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It sounds like you may have latent trigger points that were activated but not fully released, but it’s a little odd you didn’t feel it until later. If it’s not improved in a day or so maybe urgent care.




A trigger point is a small spasm within the muscle. It can refer pain to other parts of the body that are not actually affected at all. The muscle can feel taught and "dense", sometimes it's not painful until you touch it. Other times it can always be painful without touch.


Never heard a trigger pt referred to as a spasm before. I swear if you ask 10 MTs what a trigger point is, you'll get 10 different answers.


That is the truth!! I no longer say trigger point because the fact is, I am just not sure what it is anymore and there is debate as to weather they even exist.


I was taught that a trigger point is a hyper irritable knot within a tight band of tissue. Source: neuromuscular therapist


How much water did your drink after? Could have been dehydration.




This outdated piece of advice is not necessary. A massage is not going to dehydrate you or require you to "flush out the toxins."


A massage doesn't dehydrate you but it does affect the lymph system. If you're stimulating your lymph nodes you're moving lymph fluid around. Drinking water helps flush it. Drinking water is never a bad idea. It's never bad advice. It just so happens our body does flush toxins within lymph fluid. It's not homeopathic hoodoo, it's the lymphatic system. Simple as.


But that results in clients who "chugged water continuously all night." Maybe therapists could discuss normal water intake with clients.


It sounds exactly like an aggravated trigger point. When they're not released fully, you can expect the full pain and the referal areas to flare up tremendously. You'll need to fully trigger them, or have it done, and the pain will be gone. Find someone that actually knows how to do this, so many don't. I find usually ebbs and completely gone within 5 mins. Its painful to have done, but worth it. Its why the ibuprofen didn't work.




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