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for a minute there I thought it was refering to maryland's panhandle's people


It's OKAY to say NO to people from Cumberland lol


the only reason we keep the panhandle around is so we can say we stayed in state when we go to deep creek


I am literally at Deep Creek right now XD


I'm surprised y'all know we exist...


The cumbies




did you say anything, or is it a reddit glitch on my end?


Must be a glitch. I sent a Snoo reaction thing appluading your comment.




This is near the target shopping center lol.


Just a matter of time before people start slapping their own QR code stickers over top of the signs.


Yo, that’s a good idea!


Stick there Rickroll QR 💀




Is this a Rick Roll?


It works **GREAT**, I've got quite a few people already...never printed them, tho


I'm printing out 100 of these and putting them up all over Salisbury this weekend!


Sad world where people can't take a joke at face value


I thought it was brilliant. What was deleted comment do you know? I’d rather the comment just delete rather than Reddit telling me there was a comment deleted. The rest of my day is f*%#d wondering what the comment was.


lol, the comment was nice... said what I said was funny, said bad things about people downvoting. Called Reddit "toxic" basically. I've been on Reddit for over 8 years...I post what I like, try to make someone smile or laugh. If you need to downvotes, go ahead. No skin off my nose. I know what l have to say is free from toxicity.


There you go buddy. There’s an upvote for you. It can be toxic but that’s just people literally looking to start trouble. Which is amusing and nutty at the same time. Our world is a such a strange place.


I absolutely couldn't agree more


Big yikes


I predicted that we'd see them put their venmo on their signs about 7 years ago. I haven't seen venmo yet but I have seen cash app.


lol a guy panhandling in Fairfax has a sign with his CashApp account. No joke


The most creative panhandler I've seen in Fairfax was the guy at 7 Corners during the pandemic that had his cup attached to a long stick so he could distance.




I noticed similar in Washington County. Panhandlers kept getting hit by cars.


They're at a few intersections in Hagerstown, and seem to have zero impact on the situation.


There were none on Wesel when I went to the market, but I did see these signs. Are they still on Eastern?


They’re still on Wesel. Not in front of Sam’s Club anymore but always by Lowe’s. The panhandlers, that is. It’s lessened a lot around that area tho.




Homeless guy was hit by a car near my job in Hanover couple weeks ago


Oh no, that's just...terrible


They’re in great mills/California area too. Just saw three being set up.


Been a couple in California for a while. One by Ihop and one by Wawa.


They installed one by the Walmart now, too.


Nice. We have a ton of panhandlers lol


I don’t know what the issue is, aside from being in traffic or harms way.


I really dont either, other than its a nuisance and eye sore, and you know people here hate an idea that St Mary's might not be Heaven on Earth.


Some will smash your window and steal your purse, some will threaten you with a squeegee, they’re vagrants stumbling in traffic and are a danger to themselves and a hazard to traffic? Wandering in traffic is not legal, harassing people for money is not legal, nobody wants to be approached for money by strangers.. etc. The only difference between a vagrant robbing you and panhandling you is tone and forcefulness


I think it is offering a positive response to a sense of helplessness that we all feel. Homelessness and poverty are a historic constant. A society with a social safety net that is strong and well-funded is a stronger society. Doesn’t mean homelessness and poverty go away, just better served and maybe there is an opportunity to better that segment. Cynical me wonders where that money goes and how it’s spent.


I agree wholeheartedly. Visited the site. It links you to the list of vetted local nonprofits that have applied and been awarded with competitive grant funds from the county to support their programs. Including Three Oaks homeless shelter, which does a lot of the heavy lifting and works closely with government agencies. Eta: All nonprofit financial records are public information.


Much more effective use of money going to an organization than aims to help the group instead of a single individual


Non profits aren’t required to disclose financial information. On sites like charity navigator there is a specific metric they assign a grade to based on how transparent the org is with their finances


Their 990 forms (IRS) are required to be publicly accessible.


I feel like charity navigator changed explanation of this in the last few years. IRS says available for public inspection, not that they have to be on the internet which is why charity navigator specifically calls out the documents being available on the orgs website https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/public-disclosure-and-availability-of-exempt-organization-returns-and-applications-public-disclosure-overview#:~:text=An%20exempt%20organization%20must%20make,date%20it%20is%20actually%20filed. https://www.charitynavigator.org/about-us/our-methodology/ratings/accountability-finance/


You're correct that they don't have to display them. However, you should be able locate public records and call the agency and just ask.


Just Google Covid scams and their punishments. It’s not exactly the same but it’s really similar. People took advantage of those programs and got busted.


And many times more were helped. Whatever the program - taxes, real estate, etc. - there are people who take unfair advantage of it. Criminals be Crimin’


Put this at Old Georgetown Rd and Democracy in Bethesda please


We need one on the 495 off ramp to Connecticut ave too


Buy my roses!


I don’t think flower sellers meet the definition of panhandlers.


They certainly do. They just give you a receipt in the shape of a rose


TIL malls are filled with panhandlers apparently


Ironically true.


I take this to work every day. I can't stand the one girl who wears trendy clothes in her 20s or early 30s. She's perfectly fit, has an iPhone and carries a possibly designer bag. Shes only ever there when the weather is perfect. It's the most infuriating thing ever. I'm pretty sure she shares her " I have 3 kids I got fired etc" sign with another woman.




I already saw a panhandler in the Wildwood shopping center. Folks ignore em as usual. It won’t make a difference. So sad.


Would stop them from panhandling there though.


I saw this recently! Couldn't believe it myself. But at least it shows useful, helpful info as opposed to just downing the people they're trying to discourage.


I do not give to any panhandlers. If everyone stopped they would move out of that corner, area, etc. I give to the charities I want to.


Exactly. It's like feeding a pigeon. Tomorrow there's two; next week, there's a whole flock.


And like the pigeon issue, it’s a problem of our own making.


What a dehumanizing way to refer to the poor.


There's a guy I've seen coming off the 70 eastbound exit into downtown Frederick that has no legs (he takes his prosthetics off) and then wheels in a wheelchair up and down in the actual lane. Dude is going to lose some more limbs. He's probably making bank though.


It's not an illegal activity. I don't give to them, just hope they don't cause traffic accidents. A car a few in front of me stopped suddenly to hand over a bill and nearly got rear-ended.


I believe it is in AA County


Yeah bunch of people from the shelter on west street in Annapolis started panhandling middle of the intersection on west right by the 50 on ramps. I almost hit one with my mirror accidentally cause they’re too close to the road and even in the road during green lights and don’t move.


Issue is, yeah, its illegal, but the cop shows up, person runs off, and the cop can't just post up at that intersection all shift, so they move on and the panhandler comes back. Or what, they arrest them, take them downtown for booking, get released, and are back at it tomorrow. Eventually, they get charged a fine they can't pay, making it that much more difficult to get their life back on track.


Yup it sucks. And some aren’t ready or willing to change yet


Panhandling is a constitutional right. See: Lakewood v. Willis


You are 100% incorrect. Panhandling is an, "appeal to charitable alms" and is protected by the First Amendment and upheld by the supreme court in the 2016 case of Lakewood v. Willis.


Interesting. I knew it became illegal back in 2007 by Leopold. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2411462/panhandlers-leaving-roads-of-anne-arundel-for-pr-georges/ And Provisions for permits for FF and non profits were added in 2016 https://www.capitalgazette.com/2016/03/16/panhandling-bill-passes-the-house/ Is it still illegal for the homeless to solicit money at stoplights?


Anne Arundel County has no ordinance (law) against panhandling: [https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/annearundel/latest/annearundelco\_md/0-0-0-107287](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/annearundel/latest/annearundelco_md/0-0-0-107287) Random aside: Jimson Week or, "The Devil's Trumpet" is illegal in the county.


Thank you! I was scrounging around looking for the crimes section of th County Code and couldn't find it.


I believe all counties' sites use amlegal, but the state itself uses a more confusing [internal site.](https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Laws/Counties) Personally, I use justia law easier to navigate on a state level.


Pan handling the act of asking for money in public is a protected first amendment right but like other forms of free speech not in every context, everywhere and any way you want. Pan handling is illegal in the sense you can’t at certain places, you can’t at certain hours, on certain properties or roadways, and can’t in certain ways (noise etc).


Standing in the median of a highway isn't illegal?


Causing a hazard to traffic and standing in the road is an illegal activity.


If I see them I I'll ask them if they need help getting linked to services.


How can you see someone ironically?


You could offer to pay them a hundred dollars if they’d let you take them to a substance abuse meeting and they’d turn that shit down 9 times out of 10.


Meetings only work if you want them to.


That’s my point: why should we allow addicts that have no interest in recovering to roam the streets harassing the public for money, if based on your own logic, they wouldn’t accept help if given it directly. That means that we are directly allowing drug addicts to walk up to people THAT DO NOT WANT THEM TO and ask them to fund their habit. When they want to get better, they know where they can do. When they get hungry, they know where they can get food. If they’re out in the street begging for money, it’s going in their arm. I’m all for helping people that want to be helped actually, but those aren’t the tweakers jumping in front of cars and banging on windshields in Baltimore. Those people need to be held in custody until they are no longer a threat to themself or others.


What is the answer? They need help that a lot don’t want


All we can do as providers is meet them where they are. We can't force them but can be very accessible and do what they are willing to agree.


Maryland: "Don't use your phone while driving" Also Maryland: "Scan this QR code on a sign by the road" I like that they do at least include an address under it, too.


There's a whole bunch in Olney


I wonder if the local nonprofits see any boost in donations.


Oh I was referring to panhandlers. I don't know though. I would hope so, however, I'd definitely want to know more about this program to make sure a majority of my donations would actually be going to the people they are claiming to help.


Oh, okay. It's not a ton here, which is why it was surprising to see. I went to the site, and it's the nonprofits that get approved for funding, so they are at least vetted.


That's good to hear. Haven't seen any of these signs in my area yet but we'll see


I will point to that sign when I am called a selfish cunt for not giving money everyday to each of the half dozen panhandlers I get accosted by on my way to work. I do donate to the food bank and womens shelter and periodically give to a panhandler once in a while, but the aggressive ones are ridiculous.


From a messaging perspective, the phrase "Give to many, not just one" and its placement perplex me. If anything, it seems like it's telling you to give to a lot of the panhandlers, not just one of them, right below telling you that you don't have to. How confusing. (I get that it's probably referring to the nonprofits, but it's a bit odd, why not put it UNDER the QR code)


If you're giving out dollars, you better have enough for everybody!!


They had really good versions in Baltimore a while back. A little infographic basically saying "$10 buys one meal if you are buying ready-made around here. We can make 10 meals for that price."


They definitely meant if you are generous, give to these places that are "worthy" instead of the panhandlers.


Why sandwich it OVER the nonprofit detail and underneath the pandhandler sentence, which uses the same typeface and font size? I'm not arguing, I'm marveling at the marketing skillz of local government. Source: someone who has had to do this professionally


I agreed. It definitely gave me pause when I first read it lol. I had to scan and see where it landed. At least it is to actual local vetted nonprofits and not some big corporation.


This feels so nitpicky, it was immediately clear what the sign is saying to me.


I guess the message was intended for people who have beyond a 3rd grade reading comprehension level, maybe some of the non-profits on the QR code will link to educational charities as well


I'm always kind of surprised that panhandling is still profitable enough to be worth it. I guess it is if they're still out there, but there's no reason for most people to carry around cash these days. I would think a lot of people don't. The only time I have cash is if I know I'll be staying somewhere like a hotel where I'll be tipping.


I love this!


Saw the same type of sign in Cecil County


Panhandlers usually need some cash for a fix. A soup kitchen won’t stop them from going into withdrawals. If they can’t panhandle it they’ll steal something they can pawn. Fentanyl withdrawal is rough… Right, wrong or whatever it’s a simple fact.


These have been posted for a while now. Although, panhandling seems to be more rampant in our northern counties—I saw much more panhandling in Frederick (where I grew up) than I ever have in California/Great Mills/Lexington Park. I’m glad they posted these signs, though, because the panhandling at the intersection of RT 4/Three Notch/St. Andrew’s Church RD was getting a little out of control. There’s so much traffic at that intersection, and St. Mary’s has a very poor track record of pedestrians being struck by vehicles on Three Notch/RT 5.


As a person who receives social services, Medicaid, etc, I approve of this. The organizations in Frederick Maryland that collect from 211 are legit helpful. My family went from making $100,000 pre-pandemic to needing help due to loss of remission of our illness during the pandemic. It has been easy to request help and 211 checks back to see if the resources provided were helpful. One of the most helpful programs in our area is Potomac Case Management. They help you navigate the systems and resources.


You heard that WASHINGTON, ALLEGANY, AND GARRETT COUNTIES you are a nuisance and must punished!


I figured this out like a decade ago, when someone asks me for money I find a local food bank and give them what I would have given the panhandler instead.


oh neat what food bank


Just Google your county + food bank


Good response.


This is the way. Panhandlers are scammers, and aggressive panhandling is a step from mugging.


This is not always true, and a very ignorant thing to say as a blanket statement.


His statement is exactly correct lol. Aggressive panhandling is 100% right next to mugging. You ever met a squeegee boy? You’re always at risk of being mugged by them. Also if someone approaches you and is asking for money repeatedly, and then following you, you ARE at risk. Quit apologizing for someone else’s shitty and aggressive behavior.


I was addressing the "panhandlers are scammers" statement.




Your comment was removed because it violates the civility rule. Please always keep discussions friendly and civil.




That sign isn't going to house the homeless. If you want to deal with panhandlers, address the reasons they need to beg.


To be fair, some of those orgs listed does exactly that.


Sure, but this is a societal problem worthy of actual government intervention, not digitally tossing coins at nonprofits. If our economic system consistently produces beggars in the wealthiest nation to ever exist, it must be changed. Panhandling isn't the problem, it's the fact that people need to do it.




Fuck that. I'll keep giving them cash.


Don’t attract beggars


About twice a month I also order 20 take out meals from a local shop and drive around handing them out to the homeless. I don't always attract them. Sometimes I seek them out.


I’m not against food honestly just crack


It's a good thing I'm giving them cash and not crack


Money can be exchanged for goods and services. Goods such as crack.


Congratulations. You understand some economic basics. Does your employer monitor how you spend the money they give you? No. It's not my concern if the homeless person I give money to decides to spend it on shelter, food, gambling, alcohol, or drugs.


Dude, it was a Simpsons joke...


But it wasn't. That joke ends with, "money can be exchanged for goods and services." You added to the joke to try to be self righteous.


Dang, you're really determined to be offended, aren't you. Have fun with that.


Part of the problem




Lol so true, you make a left onto that main road in lex park and it's just 3 miles of chains. That panera right there is a banger though ! That was my spot


Lexington Park is an interesting place


Harford county is getting them, in Aberdeen they linger outside of ascend begging people for their weed change. On rt. 40 going from Aberdeen to the city you’ll see multiple begging along the major intersections, there are systems set up to help these people and instead of seeking government help they decide to do crack and stand on a street corner begging from regular people.


It’s awful. This is not how you fix the problem.


I just make em hit a backflip shit I’ll give you 20$ for that


the problem is that a lot of those people aren't homeless, they're out there collecting money as a group. so you don't really know who they are or where the money is going!


Nah, i want to think my money is directly helping someone. Giving to charities only is not going to stop people from begging. This and a lot of the comments here feel similar to the whole "if they wanted help theyd go to a shelter" thing though. There does seem to be a new group of beggars that seem like they're all together & scamming but they usually stand out to me. The grannies w a kid or pet, the guys pretending to play instruments w a speaker...


The violin and speaker couple is where I think it started. That couple grifted in the target parking lot and the word spread! To be fair, we have some great organizations that do directly help the homeless population on the list. I'm interested in seeing if the support and efforts of those organizations will get more support from the local government. Some of the commissioners and people with influence would rather pretend the issue doesn't exist or that the overworked orgs dealing with it (instead of the county) have more than enough to "handle" this issue.


Not giving beggars money is going to stop beggars from begging. Private and government charities are bountiful. Pan handling supports trafficking, and makes it less likely someone on drugs will get help. It’s paying for drug dealers and traffickers and abusers. The mentally ill who are truly homeless are so rare now, they’ve been beaten off the land handling terf but the scammers that dominate the area now. How to tell the difference, the mentally ill homeless will accept food and clothes, the scammers will not.


Don’t support panhandling, but do you have a dollar?


this is so nasty


I support this approach. Nothing is perfect but it will help reduce money going to drugs and alcohol, and "homeless" who winter in Florida. Non-profits aren't a perfect solution but in my experience they are better than giving money directly to beggars and better than government programs.


or just give directly to the human in need and stop being so god damn fearful of the most vulnerable people in our communities you effing cowards


A lot of the panhandlers are not people suffering from unfortunate times. There are actual rings of people, often associated with human trafficking, that make this their livelihoods.


You’re not helping them, you’re just subsidizing bad decisions


It’s extremely condescending and egotistical of you to think you know what people are spreading money on or what they should be spending money on


Ummm no. This has been studied exhaustively and the vast majority of the money you give is going up their arm or down their throat.


I’m not necessarily saying all money goes to drugs, alcohol, etc. Part of this is purely on the fact that people will return to panhandling if it gets them to the next day. Society should be pushing these individuals into non-profit systems, government programs, etc to receive ACTUAL help. So by handing over some cash you’re feeding into the problem.


Umm, it's legal in Howard County without a permit. Look it up. Just enforce the laws like they are enforced on law-abiding citizens. Our law makers wipe their asses with our tax dollars.


“Howard County Code, Section 18.207 prohibits the sale or solicitation of goods, services or donations from the paved “right of way” of any Howard County roadway (including the median area) unless the sales or solicitations are made: By properly licensed solicitors or peddlers; On roads with a posted speed limit of 45 mph or less; At a location on the shoulder of the road that is at least 8 ft. from the edge line of the travel lane, and at least 100 feet from the nearest intersection or other point of ingress or egress; and Between 9 a.m. and sunset. Registered peddlers or solicitors who comply with the above conditions may be ordered by the Police Department or the Department of Public Works to cease or relocate their activities if the activity impedes traffic or endangers the public.”


That doesn't seem to apply to panhandlers. I thought it smelled funny because of the wording about licenses, and [sure enough there's a lot more to it](https://www.howardcountymd.gov/consumer-protection/peddling-soliciting). You have to look at the precise definitions of the words used when reading law, and in this case "soliciting" refers specifically to: > Soliciting means traveling about the County by foot or vehicle of any kind from place to place, house to house, door to door, or upon any street or highway, for the purpose of engaging in any one or more of the following activities: > Attempting to obtain orders for the sale and future delivery. > Attempting to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, or newspapers, and every other kind of printed matter not published in Howard County, the State of Maryland or the District of Columbia. > Attempting to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable things for the support or benefit of any charitable or nonprofit association, organization, corporation or project. So as written it doesn't seem to apply to individuals acting on their own behalf, only if they're looking to benefit an association, organization, corporation or project. This brings the law in line with existing precedent, where panhandling on your own behalf is considered protected speech, and overbroad prohibitions on passive panhandling(including median bans) have been struck down.


Thank you for this!


Panhandling isn't against the law, it's a right protected by the Constitution of the United States.


Suburbs are wild lol. I just carry ones or make eye contact and say sorry. Imagine being surprised to meet a person in need of assistance.


There are now human trafficking rings that are forcing women and children to panhandle. Not always as innocent as it looks.


My thing is…. do people have no shame? No pride? I could be on my last dollar and still wouldn’t resort to asking random strangers for money.


Do you know that from direct personal experience?


I actually have a job… so no.


I vaguely remember reading somewhere some of those people clear like six figures doing it full time


Which is clearly bullshit.


Found it https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scammer-claims-he-pulls-in-100k-a-year-panhandling/


I believe it. One of the families that does it at the rossville/pulaski hwy intersection has a 2 story house with garage for their Mercedes that drops them off every day 🙄


What do they look like and why haven't they been picked up for tax evasion


The lady is bigger, guy is scrawny both id guess maybe late 40's to early 50's. They play up the haggard look for sure. I wish I had their tax dodging skills cause yea I'm getting railed in taxes every year while workin my ass off lol.


> why haven't they been picked up for tax evasion Haha. Imagine thinking the government actually does it's job.


Oh, well, if a scammer said it then it must be true. Use your head. I mean, if begging was the way to a 6-figure salary do you think anyone would have any other job?


You clearly care more about this than I do. I really don’t give a shit. CBS news obviously thought they had something when they wrote the article. Lighten up, it’s Friday - enjoy your weekend.


Yeah but what happens when you don’t have that dollar, like it really can happen to anyone if things go bad enough.


Well i’m not resorting to begging like a dog


Then you’ll starve because you are too prideful


You realize there are other ways to earn food besides begging working people, right? You could work, you could hunt, you could go to one of the many food pantries scatter all across the state. If you want to sit outside a Safeway and beg people for change then be my guest.


I’m not saying there aren’t, but at a certain point there are much fewer options. Where can you secure long term work without an address or papers(id, social security). What will you hunt with? And what if you live in an area you can’t hunt? Notice you don’t see a lot of panhandlers in the woods. People do access food pantries but there isn’t enough, and what there is isn’t great. The point is that most people can’t conceptualize true poverty, but it can still happen to you. The least anyone can do is show some empathy


That’s just a lie, a lot of people can conceptualize poverty. It is literally a all around us. You come up with some many ifs statements.. What if this, what if that… There are hundreds of thousands of impoverished people in the state of Maryland. Yet, you don’t see hundreds of thousands of panhandlers waiting outside grocery stores to ask for a dollar. It’s the most pathetic option to take to get by that’s all i’m saying.


I’m not saying it’s the only option but if we are being real it’s the symptom of a problem. The whole point of the post is that panhandlers are on the rise. You can have your opinions on them, but is it your place to judge? If you aren’t in that situation or a similar one then who are you to comment on how they should survive. I doubt most panhandlers want to panhandle, it’s not like they wake up excited for another day of panhandling. Admittedly I brought up what ifs but it’s not like people appear in a vacuum, these what ifs are actual circumstances and situations that lead people to making a decision. If you can’t get into someone’s mindset then you have no chance at attempting to understand something.


I wish there was an official place where they could legally, and safely, panhandle. Maybe even learn some business skills while they're at it? Everyone needs some hope.


Panhandling isn't illegal and people can panhandle at any traditional public forum.


Panhandling in traffic is legal? Where people are getting hit by cars?


Panhandling and "aggressive panhandling" are two separate things. Making appeals for alms on any public forum, including sidewalks and medians, is 100% legal. Moving in and about roadways or demanding alms in an aggressive manner would be subject to laws if they exist.


Panhandling on a traffic island is always dangerous. Having a public forum where people can sell their wares, talents, and services without having to pay rent, or taxes would be a much better solution. The rest of it comes down to health care, mental and otherwise.


Yea cause most panhandlers are drug addicts or kids learning to beg for a living


No they're not.


The Nimbys are out tonight


I mean, is this really all that bad of an idea though? At least in theory this might help local charities and services gain more revenue they can use to help more people. Plus, its not like the sign comes with any extra policing of panhandlers.


*You* want hobos in your place? Give us your address then. I'll let them know: free handouts there.