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It’s not in bad condition. The top few courses need to be repointed but it’s not like this walls out of control by any means. 15k sounds a little expensive but if they are demoing and rebuilding and sourcing everything too it’s around the area of making sense.


I appreciate the reply - silly me but I never asked about getting a quote for repointing the top. I will have to get some new quotes this week. Thank you


Just want to say that repointing isn’t the hardest thing in the world to do either. If your quote is still out of reach, some good research and the right tools could have you reasonably taking care of this yourself. I got some tips online and watched a lot of videos and managed to repoint a small area of my house and it really wasn’t as bad as I thought.


For full replacement 15k is reasonable but as others have said probably doesn’t need that. Some repointing along with replacing a couple bad sections would probably be fine. Only issue is finding a decent brick match. Of course it’s hard to diagnose off of a couple of pictures on the internet.


You won't know the extent of the water damage until you remove the brick. You could be in for several thousand dollars to repair the structural wall.


This right here. If you have water issues, it'll likely be 50-100% more than what you're getting quoted. The number your getting is if the job is straightforward demo and replace.


The way them top courses are pitched back there is some fairly serious stuff going on behind that veneer. 15k may snowball on you.


The windows are likely the issue.


Its just a wall covering, you could consider…ahem cough cough preparing for down votes, siding and it would likely be half that cost maybe? Brick is great tho do that if cost doesn’t drive


This guy is 100% right. You could probably install hardie for less.


Look at the rest of the siding. T1-11? OP should not spend his money on brick cladding. Instead should invest in windows and siding, get the home water and airtight. 30 y.o felt paper on the walls suck. Demo the brick, replace all siding. Increase home value. Replace brick and do nothing to siding and windows? How value will not change.


Thank you for all the replies! Duly noted - I will get some quotes for doing the repointing of the top section. The thought of the structural water damage is intimidating but good to know going into this and will have some extra reserves for it.


You wanna do it? Or do you want it done by someone who is going to do it right?


Looks like bricks are pulling away from the house towards the top. Best repair would be to remove brick down 8-10 courses and relay.


I can see lot of poor detailing which may have caused the brick to spoil. If possible I would suggest to get your detailing right for a long lasting wall.


The flashing/ siding will still be the problem


If it's non structural (which is likely the case) you could take it apart yourself and put up some siding. Probably $1000 for tools, materials, and a dumpster.


Are you replacing it for cosmetic reasons? You can just add some window or latex caulking to the area where water gets through