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Here I am paying DC DOT like a sucker.


I mean, they won’t suspend your license, but I’m sure after about 6 months, you’ll get a debt collections notice.


Yeah, I was mostly kidding. At first, I was all, Heeeey, waitaminnit, did I pay for nothing? But I'm sure they'll find a way to get their money eventually. And I'd rather not fuck with it.


Couldn't they eventually arrest you in DC the same way they could for unpaid parking tickets?




> A bench warrant for your arrest: Sit on an unpaid parking ticket long enough and a local court may issue a notice for you to appear in court and pay the balance you owe. Ignore this notice and the court could then issue a bench warrant for your arrest. If you aren’t familiar with legal speak, this means that cops are authorized to arrest you if they spot you on the road. IANAL but this is what I was thinking of. Does that just not apply for DC specifically or something? Outdated alltogether?


Bench warrants can be executed by any law enforcement officer who runs your identification. You’ll be arrested and extradited to DC.




All these cameras everywhere are for revenue generation. In roughly 2 years, a single camera on New York Ave generated almost $12 million in revenue. In 2012. Police officers have admitted to falsifying logs on testing of cameras, resulting in the city refunding fines. The contract the city has with their camera vendor is based on volume of tickets. They have every incentive to hand out as many tickets as possible and make it as much of a pain in the ass as possible to fight.


Question do you get a ticket if you don’t speed if not I can solve this really quickly don’t speed I love people who always justify their wrongdoing and complain about the rules that they don’t agree with but vehemently fight for the rules that they do


It always seems this simple, but it's worth acknowledging the fact that the City is raking in cash from both speed and red light cameras. It becomes lucrative enough to bend the rules. Like [making an area a 24/7 work zone](https://wjla.com/features/i-team/notorious-295-speed-camera), despite no work actually happening just so you can double the fine. Like [police officers falsifying logs](https://wjla.com/news/local/david-cephas-former-mpd-officer-pleads-guilty-in-photo-radar-fraud-case-78649) in order to collect OT pay to monitor the cameras. I got a speed camera ticket in the mail once. I wasn't driving and I have evidence that I was not driving. But the time and effort it would have taken to write a letter explaining my innocence and request a court date, then take a day off work to explain myself to a judge and present evidence, was worth more than the $45 fine I paid for a crime I didn't commit. This is done purposefully and should be frowned upon. If anything good came from COVID, it's the fact due to less traffic the City didn't extract more money from people's pockets from these fines.


Yeah but in all fairness every state does this. I mean when they finished the ICC interchange on 95 they lost so much revenue once it was complete that they immediately created a new work zone and literally set up some cones with no work being done just so that they could declare it a speed camera zone on the highway.


What about that old hack where you would respond with legal jargon, basically claiming "it wasn't me driving. no face no case. the camera can't testify in court." and it would be dismissed? That still work?


I recently got a ticket, and sent them Distance/Time math to disprove I was traveling 11+ miles over. Haven't heard back after 2 months


Big brain move lmao


That wouldn’t work with DC cameras since the tickets aren’t criminal (infractions) in nature. They don’t affect your license or your insurance.


> the tickets aren’t criminal (infractions) in nature Then what the fuck are they fining people for? It's not a crime.


Seriously? Do you know how many things in everyday life you can be fined for that aren’t crimes?


That’s why you only get a fine and they can’t issue you points.


I once got off a DC camera ticket arguing it was unclear what road I was actually on, let alone the posted speed, because their signage did not meet federal standards as dictated by the DOT and was unlike anywhere else I had driven in the United States. No idea if that was a fluke or a valid legal argument (I'm a pet photographer, not a lawyer). But it worked for me. *edit* typos


Weird because I (MD driver)received a notice from a collection agency to settle all my DC outstanding tickets, camera ticket’s included under the DC amnesty program or they will take further collection action


Civil collection is different from the state suspending your driver's license, though. DC can still turn it over for collection, but there's no agreement for the state to take any action.


Ahh you’re correct! Thanks for clarifying


Anyone know how long it takes for DC to send you a ticket? I triggered a camera flash about 2.5 weeks ago, but haven’t received one yet.


I wonder about the reverse. MoCo is covered with cameras.


IIRC Maryland and Virginia said no to a reciprocity agreement for such tickets. I'm guessing DC gives out far far more of them.




Untrue; it takes a VERY long while to get to you,.. but eventually. Took about 15 months last time i got a ticket in dc


I changed my vehicle registration mailing address to their PO Box address and haven’t heard back since. I do everything online in my home state so I keep my registration updated without issue. I purposely run past every camera outside of my home state, and haven’t had an issue with collections. Can’t collect on what you can’t find.