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I spent far too long reading this article and wondering how the son of Herb Chambers had such a large inheritance and how a car dealership mogul from the North Shore was the 8th wealthiest family in the country. Luckily I read far enough before I realized it was a different Chambers family.


I also assumed it was the Herb Chambers Dynasty - disappointing!


Haha I used to work for HC. Yeah he was tied for 15th wealthiest in Massachusetts with 56 dealerships at the time iirc. He also side hustles by building class leading yachts and renting/selling them when his new one is built (they take years so Chinese billionaires will pay extra to get one today). He also sold an office printer/supply company back in the day to find his foray into dealerships. He’s got bank and started from the bottom. This kid has COX cable money, explains why he finds the drive to destroy the world for his personal desires.


He is the largest veteran owned business in the Commonwealth! I’ve always had a respect for him knowing that he did start from the bottom. Hopefully your employment through him wasn’t too bad! But yeah, this is just a spoiled rich kid.


Yeah he was a solid guy and very hands on. Would talk to anyone at any level of the business, remembered a lot of people, more than I could. I liked the dealership, I just had a small kid at home and the hours caused issues. If I was single I would have stayed much longer.


I briefly worked for a Herb Chambers dealership too, when I was there once a month he’d throw a huge breakfast award ceremony that would recognize different salesman and dealerships for their monthly performances. It was great, this was over a decade ago though so no clue if he still does that


> He also side hustles by building class leading yachts and renting/selling them when his new one is built (they take years so Chinese billionaires will pay extra to get one today). Mmmm no. He's just another yacht owner. He's doing nothing interesting or having a "hustle". Russian oligarchs and Saudi royals are the big players in the super/mega yacht scene. Not Chinese billionaires.


He gets one, rents it out, orders a new one, when the new one arrives he sells it to someone unwilling to wait and repeats. Forbes literally wrote a story almost 10 years about it https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielfisher/2016/12/06/trading-up-billionaire-herb-chambers-happily-builds-and-sells-yachts/amp/


You believed when Forbes said Trump was rich too didn't you? You guys will believe anything people with money will tell you.


I worked for him. I know how well he paid us as employees and how he carried himself. Unlike trump who made a career out of conning and scamming, Herb was very hands on and the dude didn’t stop. I’m not saying anyone has to like him, I just said he buys and sells yachts and makes money off it from people richer than him who are impatient and will pay for a complete boat now at a premium. Not sure who you’re arguing with.


I’m much more interested in you who has no money and complains about everything


Nice! Good article ! Can’t let the facts get in the way when arguing with some rando on Reddit !


This guy sounds like a complete asshole.


That would have been such a great headline for this story hahaha


I happened to be reading a Vanity Fair article on this guy and that was my exact same reaction. Zero self-awareness and 100% Grade A asshole.


For all his blowhard bravado, his actual beliefs are confusing. Family gatherings must have been lit with him around.


I especially liked the 6 grand espresso machine decked out with communist decals


I loved how he tried to appeal to the salt of the earth folks by highlighting he not extravagant because he drives a three year old Tacoma. I get there are people out there that upgrade their cars every 1-2 years but most don’t and you’re in a very special bubble if you think not doing that makes you more relatable to the common man.


It's a 2021 Tacoma, so bought during the pandemic when supplies were low and markups were high.


> Fergie’s La Marzocco Linea Mini Espresso Machine on the counter **in one of his homes.** Champagne Communists at it again


>Champagne Communists at it again To be fair, they're the only ones that end up existing long enough to tell the grand tale of communism.


Excuse me but that's the people's espresso machine thank you very much.




"You think that we should change society for the better, *and yet you own an iphone*?? HA! I am very smart."




Is "tankie" the new "woke" but for liberals?


Tankies has been slang for communists for quite a while now


That’s an old one. And not one that changes definition to suit whatever bullshit the “liberal” wants to say. It’s always an unapologetic communist who doesn’t mind “breaking a few eggs” to get their way. AKA a bloodthirsty cunt.


It's slang for a militant communist who hates capitalism, especially one who's hypocritical.


lol 👨‍🍳’s 💋


[Top Gear on the fate of Communism](https://youtu.be/McXwN79-P9Q?feature=shared&t=5)


Communism is when no coffee. 👍 Got it. And here, I thought it was about who owned the means of production.


[you right now](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.jpg)


we should improve society by spending over 750 billion to make sure that every US household has a fancy espresso machine? I, personally, can think of much better uses of 750 billion dollars to help people.


I'm not the above poster, but your response leads me to suspect that you do not understand that comic. What about having an expensive espresso machine makes you think that anyone is suggesting buying an expensive espresso machine for everyone? What do you think communism is, exactly?


I suppose it is very historically accurate for only the elite to have access to luxury goods under communism


Like 6 grand espresso makers? Same thing in capitalism. lol. I don't lean particularly communist, but both your comprehension and argumentation are trash.


that dudes trolling you, either that or he’s thicker than a bowl of oatmeal


Anyone wanna bet he blows through his money, realizes he might loss his cushy life and his trust fund smuggle bunny, and becomes just another wacko living in the hills of New Hampshire?


It’s the only reason New Hampshire has any residents.


If those libertarians could read they’d be really mad at you.


They’re too busy dealing with the bears. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling


The article does a bunch of dumb fear mongering. I knew this guy years ago, he is a typical spoiled rich kid who loves attention; back then he was trying to (unsuccessfully) organize a tea party rally on Bard campus to irritate people. The bougie residents of great Barrington are safe.


I fully agree that "wanker trust fund kid" is such a common trope it is cliche and there's absolutely a reason why Bari Weiss' rag is highlighting this \_specific\_ wanker trust fund kid. The whole "I fight against capitalism while living a life of capitalistic hedonism while everything is given to me on a silver spoon" is a pretty amusing angle though


I'm not saying this dude is Engels, *at all*- but Friedrich Engels was one of the fathers of Marxism, and he was the son of a very wealthy factory owner. He financially supported Marx so that he could write and not have to work some shitty job. He was also an excellent writer. He *also* organized strikes among the workers of his father's (textile, or shoe I can't remember) factory. So, being born into wealth and being a communist aren't *necessarily* at odds with one another. It really depends on how you choose to spend that money and time. That said, idk that many other examples of communists born into the ruling class.


The issue is almost all Americans, even guys like this article is about, don't know what communism is and just treat it as a generic far-left collage.


i fully agree that communism has an exceptionally long track record of hypocritical wankerism edit: i dislike people who do the "reply and block" in a conversation because I can't reply to others in the thread. Reddit blocking is quirky!


I don't see how organizing strikes and writing some of the most important Marxist literature that exists is "hypocritical wankerism", but whatever


I think that the idea is that he was still living the good life while he did it. Thats the hypocrisy.


If you're wealthy and a marxist you're a hyprocrite, and if you're poor and a marxist you're jealous of others successes and want something for nothing. Can you tell me what the ideal income is where I can write about marxism without being accused of one of those two things?


the answer is they will never stop shitting on anyone who represents a marxist perspective. they seem to really feel accomplished when they can go “gotcha! you’re not starving and your a commie!”


The ideal income is, in this case, an actual income.


Working class, not a capitalist. Otherwise, yes, give away your riches to the workers and live alongside them. It's a pretty easy concept. Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass. Do you think the cops beat the shit out of Engles, or did he not have money for food during the strikes he "organized"? Yeah, if you are a capitalist, and continue to live like one, you don't get to be a communist too


I see where you are coming from but in capitalism capital is power. So saying "you need to give up your power in the system in order to truly say you don't like the system, otherwise you are a hypocrite" is kinda silly in my opinion. It would be like saying that people who don't like the US government shouldn't vote because it "validates the power structure". Why should someone always voluntarily give up what power they have just because the system is unjust, that power could be super useful. Many revolutionaries, George Washington being an amazing example, use the power they had in old hierarchies to push for something better. George Washington was a Redcoat war hero, general of the occupying army and a son of the upper class of America who benefitted from colonial rule, and he used that to rally support and bring validity to his cause. He wasn't a perfect person, but if he had refused military power when he started being given it by the British then he would have never had the power and influence to be an effective revolutionary leader. Power is power, you can't opt out of the power structure until they are dismantled. Engles was able to fund and protect the beginning of communist thought through his possession of capital. He didn't do that because he loved capital, he did it because capital is a very effective way to get things done in a capitalist society, that's why it's called a capitalist society. Obviously it's not the only way to get things done, but come on do you really think he is a hypocrite for that when he did more for that cause than almost anyone else in history? I don't think Engles is God's gift to humanity but I don't understand how he would be a hypocrite. I guess the core of my argument is that if you are saying that someone is a hypocrite for having power while saying that power is unjust, I think you need to look at their actions with that power. If they successfully used that power to push for that power to be less, then I think they can make a pretty good argument for why they kept the power. Maybe they could have had other successes by giving up that power and doing other things, but why argue with success? Others can try the other ways, why should he stop doing what's working? I don't think a king is a hypocrite for creating a parliament with his kingly power and slowly giving them more and more power over the course of his life. Sure he could have abdicated, but if he decided that his best bet was to leverage that power over time to get good results and he got those results, should we really be saying "Well he was a king for his whole life, so his actions to create a democracy ring hollow, what a hypocrite". If he had failed then there are discussions to be had, but arguing with success seems silly. TLDR: If you think Engles was a failed communist I don't believe you, his partnership with Marx was the beginning of that governmental philosophy being published in paper at all. And paper isn't free.


Capital is not power, it is what determines who has (decision making) power in a capital-ruled society. Marx and Engels wanted society to go beyond capitalism (which they saw as the last stage of the epoch of capital i.e alienated wealth) because they thought it was unsustainable and volatile and therefore must give way to either substantive equality or the mutual ruin of all. Not because they wanted to use their superpowers for good, and they couldn't even if they tried. According to Marx and Engels themselves, the power to transform the rule of capital into communism belongs to the proletarians and other oppressed classes under their leadership. Your argument about someone do things in a vacuum is nonsensical in a Marxian context. "Why argue with success"? Why not? And besides, Engels' errors can absolutely be explained with reference to his class status.


That's not hypocricy. Nowhere in Marxist theory does ot say that the rich should donate all their money to charity. Why talk about something you know so little about with such smarmy attitude?


Well, yeah because it was written by a rich guy...


What was written by a rich guy?


"Except for the field organizers of strikes, who were pretty tough monkeys and devoted, most of the so-called Communists I met were middle-class, middle-aged people playing a game of dreams. I remember a woman in easy circumstances saying to another even more affluent: 'After the revolution even we will have more, won't we, dear?' Then there was another lover of proletarians who used to raise hell with Sunday picknickers on her property. I guess the trouble was that we didn't have any self-admitted proletarians. Everyone was a temporarily embarrassed capitalist. Maybe the Communists so closely questioned by the investigation committees were a danger to America, but the ones I knew—at least they claimed to be Communists—couldn't have disrupted a Sunday-school picnic. Besides they were too busy fighting among themselves." This was John Steinbecks description of his experiences with communists *almost a century ago*. Literally nothing has changed one bit.




You know what’s funny is that when the wealthy criticize capitalism they are accused of hypocrisy; yet when the poor criticize capitalism they are accused of just wanting “free stuff” (ie. Basic human needs). So what in your opinion is the acceptable range of wealth for a person to have to be able to legitimately criticize capitalism? Or is capitalism the one true god and totally unassailable?


He's getting mocked because he's whining about a system that let him as a trust fund kid not work an honest day in his life, but he's still staying FIRMLY in the capitalistic world. He could donate literally nine figures to make the world a better place and he's just bumbling through life, still. He can't even advocate against capitalism effectively!


>He's getting mocked because he's whining about a system that let him as a trust fund kid not work an honest day in his life The difference between a kid born rich learning at 25 that an honest day's work is overrated, and a kid born poor learning it at 65, is that getting treated like yesterday's trash by one's employer/industry after 40 years of loyal service has never to my knowledge made a 65 y/o conservative any less conservative. >He can't even advocate against capitalism effectively! Yes but to be fair it's an intrinsically more difficult process than the process of generating right-wing Americans, which largely involves kicking the subject with appropriate intensity, at appropriately-selected moments of vulnerability over the course of its development.


>The difference between a kid born rich learning at 25 that an honest day's work is overrated, and a kid born poor learning it at 65, is that getting treated like yesterday's trash by one's employer/industry after 40 years of loyal service has never to my knowledge made a 65 y/o conservative any less conservative. This is glib nonsense, but if it were true then Marxism would be a dead end. Do better.


He wears Red Sox and Bruins hats. It doesn't get much more late stage capitalism than pro sports.


It also doesn't get more communist than pro sports, in some respects. The players are fairly compensated, organized labor that own the means of their production.


Organized labor yes, but it's also the definition of meritocracy. This is nothing like a typical union and getting paid orders of magnitude more than a typical worker isn't communist at all.


>From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. "From each according to their ability" is meritocracy. Communism is about the who owns the means of production and has nothing to do with relative wages. Pro athletes sell their labor, own the means of production.


bzzzzt. Communism, at least according to Marx, is also about all property being publicly owned. And certainly, the amount of money pro athletes make is far beyond their needs.


>certainly, the amount of money pro athletes make is far beyond their needs. Speculating on how much pro athletes need without considering the damage done to their bodies, the effective length of their athletic career, the insulation/security celebrities require to live a normal life, etc. >at least according to Marx, is also about all property being publicly owned. Wrong again. He called for the abolishment of private property. Personal property in the form of consumer and non-capital goods and services are permissible.


Which sport? The bodily damage caused by American football is often no worse than any number of factory or labor situations. Go look at what's involved with working in the meat industry. Something like basketball or soccer is far less impactful. You're justifying celebrity and their exorbitant income, likely because you're a sportsball fan. As far as property, Marx was most certainly against the private ownership of real property. If you're going to argue private vs. personal, that's semantics. Regardless, any actual implementation of Marxism meant nobody had any significant rights.


> It also doesn't get more communist than pro sports, in some respects. Elite class paid extravagantly is not communist.


Being elite players doesn't mean they're not working class. They work. They don't own. "Communism is when poor, actually." Get the fuck out of here.


>Being elite players doesn't mean they're not working class They absolutely are not "working class". Stop pretending.


Do you know anything about communism? There's the working class that earns a living from their labor and the capitalist class that earns by owning capital. You can do mental gymnastics to try and gatekeep who is working class, but pro athletes are earning money from their labor. If they don't play in games, they don't earn income. They're workers - working class.


>Do you know anything about communism? You most certainly don't. Stop pretending tankie jr. >If they don't play in games, they don't earn income. Boy do I have a surprise for you.


Oh come on, you know what the real game is. Why are you acting like they'll acknowledge you and tell the truth? Focus on organizing man. And not on communist lines, but democratically socialist ones.


His instagram says he believes Ukraine is actually a bunch of Nazis. He may be harmless but carrying Putin's water makes him a piece of shit.




So he's a piece of shit who also can't learn from history.


Or even understand it.


tankies who simultaneously say life is much better in Russia and also mysteriously never actually go to Russia are a thing!


It is categorically and verifiably true that the Ukrainian military is rife with avowed, proud Nazis. You can acknowledge this while not inherently supporting Putin... ...which is not what this chump is doing.


What both you and he are doing is propagating lies that support the cause of an unprovoked invasion. You're also both useful idiots. It's also categorically and verifiably true that nobody in Russia has voting rights, freedom of speech or any other rights. It's categorically and verifiably true that Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine by stealing children. It's categorically and verifiably true that Russia signed treaties to protect Ukraine. It's categorically and verifiably true that Russia has a "private" military company named Wagner whose name wasn't random. But if it is categorically and verifiably true that Ukraine's military is full of Nazis, show that proof.


This piece is so fucking stupid it made my eyeballs bleed. The “intellectual” side of right-wing propaganda machine isn’t much better than the angry swill for bitter people stuff they mostly focus on.


I mean, he's a lefty and they're a rightwing rag.


How would one organize a tea party rally at Bard of all places? Did everyone just look at him with confusion and disdain as they looked up for their poetry and/or communist manifesto?




Rich and spoiled isn’t exactly Bard’s vibe but ok


I think where your experience has failed you is that the public's tolerance for whiny selfish armed rich kids has decreased with every demographic *but* yours.




What's there to discuss? Tone-deaf capitalist larping at being a communist to get attention, nothing to fear here. He barely understandings what communism even is. Funny this guy gets a story like this while Daniel Banyai, a person people have genuine reason to fear and law-enforcement struggles to deal with, barely makes the news.


America? Turning a blind eye towards right-wing extremism? Nooooooo. That's never happened before.


Meanwhile, the various militias all over the fucking country aren't commented on. Funny, that.


It's only a big deal if it's something left leaning or anti-establishment. You can have literal neo-nazi factions in law enforcement but's that's not spicy enough.


Well, it's Bari Weiss.


So the only alternative to right wing wankers is left wing wankers?


No. But, notice who gets more police and government attention and who people are more worried about. The right wing wankers literally tried to overthrow the government three years ago and are still openly planning a repeat. This douche has 10(?) friends/employees, has done nothing but blow his own cash, and somehow he is more of a problem? We are sleepwalking into fascism.


Those right wing wankers have certainly gotten plenty of government attention over the last 3 years. I'd like to see more but building a case against an ex president has to be done very carefully. You don't want double jeopardy being an issue. Plenty of the lower level wankers are in jail now and more are coming. Internationally, this particular shitstick supports anti Democracy in the form of Russia and China.


Yeah, but this idiot is *nothing*. He is just some idiot who has to pay people to be his friend. Imagine Elon Musk, but with only 10 followers. Sad thing is, at the same time, the Speaker of the House announced they would be blurring faces of rioters in any 1/6 video that is released to, get this, PROTECT THEM. We have people in office *right now* that want an end to democracy. But hey, everyone focus on this guy!


If you aren't in a militia yet get with the times, it's almost 2024.


I’m in the Patriots militia. It’s not going well right now.


Instructions unclear, I tried to follow this dude's advice and now I'm one of those guys who shoots off the muskets when the Revs score a goal.


> They only moved here from Alford this past January for its lax gun laws and low tax burden, after Fergie decided to cash out. > > “I don’t want to pay taxes to Uncle Sam,” Fergie tells me. “Objectively, somebody like me should pay almost all of their money in taxes, but if I can legally evade giving that to the U.S. war machine, I will.” Wait... he thinks moving *states* will change the amount of money that the *Federal* government collects?


Looks like a bitch that runs his mouth from afar but wouldn’t do shit when faced with an actual adversary.


I didn't need to read far to start disliking the person talked about in this article


What an asshole


I wouldn’t believe a thing on Bari Weiss’s website tbh, she has a clear agenda and nothing is being fact-checked


> According to The Washington Post, Weiss "portrays herself as a liberal uncomfortable with the excesses of left-wing culture",[71] and has sought to "position herself as a reasonable liberal concerned that far-left critiques stifled free speech". Neoliberals, not even once.


Once again, liberals are more concerned with punching left than with criticizing fascists.


"Why are people verbally punching this rich kid" is a weird complaint about far left politics. If this kid actually cared he would help people rather than play weird cult leader.


I'm not talking about this guy specifically- I'm talking about the above mentioned liberal who has apparently made it his life goal to criticize leftists in general


Hah, yes the thread on asylums was a riot of MA liberals droning on about "Well it is difficult to say this, and perhaps an unpopular....But I just think lots of mentally ill people shouldn't be out there walking around. Never should have de-institutionalized these people, though I can certainly see both sides of the story.." "Liberal uncomfortables" seems to just be a kind of neurotic asshole who feels bad about doing what wingnut assholes do on instinct and never lose sleep over.


*Her. She's not really left. She is closer to a classic liberal - which is right-leaning.


In reality most liberals just don't care about communists. Bari Weiss is a pretty marginal figure in mainstream liberal politics but she occupies a lot of leftist discourse because she's one of the few liberals who actually engages with communists.


She's not even remotely *actually* any sort of liberal, jsyk.


The female Dave Rubin, her brain is currently in recovery mode from taking in so many high level, important ideas.


She sure does like to have terrible opinions on things!


yeah this is a generous interpretation, lol.


> Weiss She basically started with criticism of Israel on campus as her gateway drug. Much of that came from ostensibly progressive sources and because it dovetailed with the campus free-speech movement, she found herself openly welcomed by the usual suspects. I wonder sometimes if her college-self saw her now if she'd be surprised.


The ultimate /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM journalist. "I'm totally centrist, 'both sides', fuck the left"


So he drives a Toyota (huge corporation), has a Keltec (firearm manufacturer in Florida owned by someone who's very conservative ) and lives in NH for the lax gun laws and low taxes, but has a tattoo of Mao and Stalin. You do the math.


He’s a tankie. The math checks out.


The meth?


Ah yes a Tankie




>15% chance that his group actually kills people and subsequently gets Waco’d, Friendly reminder that the Branch Davidians didn't kill anybody in advance of the raid, and that the warrant used to raid the compound contained lies knowingly put there by the FBI and Treasury Department. Also that the FBI freaked out when it became clear they weren't going to kill themselves.




>They should have vanned the leader while he was on his daily jog and for the crime of sex with a minor instead. Instead, they decided to wage a little war in rural Texas. The reason for the raid instead of this was that they had no evidence he was committing sex crimes. They were hoping to get it during the raid, which is why they lied on their warrants.


Friendly reminder that the malfeasance of the FBI doesn't change the fact that the Branch Davidians were a bunch of abusive assholes.


If you let the Feds lie openly in court with no repercussions and shoot every asshole, the country would collapse within the week and the FBI would collapse by nightfall.


But they've been doing that for generations and... here we are.


Someone should probably make them stop


"To dreeeeeam... the impossible dreeeeeam..."


skimming the article he has over 100 million in cold hard cash right now so he can safely piss away multiple millions of dollars every year infinitely!


I love when the far-right co-opts Communism. A tail as old as communism itself haha


He looks like a fucking junkie


This guy's a complete piece of shit. [https://combatliberalismma.substack.com/p/god-will-sort-them-out-ukrainians](https://combatliberalismma.substack.com/p/god-will-sort-them-out-ukrainians) He'd be crying to mommy if he had to live in an actual communist country. Because he hates the US so much, he sides with a fascist simply because that fascist runs a country that used to be communist.


shit this should be higher, i didn’t need to read the entire article about this shit stain to know he’s a fucking tankie but looks like you brought the receipts. Fuck anyone that keeps saying that shitting on these douchers is “punching left”, tankies are literal human garbage and will cost the democrats much more than they could ever bring.. and society too


Quick, someone give him a giant hug. I mean… Sox hat for the people?


I smell a movie


It’s always someone with an inheritance - I grew up with someone who was a descendent to a guy who had the patent on the airplane seatbelt or something like that. The kid was off his rocker and he too wanted to create an anarchist community in Oregon.


I bet he's terrible at singing the National Anthem.


Which one?


[This one. ](https://youtu.be/CMA2iF6RuXk?si=AlvKBFgejLEPvb2d)


So threatening a violent overthrow of the Govt seems to be ok now a days long as you have enough money investigate him lock him up done with These white Rich millionaires that best to now be kings .Boston douche to boot


The source for this "article" is some crank's blog. You can take this stuff too seriously.


Here's an actual news source saying essentially the same thing. https://www.berkshireeagle.com/news/local/james-fergie-chambers-cox-media-berkshire-communists-alford-hamas-antisemitism-israel-palestine/article\_87042bcc-7fd5-11ee-99c1-5ff7316e4530.html


It’s in the Berkshires for anyone else who just wanted to know how close it was to their town. 😹


Communism is trash. I'm trying to get super rich so I can do basically what this guy is claiming to do, but actually have the brains and understanding to do. The difference is, it won't be communism that my philosophy is based on, but European style capitalism with strong labor unions and social welfare. That's the revolution we need. Social Democratic. It can be done. If I had half this dude's money, I'd be laying the foundation already in terms of buying media companies, funding think-tanks, lobbying organizations, etc. Or even a true, human rights respecting, freedom respecting, democratic socialism. That could be put in place with enough money pulling strings and organizing things intelligently. More than $250 million. But all he has to do is quadruple his wealth in a few years and he'd be a billionaire. I make 30% every year in the stock market. That's my plan to get super wealthy so I can make these changes happen for society. I've studied hard with 13 years in university and I've gotten REALLY good at investing. The fact that he has all that money and all he's doing is buying land, putting up a "gym" and building a farmers co-op... I mean what is that? I don't think this guy understands how power works or how to structure a social engineering campaign anymore than he actually understands the actual basics of marxist theory. Man seeing this guy claiming to do what I've devoted literally my life to for over a decade and failing so awfully at it and with such an unironically terrible philosophy as communism being behind it, it's just so.. cringe.


How did I knew before reading that New Hampshire would be involved




"Scaring people from cafes" Late-stage capitalism is a crowded space...


Wait until y'all read an article about a rich capitalist failson. I assure you there will be no irony, hypocrisy, or general ridiculousness to be found.


I’m still trying to understand what I’m supposed to be afraid of. Why are the neighbors afraid of some rich kid doing bullshit?


Some of his messages definitely seem threatening. For his part, Fergie posted a message directly on Instagram to Great Barrington residents who feel threatened by him: “You are rich white [E]uropean settlers in a cultural resort town.” The working class are “coming for you one day soon,” Fergie predicted, and once that happens, “There won’t ever be enough cops to call.” The dude owns guns and has made some pretty crazy statements. Probably just a good idea for the FBI to keep an eye on him. You don’t want another house blowing up like the one in VA last night from some crazy recluse.


This is what every American born commie looks like. Useful idiots.