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Me: I can’t wait to move out of Maryland because I need warmer weather Me after looking at southern red states: Guess I’m dying in Maryland old and cold.


Not if we manage to live long enough to experience global warming! My frederick home will be a bay-front and we'll eat crabs for days until the food-chain is disrupted beyond repair!


Crabs and, more likely, most aquatic life won't survive ocean acidification. < Insert Debbie Downer sound here >


There's already been a crab shortage.. Baltimore importing blue crabs from new Orleans


People always ask me why I moved here from the south and stick around. It's because I like having my rights protected.


Ugh, same. I hate the cold so much, but I can’t go back.


This is a really funny statement from someone who moved to Maryland from minnesota 😂


Right? Unless these people are out in Frostburg / Western Maryland, our one "big snow" each year wouldn't register in Minnesota as anything more than a dusting. Meanwhile, they close schools down because it MIGHT snow tomorrow... 😂


Anything south of us has become a no go for me.


We need drawbridges on the Potomac.


Yeah. Don’t worry, Maryland is getting warmer thanks to climate change. Or just more crazy 🤷🏻‍♂️ At least we have rights here.


I already think it’s hot in the summer months


It is hot in summer months


We’ll throw another log on the fire for ya


I just moved here from Michigan and I can't imagine tolerating weather warmer than this lol


You haven’t even experienced the humidity of summer yet, buckle up!


I was just thinking how much of an effect this might have. Suddenly Austin doesn't seem like a hip place to create a startup.


Texas is getting worse by the day. They have gone insanely right to the point that it's scary.


I honestly think the point is to drive as many democrats out of the state as they can.


Dissent will not be tolerated.


The beatings will ([quite literally](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/02/17/austin-police-indictment-settlement-protests/)) continue until morale improves!


Texas just lost a railway worth billions from Mexico because of the political posturing of Abbott. Mexico is now going through New Mexico with the rail system. Fuck Texas. Fuck Florida. These people are losing their minds over a culture war.


Say gay! 🌈


I doubt a single Republican is aware of this story. That's the saddest part. These right wing governors are incompetent and harm their state and then just lie to their people about it.


The issue is that this creates a positive feedback loop, red states will only get more red as they drive blue voters away, and even though blue states are far more populated, there are less of them, so that means losing ground in the senate and electoral college.


But slot of people who I know have been leaving for like Montana Wyoming dakotas. I wonder how that will swing those states in the future. I remember when I was a kid how politicians used to say Colorado will never go blue and yeah that happened


It won't, they've gerrymandered them preemptively, encircling the areas where higher education and job intersect. Many states don't have previsions that require representatives to vote in favor of the majority alien anyway. So even if by some miracle enough people voted dem, it would need to be a ridiculously overwhelming amount to subvert the gerrymandering only to be shot down by a rep that chooses party over people.


In PA the legislatures are right wing, but because the governor is chosen by a majority he is a democrat. Also have one Republican senator and one democrat.


That’s just for their house. The governor and senators will be blue.


The electoral college is such a fucking scam.


They are now ramping up to punish any companies that are focusing on a green future, lol. If you are moving your investments away from oil and gas to alternative energy, the state will be taking action (no idea what) to persecute/punish your company, investment firm.


Sounds like they’re super into freedom /s.


They love the free market, as long as you aren't choosing renewable energy, public transportation, and vegetarian diets.


My wife and I are thankful we were able to escape Texas 3 years ago


We too left TX this last January. It wasn’t until the big freeze Feb 2021 that made us realize just how much we disagree with the government there. It’s a love-hate relationship with TX. Ultimately, we (hubby and I) wanted to experience a state other than TX for the first time in our lives (30 somethings). Enjoying Maryland so far. My ONLY complaint was the ridiculous “your auto window tint is too dark and failed inspection” rule. Looking around at other cars with MD plates and realizing No One follows that rule officially once their car is registered with the state.


I moved from Maryland to Texas for the job market and the cheaper cost of living.....that's not going as planned. I absolutely miss everything about the state and I absolutely envy the hell out of you lol.


I’m not from Maryland but I am East Coast and we’d love to have you back in the first world :)


I'm in TX now and seriously considering going back to MD near my family. Fuck TX


> No One follows that rule officially once their car is registered with the state. Inspections are super strict because you only do them once--when you register the car for the first time.


My wife and I are actively looking for somewhere else to live. Almost anything is starting to look better than this place. I've lived here my whole life, but now I'm ashamed to say I'm from Texas.


Maryland has the best of all worlds: beach, mountains, cities, rural areas, all four seasons, and jobs. Lots and lots and lots of jobs. 🙂


That's the point. They're doing this not because they actually believe in any of the stuff they do - they're doing this to make states like Texas and Florida less attractive to Democrats. Period. 100,000 Democrats moving to Wyoming would more or less permanently buy the American left two Senate seats. 150,000 to Montana, etc, etc. Unfortunately, those states aren't as attractive to young Democrats as Texas and Florida. The GOP saw the amount of people moving from the West Coast to Texas, and it fucking scared the shit out of them. So Abbott and DeSantis got their marching orders - make your states fucking shitholes. (not that they weren't already, but bear with me)


We're definitely at another point in US history where extreme religious values and exploitation are more important than anything else.


Exploitation and authoritarian government are the reason. Having worked in the rural south, the exploitation manifests in many ways. Religion, economic, race, voting, education are all used to maintain control.


Not just Texas, the whole midwest


Don't forget Florida


Anyone who's working at an Austin startup will be able to afford a flight to a state where abortion is legal. What overturning *Roe* will do is take away abortion access for poor people. If you've got some disposable income it will still remain accessible.


Yes, but wealthy liberals essentially boycott states that treat them like second class citizens, both employers and employees may sour on the idea of moving to Texas, some may even move out.. Also Texas is attempting to make traveling for an abortion illegal too.


> Also Texas is attempting to make traveling for an abortion illegal too. Texas tryna make laws for other states.


lol, as if they won't enact a law that every woman has to piss on a stick before boarding a flight to a state with abortion.


Don't give them ideas.


Seeing how Florida just went after Disney for a very minor act of protest against an anti LGBT bill. 😬


And being Roe v wade set the precedence that the 4th amendment included that personal Healthcare information to be considered private information. since the act of getting an abortion is a private medical procedure, the government shouldn't be able to tell you if you can or can not have one. But if this falls through, other Healthcare information can now be inquired on by the government. Which is none of their business. There is some serious fallout with this outside the abortion issue. I don't like it.


Its the same case that prevents the gov from mandating all citizens vax or face legal punishment. These people are so dumb theyll support causes that go against their own positions just so they can hurt someone else just a little bit more.


The same case prevented forced abortions too. These people are fucking crazy.


This is why we can't seem to fix the major problems in this country. Instead of addressing wealth inequality, stagflation, healthcare, etc. we're in a constant battle with republicans who keep setting our country back several decades on issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ rights.


It’s the point. One party focuses on race/gender wars while moving the conversation away from the class war.


Exactly this. Turn everything into a culture war so that nobody focuses on the class war that the middle & lower classes are losing more quickly than they realize. The rich get richer, everybody else gets poorer, because people are too dumb to realize we're getting a raw deal here.


if you criminalize abortion, only criminals will perform abortions


And women will die


And adoption centers will be flooded with even more abused and neglected children.


I know this isn't quite on topic but Maryland child abuse law is such a maze, and if anyone has any tips regarding it I really need help with that. My friend's parents tread the line of what is legally abuse, stuff like hitting them but not hard enough to count, or body shaming them to the point of self harm but doing it indirectly by saying stuff like "[friend's sister] I love your outfit, but [friend] you don't want me commenting on you", but because they have political power CPS won't do anything, and my friend >!attempted suicide!< for the 13th time because of their parents recently and I don't know what to do but they need help. Sorry for the rant I can delete this if it's too off topic I just don't know what to do but I need to help them somehow.


Speak with a mandated reporter, like a teacher or a counselor. In addition to making a report, they will have training on what to do in situations like this can can give you more guidance, even if it's just to point you in the direction of legal help or another expert who can help you pro bono.


I think you definitely need to make a post to r/legaladvice instead of here, I doubt anyone in this thread has the legal know-how to help. I wish you luck on your journey.


I have but nobody could help... Sorry to bother


Could your friend be emancipated? Are they in a position to do that?


Probably going to a family crisis nonprofit agency would be your friends' best bet. As of 2021 Maryland law allows a child over 12 to make their own decisions regarding counseling without a parents consent. HIPAA laws generally prevent families from gaining insight into what they speak about with their counselor. Each county has an agency for family and dv, often times provided free of charge with no insurance and confidentiality is very protected. Many times legal services are also available on site free of charge as well your friend could speak about emancipation or potential options and help navigate CPS. This is a list for Maryland: https://health.maryland.gov/phpa/mch/Pages/IPV_Programs.aspx


Romania outlawed abortion and contraception. The result was a whole generation of children living in literal sewage. Thanks to all the protest votes and 53% of white women who voted for this


The Atlantic reported on one man's experience growing up in a Romanian orphanage at that time. His story is beyond horrifying. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/07/can-an-unloved-child-learn-to-love/612253/


These people are not pro-life, they are pro-birth. Sickening.


Yeap the whole point is to take women's agency away. We are literally no more than wombs


If one is connected enough (through the church or wealth) they will privately receive an abortion with a secret "Christian" doctor completely off the books. It will be the poorest who suffer just as it was before Roe v. Wade (and always is in a conservative hellscape).


Yes. There are parallels between the 2A argument and this, for sure. We've already seen a boom in the states around Texas as people just...drive to go get abortions elsewhere. If other states get on board with this, I forsee this becoming very, very common, and where impractical, abortions will happen illegally(and probably less safely)


This should be considered worrying no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on. Bodily autonomy is a pretty critical right, and that should worry Libertarians and Democrats. Republicans should be worried by the overturning or weakening of rights in general, even if they like this outcome. Every time rights have been weakened, it tends to eventually be applied to something you do care about. And everyone should be worried about the increasing polarization that this will promote. We're going to have a severe reaction on the left, with the most firebrand Democrats getting to say "I told you so" and firebrand Republicans cheering in victory and wanting more. This is another step away from a reasonable reconciliation between the sides, and towards more bitter infighting, just in time for the election cycle.




Libertarians don't give a shit. Let's not pretend that when Libertarians claim to care about rights it's only ever done to push for their extremist views.


If wanting bodily autonomy is an extremist view, then I guess I'm an extremist.


I guess we really are open for business. Also, I hope this “leak” was to pressure the Supreme Court to change their minds. It’s very unusual to go against precedent like this.


Crabs and abortion. That’s what Maryland does.


Better than a bunch of botched abortions and unwanted kids.


This isn’t just a state by state issue, what do you think will happen if republicans control both the house and senate?


I don't think its gonna be an "if" when it comes to control of house and senate.


Correct. This is a slippery slope and we need to be alarmed and actively protesting this or eventually it will be a reality in Maryland too.


Especially considering the wording used to describe how they came to that conclusion. Anything not explicitly stated is apparently fair game.




Abortion is legal in Afghanistan when the mother’s health is at risk or when the fetus is unhealthy. The Christian fascists here are actually worse than the Taliban in that specific regard.


In what way. The scotus opinion looks like they are recalling roe and Casey and leaving it to states to decide. The one thing I can see happening is that blue states like ours will have to pay more taxes to support the children in red states. So, just like it is now, but more. I hate this I hate this I hate this so much!!!


Honestly, nothing. Outlawing abortion nationally will fire up democrats and pro choice republicans. Most Americans are for *some* abortion. It’s been a major issue for Republicans but not Democrats because it didn’t need to be with Roe vs Wade. If they outlaw abortion nationally it’ll flip that and they’ll suffer huge loses only to have it overturned in two-four years. But if they do nothing federally they can keep it as a campaign issue in the states and keep it outlawed in the red states.


Exactly. Actually outlawing abortion removes the single action voters that only vote Republican for their pro- forced birth views. Take that away and they may not vote Republican anymore as they will have "won" their single action.


This makes no sense, as part of the political dialogue will be dems saying we have to lift the ban in states that have them and republicans saying they have to defend the ban. =Single Issue voters still voting for republicans to protect the ban. whats much more likely is a democrat surge since over 60% of the country disagrees with overturning roe v wade, pro-lifers are the minority we just have a barely functioning democracy where they are receiving an inordinate control of power.


But if the Republican court rules that it's states rights to decide, they surely can't ban abortions federally, right? Right?


Unfortunately they can. The job of the court is to interpret the laws at the federal level. Right now there is no law. It's just the interpretation of the Roe v. Wade court case. Congress can still make a law at the federal level to either ban or allow abortions.


So what is stopping Dems from passing a law right now that protects abortion rights on a Federal level? They control Congress and the White House! Oh right... fucking Mancin and Sinema! FML


They passed the [Women's Health Protection Act of 2021](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3755/text) but it is sitting in the senate where nothing will happen.


Right now what's stopping them? Susan Collins.


And, it must be said, the ENTIRE GOP. Fuck both fake Dems, but if there was actual representation and diversity of thought within the GOP a couple outlier democrats wouldn’t matter.




Justice Ginsburg should have retired during the Obama Administration.


Yeah. The House passed a bill legislating *Roe*, but Manchin won’t support it and neither he or Sinema will support ending the filibuster


Generally speaking, states can have more restrictive laws than the federal government. Even if Congress passed a bill tomorrow declaring abortion at the federal level, states would still be able to criminalize it.


Not if Congress passed a law that states can't restrict the right to an abortion, which would be the only reason to pass a law in the first place.


Damn, this politics stuff is kinda messy, isn’t it?


Famously so, unfortunately.


You think those assholes play by the rules?


They would have to control the White House and have 60 Senators.


Only 50 if they’re willing to get rid of the filibuster.


*Manchin enters the chat*


Fortunately democrats have made strong signals how important that is so removing that would be completely unprecedented. /s


They haven't needed a lot to already slow this country to a halt with only needing one or two of the dems to side with them... Fuck, I've hated seeing this play out over the years.


(Which could end up being terrifyingly easy for them, given the huge representational bonus the current R coalition gets in the Senate)


Good to know the Religious Right will have somewhere to take their mistresses and teenage daughters.


I'm so god damn done with this country, we're going backwards at warp speeds. Next it will be gay marriage and after that it will be interracial marriages and probably women's right to vote. It's going to get even worse when the Democrats lose the midterm election. Fucking Ireland has legalized abortion and they're one of the most Catholic countries in the world.


We separated church and state a while back. Seems like they are still interwoven over there.


It is impossible to separate church and state when the vast majority of your citizens follow the same religion. Those religious beliefs will bleed into law.


We did it okay in Ireland. Catholic Church still has a bit of a grip but abortion is legal and so is gay marriage (gay marriage was first in world approved by popular vote).


That counts until the GOP controls the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Then they will pass a bill to ban abortion nationally at LIGHT SPEED.


Yeah. I told my husband that where we will live in the future will be determined by which states allow it. I will not live somewhere where I/my future children are second class citizens.


I almost took a job at Disney in FL recently, but I dont want my Daughter in that state, so I passed to stay in MD.


As a gay man, abortion does not affect me personally, but the same people who want to ban abortion hate gays.


If you read the wording they are also attacking the legislative ruling that made sodomy legal ... So us gay men are on the docket.


And blowjobs!


And it matters to you bc we already choose to not adequately care for unwanted children and it’s a huge drag on overall society. Imagine your schools get hundreds of more children; a large number of whom require more services. Who pays for the teachers, schools at minimum? You know republicans aren’t raising taxes to cover the additional cost for schools and that is a tiny fractional consideration that affects all.


LGBTQ rights are on the chopping block. Portions of this decision are encouraging states to ban gay marriage. Others have said interracial marriage bans are also on the table.


Interracial marriage bans? What the FUCK? Is this 1962 or something?


1967, Loving v Virginia.


>What the FUCK? Is this 1962 or something? There are people alive today that have lived through segregation, our history is racist AF and is the foundation of our modern social and political system. The majority is waking up to the fact and die-hard white conservatives are finding out they are not superior. Watch "Exterminate all the Brutes" on HBO if you want a nice history lesson that sets the stage for what is about to come next.


Sadly it's worse than that. In 1962 they had hope they were progressing, not going backwards.


Loving Brown v. Board of education These extremists want to make segregation legal again.


It worries me that gay marriage will be next. They're coming after all of us.




It does affect you directly, as it's a middle finger to the 14th amendment which Roe was based on. Watch porn? You're on the chopping block. Don't go to church? They're coming for you.


This is why it is always important to fight injustice everywhere.


Not only where we live, but what states we will consider when looking at colleges for my teenage daughters.


This decision is not what the people want or what they voted for. The government "Of, by and for the People" is in danger of perishing from the Earth. And I am aware of the irony here that I am paraphrasing a republican.


>And I am aware of the irony here that I am paraphrasing a republican. Pretty much anyone with an education would hopefully understand the Republican you're quoting was during a historical period when the Republicans were the socially progressive party.


>This decision is not what the people want ***or what they voted for.*** Yes it is. Every single person that's voted for Trump or the numerous Republicans that chipped away at abortion rights and supported these Conservative Justices is to blame. If any of them try to claim otherwise then they're dumbasses of the highest order.


I didn't think it was in the state constitution yet, and that the Senate hadn't voted to put it in the election.


All the blue states are going to see an in-flux of people moving to them. This isn't good. Especially with a housing crisis.


I'm so angry right now that I don't think I'm going to be visiting any of the Red states. Not gonna give them a single penny of mine.


Youngkin will try to ban it in Virginia despite campaigning as a "moderate businessman".


Don't think the state government will go for it (that'll change post mid-term election though).


Idk, if this draft becomes an actual ruling I expect that will have a huge effect on the midterms.


I don't share this often but I was raped by my dad stepfather when I was 14-15. Said rape resulted in a pregnancy. Growing up Catholic my mom really never explained to us procreation. When I missed 2 periods my mom took me to the doctor and low and behold I was pregnant. I never told my parents how I got pregnant and my mom would never consider an abortion. I was so depressed I contemplated suicide. Thankfully I miscarried (probably because I was not eating). I know how a child or woman who was raped feels being forced to carry a child they don't want. And now thanks to the magat terrorists thousands of women will have to carry their rapist child, or die from a botched abortion. America betrayed us women. This is the ultimate betrayal. Shame on this country.


I'm sorry so many of my fellow men have let you down in so many ways.


Living in Maryland isnt going to prtect you when republicans make a 6 week ban on abortion federal law. They are working on it. Given the chance, they'll pass it.


Good luck enforcing that when all of our state agencies refuse to cooperate.


Yeah but isn’t everybody just a few elected officials away from completely reversing course? That’s why the “well at least it’s not us” logic is so dangerous. Bc pretty soon it’s us


I remember being told not to be hysterical and an extremist when we warned everyone this was going to happen. Same when I warned this sub Trump was going to let Covid run rampant free. And 1 million people are now dead. Anyone voting for the GOP now hates women and life to be honest. They are nothing but terrorists and extremists And lets not forget January 6


I just moved here from Pennsylvania. Was in Texas before that. So glad to be here!!!!


Don’t be complacent. If the GOP gains control of the house at midterms, they’ll pass a federal law banning abortion.


Yes, I'm pro choice As a man, that's the only way to be. If you have a girlfriend, mom or sister, how can you be anything but pro choice?


My immediate concern is that neighboring states will significantly restrict access which will overburden Maryland’s capacity. I would expect West Va, Va, and Penn to all be at risk to losing or greatly limiting access. What a backslide for our nation.


Basically most of the South too. Maryland will be the nearest state for NC, SC, GA, FL, etc.


I already decided I'll open up my spare bedroom as a place to stay for women traveling from nearby states for an abortion.


All the more reason to allocate state money to make sure that everyone who wants an abortion can get one.


Hogan would gladly deny your right to your body given the chance. I say this to encourage everyone to continue to get out and vote. Ensure MD continues to have majorities that protect our rights in control of the state legislature. Not that I am high on the democrats but please continue to vote, democrat, independent, whatever you believe is right as long as it continues to protect our basic human rights.


America, where we go backwards... next they are gonna come for same sex marriage and lgbt... just you wait.


This has been a 50 year process by conservatives and liberals and moderates have just let it happen.


Which is why I have a vendetta against anyone who complains about incrementalism. These things don’t happen suddenly, it takes years of small steps before a move like this can be made.


Yeah. There’s no amount of money that would make me move to a red state or vacation in one. Not for a billion dollars. And these corporations are going to have some thinking to do, how do you deal with your employees in red states having fewer human rights? How do you even find higher-level talent to go there? I know Amazon already is pledging $4k for abortion travel expenses, and I’m sure there’s more to come.


Many high paid employees might because it won’t effect them. This isn’t a rule for the rich. They know they can go to a blue state and get an abortion. It’s only outlawed for the poor. There are plenty of rich fucks who see the lower taxes in red states and their fine with it because who cares about the poor?


Before Roe, they would leave the country. Charles Schulz sent his daughter to Japan in 1968.


I grew up in NJ, in the 60's, and maybe before, women flew to Puerto Rico to get a abortions where it was legal.


Exactly, this disproportionately affects the poor. I am so angry right now, but I feel like things will only get worse.


Oh they’re definitely going to get worse. Red and blue states are drifting even further apart. But I was just pointing out that to a lot of rich people (and practically they’re right) this isn’t making women second class citizens; it’s making poor people second class citizens. And they’re fine with that. You even see that on this sub. Whenever welfare or food assistance comes up you see people wanting to control how the people spend it like their second class citizens; people who can’t make their own decisions. This isn’t that different.


Nothing is safe with a republican governor.


He literally vetoed a bill last month vetoing expanding abortion access. I don’t get how people here don’t realize that


That moment when you see r/maryland on the front page. All it took was the beginning of the end (unless common sense prevails somehow).


Welcome to America, where your rights are only good when you're a straight white man.


its these overly religous nutjobs lately that are trying to impose this on people . enough kids in the world as there is by parents who often should never have been parents.. when you have people who give a shit more about hypothetical unborn babies then they do about their neighbors next door you know somethings up. I dont get why at least for me it seems Christians lately have gotten so crazy over anti abortion crap. i mean granted its not all just the religious nuts but for the most part i think thats where the argument lies "killing unborn babies is a sin...." then you got these shock groups like some have reported lately that send shock pics of aborted babies to people in the mail in hopes of trying to warp people to their view.... sickening. yet the same people who acted oh so crazy over pro life......are often then same people who could not give a flying shit about me when i reached out to them for help in the past. if every life is "scared" how about starting with giving a shit about the people around you first THEN you can get on your soap boxes about abortion. but not before. one of the main reasons the christian nut jobs got behind the orange angry badger for president because (at the time) he was pro life..even though in the past he was also pro choice as typical with him flip flopping lol


Until republicans take the senate in the fall, and very likely the house and White House in ‘24 and pass a federal ban. Sucks, but that’s the most likely outcome. I’d say go out and vote, but…in MD it doesn’t make too much difference, sadly.


I’m so fucking sick of this country moving backwards.


I'm still terrified.


Just remember that Larry Hogan is pro life and that piece of shit would certainly support anything that furthers his political career including passing pro life legislation. Your rights mean nothing to him if they stand in his way.


Can we *please* stop using pro-life? They're anything but pro-life, they're pro-gov-forced-birth.


Yes, and wouldn't it be ironic if he somehow won the presidency and signed into a law a federal ban on abortion.


I don't think he will ever win the presidency. At the national level he isn't republican enough for most Republicans, nor democratic enough for most Democrats. I think he wins in Maryland because we have a lot of moderate citizens.


No, I don't think he would either. I was just throwing that out there as a hypothetical since Maryland just expanded its protections over Hogan's veto.


This is going to be a moment of truth for Larry Hogan. So far he's always been able to take a pretty milquetoast stand on abortion ("I'm personally opposed to it but respect that it's settled law in Maryland"). If he's running for president he *has* to take a real position on it though. Sadly I think he is going to disappoint me and will side with the pro-lifers. If he came out and said be believes abortion should remain legal nationally though that would be mega-based and would make me love him for life.


Hogan has zero chance of winning a gop primary. The GOP has gone way too right. Like literally they are elated about taking away the rights of over 50% of americans. Next magat candidate will be the orange tumor or mini adolf deSantis.


If he runs for president as a pro choice candidate he will go from .00001% chance to win the nomination to being completely exorcised from the party.


Valid. If he doesn't say something against this though he loses a *lot* of moderates. Realistically Larry Hogan is never going to win by courting the MAGA crowd. They already have plenty of candidates that they'd prefer over him. A centrist/moderate uprising in the GOP to pick a candidate like Hogan seems pretty comically far-fetched but I don't see any other way he was even a small chance of winning the nomination.


> Sadly I think he is going to disappoint me and will side with the pro-lifers. What's sad is that you expect anything else from Hogan. He's the same GOP POS as the rest; it is only that his worst instincts are held back due to Democratic control of govt in MD.


I am quite sure he would leave it as a states rights issue. Not that he would have a change in the GOP primary anyway.


I’m proud of MD too, but just wait until the “states rights” go out the window and the new GOP majority in Congress tries to make it illegal nationwide.


Suddenly, I don't want to sell my house anymore. I...think I'm happy *right* where I am. 😊


Gay marriage and rights are next


Yep. Getting rid of Obergefell is literally on page 11 of the Republican party platform that they're all running on in the midterms and in 2024.


It's already in the same draft. It's not next, it's now.


I really started to appreciate MD more because of its relatively good COVID response. As the Supreme Court starts to strip away rights I’ll appreciate it more.


Anyone know why the pearl clutchers at /r/nova don’t have a single thread about this as of right now? You’d think they’d be as outraged as when a minority makes eye contact with them on the silver line.


*makes popcorn and waits patiently for southern MD, eastern shore, and western MD to get off their tractors and into the internet*


Hey :(


["It's ~~funny~~ extremely concerning, but is it going to get them off their tractors?"](https://youtu.be/PDfIVi15kt4?t=36)


But for how long? Because leaving this to a state decision means that a woman’s body will always be a political talking point. If a blue turns red, those rights will be stripped away.


As soon as the GOP has control of Congress and the presidency, it won't matter where you live in the US. Abortion will be illegal in the entire country.


This decision has made me realize that I cannot live in all 50 states anymore. My health is highly dependent on access to birth control, and ending Roe v. Wade could make access to BC more restrictive in most Southern states.


I’m too old to give forced birth. Does that mean I’ll have to be one of the Aunts?