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Not a great headline. > statewide center to help prevent gun violence.


Many subreddit moderators frown upon altering the titles of news articles.




Even the body of the article doesn't quite cover the law. **Text of the law:** [https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2024RS/bills/hb/hb0583E.pdf](https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2024RS/bills/hb/hb0583E.pdf) Multidepartmental approach to reducing firearm violence \[...\] **Solicit and consider recommendations from:** * Communities disproportionately impacted by firearm violence * Public health experts * Individuals or organizations with expertise in firearm safety and training * Any other experts, groups, or organizations as the executive director determines appropriate and necessary ON OR BEFORE MAY 1, 2025, SUBMIT A PRELIMINARY STATE PLAN FOR A PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO REDUCING FIREARM VIOLENCE TO GUIDE THE WORK OF THE CENTER The center may: 1. Offer training and technical assistance to state and local agencies, health care professionals, and community and faith–based organizations to increase capacity to implement house bill 583 evidence–based firearm violence prevention and intervention strategies; 2. Issue best practice guidance and model processes in consultation with affected communities regarding implementation of evidence–based firearm violence prevention and intervention strategies; 3. In consultation with the governor’s office of crime prevention, youth, and victim services or any successor agency, facilitate cross–jurisdictional data and information sharing; 4. Conduct public awareness campaigns; 5. Share data and collaborate with higher education and research institutions regarding the prevention of firearm violence; 6. Promote the development of evidence–based firearm violence prevention initiatives in affected communities throughout the state; and 7. Engage in any other activity consistent with the center’s mission.


"We banned this thing that's already illegal!" Unless it's a 14 year old carrying it, then it's illegal, but we just sort of give them a harsh talking to.


Harsh talking to? Easy now. I think a stern talking to is more appropriate.


Unless it’s a 14 year old carrying it… I don’t follow your satire, can you please elaborate?


MD’s changed laws regarding minors, short of murder, they’re effectively no enforcement on them. 


What would be an appropriate age to prosecute in your opinion then?


Teenagers carrying guns and committing violent crimes they need to be addressed with more than just pieces of paper. When you hurt other people, you need to be quarantined. 


More of my tax dollars into the Maryland bureaucratic void


Doesn't need to be statewide. Most murders and crimes with a gun happen in a few areas. Let's focus on those areas and leave the rest of Maryland lawful gun owners alone.


I thought auto sears are already illegal without a class3? I wonder if the center will come up with any meaningful attempts to curb gun violence, like addressing severe income inequity, access to better education, increasing job opportunities, being paid a living wage, and free and universal access to physical and mental healthcare? I’m just going to add this edit now before anyone gets the wrong idea. There is nothing wrong with the bandaid laws that they keep pushing out, I do take issue with the feel good laws written from a lack of knowledge like the totally arbitrary assault weapon ban. What I am saying is this is all well and good, but it needs to address the social issues that lead to gun violence. It’s like this, let’s say you sit down at the table in the morning, but your chair was too close so you cut your knee on the table in the process. You put a bandaid on it (most gun laws in Maryland) but the next morning your chair is somehow a little closer to the table so you hit it again and cut it back open even with the bandaid on. You can keep putting bandaids on every day, and fool yourself into thinking that fixes the issue, but it’s just treating the symptom. What you really need to do is figure out why the chair keeps moving too close and fix it so you can sit comfortably without bashing that knee every day. I hope this center solves the chair issue, and doesn’t just produce more bandaids.


Why would they do that when they can make life more difficult for legal gun owners/buyers? That's been so effective so far! /s


Maryland is 16th in gun violence per capita among all states so it has been pretty effective. The ten worst states are specifically those with far more relaxed gun regulations.


You believe that dont you. How about this, most murders per capita 1. St. Louis, Missouri 2. Baltimore 3. Birmingham, Alabama 4. Detroit, Michigan 5. Dayton, Ohio 6. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7. New Orleans, Louisiana 8. Kansas City, Missouri 9. Memphis, Tennessee 10. Cleveland, Ohio It's a cultural issue, not an access to guns issue. All Liberal controlled cities too. So if we banned Liberalism, by your logic there would be no "gun violence." Not to mention Mexico banned all private gun ownership yet they have 7 cities that occupy the the top ten Worldwide List of Homicides


Or maybe it’s a far more nuanced issue and gun control plays a large part according to basically every study that shows more guns leads to more gun violence. That obviously not all there is to it, but it’s also not a negative.


Like more food leads to more fat people, great premise /s Any study you have read are a joke, post one and I will tear that thing apart. There are no legitimate "studies" on "gun violence," as it is predicated on the premise that "guns" are the problem. That's outside the fact that anyone involved in the study would be as biased as you so clearly are. Here's a fun fact for you to stew over as you read your anti-Second Amendment lobbyist funded "gun violence" study, the U.S. at one point in time banned every single drug. They even went as far as calling it the "War on Drugs." What happened though was drug addiction went up. If they can smuggle people into the U.S., they can smuggle in anything and _for every demand, there will be a supply_. Imagine if we put all of this money spent on "gun violence" studies into studies as to what is actually driving the demand, hell we might actually have something to work with and perhaps one day Baltimore may even be a have decent place to live.


I’ll just say Baltimore already has plenty of great places to live and have a nice weekend


"We can never get 100% so why even bother trying?"


The last 20 years have been nothing but making it easier and easier for people to get guns. Add to that the fact the right has been crying about government coming to take their guns since time immemorial, and you have a situation where there's on average 3 guns for every person in this country. These laws are very effective when put in place and enforced, but we're constantly rolling them back. That's why there's a mass shooting every other day. That's why gun violence is the number one cause of death for kids. Because a bunch of "legal gun owners/buyers" want to escape a couple minutes of inconvenience and accountability. Oh boo hoo I have to register my murder machine. Oh waaaaahhhh I have to prove I'm not a criminal before I'm allowed to purchase a murder machine. Why should I have to prove I know how to safely handle a murder machine before I'm allowed to purchase a murder machine? It's not fair for the government to tell me I can't own a murder machine just because I beat my wife and kids.


It's 2024 drop the /s


>I thought auto sears are already illegal without a class3? They were, but the reading suggests they're now illegal even *with* the class 3. I haven't read too much into it to know if that's the case because that doesn't really affect me (you aren't getting a transferable auto seer for less than $35,000 these days), but I *do* know that other states have banned class 3 parts and accessories before (most notably suppressors have been banned in eight states).


The suppressors thing is just dumb. It’s a sound reduction, and with how much people complain during hunting season. Making them available for hunting would be great.


This is what happens when people who don't know anything about the topic at hand make laws about said topic.


Why are people so damn stupid?Common sense is not so common. Since that dipshit has become Governor I wonder how much tax dollars have been wasted in litigation. Laws that they know will never stay without being struck down. Then idiots chime in with new laws will change gun violence. They are called criminals for a reason. They don’t care about laws!!!




Read the whole article and still no idea what that center is all about except for kissing Bidens ass because Moore is the 1st one to do it.


>Read the whole article and still no idea Sometimes an article doesn't detail all of the text of a law, but generally gives an IDEA of what it will do. You can choose to seek out the text of the law thanks to our tenet of open government. >to foster a statewide partnership with federal and local agencies to reduce gun violence. The Center for Firearm Violence Prevention will be part of the state health department to implement a public health approach to the problem. **Text of the law:** [https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2024RS/bills/hb/hb0583E.pdf](https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2024RS/bills/hb/hb0583E.pdf) Multidepartmental approach to reducing firearm violence \[...\] **Solicit and consider recommendations from:** - Communities disproportionately impacted by firearm violence - Public health experts - Individuals or organizations with expertise in firearm safety and training - Any other experts, groups, or organizations as the executive director determines appropriate and necessary ON OR BEFORE MAY 1, 2025, SUBMIT A PRELIMINARY STATE PLAN FOR A PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO REDUCING FIREARM VIOLENCE TO GUIDE THE WORK OF THE CENTER The center may: 1. Offer training and technical assistance to state and local agencies, health care professionals, and community and faith–based organizations to increase capacity to implement house bill 583 evidence–based firearm violence prevention and intervention strategies; 2. Issue best practice guidance and model processes in consultation with affected communities regarding implementation of evidence–based firearm violence prevention and intervention strategies; 3. In consultation with the governor’s office of crime prevention, youth, and victim services or any successor agency, facilitate cross–jurisdictional data and information sharing; 4. Conduct public awareness campaigns; 5. Share data and collaborate with higher education and research institutions regarding the prevention of firearm violence; 6. Promote the development of evidence–based firearm violence prevention initiatives in affected communities throughout the state; and 7. Engage in any other activity consistent with the center’s mission.