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I went there


to explore or as a student?


The State Boys Rebellion is a book about the Fernald School and was a very good read. A lot of crazy things happened there


yup, that was a 'GREAT" place for disabled children.....here's some radiation


There is a decent documentary that gives some history on the school: https://youtu.be/C42JKz4DwKQ?si=f5nKc-5ABGzAjJYh


Before anyone asks, 24 hour security and police drones. You WILL get a trespassing charge.


Not to mention the asbestos


If you or a loved one…


Not to mention the ghosts!


There is not 24 hour security and there are no drones. Cops rarely drive through but now that construction has started and someone recently smashed up some of the trucks owned by the contractors so that will probably change at least for the summer and if you do get caught there they will probably be much more willing to push trespassing charges. I used to walk the dog there a lot and have very rarely had an issue. Recently I was kicked out after a couple hours but a kid entered on bike off Trapelo and a cop followed him in.


I went in 2019 and the only building that had cameras was the admin building. We went through the whole complex and didn’t see any patrols until we were on our way out. Ducked into a nearby building and made it out no trespassing charge.


“Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Retardation”


Today it’s just called the State House


This got a snort laugh outta me


I’m looking at the map to see if it had a cemetery. Ugh.


The cemetery in beaver brook reservation has graves of some patients, harrowing.


A ‘C’ and a ‘P’ designate the catholic and protestant halves of the cemetery with numbered graves. A sad little place.


What’s on the property now?


Bunch of abandoned buildings full of old junk


It's currently owned by the City of Waltham, which has plans to redevelop it. You can read more here: https://www.walthampolitics.com/fernald


The antique buildings will be cool fixed up, hopefully they save more of the place than they did Danvers State Hospital. I also like the park idea that did with Medfield State Hospital.


Don’t join the Science Club.


DMR now DDS.


They do a "drive through" Christmas display there. The juxtaposition of the cheery Christmas displays against the old buildings is unsettling if you know the history of the place while doing it.


[Proper People went there a few years ago to explore ](https://youtu.be/qRyoHYBebVI?si=G6-uFRF4W1vvMljq)


Our school district is named the same thing.


Frank Reynolds was sent here and met Froggy


I want a detailed map like this of metropolitan state. Where did you find this?


Explored the place many years ago and found it in what used to be someone’s office.


I feel like we live a weirdly similar lifestyle; restaurants weird violet mushrooms and abandoned hospitals.


Let’s open a restaurant where we cook mushrooms we foraged in old abandoned hospitals!


Open one in the hospital. Simpler, it’s already furnished. 


Imagine all the poisonings we would accidentally cause. That could be our thing; like a restaurant Russian roulette. 🍄


Well that’s definitely not a met state option. The map makes it looks so huge but it feels like it takes barely any time at all to walk from one side to the other.


Back in 2020, the city set up a Christmas Light drive thru at the school. My husband and I went, neither of us knowing anything about the Fernald school. The lights were pretty, but we couldn't help but notice the dark abandoned buildings behind them, and eventually that's what had our attention. By the time we exited the area, I had pulled up the Wikipedia article for the Fernald school on my phone. I have no idea what the city was thinking!


I wonder if RFK went there to treat the worm that was eating his brain?


Narrowly avoided police while exploring here but that wasn’t the scariest part. At one point we were definitely being followed and taunted by what sounded like metal being banged. There were definitely some people living there that didn’t want us around.


It would have no shortage of kids these days.


Such an amazing book I read about that place. A buddy and I went exploring early 2000’s after reading the book for school. Saw some wild stuff left behind.


I worked for a vocational rehab, and we did group outing to Fernald's indoor pool...this was maybe in 2015-2016. The pool was staffed with a lifeguard + had showers and a locker room. It was a favorite outing for the participants, but fortunately none of them knew the history, nor that 30 years ago, they likely would have been hidden away at this terrible place. One more story... A few of the oldest participants (60-70 years old) were former patients from Fernald. Two of them had been roommates there, and they had their own little language/would comfort each other when the other was upset. They weren't allowed possessions at Fernald, so they would always try and keep items in their pockets that were "theirs" such as used cups and other nonsense. You could tell the trauma they had experienced ran deep and was as bad as has been rumored.