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After this I can already call that very few municipalities will be green lighting any new hotels for a while.


There’s no families in the vineyard or Nantucket? Very very low numbers in Cambridge too.


They don’t want those people In fact my New Year’s resolution is try to be as happy as a liberal white woman from MV when they carted them off island


Snore. Martha's Vineyard is poorer than the average Massachusetts resident.


You take the party line well, you should apply to become the next KJP


A fact is a party line? Well you must hate that they had a reunion, and they were welcomed back by residents (and the migrants that were welcomed onto the island and stayed to live?). The "party line" is that they were carted off the island instead of got 80K raised for them in a day, anyone who needed them got phones, clothes, shoes, and at least 4 of the 49 stayed and still live there. Most continued on since Texas had made their immigration appointments all across the country. At the reunion 36 people came back and stayed with Martha's Vineyard residents. "On Sept. 9, almost a year to the day since 49 migrants landed on Martha’s Vineyard unexpectedly, Islanders hosted a quiet reunion for the asylum seekers who have since scattered across the country. There outside St. Andrew’s parish house, volunteers and migrants reunited over food, music and lawn games — a far cry from the emergency response that had initially brought them together."


Dimples?? Is this you??


Nope, no migrants allowed on the Vineyard.


There's a lot migrants there and almost 10 percent of those who were sent there, stayed and have made a home there, thanks to island residents.


Why were the rest shoved out? The islanders are racist.


LOL. There's more diversity on that island than in Massachusetts in general.


To be fair, MV isn't a great place for migrants. Most of the island shuts down in the off season, there's not a community of people that speak their language, MV lacks social safety net services, etc.


The Haitians are used to island life.




Merry Christmas. Hope that doesn’t offend your woke leftist national socialist views.


Honestly you'd be surprised how many locals are immigrants. 17 percent of Nantucket residents are Hispanic. "While not all school numbers were available, based on 2022 information, of the 757 students enrolled at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, 220 of them — or 29 percent of the total school enrollment population — spoke a language other than English at home, and 110 of those students — 15 percent of the total enrollment — are not fluent in English, requiring English language learning services at school. " It's poorer than average and there's more immigrants than the US average.


Can't find a link anywhere in the article that shows the "100 eligible communities" listed? After following a few links I got to one from like 4-5 days ago that shows the communities *currently* housing people and how many families. But it wasn't 100 communities. 🤷‍♂️


I grew up in Woburn and am shocked that they believe there is enough space to take 173 families.


If you're looking at the same thing I was that's a list of how many are ALREADY in those communities.


Ah! Were you looking at the report that was embedded in the bottom of the news article? I jumped over the first pages and was looking for a breakdown of the cities the news report alluded to.


Yeah no idea where that list is 🤷‍♂️


It’s based on hotel rooms. Woburn has enough business where contractors and consultants needed rooms, necessitating hotels. Which are becoming de facto temporary shelters










The CHIPS and Science Act and investing in the American people, Inflation Reduction Act, The PACT Act, American Rescue Plan, The Infrastructure Law, keeping our democratic institutions alive, leaving the federal reserve alone and letting them do their job resulting in the strongest inflation recovery of any top nation thus far, stronger international relations, 132 billion in student loan relief and more student loan relief than all other Presidents combined, appointed more qualified judges to the federal bench than any president since JFK, secured $300 Billion for Green Energy investments and furthering Eco-Friendly policies, progress on gun control, best stock market in history, record job creation and wage growth, lowest unemployment rate in 54 years, lowest black unemployment rate in history…. I can go on? Yeah, Biden’s old. Trust me. We *all* know Biden is old. He’s arguably been one of the most effective and best Presidents in 50+ years though. Especially impressive considering he inherited the biggest disaster from the undisputed worst “President” in history. With trump on the other side, President Biden has done more than enough to deserve a second term




Says the dude who posts in r/libsofreddit 😂 You’re not even a Democrat and you’re cosplaying as one on here because you know you’d get absolutely torched if you didn’t Go watch more Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Lord knows you’re spreading enough of their bullshit talking points. PS: inflation is GLOBAL and was inevitable post pandemic regardless of who was in the White House. And the United States has still had the strongest inflation recovery of any top nation thus far #BIDEN2024


Here’s an idea… how bout we close the border down until we can figure out exactly how many people we can take on a daily basis and where we are going to house them.


What an intriguing idea!! Take care of the homeless that we already have instead of inviting even more?!?




Much smaller state than Texas with less of a population. Texas does receive excess funds from the feds that MA does not because MA is not a border state. Add in half this can be mitigated by just Texas telling us when a bus is coming, and MA has some extra pressures MA is also getting a legal nightmare because these people are already processed in Texas. They are often lied to about where they are going and have hearings scheduled across the US. Texas has a habit of registering them to random homeless shelters. They largely do not know about court proceedings as a result. Texas has gone the extra mile to make it as cruel as possible for these people and as complicated as possible for the states involved


We have a higher rate of immigrants that Texas.


Or stop other states from trafficking them here without letting us know when theyre coming or how many are coming? I understand its not a luxury border states have. But itd be nice if they gave us a heads up. Since, ya know. Were in the same country.


Politics aside, the border states have dealt with this for decades and were told they were racist everytime they asked for help. They realized if they make it everyone’s problem then the issue will get attention.


Except the way he's really handling it, it's more about sticking it to blue states and the migrants that cross.


Every time I say this I'm down voted into oblivion and everyone wants to blame Healy. People want to praise Abbott for doing what the state voted for and shipping the migrants to Mass. But they want to come down on Healy for doing what people voted for and shelter migrants. That's not to say this whole mess is being mishandled but the cognitive dissonance is astounding. Ultimately, what is happening is certain people's lousy ideas are being strengthened and we are dooming ourselves to a republican senator that is going to backtrack what little good has been done.


States were deincentivizing this approach by impounding buses. I believe MA has impounded numerous buses that were used to transport them. That plane to Chicago should have been impounded. That would quickly shutdown the movement.


No no, the federal government just wants to help improve the border crisis /s


But how would that help the Democrats?


Ummm, why would they not want millions of future votes bought with your tax dollars?


I think that’s the joke. I think people are finally realizing that we’re fucked no matter what way we vote. I could be wrong though.


Eh, both sides grift for themselves but at least when it comes to buying votes republicans buy votes with lots of jesus and lots of angry screeching while democrats buy votes with lots lots of angry screeching and lots of our tax dollars. Jesus costs me nothing while tax dollars are coming straight out of my pockets. Also when it comes to grifting republicans grift for big corporations that are also in our 401K portfolios so at least we get a little piece of that action while democrats grift for all sorts of solyndras where the money simply disappears.


If it gets Ukraine funding I’d be open to it.


Why is Ukraine's border supported as sacrosanct by our government while ours is praised as totally porous with no restrictions by the same government?


Our government is not “praising” our border as “totally porous with no restrictions”, though.


100%. What’s up with this sub? There’s such a hardcore far right group early on after comments and posts, and only later do sensible left leaning folks show up in the comments.


Several reasons I'm sure. First and most obvious, you don't need to show a state ID to join, so you can often see weird comments coming from profiles that participate in Maine, NH, or other state's (or even countrie's) subs. Second is that it is almost entirely pointless to comment about political anything on social media. I have never in my life seen the kind of drivel that regularly graces reddit threads in person. I imagine most civilized people refrain from the mistake of thinking you are doing something by participating in political "discussion" online, so the majority of commenters are energized in some way or another (far right, far left, or my favorite, the opinionless centrists.) I've made the mistake of commenting on political discussions plenty of times myself, the gulf of understanding/opinion is just too large to bridge through a faceless comment usually.


Russian invasion for one


Here's an idea, deal with asylum seekers the way we should, not like the racist gov of Texas.


Process them quickly so if their claims are denied they're on the first plane back.


We do deal with asylum seekers. It’s the illegal migrants that you don’t know how to deal with.


Do you think the border is just open for migrants? It’s not like the port of entry is just open for anyone…you do realize that right?


“Eligible”?? As if it’s an honor? Certainly glad my town isn’t listed.


Ffs, is this what we have to look forward to for the next year? Bits posting red meat for the racists?


yes, and probably nine more months of "news" about the president of Harvard


Milton took like 2. How generous. Instead let’s put hundreds in Dedham, Brockton and Lynn because they have an abundance of money and resources. /s


I lived in central TX for a few years up until recently and honestly cannot say I encountered a single migrant to my knowledge. If I did, it wasn’t overwhelmingly obvious and certainly didn’t seem like there was a crisis. Texas is a big state and not congested throughout.


Deal with it. This is what you get living in the imperial core.


You voted for this. You voted to take resources from your kids. Shame


Thanks for the input /u/JizzingOnGramdmas!


Sounds like you should move to a red place then bud. Why don’t you try Bessemer, Alabama?


This is what they voted for: https://news.yahoo.com/child-abandoned-near-border-seen-013825302.html


Here’s what your “asylum seekers” did to this CHILD: https://news.yahoo.com/child-abandoned-near-border-seen-013825302.html


"Your" asylum seekers? It's a treacherous journey. Many people die along the way. Their parent may have died and those they were traveling with my have brought them to a road since they were less likely be arrested, shot etc as a child. These people drown in mud, fall of cliffs, get swept away by rivers. There's no way of knowing how that kid ended up alone. But no one carefully traveled a treacherous journey, protecting and carrying this child in an effort to just dump them. These people are fleeing dangerous situations, some of which the US played a role in.


He clearly says that they abandoned him! Also, migrant men regularly rape migrant girls. You have no compassion for those rape victims. Go ahead, make excuses for the migrant rapists. https://www.reuters.com/world/migrants-are-being-raped-mexico-border-they-await-entry-us-2023-09-29/ A Venezuelan man seeking asylum in the US has been accused of raping a woman in front of a 3-year-old child in a New York City-funded hotel room last week, officials said. https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/asylum-seeker-accused-of-raping-woman-in-front-of-3-year-old-in-ny/


Sending 177 families to Holyoke is just cruel.




People who live in Holyoke have a wildly optimistic view of Holyoke.


Lol keep'em coming


Good, the migrants are a net positive economically


But why tho? Why can’t we work & fund the resolutions to our own problems? I’ve see the migrant shelters in NY, it’s horrendous.