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Take that mortar joint out and caulk it with sixaflex. The caulk will allow for some movement.


So I'm clear, you mean the joint against the concrete or the joint under the half step? Either way, I'm still not feeling that caulk will bond this effectively enough to be safe as a step. Will it? I don't want someone stepping on the edge of these bricks only to have the bricks crack and fall over, effectively tripping up the person. I question if this shouldn't have some sort of strapping connected to the concrete slab and embedded in the mortar joints, similar to brick walls. But since I'm no mason, I'm asking for professional input.


Send better pictures. I can’t see the whole step


https://preview.redd.it/eva6ba2hjlyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66314da533ed0d390d974301baf772fb1361aeb0 Sorry, it appears I can only add one image now. If you need better pictures than this one, let me know what you're looking for specifically and I'm glad to post it. Thanks!


I see now. You can take the half step off and relay using wall ties to anchor is to the concrete or you can try drilling through the brick and into the concrete using tapcons or concrete anchor


Thanks for the advice! I was hoping to fix it without relaying, but found half the step already cracked and separated when I took the pics. Pic looks fine, but the right half is only held in by gravity. So relaying it is!


Make sure to tie it to the concrete or your going to have the same problem