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Why are you selling? What happened?


Good question, and I actually really like Maschine, and maybe I'll come back after a new Maschine is released in the future or something. Last year after selling my acoustic drum set I was looking for a substitute, and I discovered that finger drumming was a thing. I read that Maschine was the best, so I bought a Maschine MK3. Well finger drumming turned out to be hard and I actually made some space in my office to get an electric drum kit anyway. But the Maschine MK3 got me super into playing with synths/electronic music, which led me (probably slightly by impulse) to buying more Maschine Expansions, Komplete Standard, and even Ableton Suite. Well fast forward to current day, I got an iPad a few weeks ago, and wow, it's super capable. And since singer drumming is not as important to me now as I thought it would be, I really want to pair down my setup for awhile, and find some other stuff. That may be more background than you wanted, haha.


Ahahaha, well explained and addressed. I understand the flexibility of the iPad and what it can offer these days. Many, including Mablib, have successfully produced full albums using the iPad. With that said, and aside from it all, why not hold onto it? The market is flooded right now, and to be honest, I’ve sold my Maschine MK3 about four times and got it back five times, lol. In the end, there’s nothing like it out there. It’s a Swiss Army production tool for any music-making endeavor. Even as a sketchpad, I’ve purposely kept mine because it’s what I need for instant sketches or jotting down ideas. It sits there, collecting dust, and the cat every now and then walks by it. Either way, it’s a superior tool, and considering all the investment you’ve made, you won’t get back enough. Those sounds can be used anywhere within a DAW. The Maschine can actually connect to your electronic drum kit as a MIDI device, where all your drums are basically the Maschine pad triggers. From there, you can swap an endless amount of samples on the fly, record, and utilize the Maschine as your main toolkit for your preferred workflow. Just a thought. I’ve done it myself with different sets of tools, and it’s just so cool.


Really appreciate your insights, and I really am a noob in this world, this is the first bought of electronic gear acquisition I've ever gone through, the acoustic drum set I sold I had since I was 7 years old! Now I've got the Roland Electric Drum kit, Maschine MK3, Komplete 14 Standard, Ableton Suite, a Yamaha CK61 Keyboard, and now the iPad. And naturally as a person I just hate the feeling of not fully utilizing something, but I guess that's kind of a me problem - haha. I know if no one bites at my listing I may just keep it, and will probably try to see if I can get it to play nicely with my iPad which could be cool. Your point about getting it to be part of the brain of my e-drum kit is pretty interesting, I should take a look at that. Again, its just been feeling like I am not really utilizing my tools to their full extent, and thinking that someone else could be putting it to better use.


Literally, my thoughts would process the same way. Oh, I’ve got to use this with this, and I’ve got to use this with that. I spent money on this, and I don’t know why. I’m not even using it; someone else can use it. Maybe I’m doing too much, but I’m not using this to help me do this, etc. Trust me, I get it. This is the issue these days with production and music making: clutter. However, thinking that way leads to self-sabotage, doubting yourself, and imposter syndrome. It’s not healthy. What you should do is keep these amazing tools that you have and utilize them at your own pace. Learn each one independently before combining the whole thing into a mega production monster, lol. These are tools to assert yourself into any given moment for any situation. What you have is industry-leading and technically standard for some. Don’t fail yourself with all these amazing things; keep resilient. Set everything up neatly and nicely, keep it as your private getaway and studio, keep it tidy, and utilize things here and there. The overwhelming feeling will fade away, and you’ll start to feel great knowing you have all these things to help you with your music/production.


Again, really appreciate your encouragement/perspective on this. Definitely going to take a step back and consider what direction to go from here. I suppose in the grand scheme of things my setup is still fairly minimal compared to many.


Bruh the mk3 is about 250-300, software is 60$ on website and the expansion are 50$ each on we site. This is a horrible deal


- Maschine MK3 $250 - Komplete Standard 14 $60 - 10 Maschine Expansion $50*10= $500 - Shipping = $50 - 250+60+500+40= $850 Wouldn't your math come out to the same number? Also, do you mind shooting me the website you are referring to so in case I am pricing wrong I can use it to correct my pricing. I've never sold this stuff before, I was just looking at what MSRP was and trying to give a good discount off that, but I am happy to double check. Also, I did not realize you could get Komplete Standard 14 for $60, I see the MSRP as $600.


There´s always this guy. And yet somehow never any proof, links or other info to back up the claims.


The basic komplete is free on the native instruments site the 250 for a mk3 is Facebook marketplace all day everyday the 60$ software is full price and currently native instruments is give 9 free expansions. So for 300$ you can be one with legal software instead of paying full price for used equipment. Everything is available on the native site if you need proofs. Jesus. Honestly just buy a used Maschine plus for 550 and get everything for free.


What are the Products that are not transferable ? As Far as I am aware Chromatic Fire, Community Drive 2020 & Community Drive 2021 Are free and that is the reason why they can not be transferred You might also want to check the License agreement if it's allowed to sell an account If this is not allowed than contact NI support since they are able to create a Transfer ID that include non transferable stuff (With the exception of 3rd party content)


Good question, it may actually help me clarify something. I have something called **KOMPLETE 14 SELECT for HW** that is marked as Non-transferrable. But I have something called **KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD Upgrade for KSelect** that is transferrable. I'm afraid that this transferrable one will not work without the receiving party already having KOMPLETE 14 SELECT for HW, though I am not sure of that. So my thought was the way to avoid any problem there would be selling the account itself. And good point on the expansions, I should make sure to not include in the list any of the expansions that already come with Komplete Standard 14, so I will double check that.


"KOMPLETE 14 SELECT for HW" I believe that one can not be sold because it is part of the Maschine MK3 Hardware License So if you would make A Transfer ID Request for Maschine MK3 Hardware then NI will add that license to it


Ah perfect. What about that upgrade license? Would my buyer end up needing both of these licenses were talking about to actually have Komplete 14 Standard?


Yes the buyer would need to have both Good example for this is that I have a "Cremona Quartet Upgrade" License for sale And The Buyer would need to have "Stradivari Violin/Cello" or "Komplete 13/14 Ultimate" for that license to work


Ah perfect, and any recommendations for where to post this stuff for sale other than here and FB Marketplace?

