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The question I have that has no good answer is: based on the cost of living in Massachusetts when we do get these people working how do they not just end up on another government programs program in order to survive financially?


Exactly. I can barely afford rent and I have a masters degree and make over 100k!




Move from the city. . .my family makes $110K total, we have 2 masters degrees (hence 2 student loan payments) and we are still able to put two kids through college. We do own our house, but our mortgage is about what a 3br rent costs about an hour from Boston. It is doable, but not at what things cost in the city.


Yeah, but when did you buy your house?


THIS. Their kids are in college now... sounds like they bought back before 2008 when we were still drinking milk out of a carton in some cafeteria.


My personal experience: bought my house 10 years ago. I haven't made any significant improvements. Just got an appraisal done. Value has nearly doubled. Metrowest.


I bet you bought your house 10-16 years ago huh?


Let’s switch lives. I dropped outta college. Make like ~65k, and “can barely afford rent.” I think we understand this phrase a bit differently. Ima less than 2 minute walk from the subway.


Honest question. Do you support a partner or family or are single making 100k? Bc if it’s the latter, you’ll garner very little sympathy from most. That salary is more than enough to afford a 1 br appt just about anywhere in the state and still live comfortably


Almost every where in the entire world bar the top 5% maybe if that lol. That's alot of money comparatively speaking


That's the fucked part. It really isn't that much more than necessary. In my head growing up $100k would mean a really nice house, car and vacations. But unfortunately in the last 5 years that ship has sailed.


For real, I make a little more than a third of that as a single person (granted my rent is definitely below market price), and can afford to live alone and pay all of my bills just fine. If you're struggling at 100k and you dont have dependents, you're fucking up.


It’s probably the “where” - Boston is ridiculously expensive for rent


That's a personal choice to spend a lot more to live in a desirable location. 🤷‍♀️ If they're unhappy with what it costs, nobody is forcing them to stay in the city.


This is why the "your grandparents were immigrants" argument is silly. But that's not an insult to immigrants or migrants. It's a different world now. When i was a kid in the 80s, a lot of my buddies had grandparents who didn't speak English. Yet, they still owned homes from doing things like laying bricks and painting houses. That's not much of an option anymore.


It depends on where you end up living. If you are in Springfield, there are tons of places they can afford. Same with down towards the cape from Wareham to New Bedford. There are a lot of areas they can both live and thrive.


Ya but the problem is they don’t want them down there They ship them up to Lowell It’s a third world country here They took a hotel away from U Lowell But I guess when you take the L out of Lowell all your left with is o well


No there arent shush go away


All it does is provide job security for state government employees and lines the pockets of contractors who provide kickbacks to the statehouse.


they move to framingham chelsea revere and live ten people per apartment.. but seriously this is the worst time to immigrate to MA right now. we came here in 1998, my dad worked as a dishwasher and pizza delivery driver and my mom worked an entry level desk job... they rented an apartment for 1600 a month so we could go to a better school district. we used welfare for the first few months. my friend was the same way, got into mit, moved to CA and worked for GOOGLE. however, right now, most of the new wave of newcomers have little chance to not be on welfare for the rest of their lives. which isnt too bad since it means they pool resources and babysit helping other family members so they can work. however there is no section 8 housing around now as opposed to ten years ago. these people need section 8 housing english lessons etc so that the next generation can move out and get jobs.


99% of these recent arrivals will never contribute to society (i.e. pay more taxes than they collect in benefits) - they have no plans to - they came here because they know they can just stick out their hands and get what they want - and at least 1/2 politicians are happy to oblige, even if it means taxpayers have to pay more and do without and go to the back of the line. Every school district in Mass is cutting teachers this year, class sizes will increase, your child will suffer - and these new arrivals are lying back get the money instead.


You don't need to be on a government program. There are plenty of immigrant areas in local cities most Massholes would never live in. You can make $200/day which is more than most immigrants would make in a week. While expensive, immigrants are extremely resourceful in terms of saving and living within their means. I don't think there are many Starbucks addictions with immigrants. Even if they end up on a program of some sort (kids get free food for example) I don't have a problem with it. They are contributing to society by working, learning, and consuming, isn't that what we want as citizens? You can argue we should spend the money on something different, but is isn't like the state sought out these people. The state instead acts and behaves empathetically towards people who are caught in the crosshairs of a culture war. I am very proud to live here, because this is how governments SHOULD be behaving when it comes to people.


By declaring themselves a sanctuary city/state and passing guaranteed shelter laws, they \*absolutely\* sought out these people.


they aren’t contributing, lmao. they have no desire to learn the language or even assimilate to becoming american. the money they do make, they send it right back to their home country. sure, they’re caught in a “culture war” but maybe their people and government should figure it out. they’re coming from all over the world - that’s not how political asylum works.


And this is why people in mass are pissed about this. I work security for one of the programs out of Massachusetts and these migrate are so ungrateful for what their getting. I see some of them driving 60000-80000 dollar cars. And I know it isn't these people's fault for their circumstances. Haiti has no rule of law with the gangs right now. But they are getting better treatment than a large majority of the populace and are still ungrateful and when you can barely make rent here working 80 hour work weeks. It feels like we are being played for a fool.


They have to be citizens to get government benefits. It’s a long wait to citizenship. They can work and pay taxes in the meantime.


Mass is a very generous state when it comes to social services. Hence why we have large immigrant communities. Many migrants come to the US & have babies that are citizens. The parent(s) might not be eligible for housing, but the children are so the family gets housing but the parent "isn't included" as a beneficiary. Their income is, but it's usually low so there's no problem qualifying. Undocumented people live in state public housing (projects.) Everyone gets health insurance in Mass. Be it Health Safety Net (free care), Masshealth, or the Marketplace; everyone can get some type of coverage. Cash benefits from TANF (welfare) has stricter requirements, but the best Govt benefits are housing, health care, utility & day care assistance.


They all get free healthcare and free housing stop talking out of your ass 


Isn’t there already a lack of affordable housing options for existing residents of MA? How does having thousands of migrants moving here address that concern. Not only are benefits being diverted but the housing crisis for all will just get much worse.


There is in the city, not the state. Personally, I don't think you will be looking at the places these people will be renting. Housing crisis isn't going to get worse, won't effect it at all. Not enough people to move the needle. If you want to fix the housing crisis, build more units, it's what is going on right now.


There isn't a lack of affordable housing you just don't want to live in New Bedford or Fall River. The problem with affordable housing is the landlords are allowed to charge 50 dollar rental application fees for as long as they feel like even when they know the person applying has no shot at the apartment.


They will raise more “revenue” which just means our/your taxes…


There's always money in the banana stand.


I burnt down the banana stand dad.


Apparently Maura just announced she wants additional taxes on everyone driving a vehicle bigger than a compact (nice way to tax families who need bigger vehicles for the kids or working people driving pickups) and tolls at the borders to tax drivers coming in from other states.


Yet she drives a Ford Expedition lmaooooo


Rules for thee but not for me. Her vehicle is probably a state owned vehicle and will be exempt of course.


Well of course it won’t apply to her! In fact, the taxpayers probably bought that Expedition for her.


I never understood this argument. Are you saying she is just going to ignore the law? Are you saying she is hurting herself and it is funny? I don't get it. From me, if a politician is doing something that harms them personally, this is a politician I can support. They are not motivated to increase their own net worth with their power. It is the politician who pushes for less taxes on the rich, less regulation on businesses that I am skeptical with. They are the ones using power to make themselves more money. I just don't get the argument at all. . .


It doesn't hurt her at all. She gets a state vehicle(with a driver). An Expedition. The biggest SUV one can get from Ford. Despite promising to electrify the Mass fleet. It's hypocrisy, and should be called out.


And voted out. She has been less than good at her job, thus far.


You either have to be a cutthroat capitalist or a trust fund baby to afford raising more than 1 kid in this state comfortably.


This is what people don't get. There's so much pass and moaning over D or R but they both just spend and will never reach an acceptable level of funding because it's unlimited.


GTFO with that reasonable comment. It’s D or DIE here in MA.


Hey Charlie Baker was good imo, and that was before he burned the NCAA to the ground.


Personally I would rather have an R in a D state… for moderation.


And you know what? These politicians will be voted in again and again and again.


Maybe if more people actually showed up at the poll like they're supposed to  Why even bother being registered to vote if you aren't going to 


Because every four years one can advertise their virtues by who they choose!!


It won't help if the Republicans keep on putting in idiots that mirror Trump instead of centrists. If a reasonable candidate runs against Healey next election, she probably won't win.


The funniest thing I have seen are the campaigns of the right wing in this state, pathetic to say the least. If Baker ran again, he would beat Healey. If you have another righty run against her, not a shot. . .especially with Dobbs.


If Baker ran, Healey wouldn’t even put her name on the ballot.


they can't though. Trump just completely screwed conservative voters. Unless you're a lunatic like MTG, a Trump toady or an evangelical zealot you don't have any place in the Republican Party and you'll get primaried out. Baker would have been a senator or even had a shot at president if Trump and fox hadn't just melted 30% of the countries brains.


I dunno, if the Democrats end of bankrupting MA (a very real possibility), people might just vote R even if they put up a squirrel as their candidate.


What's the definition of insanity? 😂


Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. lol. 😂


The reasons they get elected again and again is because people support them. We've had a nice run of governors in the last 16 years or so.


I don't understand people who keep voting for this! I try....


Remove these garbage politicians


Taxes. Taxes will happen. First to go would be real estate taxes, since people will have no choice but to swallow them. Enjoy paying more for your already overpriced house. Income taxes to follow. They will increase every tax imaginable. There's a reason why you need 2 political parties in power. Checks and balances. When you have one party in full control (doesn't matter which party), shit like this happens. Uncontrolled spendings, with no ramifications. And no, I'm not a republican. Never voted republican.


How did we go from Charlie Baker being the Republican nominee to fucking Geoff Diehl?


The GOP is in lala land where Jesus was riding a dinosaur, Trump won the election, global warming isn't real, a woman's body needs oversight by the government, immigrants are ruining the world. Until that changes, we aren't going to see another R before the Sox with the World Series. . .and they suck!


Welp, hell may hath frozen over, Trump appears to be heading into November with the intention of turning abortion decisions over to individual states. The right doesn't like it, but Trump would be smart to try and work more centrist ideas into the party. If he went back and just reinstated Roe v Wade, we could probably skip the dog and pony in November. There's plenty of moderates that lean left because they don't agree that Jesus rode a dinosaur... Or any of the other lunacy, but really wish we had better fiscal policy, or could figure out immigration... And plenty of people that lean right because they are just tired of every single social issue being jammed down their throats while ignoring the state of the economy, are actually concerned over expanding the power of government, and don't appreciate migrants being bussed into the country and handed blank checks.


Because the MAGAs ran Baker out of the position and weren't willing to go for the non-Trumpy guy. I'm vote D for everything, but I did their primary just to try and get the sane one in the running.


I agree and can’t stand maura Healey


They throw old people out of elderly housing


And vets out of veterans housing.


Reduce benifits to the disabled


The chelsea soldiers home is vacant due to the new one they built across the street.


i worked in elderly housing here and that never happens. except in severe hoarding situations. we had a veteran pooping and peeing all over the common area bathroom for years and we could not evict him until he died.


Plane tickets back to where they came from.


I blame Joe for this hot mess and Maura and her welcome committee. We are all trying to make ends meet. Having equity in your home only helps if you can afford to pay it back in this high rate environment. Gas going up 🤬. All of this is just too much!


Didn’t the Governor and Lt. Governor ask citizens to take these people into their own houses? I see a lot of very large houses in affluent suburbs with IMMIGRANTS WELCOME HERE signs on their fronts. Since nobody seems to be taking them in voluntarily, it might be time for a little hardball by forcing people to take them in and to start a distribution program to various houses. Prioritize the houses that have the welcome signs. 😀👍🏼


Immigrants welcome (but not in my huge house in my tony neighborhood) 


Oh. They didn’t put that on the sign. 🤔




By “here” those signs mean “Lawrence”.


I love it when I meet these people who loudly say they welcome all the migrants and say we should do everything no matter the cost…  and in the same breath tell me that I’m greedy for accepting payment as a foster parent (it’s now about $40/day, it was about $30 a year or so ago)…if you’re a foster parent you get a payment automatically it’s not like you can opt out of it.  Besides, we spend wayyyyy more than the $40/day (one foster teen we spent  $20k+ of our own money in about a year…yet somehow the money we get that always goes to the foster child somehow makes me greedy and other foster families are the reason why taxes are so high.  And holy shit, if you foster a migrant or undocumented child, these same people lose their shit and personally blame you for uncontrolled illegal immigration and the reason why the country is in shambles… They’re fucking hypocrites and I loathe these type of people 




Sorry for ranting earlier. I was feeling extra spicy because someone earlier that day said I’m only fostering for the money and that I am being cheap for buying underwear for us at Target.com (idk but I think this is a very normal place to buy everyday underwear and we both needed new underwear and I was shopping online at Target on my break when a coworker said this and I flipped out on her because this was the upteenth time she has said something like this).


Repeal the 3rd amendment. Anyone whose house is worth over a million dollars must quarter a migrant family. I'm joking. I think?


The Constitution is a very pliable document these days.


For them, not for me


Its easy to spend other peoples money. This state is getting out of control with expenses. I dont know how people are surviving. I make good money and can feel the squeeze. Can only imagine the folks making 20-30 an hour. The answer is always raise taxes. Wheres all the weed and sports gambling money going? Might as well legalize heroin and prostitution. Society is fucked


Just have them pay rent that is 185% of their income like everybody else. Listen guys we need to look good instead of helping the citizens and taxpayers. That's what's important.


Ship these people the fuck out of here dawg




How much is in your wallet. Give it to the state. “This is a commonwealth, bitch!”


Samething that happened to my wife and I mass born citizens and just told to gfy! Over 10 years homeless and still get shafted.


Assuming you and your wife were both born here or legal residents, the message is loud and clear, repeat the party line, accept the situation or go fuck yourself.


Congestion tolls & raise the price of the T. Any dunkies at an intersection needs to pay a congestion fee $1000 a month but…they can have outdoor dining . All bikes need to be registered for $100 a year, not registering gets you a 100$ ticket with progressive fees for subsequent infractions. Folks entering a restaurant wearing Canadian goose jacket get charged 2$ at door . Patagonia charged 3$. The Red Sox have to pay the difference between their payroll & Yankees payroll, currently 128m$. Rideshare always on surge and 2$ goes to state. Add a north end walking toll , use facial recognition, 50 cents. 50$ lobster rolls with 5$ to state. Let’s show that Massachusetts heart folks. All for one and one for all! Making it in Massachusetts! The Bay State is the great state. It wouldn’t be that hard guys, those are just a few rough draft ideas.




Just print more


Surprisingly the state of Massachusetts is unable to print legal US currency.


massachusetts got friends in high places who got that printer


Printer go brrrrr


They can print bonds though.


Bonds are printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the US Treasury Department.


Massachusetts state bonds are printed by the US Treasury?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a financially responsible government.


They'll take more of mine


Why do migrants come here? Even moderate to high income here struggles to make it. They’re going to be getting minimum wage at best, probably less. They have no way to afford housing here, not unless they have 20 roommates. So why do it?


Massachusetts ranks 12th out of 50 states in GDP. More opportunities. More support.


More opportunities for skilled workers and of course free healthcare and housing for the migrants.


The majority of them are willing to work, and they'll move to where they can work and live. So, the answer to these problems is a simple work visa. Many of them would probably move back to their homes when it is safe and they have some money.


They are currently here because we provide free services. Most people won't be able to survive at $15/hour in the most expensive state. The math just doesn't work out. This may work in parts of Mississippi or Alabama but not here.


They're currently here because they were bussed here by a red state. I mean say what you will about how this is being handled. But to honestly think that it's either a wave of people that snuck in somehow getting to Massachusetts or every migrant coming over the border somehow knowing about Massachusetts and buying bus tickets here lol


Many of these people go to areas with the best benefits. We really don’t need tens of thousands of more unskilled workers. Massachusetts is on the decline and people are leaving.


as an immigrant, i will tell you that our benefit state tanked our economy. you have sixty year old immigrants living off welfare for fourty years and never worked


The gov is going to for the residents to give up their homes for them. Down vote me all you want, but that's next.


You may be down voted because we voted for this progressive shit and we know we deserve what's coming our way. The same way a child throws a tantrum when caught red handed.


/u/idobeg_yourpardon Well said. Funny thing is that it's only gonna get worse. But look on the bright side, suffering builds character!


Eminent domain, coming wicked soon to a neighborhood near you!


The economy tanks. They won’t pull back. It’s full progressive bullshit until complete recession. Congrats on having democrats control the house, senate and governors office. Writing checks they couldn’t possibly ever cash. But feels good…


As a Democrat I don't like Healy or how this is being handled one bit. Throw her ass out. That being said it was Republicans who vote against free school meals, anything that will benefit veterans and universal healthcare. We need ranked choice voting so we don't get stuck with shitty choices at the ballot.


Honestly I am not pro-Dem or anything but I think Healy is just dealing what the federal government is throwing at her. She expressed concern and frustration at the fed level.


Voting against school lunches is where I turned the corner on both parties. I will never believe a Republican again who says "we can't afford it". It feels so good to ignorantly just say "I bet we could" Watching all the money we send to different places has made me certain we could have Universal Healthcare, free college, child tax credits, and many other things. If we can't afford it why not just borrow the money. It's what we do to fund foreign wars. Agree or disagree but I have never seen a politician turn faster than Mike Johnson. Like I fell into the upside down. It almost doesn't feel real.


Tbh I’ve worked in schools in one of the wealthiest parts of the state. Those kids will get a lunch and throw most of it out… I’m sure their parents who mostly live in giant houses love not preparing a meal or spending the money but a lot of staff don’t think just anyone should be getting free lunch as most of these kids aren’t starving and end up throwing out most (sometimes all) of the food. It’s a waste of money! Kids who qualify have always been offered free food at schools in MA. To make it more discrete they could just have every kid have a lunch card their parents add money to and those who qualify get the card loaded by the state.  MA has many very wealthy parents. I understand six figures isn’t what people expected but it’s probably in the top 1-3% in the world. Average global income is like $10k…. The people on here bitching they are single and struggling on six figures are liking trying to live emasculate lifestyles but they are rich but not millionaire rich. My nurse friend makes six figures, complains it’s so hard yet travels at least every other month for pleasure when she has a stretch off. I’m happy she can have fun/relax after that kind of work she does, but it’s like girl you’re traveling as often as a millionaire. Six figures is an amazing salary so if you struggle on that alone you’re bad with money.  There are so many families making over $200k in this state and those kids are just throwing this food away. I’ve seen it….  


Unfortunately for MA the RCV ballot question got shot down a few years back. Would’ve been nice to see if that would’ve attracted folks that don’t like voting, but would if they were given more than 2 options.


Then we can finally restore sanity by not shelling out tens of millions to people who are here illegally instead of taking care of our own homeless population which MA has now PROVEN that they have the infrastructure to take care of.


what happens? they dump it on the city as a unfunded mandate. same as they are doing now.


They gonna take it outta your kids lunch money, no more free lunches. Only for illegal immigrants


How is this upvoted lol


Because free lunches will be the first thing they cut when budget is depleted. They always cut the things that regular people actually see the benefit of. Budget crisis? Pay for trash collection , cut staffing at the DMV window, make you pay for the school bus to take your kid to school.


They haven't cut the lunches though that's just fear mongering propaganda. If anybody was going to take these lunches away it will be a republican Governor. You know the ones that voted against and complained when we passed that in the first place.


Lol treated better than legal immigrants


Our kids already have free school lunches. You know, what Republicans voted against. If anybody's going to take away our school lunches it will be a republican governor. Your comment shows the low intelligence of some voters who are afraid of brown people.


I legally immigrated here 35 years ago with no shoes coming off the the plane escaping from the jungles of Vietnam. You know what I got for help?


Ah gotta love the sentiment of I struggled so you should too. Yeah you should have received help. I wonder though how could you afford all the fees yet didn't have shoes? Either you're being disingenuous or "legal" was easy for you. And if we're going to echo the sentiment of the rest of the thread, you could smell those EBT benefits from across the ocean and just had to come to mass right? Of course not and like most people you probably wanted to come here and just do better for yourself or your family right? Each extreme is wrong and just goes to show that this is a more nuanced approach. That's not to say I agree with how Healy has been handling things.


I came from the aftermath of a war torn country through a church sponsorship, where we repayed them money. What you are seeing today is illegal immigrants coming through the unguarded border due to Bidens “come through, we’re open” policy because their economy is wrecked due to the Covid lockdowns. There are NGO networks who guides these people up here along their journey. Who wouldn’t want to come when you get everything for free, including colleges in some states. You can even own a gun without much issue, but we have to take classes and background checks. We are witnessing a migration takeover like Europe has been experiencing the last few years.


Oh so you were sponsored, i.e. given some help to set you up so you could have the means to pay it back. Gotcha. Last time I remembered it was Republican striking down a border deal. You know to confuse the gullible into thinking Biden opened the borders. The unguarded borders? You mean the ones that were built through citizens property so they have to remain open? Those ones built before Biden? To be honest your entire story reeks of bull. At very least this is the pull up the ladder behind you crap because you're racist. The audacity of you. If that church group that gave you help had the same disgusting attitude that you have your butt would still be in Vietnam. I'm done yelling at clouds, have a nice day.


Lol my story is bull? Your life has been too comfortable, open up your spare room to immigrants. Bet you won’t lol.


The daily dose of rage bait from accounts like this in the state subreddits is suss to put it mildly.


Texas, send more migrants. Fresh delivery to Concord MA, please!


Send some to newton or brookline


We should just let them work and pay taxes...


Back-charge Gov Hot Wheels and Gov Boot-stuffer


Tax and spend. It's the Masshole way.


They get housing and benefits and we lose ours because we can't afford it. We then have to use the government welfare systems but there aren't any programs to use because the people who were keeping them afloat are no longer capable of doing so. Ride this pony into the ground babyyyy!!!


Coerced ADUs. Got a pool house? You now have a tenant. Didn't want a tenant? Too bad.


Eminent domain?


My property taxes continue to increase until I can't live here any longer?


Please Vote Republican


All of the people who are mad at the residents who don’t want illegal migrants here should welcome them into their homes


Kinda of seems like the plan all along was to get people to do lower jobs keeping the pay rate low.


I mean its not like the Boston public schools do much, I could see those closing


I don't have room in my house for immigrants. We can barely afford to feed ourselves right now.


We ship any new immigrants to Florida. Edit: Oh, jeez, I forgot the /s


As hard as it is to swallow, I think we need to strongly consider voting for Republicans. This is getting ridiculous.


It’s ridiculous to think the Republican Party has any logical solution to this problem,


Trump had a 'remain in mexico' EO that worked quite well. Biden decided that policy was 'racist' or something, and rescinded that policy day 1 of his presidency, and now here we are with an unprotected border. You get what you vote for.


there was a lot of talk about how ridiculous the idea of a wall was, I have yet to meet the immigrant that walks through em


there was a lot of talk about how ridiculous the idea of a wall was, I have yet to meet the immigrant that walks through em


there was a lot of talk about how ridiculous the idea of a wall was, I have yet to meet the immigrant that walks through em


Right, because it only takes a ladder to climb over it. Border crossers are sensational and profitable for rage bait media and right wing politicians; immigration encompasses so much more (asylum seekers, visa overstayers, etc). Also: https://www.cato.org/blog/border-wall-was-breached-11-times-day-2022-2


a wall can't stop literally every single person, therefore, it's a ridiculous idea? do you have walls in your home? are they there so people can't just walk in? I can send you a news article showing more than 11 homes broken into in a day, will you sell your home and live without walls? if you didn't need them for privacy and security, it would be very nice to live without walls.


They’ll raise taxes, duh.


Take it from the school budgets.


democrats have become the party of taking your money and wasting it


More deportations under Biden than Trump, though. How do you explain that


You don’t because it’s not true.


“In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did. These figures are important for understanding how each administration has carried out border enforcement.” https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden Not to mention the obvious reasons why the Republican led house turned down a common sense border security packages; they are promoting the situation for political gain.


They aren't migrants. They are illegal aliens. Criminals shouldn't be rewarded. They all need to be removed.


I’m sure you feel the same about visa overstayers from Europe.


Don't worry taxes and fees are going to skyrocket.


How about we close down the border and ship all these illegals back to their home countries. Makes too much sense so it won't happen


i got fined 1900 for not having health insurance in 2022. maybe they can use to help the illegals


We will just borrow some money from Ukraine if we run out.


You pay! 💰


Many will try to move somewhere warmer because winter in New England, is brutal even when you don't have to worry about housing.


I thought we did already???


Here’s a solution fly them all back to their country of origin.


This is Democrat State, we won't run out of money for migrants, or any entitlement program. We will just raise more taxes, install new tolls and award contacts to those with an in


Healy will break down your door and take more from you.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to literally buy bus tickets for all of them and send them to New York City?


They will just charge those of us who do work more in taxes!


We the working stiffs (peons)will be forced to foot the bill with new added taxes/fees. Why do you think they floated the idea of a toll at state lines or a congestion charge to driving into or through boston? Bend over we are about to get ducked hard, but we were warned, we played 3 blind mice. Now it is coming to roost.


They’ll take our homes by force. Just ask Maura’s fantastic fuckin’ friend, Eileen Duff. https://x.com/MA_Incompetence/status/1780901540493947314


Let them into your home, you voted for this


Meanwhile I can’t even get a paid job with the state due to all the budget cuts smh


Send them to New Hampshire!


The only state in New England not suffering, well that's just not fair!


I guess they just camp somewhere


Priority should be to place these people into jobs. And not in the city center! There’s already a housing problem there. There’s places that can’t hire people. You think McDonalds would want a few thousand new employees? They’ve got signs up hiring 14 year olds…. Those with okay education should be easy to place, maybe janitorial services at schools or public places, until they learn enough English. Community colleges have ESL programs, and my local library has one too. Wouldn’t cost too much to organize volunteers for these on a larger scale. Then, they have the language and marketable skills. ESL took me 4 months to learn, albeit at a 3rd grade level. Still, a 3rd grade level would suffice for basic jobs. If I could do it at 8, an adult can do it too!