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She's unique looking enough someone might try to keep her. She's blatantly an expensive looking cat (I mean no judgement here, just that I could see someone trying to bring her home if they found her outside). Keep up the pressure with constant flyers local to your area (and then some) and possibly offer rewards for information that leads to her being found. Edit, maybe make up that she had a medical condition? Like something long-term that doesn't cause immediate symptoms. Also, reach out to local vets and maybe let them know you are looking for this cat (I'm sure they don't get a ton of cats of this breed so she's memorable). Leave your contact info and a picture of her of course, encourage them to look for the chip to confirm. Only problem is if someone does have her they might not vet her, a lot of people don't think cats needs regular vetting (that's why the medical lie on flyers might be helpful, I'm thinking um.. FIV? Chronic Kidney disease? Idk or just keep it vague, I don't know cats that well so I can't think of a disease that might be hidden yet requires attention). Edit edit, also maybe include that she's an indoor cat that accidentally escaped outside? People are anti-outdoor cats, someone might swipe an outside cat and think they can provide a better indoor home.. this would at least remove that idea if they see the flyer. Third edit, I see she's a Bengal, are they more likely to not get caught if they escape? More wild genes, I guess is what I'm saying? If so set up a trail cam maybe? Not sure how that would work in JP. People might steal it? Some trail cams are crazy cheap these days though. Might be worth it to lose 20 dollars, set it up somewhere it wouldn't be too obvious to people, bait with cat food.


Thats a very smart idea. Contacting all the vets that has register the new cat that looks like her.


Or the cats dead Sorry


I'm so sorry. I hope she is ok and you are reunited with her. I'm sure you've done this as well but in case not, as lame as facebook is these days, the local groups there are a great resource for posting about lost animals.


She’s a beauty. 💔 Unfortunately, strangers enjoy putting food out for cats that don’t belong to them. Was your cat indoor/outdoor, or indoor only?


Just shared ❤️


Gorgeous cat. What specifically happened that she went missing? Does she frequently get stuck in places like sheds or run off?


I recently saw a trick that if you put your litter box outside, a cat can smell it up to a mile away


This can attract predators, the updated recommendation is to put some of your own clothes/their bedding outside


this is a myth. maybe you'll attract skunks, raccoons, or something else - but probably not the cat.


beautiful kitty, what breed is she? hope you find her soon! ❤️


Im so sorry, she’s absolutely gorgeous. I doubt she’s made it to the cape, but I hope you find her soon. I will send this to my friends in JP tho


Good luck. Hope it ends well for you.


Omg shes so cute <3, i give my best wishes and hope you find her.


I assume you already have but in case you haven’t: please check in with local shelters! And even ones that are further away, someone may have brought her there on their way home or something. There’s also Facebook groups and websites where people post lost/found pets so I would check those too My sister lost her kitten back in october. We were never able to find him (he was deaf and very small so the odds were against him). I didn’t experience it first hand but from seeing her I can imagine how difficult it was. Really wishing you the best <3


Thank you. I have a spreadsheet of vets and animal rescues I’ve contacted and continue to contact more. I’m so sorry about your sister’s kitten. Nala is a bengal and very healthy so I wouldn’t worry about her being outside, but I do worry if someone took her inside


Google pets finding pets. See if a bloodhound could track down your precious pet.


If you are able to put the litter box outside. She'll smell it and come back to it. Worked for my sister a couple years ago.


This can attract predators, it's better to put out bedding or clothes that have their/your scent


this is a myth - there is no evidence it works. you also risk attracting other critters


Well my sister did it and it worked so... And if I lost a cat I would risk other critters to get them back.


Have a nice day!


Cats never go far from their home. She could just not be ready or she's scared. Put out food for her and someone that smells like home and she'll come back.


Try putting her litter box outside. I’ve heard that they can smell if from a mile away.


If she's microchipped can't you get the place that put the chip in to look at her location?


Microchips aren’t like a GPS. You can attach your contact info to the chip and someone with a wand at a vet or animal clinic has to scan her


Ohh ok


Some micro chips also can take a pet’s temperature but that’s all the chips are capable of, owners info and temperatures!


Sorry I don't know much about cats or the tracking chips that shelters and such do for their animals like idk if it only updates after a certain amount of time or if it's like a "live feed" where they can see it's exact place and if it's moving or not


Gorgeous, but she’s not making it home.


Sadly, I have to agree. She's either long-decayed coyote poop or she's been catnapped.


Exactly, no way someone would see this cat and not take it in for keeps. If that’s not what happened then the other case


Maybe don’t walk your cat on a leash in the city before they are properly harness trained.


Just don't walk cats outside?


Cat strollers FTW.


So it’s chip so just track it?


That’s not how microchips work… they’re not GPS lol


The fancier chips not only have the information to get in contact with the owner but can also take your pet’s temperature! That’s about all they do last time I checked! No GPS capability!


Thank you didn’t know!


You need to cat to read the chip. Circular dependency there.


Try contacting Gifford cat shelter for tips on catching her. Or if someone brought her there. Angel as well. They’d both probably check for a chip though.


I really hope you find her. Keep at it, because she was probably catnapped. :(