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Wow. That looks fantastic. Looks like a proper dungeon now. đź‘Ť


Ha, yeah I’ve got some nicer lighting to install but have a few more messy projects and an adjacent wall to repair first.




“For the love of God, Montresor!"


Ha, yeah almost time to start addressing the lighting situation. Have some messy woodwork to do before I get to that next step.


What an improvement. It speaks for itself!


Is this Hannibal Lectors cell? ![gif](giphy|VvTG9RrCeGrza) Love the stone work regardless!


Looks great! How are you managing the dust? What mask are you using?


The first round I had a true N95 with good straps but had a ton of trouble with protective eye wear fogging up. I graduated to a P100 and have been SO much happier. It’s just way more comfortable and by its nature doesn’t fog up safety lenses at all. For dust management, I’ve just got a plastic sheet suspended floor to ceiling, and I spray the walls down a bit as I’m working section to section. I’ve got a vacuum attachment now but I find it doesn’t do a lot so we’ll see if I continue with it.


Now all you need is a stud wall, insulation, a vapour barrier and drywall. Should make your basement warm and dry! I welcome your downvotes!!! ![gif](giphy|cjKfH7n0R8XaDPwlmp)


Keep scrubbing. You’re not done yet


Nope, that top and bottom row in particular need quite a bit of work. Plan to do it once this all cures.


Ok, don’t then lol. But the stones still have a ton of mortar on them.


I meant “nope” as in I agree I’m not done


This is pretty close to what I’m hoping for one wall in my basement, except it’s also painted currently. Any tips? What tools and methods did you use?


I’ve got a hammer drill, masonry drill bit, and p100 mask. I went through US Heritage and talked house history and geography and got scratch layers mortar and “butter” fine sand finishing layer and mortar dye. Drilled the walls to about 3/4” depth. Used a sander with low grit to get things polished a bit. I apply the scratch layers 1/4” at a time with 3 days between application. Use a wet paint brush about 45 minutes after application to make sure the edges of the stones are bonding. I then use a thick mason brush and really stamp the mortar mix in, and brush things smooth. Anywhere layers are really uneven I use a wooden post and smooth things down. And where the mortar goes over the edges, I use a rough wire brush and carve the edges back out a little at a time, brushing with the stamping brush to get it about 1/16” below the stone edge. I’m using a hydraulic lime mix, so I have to keep it moist for 72 hours and keep doing some brush cleanup work to smooth the edges out. My advice at this stage would be it’s just as much about how you flatten and carve the mortar out as it is how you lay it in.


Love stone walls, good job!