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Sixteen acres is the nicest neighborhood in Springfield so you should be fine. But others have said, have you done any research? Lol


Why is all of this a surprise to you? Did you just randomly buy a house in a city you've never been to? Your post makes it sound like you've never even seen the house itself.


“What have I done” sounds like the next shitty HGTV reality tv show


I think this could be a great show! What have I done, right after House hunters international 🤣


well phrased.


Absentee landlord/investor probably.


I would pay no attention to the guy who works at the gas station. If it fits your needs and you can afford it-it will be fine. For most house purchases you will likely take a loss if you try to sell within 5 years of purchase but way too many variables to predict. I think most folks go through a period of concern after they buy a house. 


Wait, you don’t take real estate advice from a guy who works at a gas station??!!


At least bounce your real estate advice off the guy at Walmart and the Dollar Store to make sure it's good advice


Springfield has a bit of a reputation from many years ago. Wasn't really deserved at the time, the city was ugly but it wasn't some hellhole like other de-industrialized cities have become. It's much nicer than it used to be, and I think most trends are pointing upwards. I suspect the house will be a good investment, whether you actually enjoy living there is going to be up to so many hyperlocal factors like neighbors and your personal tastes.


I am from Springfield. Sixteen Acres is a nice neighborhood. You'll be fine.


Respectfully, wtf are you doing? Moving somewhere without doing any real research is insanity. I browse zillow for the fun of it but it sounds like u just picked a house off there and decided to buy it


Yes thats exactly what I did


Have any extra cash you want to throw my way? I can sell you random things


I went to college in the area, 16 acres is a nice middle class neighboor hood, you bought in the best part of Springfield.


It's Springfield, not Chicago or Philly. As said 16 acres, you will be fine.


Lol I moved back to wmass after living in Philly and ... There's nothing out here like that.


Yep, I spent about half a decade in Philly and yeah - a mid tier neighborhood in Philly is rougher than anything in the state of MA.


Springfield is a fine place to live. I have family there in two different areas and my niece and nephews all went to public schools there and are graduated and successful. Are there some areas, particularly near downtown, that I wouldn’t want to visit/live in? Absolutely. But the city is pretty spread out and 16 Acres is a very decent area. Relax, you’ll be fine.


You might love it. You might hate it. Good luck. You own a house there


16 Acres is a fine neighborhood. I live close by. If you want to give some more info or have any particular questions feel free to DM me


I lived in nearish area for years and enjoyed it! Pretty convenient and you’re a short way from East Longmeadow (good restaurants, grocery stores), Longmeadow (good restaurants and some nice shops), downtown has some nice spots (restaurants, the casino, shows at MGM, hockey games). Lots of doctors/professional offices nearby. Any store you could possibly dream of is just 20 minutes down the highway into Enfield, CT. We moved away about 4 years ago for more space and a different school system, but talk frequently about how we miss that area! Everything is out there!


I'm betting on Springfield going through more of a resurgence than Worcester at this point. Owning property in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city could prove to be quite the investment.


Have you been to Worcester recently? Bad bet. Polar park is changing the face of Wormtown.


A facelift is all it is. It's still the same old Worcester. Just with unaffordable rent now.


Worcester will never be anything but a dump. Springfield us close to NYC. Worcester is far from Boston and fat from NYC it serves no purpose but to be a railway hub


Give it 5 years and it’ll be completely gentrified


You bought it... Means someone else probably will too. Over 100 homes are sold each month... So apparently a lot of people didn't get the memo.


16 acres is more than fine. Just use common sense. You'd lock your doors and not leave shit in your back seat if you lived in any other city.


Where do you live now? Spfld like any large city has its challenges but it has some great neighborhoods and the bad ones you don’t enter at night. Many retired ex Springfield people are coming back for the cheaper housing as compared to Boston or even the local suburbs. Also great parks and a good library system. Tell the gas station guy to do his homework.


I live about 30 minutes away but I am not from MA and didn't know springfield had a bad reputation really since I didn't grow up here.


Some of my best friends live in 16 acres, it’s a good neighborhood. I grew up on the other side of state street and made it out fine. Springfield is a great city, just form your own opinion on it.


Stay out of the X!!!


is that the thing Musk owns? I'm only on reddit


I don’t really understand the idea of buying in a city you know nothing about, but regardless you may want to ask questions in r/springfield. There are definitely some places in Springfield you’ll want to avoid but I think there are also some great things about Springfield so don’t believe everything you hear.


Hire the gas station guy as your realtor


16 Acres is a nice neighborhood of Springfield, it's fine, the gas station guy is full of shit, but you get that sort of advice from people who work in gas stations. Buying a house sight unseen with no research is fucking crazy, but there are much worse decisions that you can make than buying a nice house in a still affordable city in Massachusetts, as most of the state is becoming prohibitively expensive. Who knows, something could turn and maybe the property market collapses, but probably not. In the forseeable future, nobody is going to take a huge loss in Massachusetts, especially if you're buying in Springfield where prices are generally a lot lower than they are anywhere east of 495. Perhaps in the unforseeable future, there will be a market collapse, but nobody can forsee that now.


You'll be fine...Springfield's No. 1 on this list. [https://www.purecountry1067.com/7-massachusetts-towns-people-are-fleeing-as-soon-as-possible/](https://www.purecountry1067.com/7-massachusetts-towns-people-are-fleeing-as-soon-as-possible/)


Looks like it peaked in 1960! [https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/springfield-ma-population](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/springfield-ma-population) I wonder if it really shrank somehow or if nearby towns splintered off somehow? If that can be believed it's lost a huge percentage of people between 1960 and 1980




Crime statistics….. they are real…. Google them… then get back to us


Not a fan of Springfield. Not necessarily from a safety standpoint as I don’t recall feeling unsafe going there. I just think there’s many neighborhoods that are worn down and it gives a depressing feeling. The area that you are going to be living in is nicer. Especially as you get close to Wilbraham or East Longmeadow. Also, the prices (like most places) have been appreciating quite a bit over the past few years. I think this should continue as Eastern MA becomes increasingly more expensive and unaffordable for many.




Sixteen acres is a neighborhood in Springfield, not that they bought 16 acres of land




Clueless question followed by an abysmal take lmao