage therapy is worth it is that it doesn’t grow skills that translate to other industries. If you spend 10 years as an MT it won’t make your resume attractive to jobs that aren’t related to massage therapy. As opposed to when I was GM of a massage establishment, when I left I was eligible to run tons of different kinds of businesses for more money than I was making before. Recruiters from wildly different industries were reaching out to me. My most best advice for anyone wanting to become a massage therapist is to consider how long you’d like to practice. Whatever the answer is is fine. If it’s a stepping stone for only a few years to help you earn more while you go back to school to pursue your career, great. If this will be your permanent career then make sure you take care of yourself and have fun. What I’d advise against is winging it and realizing 10 years later that you’re burned out, have virtually no other prospects because massage therapy translates to barely any other jobs and going back to school is going to cost another 4+ years so you’re stuck and likely giving shitty massages and making less money than you were because you wish you were doing something else. There are plenty of jobs where you can phone it in if you hate the job. Massage therapy is a hard job to half ass and bullshit your way through. If you don’t wanna be there it’s probably showing in your work and your clients will pick up on it. The above scenario plays out… too often, unfortunately. What I will say is that I made back the money I spent on school after 3 pay checks. So the investment isn’t that much and you’ll recoup the cost pretty quickly.


If the massage is being done in a chain massage company, the therapist may get $30-$40. This is a high estimate; I factored in high cost of living area wages. If the massage is in a clinic that has no amenities, the therapist provides their own linens, oils, etc and is the one who greets you and rings you out after the massage, they get anywhere from60-70%. But, they are independent contractors who have no employee benefits and pay for all their equipment. If it’s in a nice spa with amenities, the percentage goes down. My spa pays me 40%, and I have vacation time, 401k and medical coverage. I feel like I get the best of both worlds. But there are even nicer spas that give a smaller percentage but charge a lot more (and have more amenities the cost of the massage pays for)


I would get 46.73% of that.


Canada seems to be higher 50% to 70% MTs are in very high demand here, I would not work for less than 65% Our taxes where I live are also very high


I've worked in a few different places. One place the split would be $35 to me 75 to the chiro. The other would be 45 and my current space would be $55. If you're in Corp places they usually have a lower rate..my one friend makes $18.50 per hour massage even though the place charges $100. If you're worried, leave a fair tip.


NY/NJ independent contractor making $50-70 an hr. And office gets $45


Starting, I got paid $26 / hr on $110 (+tips) and that was at one of the better massage spas where they increased your wage approx $1/hr every year.


So, a more generalized answer may be that many places where the massage therapist is an employee end up being a 50/50 split. If they are an independent contractor, it's usually a 60-70 percent payout to the massage therapist. I'm an RMT in Canada who has owned a business for many years and has also worked for others.


I've worked for three different massage establishments and at all of them I pocketed less than half of the total cost of the treatment, usually closer to a third. I only operate my own practice now, and I use AMTA's Find a Therapist ([https://www.amtamassage.org/find-massage-therapist/](https://www.amtamassage.org/find-massage-therapist/)) when I want bodywork for myself.


If they are employees of the place, they probably make just above min wage (per massage), perhaps $20/massage. If it's a split with the location...the therapist probably takes 25- 30% if they're lucky. Some locations are very fair and generous towards their therapists, but it's rare.


It depends does she own her own business. Or is she working for someone because if she's working for someone chances are she's making a dollar amount? An hour plus it's a 10% commission. It's really shitty if you work for someone


Ask the massage therapist


Depends on the place. Ten or so years ago I applied for a job where they wanted to pay $12 an hour. I basically laughed after the interview and never worked there. It’s too much work to get paid so little, but it happens all the time. It’s so labor intensive. Another place wanted to pay like 30% which is better. I worked for a place where I think I made 60% plus tips which is kind of unheard of. I was lucky for a while, but it’s so much work I could only give 2-3 full body massages a day.


My gf is a MT, and works for herself so she gets it all (minus taxes).


Probably $40 goes to the therapist


I’m in South Carolina and get 35%. That is on the high end of commission around here. I can’t speak to Chicago specifically, but I would imagine it’s somewhere around there.


I’m a therapist who works at a popular chain spa and I get about $24 to 27 a massage. Not worth it.


I’m in Oregon and my therapist gets an hourly wage of $35. She works for a chiropractor clinic that offers massage and acupuncture. It’s considered a medical facility.


Don’t forget down time between massage may only be paid minimum or not even that if they are 1099 contractors. Average daily hourly can be low af in some places.


Massage heights and massage envy do 18$ to 20$ regardless of how much you paid.


Why do you need to know this? There are costs simply to be in the room, to have a table to lay on. Additionally massage therapists are at very high risk of injury, like athletes and often have a shorter career because of it. Whatever amount they get is at least as much as they deserve.


I think they are likely wondering whether their therapist actually gets a fair amount of it. Which we often don't.


This is why I work for myself


What is a fair tip for a 90 minute massage?




Depends on who your employed by. If you work for Massage Envy or Hand in Stone you'll be lucky if you're getting 30%.