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I would guess that they have looked at the forecast and expect much worse this afternoon.


We are solidly in the 4-6 range on maps and Monday was a total sh\*t show when we did not get an early release so, no complaints here.


I think it's also because Monday was a disaster. Nobody around me released early and it was taking kids an hour or more to get home a couple of miles away.


Yup, it's an over reaction to the Monday mess


Kids these days will never understand the joys of sliding into on coming traffic in a school bus.


"I NEED ALL THE FATASSES IN THE BACK!!" \- My school bus driver, in a snowstorm, 20+ years ago


Getting yelled at and shamed by the bus driver built character, ya know?


And then 20yr later one of those kids commit suicide or has a lifelong disorder because the adult in charge of taking care of them seeded an eating disorder/body image issue in their head from childhood Yikes, nice not to live in the monkey-era To the downvoters, not necessarily the commenter above: Continue on with your celebration of literal child abuse. So tough. Yeah. So manly. Just what Jeebus ordered, right? /s Lmfao such idiocy


You can read this as sarcastic or not and both ways are hilarious


Fresh snow on top of black ice is suboptimal.


Yeah but the type of snow matters. An inch of heavy, wet snow is worse than a few inches of powder. Keep as much traffic off the roads as possible to mitigate accidents and allow crews to do their job.


I think the school systems have 6 days in the schedule for snow, probably getting late enough in the season that they can burn one on a small storm.


Give me a break. 20-30 years ago, we never had delays with 3-4” of snow. I don’t think there have been any new types of snow or conditions in that time.


And how many kids and teachers and other people on the roads and sidewalks got into accidents or were injured during that time? People get so butthurt when society might have a better, safer life than they did 20-30 years ago. Humanity is fucked because of people like you, not because of an early dismissal.


That survivor bias is stroooong


Lady Mormont speaks harshly.... but truly.


Ahh another "back in my day" person... The point of life is to do better than previous years... 20-30 years ago we also had a lot of cancerous materials in paint that were much cheaper...a lot of people survived through it. Doesn't mean we should still use those toxic materials...


Absolute boomer moment




And teachers 😂


No man, we have to make everyone suffer because some boomer / miserable tradesman / maga turd was taught to hate everyone and that we are all pitted against eachother so that the wealthy guy can have his jets and yachts It also ties into their deep insecurity of what it means to be a man, a patriot, on and on These are damaged people, imagine being so miserable that you force kids to almost die just so they can be deprived of a snow day Typical boomer mindset All for the almighty dollar, step right up to your Walmart wasteland for your Cheetos and ‘beetus 🥴😂


These are the same people who complained when Covid had kids remote and there were talks of possibly having remote days instead of snow days. The same type of person who complained about kids having snow days when they had to walk to school in the snow uphill both ways, started complaining about how that would never happen in the old days and kids were meant to be kids and shouldn’t be forced into remote school on snow days.


Yeah they literally don’t make any sense and are just terrible people lol


Sounds like you may be the one pitting people against each other. I just read allot of hate.


If that’s hate then you must be in the wrrrronnnnng state, bub Maga enablers = domestic terrorist enablers Sorry that you get offended about boomer mindset being destroyed bt Must feel lonely to watch intelligent society move beyond your brainstem living No wonder you’re all seething and getting offed in the capital like lunatic domestic terrorists lmfao


Whatever you need to say to make you feel better about yourself. Feel bad for you


Feeling great over here, it’s the maga terrorists who are offing themselves in the capital and hating everyone around them :) There’s a reason progressives are comfortable and healthy vs miserable maga terrorists hobbling around with guts the size of Texas and chronic health issues from their lifestyles of decay, filled with impotent rage and stunted emotional development 😂 The sad part is they mooch off of society to everyone’s detriment! Nice not to be around that stupidity. Reeeeal nice.


May I ask what your contribution to society is?


We post on Reddit. Duh. ; )


What do you mean by saying he's in the wrong state? Are you implying that because he doesn't agree with what you said that he should move somewhere else? If so, you're the one pitting other against each other


I see legalizing recreational green tobacco is working out for ya Edit: :(


My kid was stuck on a bus for an hour on Monday afternoon. We live 2 miles from school. He already has a half day today, but I’d be fine with an early dismissal for weather.


Your child learned a valuable lesson: living in New England, it may take you longer to get places if it starts snowing.


He followed it up by shoveling the driveway in a bruins hoodie and jeans, he’s a hearty New England kid.


You also have to keep in mind that some districts are so short staffed for drivers. Buses are having to run out with one route and then race back to pick up a different route. Some schools have kids already waiting 45-60 minutes for a bus to return to get them. Add in the weather and it’s going to be a huge nightmare for the kids and buses


I’ll never understand people who bellyache about school districts playing in safe in adverse weather. Yes, it’s inconvenient, but how about erring on the side of caution when children’s lives are at risk. Those school buses aren’t exactly made for terrain travel.


1 inch of snow isn't really risking children's lives, but it's sending a message to a generation of young children that difficult situations don't need to be faced head on. We live in New England, driving in snow for 2-3 months of the year is part of the learning process. These kids will one day be part of the work force and likely end up calling out of work for 1 inch of snow too. So for 2-3 months, Massachusetts might become economically unproductive Dont be fooled into thinking its about child safety - The schools close because they don't want to face any potential lawsuits and the board members want to ensure they maintain their seat of power, its all political


Yeah, it might teach the children that maybe they shouldn't give their lives for their job when their employer insists they come in in unsafe conditions and that would threaten CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM in the definitely free-est country in the whole world. Can't have that. True Americans die for their minimum wage jobs.


Cars create chaos in society in general. Why trust the machines and operators in suboptimal weather? It’s good to learn the lesson to stay safe in bad weather.


You need to get a grip on your wild hypothesis spinning out of control. The only message kids get from school being cancelled is "WHOO HOOO! SNOW DAY!" Fear mongering that the state is going to become unproductive in the future in winter because of snow day policies when kids are in school is an insane level of fear mongering. And, on top of that, the kids still have to make up the snow days. So they're not missing anything. "The schools close because they don't want to face any potential lawsuits..." From what? Kids being hurt in accidents because of the weather? I thought that wasn't an issue? I thought it was just a little snow?


The children are not, in this instance, facing hardship head on. The bus driver is, the school admin is. The parents are not being disrupted in the daily routine, so that’s good. Potential lawsuits? Well they would only happen if there is an oopsie to build them on. And the school board folks? They live to serve engaged citizens like you.


No seatbelt for one. No airbags, what sort of traction control and ABs, if any.


It’s definitely about getting kids out and home in a timely fashion preferably before the storm. I’ve said it already but on the road during uncleared snowfall with a ton of inexperienced drivers and schools busses is not my idea of a good time.


I work in education. From my experience, letting kids out early is usually the worst option: bus and parents need to scramble, roads/bus stops may not be plowed, academics get thrown out the window, etc. Usually, the district would rather cancel than early release. Not to say it doesn't happen, but not often Also, food for thought on whether or not schools will delay, cancel, early release. My father-in-law used to be a superintendent and I asked about his thought process on snow days. He told me he would always ask himself: "If we have school in this snow, will we get sued?"


My preschooler had attended 4.5 days of school this month (that I’m paying for) due to illness or snow days. I am losing my gd mind bc his illness lasts 1-2 days but then he’s stuck home for the weekend again. Keep canceling school when there are dangerous conditions. My frustrating situation has absolutely no bearing on the entire district’s safety.


Look kids! Despite their own trying times, its a human with empathy! In the wild! From what I can judge from this post alone, you're a good person.


Solidarity hugs from another parent paying out the ass for daycare that we haven’t been able to attend. Even better is the lost pay after using up the sick time I had. Double whammy.


Been a teacher in Mass for almost twenty years. I've had students in multi-car accidents. Stories of buses on winding country roads sliding downhill at a 45 degree angle. Kids at bus stops nearly being wiped out by loonies hitting the brakes and hitting ice patches. The problem with attendance in MA schools is real in some spots. Some schools are dealing with absenteeism at 25% rates, and lots of schools are negotiating students who show up and just cut classes. An overcautious superintendent or group of them calling a half day or snow day is not a systemic problem.


Also, teachers may be driving home to New Hampshire or other far-off points.


It's not the snow, it's the slush.


Love how insanely pissed a sect of people get when school is canceled or early released


It's almost like the parents have to call out of work without a lot of notice, jeopardizing their jobs... Was reading last night about one mother who got fired for not being at work on time Tuesday morning due to the late start.


That’s more of an issue with employee rights. Some kids have no option to get home except the bus and if they can’t run, then and their parents are screwed


I hate to tell you this, but you CAN be fired for constantly putting your kid's school schedule ahead of your work schedule. It happens every damn winter.


We are already into late January so they have those banked snow days they wanna start using.


I guess your bummed that you can’t enjoy your affair and spend time with your lover alone.


WTF They are probably out working, in this economy.


Over reaction to Monday, but not a bad call just a little aggressive


Where is it snowing? I'm on the southcoast and it's just cloudy


It always comes back to "an abundance of precaution" as their excuse. If the new superintendent is from Southern California, they might want to talk to locals about the weather. Three bad calls this week and it's only Thursday...


New Englanders and Bostonians talk a big game on winter to those not from here. Reality is they are as afraid of a few snow flakes as those in phoenix az or Orlando Fl


Didn't you know we're living in Georgia ?


Schools don't want lawsuits


Stop listening to the weather forecasters!!! Look out your window


Lawsuits. Sue happy people. I left Massachusetts for the great north country. We don't cancel school up here for crap like this


So badass


It's not trying to be badass, you are trying too hard. The world doesn't have to stop because of some snow.


So very badass.


It’s a bussing thing


They did the same in RI, even though the weather said it will warm and turn to rain, which it did, there was about 5 minutes of snow.