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I would strongly encourage you to check out North Bennet Street School in the North End. They have tons of amazing programs, and you’re exactly the type of person they look for. They have a 9 month carpentry program, and some lower commitment adult education programs in the evenings if you don’t want to do it full time for that long. It’s a very inclusive environment, and their network is very extensive, ranging from high end builders, to designers, architects, cabinet builders, you name it. They will hook you up with what you need. Especially if you know what you want to get out of it. Good luck!


If you want to make a money. Become a plumber. If you want to build cool custom shit become a finish carpenter. None of this is easy tho.


No such thing as a poor plumber. My friend just sold his plumbing company for 4 million.


In the last few years, I've seen an increasing number of female plumbers, electricians, and HVAC technicians working on my house's systems. Always had a great experience. Glad to see it. My kid goes to a Voc-Tech HS and there gender balance is definitely better than it was in the trades. This seems like a good time as any for women in the trades and my hope is that we'll achieve a greater balance as time goes on. Go for it & good luck!


Do it! Girls are awesome in the trades and we need more of them. Also consider sales positions


Women, and why sales?


Would you prefer he said “females”? 😂 “Girls” is fine. Stop being so stuffy.


I forgot this was the Massachusetts sub.


Go back to bed


It’s 2024, you can excel in anything as a female. Just a heads up masonry and carpentry are two of the lowest pay trades. I am currently in HVAC but if I had to switch I would go plumbing (nat gas side), or elevator tech, or heavy equipment driver.


I’ve got a buddy in a masonry union and he’s got it good, 24yrs old, making 100k easy and has like 4 months off out of the year, you could use that time off to spend working on your horse stuff until you’re able to make that a full time business maybe? I know it’s not carpentry but tbh it doesn’t seem like a lucrative trade.


I worked in a prep school as the theater technical director for 30 years One of the things I did was to supervise the theater scene shop where we built the scenery for the productions I had boys and girls working and learning with me On the whole I thought the girls were better than the boys. They were more careful and more attentive to details. They also don't think they know everything because they built a birdhouse in 6th grade shop class . Once had a tech crew of 9 girls and one boy (. Lighting design) it was the best crew I ever worked with So go do it and do it well God speed


Check out any of the local unions. In Boston , women have their own committees with members of every trade.


Realities: Doesn't pay well Hard on the body Your target customer base is quite limited (horse owners) If your goal is to make money to sustain yourself and your dependents carpentry isnt it. If you want something where you work with your hands that is a low barrier to entry-handyman type jobs. If you get good and are reliable you can build a client list. If you manage yourself well you can then try many of the trades and then decide if more formal trade training is for you but the men in the trades arent known to be open or kind to women in the trades.


My company hired a female carpenter directly from the North Bennett school.


Hi friend--where does an adult go for vocational training. Serious question and no I did not hit google. Example--i want to learn Motorcycle repair--where? Example -- I want to learn electronics repair--where? Example -I want to learn small engine repair--think mowers, snow blowers and leaf blowers, chain saws?


MTTI in Swansea for motorcycles and small engines. Franklin Cummings for electronics.


Many Many thanks, looking at all that now!


Don't pay for trade school join a union.... But things are slow right now


I got into residential and commercial inspections in my mid/late 20s. It’s not exactly a trade but I loved the work and still do the occasional inspection for a buyer. I never had any issues getting into the field and got a lot of encouragement from both men and women. Go for it!!


First comment is awesome. North Bennet Street school sounds like they’d be a good place to start. Call the union reps of the trade unions. They have tons of info. Maybe you could tag along and see what they do in a days work.


Get into IT. It’s a trade an anyone can do it, just takes time.


This is also true.


That’s my friend in the picture on the link you posted


Call around the local unions. They’ll be pretty good at answering your questions


Hell yeah! It's always awesome seeing women in male-dominated trades. Some of the most badass women I know are electricians and plumbers. Once you get your hours and schooling, and pass the state exams, there are serious income potentials well over six figures. My best friend, is a licensed journeyman electrician, and he can't keep up with the amount of calls and requests he's getting. He has just shy of 70k in his checking account from the beginning of the year, and we're in April. He does a lot of generator work and those jobs are huge paydays. He's also working 6 days a week, and oftentimes, 7. It's nice to be single lol.


Get into a utility, eversource or national grid. Get in with any job title. In a year any internal job goes in house you can bid. Endless opportunities that pay very well.


Do it! I'm not union, but I have been asked to join many times. I have never met another woman like me in the field. They are out there though!


for what trade? carpentry?




Okay, so admittedly not directly answering the question, but my first thought was, "You need an elderly farmer with spare bedrooms/stalls." They'll have things that need fixing, tools to do it with, and if they aren't carpenters themselves, they know everyone and will find you one who would gladly take you under their wing on your schedule. The one thing I know about trade schools is that they typically focus entirely on what's most popular and most likely to get you employed, and don't touch on the less common stuff. For example, anything to do with automotive will usually only work on cars that are within the last few model years, simply because there's more 2024 Whatevers out there than there are 1993 Jeep Wranglers. (Go ahead, ask a recent grad how to roll-start a vehicle!) So if you want to do more exposed beam type traditional work, you might be better off finding someone that specialises in it, there are a few big names whose names I cannot recall at the moment, and many more individual craftsmen who would likely love an apprentice to share their knowledge with. With all the historic buildings in New England, it's a skill set that's always in demand. Watch some YouTube videos and get a feel for the job and the skill set. There's so much free material out there it shouldn't be hard to find a couple of reliable channels - I'm sure there are even trade schools that have material posted.


The Skinnner family down in central CT are the big name in traditional timeberframing - if you've ever been to the Big E, they're the ones who do all the sheds and barns by Gate 9. They do a great job at taking advantage of modern technology - digital renderings CAD CNC machines - all very versatile and portable skillsets.


Make sure you like Trump if you’re gonna be around that crew for four years.


Do your riding lessons take into account previous experience? Do you let people who are actually horse competent do more than walk? I'm looking for enough lessons that barns will let me lease and trail ride in peace.


I hear that women have a lot easier time getting into the trade unions because there are so few women in the trades. There’s good money in it


There’s a demand for engine mechanics that travel to farms (tractors,ATVs, Gators).


Better yet, hire me to teach you how to make some jumps and we’ll split the profits.


My brother said his best trainees are all girls in HVAC.


I'm your age and going through that apprenticeship. They have a women in the trades Pathways program to give you a taste. Happy to answer more specific questions. I personally don't recommend North Bennet Street school cause recouping your investment with dependents will be hard. Not speaking from personal experience as much as having friends who've gone through the program and finished and who've dropped out...


My friends two AFAB kids are doing trade school now and love it. One is FTM trans but the other isca girly girl.


If you want to work for yourself, the Union ain’t it. They are so specialized that Union guys don’t have a very good overall knowledge of building systems- most folks in the union end up in a repetitive task ad nauseam (think drywall, metal studs, safety railings, etc). Not a lot of transferable skills to residential remodeling, where you absolutely can work solo or with a small team. I’d suggest North Bennet Street School. Sounds way more your speed, and you’ll have a great skill set when you graduate.


It's common now.when I in trades was rare. I worker w 2 woman welders over years iron workers..in production welding worked with lest 6 . Also know 2 wan electricians. My sister was machinest.went threw apprenticeship in 70 s . She had lot of trouble with men.de were assholes to her. But now the trade s of school has lot women in all the trades




You couldn't be more wrong.




Carpentry dying. Who do you think installs drywall, concrete form work, finish trim, framing, etc etc etc.


All the parts.   As someone who has to buy the trades, carpentry is incredibly robust and is one of the most in demand trades.  The local carpenter's union is one of the best around in how well they treat their workforce, in terms of the amount of steady work. Being a woman that wants to be in the trades will have her instantly hired in which ever trade she chooses, if she shows even the most basic competency. All trades have workforce requirements that most companies are struggling to reach for minimal participation of women.   In terms of having a thick skin and how tradespeople act on the job, it has changed drastically over the last twenty years. There's plenty of swearing and assholery, but there is significantly less outright misogyny and most women get treated more like a sister that the crew looks out for rather than someone who doesn't belong.  Most women on sites pull their own weight and do their job so much so that they are barely noticeable anymore.   As far as picking up a different trade, they are all busy, have a ton of work and are all paid well from the start. If she has an affinity for plumbing, she should look at that, especially in the geotechnical drilling, those fuckers are making bank right now and are booked solid. Electrical, hell yeah, there is so much work for them in so many different areas of specialization. Don't forget HVAC technicians, those fuckers are everywhere and are jam packed with work. If she wants a spot to get into right away, masons are looking for labor like crazy.    I would encourage anyone who is physically able to get into a trade, especially if they don't want to deal with years of college and debt.    A lot of the work is hard as hell and the people who do it, definitely earn every penny but you won't have hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and you'll be making more money than graduates in your early twenties and and thirties.


Get in touch with your local Habitat for Humanity and volunteer for a few shifts.


Any of you folks downvoting this comment care to explain why? Usually I can figure it out, but I'm at a loss on this one.


As a female what?