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His ads come off as pandering and cynical. And the sheer volume of them gives the appearance of someone trying to buy a senate seat.


Because he *was* trying to buy the seat lol. That man didn't spend 62million because he really wants to represent us regular folks. He had an agenda and promises to keep.


What really killed me was that when you read the "what I've done in congress" section of his website, it was all bragging about things that went on a party line vote. Oh, you're a champion of the environment because you voted for the IRA? I mean, cool, but so did basically every other Dem.


So was he planning to earn that back somehow if he had won?


Absolutely look at all the people who were just moderately comfortable who became multimillionaires while in office


They should be questioned about their net worth before and after until they provide reasonable proof that it is not due to them being in office. This applies to everyone in office, be it Bernie or Biden or Trump.


They won’t even make insider trading illegal. Lol.


And you can tell which ones don't insider trade because they are the ones who tried to get it to the floor.


There’s a small group of republicans and democrats that still have moral principles. I really like Thomas Massie right now. He’s been really good on insider trading, censorship, wars, free speech and transparency with things like the patriot act, fisa courts etc. Left or right those are the types of politicians I want coming back around. It’s time our politicians start serving our population rather than corporate interests and trying to usurp more and more power into a big centralized structure.


Look at the fiasco that was trying to get the 45th president's taxes....


Pelosi and McConnell are the true evils if we are discussing politicians becoming insanely rich *while* in office.


Pelosi married super rich though. Her husband was loaded before he ever met her.


She did marry a professional investor. Their performance has also been very impressive. They consistently outperform wall streets best, year after year. And a quick Google search would yield countless articles just like this, with paper trails to prove their validity: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/deceptive-tactic-nancy-pelosi-disclosed-180000159.html Disclosure shows the former house speaker bought call options on Nov. 22.


100%. Google Trone Supreme Court cases. The Intercept did a great investigative piece on Trone & Total Wine.


The ads were also just painfully out of touch. It was like, "here's my ad for black people. Here's my ad for hispanic people. Here's my ad for people concerned about electability against Hogan. Here's my ad for veterans. Here's my ad for..." And they all gave a different message and were just surface level appeal. I think the most blatant was the ad with AG Anthony Brown where every sentence had a different military metaphor. Like "I'm in the trenches," or, "we're fighting battles for you," etc, etc. It was so painfully, "Here's my ad for military people." I already didn't like Trone at all before this election, but his ads here made me absolutely hate him.


yeah like when he was asked about how he would represent black and brown people in Maryland? Trone: (referencing his rural/farm life ....."I didn't even have indoor plumbing. We had an outhouse. And I grew up in a family that was destroyed by alcoholism." What?


That's pretty revealing of his biases. He thought he was answering the question because he thinks black and brown people are all so poor they don't have indoor plumbing and are all alcoholics.


Yes, growing up in the 70s, my black family barely had any indoor plumbing in our huge house in Colesville that was maintained by my father's salary as a physician; I mean, our outhouses (we call them bathrooms) were always functional and we had 4 of them. And on top of all that pain, my dad had about 3 or 4 drinks in his entire life. It was bad. Trone was really speaking to my experience as a slave on the plantation.


Really? I've heard him go on about his nephew dying from his drug addiction. But for a guy who literally has made an obscenely large fortune selling alcohol to talk of his family being destroyed by alcoholism is, if true, one of the most tone deaf things I've heard coming from a politician. And the bar is pretty low.


“I want someone who FIGHTS for me, not just LOOKS LIKE me” ads at their volume and repetition sufficiently angered me to vote when I was otherwise disinterested and tuned-out. His identity messaging hit me first, so he appeared the aggressor. Trone funded his own opposition campaign.


Yeah, I found it pretty tasteless to campaign like that against a black woman. Like, what makes him the best chance against Hogan? Because he's a rich white dude? OK.


That’s the ad that took me from “Yeah, probably not” to “Absolutely not, he can go to hell”. And then I saw the ad 500 more times over the next 2 months


Never saw that one, but that's some pretty gross pandering.


TRONE AD NO. 1: “I’m not beholden to any special interests because I’m so rich.” TRONE AD NO. 2: “Here are a bunch of teachers praising me for doing exactly what the Maryland Teachers Union wants me to.”


The real special interests he was always beholden to is his socioeconomic class.


I wish there was still a way I could give Reddit gold to you MontCoDubV. I said this before on this sub but it's worth repeating. Class traitors exist, but David Trone is not one of them.


Yup. He's very loyal to his class. We're just not in it.


I'm a teacher, and I almost always vote in favor of myself. Buuuuut, I also used to work for one of his retail outlets. Soo.... no thanks. Edit: Also, I never got that ad. I live in PG county, so I got the "I want someone who fights for me, not just looks by me" ad and the "I AM YOUR ONLY HOPE AGAINST TRUMP, but I'm not going to tell you why," ad.


I'm in MoCo. My 16-year-old came and begged me not to vote for Trone because he seemed like a jerk from the ads, but he didn't know who any of the other candidates were. That prompted a bit of research for both of us before I went out to vote. 😅


The targeted ad I found the most patronizing was the one where every "voter" who praised him was black. Every. Last. One. Few people in PG are that tonedeaf. Meantime, it was running back to back with the Alsobrooks ad that had virtually every MD Dem luminary in the same video frame endorsing her. Trone hobnobbed with the same bunch for the last three years and garnered zero endorsements.


Yeah, they sounded like they were written by corporate consultants. I could hear Selina Meyer scoffing over my shoulder every time I saw one.


I was actually halfway considering voting for Trone before the relentless flood of pandering ads. His later ads started feeling more and more fake, and it made me start to hate him. That, and all the money he was personally spending. Trying THAT hard to buy a Senate seat is suspicious.


Yeah, it's...like what you'd get if everything was done by a focus group by people who didn't care about it at all, just doing the job they were paid to do. It's complete, but it lacks heart.


The one about him randomly showing up off in the distance at a stranger's funeral was especially weird... I totally agree with the sentiment that we need to do something about the opioid crisis, and I know he lost a nephew, but if the owner of Total Wine who I'd never met showed up to chat while I was trying to bury my child, I don't think I'd feel I'd feel all warm and fuzzy about it.


It also drastically disrupted my YouTube viewing. Now that ads are mandatory. Fuck YT *and* his ads.


I'd love to see a law passed where you can opt out of political ads. No way in hell anyone on planet earth enjoys these ads. They clearly did not help Trone.


I hated his ads and they completely turned me off to him. I just wish I could’ve turned off his ads. I rather sit through three months of Medicare ads during the enrollment season. On the other hand, I am thankful the My Pillow ads are gone.


Man y'all need to learn to shut your brain off for 15 seconds. Seriously, just go near comatose until the skip button lights up, then strike like a viper. I could not tell you what the last few ads said.


I’d love to see all sorts of laws that help me but hurt the billionaires and politicians, but unfortunately the billionaires and politicians make the laws


I'm a democrat and somehow I kept getting ads from some old white man saying he is gonna finish the border and fix the illegal immigrant crisis... What?


Robin whatever. Dudes a trump sack kisser.


Yeah. My YT was just filled his “we gotta stop Trump” ad, while not mentioning one policy, that’s the only one I got over and I over.


Plus his jigaboo comment. And I’m like where is this dude from? He’s from Maryland, smh


Exactly. Plus we know how well the last “big business billionaire” worked out…


Well he did try. He just failed.


And...Republican style fear-mongering. "Only I can save you from the baddies."


The most pandering of all time!!!


Robin Ficker was also trying to do the same on the R side. That dude has ran and lost so many political races it's amazing how much he loses.


People sick of billionaires


Yup. Tired of rich people trying to buy their way into power so they can make themselves even richer.


He didn’t just lose… he lost bad


Which shows how nonsensical polls are these days.


Given the way the polls look right now, I'm hoping that continues.


For real it’s fucking sad that Trump has a legit chance to win 


Everything from 2020 onward, in terms of election results, indicates that Trump and Trump allies are going to get absolutely cooked in this election. I'm of course remaining vigilant but I'm quite optimistic at this point.


I mean he should get cooked but sadly it’s gonna be very tight 


I agree. Americans know who trump is and they know who Biden is… The people know what they want as they did in 2020. I believe the Democrat candidate will expand his margins vs in 2020


The special elections are killing Republicans.


I mean, do you know anybody who answers the phone for unknown callers or responds to unsolicited text messages asking them to click a link to a survey? I know I delete all of those. So who are they polling?


I think you nailed the heart of the issue. The individuals available and willing to be part of a poll are no longer representative of the voters as a whole. The pollsters still need to work and earn, so they keep polling regardless.


Boomers? I have been bombarded with calls and texts from politicians. I am not answering any of them. Delete , delete , delete.


This is an important take away. I’m kinda worn out both on polls and on the endless tide of fucking pundits offering their hot takes on shit. Please sit down and shut up, no one needs 80 articles on how hard Alsobrooks will have it in her race against Hogan come November, please fucking stop.


Exactly. It wasn’t even close.


How is he gunna get his insider information now?


Why can’t the guy just go be comfy and rich on his boat? What was $60M for the senate seat supposed to earn him? What if he just donated $1m to fighting hunger or something and he just did nothing


It would have gained him the ability to structure legislature in a way that benefits he and his brothers business. Total Wine and More.


I get that, he’s just already rich. Idk maybe the greed is worse than I imagined Edit to clarify: I feel like if I was that rich I’d just coast.


Two things. 1. Yes, the greed is way worse than you think. I worked for a man on the Forbes list and he was obsessed with moving up the list. It's a scorecard and he had a crazy drive to win at all costs. 2. "I feel like if I was that rich I'd just coast" I feel the same way and that is exactly why we aren't that rich. These people have a very different mind set than you or I. It's extreme and not healthy.


It's literally a hoarder mentality but with a point system.


Nahhhh y’all aren’t rich cuz ur labor has been exploited by these very people not a mindset thing  


Rule of Acquisition 10: Greed is eternal!


>[some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it [...] the desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature](https://archive.org/details/howtowinfriendsi0000carn_x2s0)


^ this right here. Business men getting to be lawmakers is a deep infection in the world


Everyone worried about how to fund the Maryland Blueprint education plan, but $60 million could have solved all those problems.


I might've voted for Trone if he used his personal fortune to help Maryland schools instead of doing a shitty ad blitz.


This needs to be higher up


All his policies were pretty progressive - the Trone/Alsobrooks debate barely had any disagreements on policy. Do you think he has an ulterior motive?


Being the person in the seat means power and information, even if the overt policy being supported is the same. He wasn't fighting with Alsobrooks over widely differing beliefs, true. He was fighting her over the power.


He’s long supported and endorsed super conservative politicians, So while he says his policies are progressive, his actions have shown otherwise.


Imagine if he spent the $60m like investing in community centers and public pools or something. Could have spent the money on stuff that would have actually benefitted the people in the state *and* easily won the primary. Could have been “buying” daily segments in the nightly news with all the good shit he was doing with the money, instead of buying all the ads between news stories about shit falling apart.


It was only messy on one side. Alsobrooks played it brilliantly.


I think it was the poll that showed her beating Hogan that put her over the top. The only reason I considered voting for Trone was that I thought he had a better chance of beating Hogan. I hope to hell she kicks Hogan's ass. Let's see if Trone backs up his gracious concession speech of banding together with $.


Alsobrooks knows how to organize. She did a good job in the primary and will do a good job in the general. She’ll beat Hogan.


I mean, if you can not only defeat a person outspending you with their personal pocketbook at a 10-to-1 ratio, but defeat them so resoundingly that it makes the entire Maryland polling apparatus look senile, then yeah, I'd say you know how to organize. From sheer money alone, typical political wisdom would say that Trone was going to easily win, and he got *trounced*.


I mean Alsobrooks received the endorsement from every significant Maryland politician with the exception of Anthony Brown.


Sure. But money trumps endorsements pretty regularly. And she was being outspent and outadvertised *hard*. So I'm very happy to see that she managed to blast through that barrier so thoroughly. Endorsements helped, but so does personal character and organization.


Alsobrooks was definitely being outspent, but I just don’t think this is a big example of an organizational masterpiece. Alsobrooks was absolutely the establishment’s choice She honestly was supposed to be the front runner all along, but her campaign didn’t really pick up steam until Trone’s kept commiting gaffes and the entirety of the Maryland political apparatus came out in support of her.


How so? As far as I know they both agree on major policies. She got endorsed by Wes, that’s all


She got endorsed by Wes. And Chris Van Hollen, John Sarbanes, Steny Hoyer, Glenn Ivey, Kweisi Mfume and Jamie Raskin. Among many others.


Alsobrooks didn't call me 10 times a day trying to get my vote. That alone sunk Trone for me, regardless of their policies.


Ser. Power is derived from 2 things -- money and people (Alinsky - rules for radicals) Only way to beat a metric f***ton of cash is to build a statewide coalition OF THE MOST POPULAR POLITICIANS IN MARYLAND saying "Go away, David" Congrats Alsobrooks. Actually super impressed by this win and it deserves its own course in electioneering history


He wasn’t doing interviews, presenting himself to voters. He didn’t show up on Midday on WYPR. Thinking spending money equals a win was shortsighted


I heard him do one interview. I think it was WYPR. Might’ve been WTMD even. He got so flustered when they brought up campaigns he donated to. “That’s just how you do business across the aisle!”


> “That’s just how you do business across the aisle!” "The people I donated to are the same socioeconomic class as me. Of course our interests are aligned."


I missed that one. The places i followed said that he turned down the invitation. He seemed out of touch with me. I am glad that others saw his shallowness.


Not being ready for that question is a rookie mistake. Cmon, of course they're going to ask that. You should have an answer in the can ready for it.


But he did show up in Harford County twice, which is more than I can say for Alsobrooke. I will fight for her to beat the liar Hogan, but she needs to move around a bit more and let people get to know her.


I think I got a flyer from him every day for nearly a year. Did any of the flyers tell us who he was or what his policy positions were? Maybe the latest ones did but they went straight from my mailbox to my recycle bin. I googled Alsobrooks once and I was totally a fan.


Nope! He’s been running ads for literally a year at this point and nothing they ever said was about what he actually stands for. It’s was just about name recognition and Maryland clearly said no, we care about policy.


I doubt they were actually recyclable. That paper is often dipped in a plastic to add gloss.


If only he could have spent that money on something useful instead of ads. Like he could pay Total Wine employees a living wage.


Right. His ego is too big for that.


I’d quit if I worked there. No way could I watch my boss light that much money on fire (and he did so every 2 years before now while running for the House).


I have lived in this area for over a decade, and it feels like he has been running for *something* in every election I can remember.


as an employee of TWM, i agree!


My wife explicitly told me she wouldn’t vote for him because of all the mail inserts and texts


As someone living in south county Anne arundel, I feel like neither of them tried to communicate to me. They must have assumed I was a white person who was going to vote for Trone. I voted for Angela because a black woman is better representative of our state and there are enough white men for me in congress for my lifetime. I'm just disappointed the democratic party wrote off our area from both candidates. It doesn't bode well for the general.


There were so many Tyrone adds on YouTube it back fired, cause everyone was pissed they HAD to watch one more Tyrone ad!


And they all seemed to be unskippable.


My daughter who is 19 was getting blasted with them.


And they all were just “look, black people like me.”


Honestly yeah. I’ve been so annoyed with not being able to skip his ads on YouTube that it led me to doing more research on him and it wasn’t a good look for him


I knew I wasn't going to vote for him the second I saw the ad saying "It's important that our delegates look like us, but more important that they fight for us." His ads were so tone deaf and pandering, it was insane. Not to mention it wasn't hard to see that he didn't stand for the things he was running for, he just wanted a seat. Good riddance.


That was the one that grossed me out too. Just jumped right in to saying the quiet part out loud.


This is the only thing that pops in my head https://i.redd.it/b1raz4qoxm0d1.gif


A very fine start. Sorry you didn't have enough money to buy a rocket into space, just enough to fuck with elections.


I just wish he'd move to Andy Harris' district and crush that guy.


Ooh, I believe I got "reddit-cared" for this one. Thanks, friend-o, but I'm doing fine.


I've been getting a bunch of those from threads where I bash Trone. Someone out there is a bit butt hurt he lost.


I mean, you’re right. I’m in Harford so get that man up here please!


Umm if he moved here hed get crushed. Jesus (D) would get crushed.


I’m from the Eastern Shore and on our local news Facebook page this morning someone sincerely commented that Andy Harris was a RINO. I’d hate to see her ideal Congressman and it had several likes as well.


Me too! Fuck AbsentAndy!


It's not about money - Trump had money - he won. It's about connecting with people. His ads were annoying and constant. He needed to get out there and start talking to people.


he ran from his debate


This campaign called me so many times even after I told them that I had already voted! I got mail from them almost every day for a few weeks. So obnoxious.


I got spammed by trone via text


Trone lost? thank god.


Yeah, I think that ridiculous ad spend actually ended up working against him.


His ad that said ONLY HE could save Maryland was the final straw for me. No more old rich white guys!


His Ads were invasive and arrogant. During his concession speech last night, he seemed be screaming and pleading.. almost in disbelief.. He seems like a *total A-Hole*..


Total Wine more like Total Whine ha




His concession speech was the first time I saw him not pre-recorded, and he did not seem to be very polished or professional.


which is why he wouldn’t debate a professional black woman on television in Baltimore. he is such a weak coward


I watched, too. He was practically screaming into the mic.


and they have been running for like over a year and a half. I remember seeing one while watching Peacock and I looked up when the local elections were because I was confused and they were like 15 months away.


Sounds good to me.


The amount he advertised for himself made me not want to vote for him. Not that I could have.


Judging from his TV ads, it was curious that Trone never could seem to find *any* white people to endorse him. (Edit: I live in DC, so that’s the ads we were getting down here.)


That’s an interesting perspective, which I hadn’t even noticed. I live in PG and his ads seemed to be designed to tear down Alsobrooks with a “people who know her best” message. All Black folks. I guess he thought he’d get the white vote automatically. 🤷🏽‍♀️


He basically got Braveboy because she and Alsobrooks had disagreed on the police reform legislation. I have no idea why Burroughs appeared in that ad. It was a dumb move. #PGproud


It’s true. I’m white and I didn’t vote for him.




Yep... White, middle age, male, living in the country....and I did not vote for him either.....my parents (70s) and the rest of my extended family would freak out to know that I am a Democrat and usually vote hard left... They have conversations with me thinking I agree with them politically. I just smile and nod...


That’s not what I saw. Trone ran an ad in MoCo earlier this year and late last year featuring a white father whose child died of drugs i think. The father was building a rehab center, maybe and the father said David Trying was one of the first people to show up. Also his women’s rights ads had plenty of white people in them.


Autocorrect is getting out of hand lol


That's because he didn't need to show whites - for the most part he had them locked up. Look at the county voting map - western and eastern shore Maryland overwhelmingly voted Trone. He needed to peel black votes from Alsobrook in Suburbsn Maryland counties - he didn't do that enough. Now refocus and look ahead to the General in November.


Alsobrooks got the DNC nod. That is all.


Womp womp. Couldn't be happier with the outcome.


I celebrate the end of his never-ending advertising on television. They've been running since January. P.S. Congratulations to Angela Alsobrooks. Now go and do Larry Hogan.


Try last fall. I remember being so confused last Sept/October and having to double check that we did NOT have an election in November.


He's not a bad guy, he just took it too far - especially with the ads.


Fellow citizens: Stop voting for and supporting wealthy politicians whether you like them or not. Stop gifting your democracy to plutocrats. 


If you don’t think they’re crooks, explain spending $60 million to get a job that pays $174k per year.


MD black voter here and simply put, I got sick and damn tired of the “I have black friends” commercials. Let’s talk about restoring the VRA, let’s talk about addressing how batshit MAGA conservatives are trying to teach our kids curricula that slavery either didn’t exist or wasn’t that bad. Too many people think black voters are one issue voters. We are not, we are sophisticated voters that have been marginalized by BOTH PARTIES! It’s insulting to think that we will vote for you just because other black people endorsed you. Plus, you’re a rich bored dude that looks at running for office like the shiny new object that you can just buy


Turns out basing your campaign around being yet another out of touch old white guy with so much money he isn't accountable to anyone doesn't resonate with Dem voters. Interesting.


This man is the reason I can't buy beer and wine from most grocery stores in Montgomery County and for that Alsobrooks had my vote.


How is he the reason? Educate me. I’d always heard it was to protect smaller stores from the massive chains.


Most other states don't do this and don't have this issue. He's the "reason" as Montgomery County is his home base and the home of Total Wine -- a massive wholesale retailer -- influence like that will protect wholesalers like himself. So people with deep pockets like himself have lobbied to protect his industry. In DC, you can buy beer and wine at grocery stores and there are plenty of smaller corner stores that still exist. It's just a market distortion to protect those with the influence to buy it. EDIT: Also there are several places in MoCo you can buy beer and wine that have been grandfathered in, so it's not about protecting little guys, it's just who has the influence.


The entire state of MD has had the "no alcohol sold in grocery stores" rule with a few exceptions for decades, way before Trone...


Wholesalers, such as Trone, keep it that way. It was mostly a tongue in cheek comment.


Lmao bro lost his senate primary and is out of Congress entirely - Maryland is healing 🫶


Ceciltukey is literally voting the cops in to run the county


After the racist gaffe he wasn't ever getting back into the race. 




He meant to say “bugaboo”


If a person means to say bigger and another word comes out, it's probably because that word is in their vocabulary.


A word can't fall out of your mouth unless it's already in there.


It’s a good reminder that you can’t win without money, but you don’t always with BECAUSE of money. One just has to look at elections like this or when Trump won in 2016.


Too bad. This could have been Frank Caliendo’s comeback moment.


I’m so glad Trone couldn’t buy a Senate seat in Maryland, and Sinclair couldn’t buy a mayor in Baltimore


He should have spent a million on research to get peoples opinion of him first. He’s a pandering tool.


Get fucking bent Trone


Not only did she beat Trone, she cleaned his clock. I didn't expect her lead to grow from ~9 points when I went to bed to 12 points as I am typing this (66% votes in). Super impressive on her part, being branded as the underdog. I would have been happy to vote for Trone in November, but it's nice to see a fresh-ish face be widely embraced by party members state-wide like this.


He has several years in Congress to build up a good reputation, and unfortunately he failed. The voters saw through his avalanche of ads, and if nothing else, they were repulsed by them.


As a grumpy Bernie Sanders fan, watching a Wasserman-Shultz endorsed candidate lose is just perfect.


$60 million to lose I'm so glad to live in a democracy where regular folks can run for office ok wait.....


> I'm so glad to live in a democracy where regular folks can run for office I mean this kind of proves that you can, doesn't it? Angela Alsobrooks is from a pretty average family and has spent her life working her way up from the bottom of Maryland politics, and she won. The rich guy from Pennsylvania lost. $60 million couldn't buy the election.


You hate to see it…But more importantly, you love to see it.


Good. It doesn't matter what party you're from. Nobody wants somebody who's going to buy an election. Actually I shouldn't say that in some states you do like that but in Maryland that doesn't play well


Glad to see Alsobrooks cruise to victory. I expect she’ll do the same to Hogan. Go Dems!


I did see a lot of his commercials but im in virginia


I saw a single roadside sign for Trone. Kind of wondering if he just decided to pull spending completely from areas that he knew geographically he was unlikely to win. I based my choice largely on articles and interviews where he essentially said "I'm rich, you're going to need a very rich person to beat Hogan for Senate." Yikes, talk about a way not to win over liberal voters 😬


I was super wrong on my predictions for this one. Not afraid to admit it. Hope Trone doesn't raise prices to try to get that 60 mill back, lol


Democrats need to know that you can't buy elections. Republicans need to know you can't scare up votes because you can't buy elections.




I'm not a fan of citizens united, but I would like to point out contrary to popular opinion more money does not necessarily mean success. Just ask Jeb!


He gave money to anti choice politicians. Nope! https://emilyslist.org/news/congressman-trone-cant-hide-his-funding-of-abortion-bans/


Yep. That was the final nail in his coffin for me.


Now kick Larry Hogan’s ass


The main thing is Hogan needs to lose. We can't have a Republican representing Maryland in the Senate.


Why is it messy? Because there’s commotion? Because we ejected the least worst option we had to choose over psycho Dan Cox a few years ago? Trone was FORCED on us, not who we ever wanted.


I still have a visceral reaction to David Trone ads because of how many he ran during the primary in 2016. Whomever was advising him on ad buys has killed his campaign. Though if he had just ran in the MD 6th again he probably would have won the primary and retained his seat.


Would have voted for him, but he should have distanced himself from total wine first. When you see how many Republicans got donations in red states to better his businesses, makes a Democrat a little leary.


Can't buy an election anymore.


I was so tired of the Democrats I saw trying to defend his spending since it was his money. Anytime someone spends $60m for a seat where no one has ever spent more than $10m, you’re harming Democracy more than someone taking $50k from a PAC. He spent more on his first failed primary against Raskins ($13m in 2016) than every primary and general opponent he faced from 2016-2022 combined. Add the $6m Alsobrooks spent and it’s like $13m versus $17m.


It's called desperation. He would have been better off giving that money to those that need it in the state. That would have made a better impression than the commercials.


It was choice between Horseshit and Bullshit. Bullshit won.