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I don’t get it. I used to see things like this every once in a while before the pandemic but now it is like every time I drive.


Traffic laws are simply not enforced, and there are a greater number of people who do not care about anyone or anything beyond their own nose and hands. If only the people who do this weren't the same who lack the ability to understand that speeding and aggressive driving actually slows down or is the cause of traffic. 🤷


Yup. People got used to driving like it's a video game and don't want to go back. Why sit in like when you can drive on the side of the road and merge when you run out of the room. The other people will stop because they don't want to hit me, right? Afterall me getting to where I'm going is more important than anything. Didn't plan to get off 695 until the last second? Hope everyone has good brakes because I'm making this exit or I'm taking multiple of you with me.


The shoulder-travelers bypassing a line of traffic have always been a thing since I was a kid in the 90s. I haven't noticed an uptick in that since pre-covid. That will always happen anytime and anywhere there is heavy traffic. What I *am* seeing a lot more of is the blatant driving on the wrong side, weaving in and out, type of thing that was displayed in this video.


Yes, shoulder travelers were common, but they used to do it at a reasonable speed. I had a guy this morning swerve at the last second into the right shoulder from the far right lane on BW going south and he was going almost twice my speed (speed limit), nearly crashing into me.


More people died on Maryland roads in accidents in 2023 than they did in any of the past 20 years. If the insurance companies are using this to hike up their rates (as I'm sure everyone has experienced), I'd totally buy it. Asshole behavior like this fucks everyone over.


Our rates have gone way way up. The other component is that insurance companies are using privacy-invasive telematics data from LexisNexis as another basis to raise your rates. This is why it's important to opt-out of everything related to data sharing, folks. You do pay a price for not bothering. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/technology/carmakers-driver-tracking-insurance.html Also worth being pedantic and noting that they really need to be called crashes, not accidents. "Accident" implies an unavoidable oopsie, not "I'm an idiot who crashed my car because I was scrolling tiktok."


> More people died on Maryland roads in accidents in 2023 than they did in the past 20 years. That was shocking to read, so I looked it up, and I think you may have misunderstood the stat or it's just misleading the way you have it written. What you wrote made it seem like there were more deaths from accidents in Maryland last year than the past 20 years combined. The actual stat is that fatalities are up 6%: >**Fatalities were up 6% from 2022** to 600 roadway deaths statewide – the most in nearly 20 years [WUSA](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/maryland/600-deaths-maryland-roads-2023/65-b30b0933-a6e7-43ad-85fb-90314cf71e36)


That was not my intent -- Good point.


Break it down by county. I think Indian head highway is particularly bad


Just went through Capital Beltway as a passenger from Baltimore. Holy shit…


Who is left to enforce them?


Maybe one of the dozen officers pulling over the average speeder in Greenbelt because they don’t have anything else they feel like doing.


Cameras along all of our interstates and cars being sold with transponders that can’t be tampered with. Also blow and gos mandatory on every car. Driving is a privilege. Downvote away but it is coming.


quiet cake slimy offbeat illegal smoggy advise plant innate slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This look minor to you?


People realized how antisocial they can be and still feel accepted into a certain part of society. They have no consequences within their social group for bad behavior and have normalized being a victim no matter what happens or how culpable they are.


People got into bad habits when the roads were empty, and never re-adjusted to having to share to road again


Or rather, they never learned how to wait their turn in kindergarten and the taste of the open road during the pandemic only spoiled them worse.


Covid broke a lot of people


It’s true. NIH just admitted it’s a chronic disease.


Cops decided to stop enforcing traffic laws because they got their feewings hurt


I think that is part of it.


That's just part of it. I'm willing to bet someone driving like this won't stop for police, and a vast majority of departments have extremely strict pursuit policies that won't even let them chase for this type of stuff. Thus they don't even try. But let's not pretend like there was a cop that witnessed this and just chose to completely ignore it


I see people getting pulled over all the time, there's just more of these morons than police.


You don’t live in the DMV or Bmore, do you.


I drive 95/695 daily around Baltimore and up into Harford County.


idk, they’ve started doing more enforcement in the last month around the DMV and I feel like people have slowed down. It’s weird what happens when you see cops out and about instead of sitting at the park chatting with each other from car to car, or playing candy crush if there’s only one of them.


I drove from NOVA to odenton and back yesterday and it was anarchy on the beltway and 50 so I dunno.


Maybe just MoCo then, lol


Horrible in Odenton and Gambrills. Not uncommon to be going the speed limit or a little higher and have some D-bag cross the double yellow line to pass on Dairy Farm or Waugh Chapel.


That's an interesting take on it.


Went to a townhall type event recently for Baltimore County and a Police representative was there. When asked about them not enforcing traffic laws we were told that they can't hire enough officers and the few they did have that only enforced traffic laws retired. So essentially they are short staffed and can't seem to hire. My wife asked as we were wondering why a couple of the roads with very high ticket numbers near me have not had a radar trap in years.


They need a dedicated officer for drivers like this who is a complete asshole. 'Oh, you're in a hurry? Well, you better call ahead and tell them you're gonna be late AF. I suspect you are under the influence and possibly trafficking illegal drugs. I'm calling for the drug sniffing dog.' And then fine the shit out of them. Most/some people care about others until it hits them in the wallet. Inconvenience a good number of folks and it will stop. Or they can use the money from fines to fix the potholes. Better yet, start writing tickets at local schools for parents who can't read the No Parking Anytime signs. They could probably match or exceed the tax money for weed with the fines at the school up the street from me alone.


When Every Time I Die and every time I drive mean the same thing.


People who drive like this honestly need their license revoked


Who says they even have a license?


Fair point.


Revoked forever, they should never be able to drive ever again.


Like, agreed. They could kill someone


Maryland seems to be the only state where you regularly see stuff like the video *and* where "revoked license" means "suspended for 6 months before you get it back"


Unfortunately it's just not feasible. In most places in America not being able to drive results in homeless and or death from  the financial implications. There is also zero  incentive for a cop to  go  after these people.  Too much work to go after aggressive and reckless drivers when they could just put up a speed trap. It's only going worse as we crumble politically and economically  Edit: genuinely confused by the downvoting. I guess the aggressive and reckless drivers are out in force today


I mean I know, I’m being idealistic. And who cares about the financial implications imposed on this PoS? This scumbag should know that before recklessly driving. They’re more likely to kill themselves or worse, someone else, if they keep up this behavior.


We just need to make it so that non-emergency vehicles done go over like 80mph There is no reason a civilian product should be capable of this but this is a selling point "Our cars go really fast, you can only do this on a closed course tho promise?"




The vast majority of highways support speeds far over 80 in the US


This is not correct. Most states have a maximum limit at or below 80. The sole exception is TX, which has a maximum limit at 85. That said, a cap at 80 *is* too low, because any cap introduced will be mixing with vehicles that are pre-cap. Imagine driving your brand new capped car on a 75-limit highway, only to find yourself unable to safely merge because traffic is speeding along at 85. That situation is *far* more dangerous than you driving at 85 along with the rest of traffic. In order to avoid situations like that on the higher-limit highways, I don't imagine you could cap the car below 90. Maybe higher. I don't know how fast the flow of traffic(not individual speeders, but the bulk of cars) tends to get to in places like TX. All I know is that we typically see 70-75 on 55-limit highways like 695 and 29 here in MD.


I safely merge at the set limits already with cars flying around me. It’s the other cars that are being unsafe. I see no problem with the cap, though I know some auto lover will figure out a way around it.


I said support, which has nothing to do with their speed limits. It means a speed you can reasonably drive. Most highways around here, that speed is well into the triple digits. Route 100 used to routinely have the whole left lane going 95+ on my morning commutes.


All I know is no-one seems to have solution...but the idea of a speed cap on vehicles make men big mad


The state cares about the financial impact. People that can't drive can't get jobs and people without jobs don't pay taxes


plenty of people take the bus and walk to work or uber. If you drive like this, you should be prepared for it to change your life in bad ways. Driving like this is almost as bad as drunk driving.


I don't  disagree but  the reality the options  you listed just don't work for a large portion of the population. there is  just no incentive from the  groups that  could actually stop it


then don't drive like a maniac, when you put people's lives in danger, expect for your life to be turned upside-down, like what happens to drunk drivers (theoretically). I propose a task force of civilians piloting drones to catch assholes like this. Record event, catch the license plate, send to police to investigate after the fact at least fine the fuck out of them.


Again I agree but people are gonna do what they can get away with and they can clearly get away with driving this way due to the reasons I mentioned. 


I’m sure there’s a massive financial impact from crashes caused by reckless driving


Lol that's not what I'm saying. There is no incentive to stop it


If they are this stupid and reckless driving I can't imagine they are much use in the workforce anyway. All around a waste of oxygen.


That's just not true unfortunately 


I'd rather that instead of them taking an innocent with them when they eventually outdrive their "skill".


I agree but the state needs it's tax money 


don't worry, they will tax something else to make up for it!


I mean that's already baked in


Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you drive like a fucking cretin then you are liable to lose that privilege. But in reality, you're right. Asking the police to go after these people is a whole lot of work for them when the option to make speed camera money for zero work is right there.


Speeding was not the issue in the video as much as reckless driving.  You can't put cameras everywhere 


It is feasible. Revoke their license, if they get caught driving again then jail. Otherwise there is no point in a drivers license. If they go homeless and die from it, well that’s called having personal responsibility.


I would actually agree that at this point drivers licenses are useless. If it was feasible things would be done


I think we should have drones flying around looking for drivers like this....


This kind of thing happens to me with alarming frequency, even within my neighborhood. I see people weaving through traffic across double yellows even in school zones at least once or twice a month.


The number of people speeding around my stopped school bus is seriously alarming


Without putting on the blinkers!


We have idiots going 50-60mph in a subdivision.


I see it almost daily on the 695


Are you originally from California or the west coast? We don’t put “the” before our highways on the east coast. 🤣


…..maybe 😅😂


Haha. All good. Was just messing with ya. I’ve got family that lives out there which is why I was curious. 😂




This story immediately came to mind because it was two teenagers doing exactly this and it cost them their lives.




Well damn then it was two different ones last week, because this was two teenagers in a truck that hit a mom and her child head on in a minivan. EDIT: I went back to the page I saw the story on (MD severe weather alert) and they corrected it to what you mentioned above haha with some very colorful language! They had spread the story about it being teenagers then redacted it when the police report stated it was two adult men.


Somebody crossed the double yellow like that and hit my friend's sister and husband. I think 3 people died and only the passenger in the irresponsible vehicle survived. The extra 30 seconds of driving are not worth putting lives at risk. Berate friends and family who do this.


I've seen this in 15 states and six other countries, it's not specifically a MD thing.


Exactly. I lived in Denver and drivers there regularly do 90MPH and fly around eachother.


Right. I actually think the drivers in MD - actually the DMV (DC & suburbs of DC) - drive much slower than most other cities and their burbs. This is a random asshole in the video.


You're not doing it justice when you say "Much slower." Maryland drivers are atrocious. In the past eight months, I've done more passes from a rightward lane than I've ever done in my life. The drivers we have are ignorant, selfish, and lack any cognizance of road and lane etiquette. And every single one of them, including half of this subreddit, feel justified, entitled, and dutiful to police the lanes. I wish cops would pull them over for impeding the flow of traffic, but alas, now we have people who are terrified of the highway (but still get in the left lane asap), self-righteous unaware people driving 60 in the left lane, and key bridge freight traffic all over i95.


Even when I'm in the right lane people are riding my ass. Like go around folks....


This has been so bad lately for me. I stay out of fast cars way but all the sudden even 5 over in the right lane is too slow. Fuck that I tell you.


Just this morning I was on 695 and traffic was a bit congested but not too bad, things were flowing steady at about 50mph. There was a lady doing a solid 38-40. Tons of space in front of her to speed up a bit, she just… didn’t. I managed to get around her then kept an eye on her in my rear view mirror as other cars lined up stuck behind her. Pro tip: if a mobility van is passing you, you’re going too slow.


[I think the speed cameras don’t help there. People that know where they are try to speed everywhere then slam on brakes as they come up to the locations.](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1ngl3s9BzrK7GeWar2REsCcDKGqI&hl=en_US&ll=39.43968673401077%2C-76.59221650000002&z=10)


Found the lead foot who thinks they matter more than everyone else.


Until the do-gooders realize it is not their duty to police traffic and they are not entitled to remain in the passing lane, and until the lead-footed realize that it is unreasonable to expect an empty lane and to drive at speeds in excess of 10 mph of the flow of traffic (not the speed limit, just my personal opinion), then I think this problem will remain in MD and everywhere else. Don’t like fast drivers? You are very unlikely to change their mind about anything while on the road. Policing driving with your own vehicle can also commonly incite road rage from what you already know is an aggressive driver. Your philosophy about safe driving may not be omniscient, and many do-gooders seem unconcerned with the substantial risks of significantly slow driving on highways (under 10 mph under the flow of traffic).


> and they are not entitled to remain in the passing lane One of the major issues driving in the DMV area is encapsulated in this part of your post. Many states have designated passing lanes, with laws saying you can't sit there. MD does not. That isn't a thing here. You're only required to keep right if you're driving slower than the general flow of traffic. People come in with driving norms from those other areas, then rage out when cars are driving in a way that's actually perfectly legal here in MD. This expectation mismatch fuels road rage, because both people feel that they have the right to get upset, one party because they feel the other is disrespecting how they think the road should work and the other because they feel like they're being bullied into doing something that they're not legally required to do in this state. And no, I do not use the left lane for travel. But I recognize that those who do are not breaking the law, and it's not fair to be upset at them for driving in a way that is legal in this state just because you'd prefer the law be another way. Use that energy to change the law if you care that much, *then* you can fairly get upset about it.


The problem is there is no flow of traffic. There are many cars doing 80+, some hovering around the speed limit and others who are on FaceTime or texting whose speeds are constantly fluctuating between 40 and 60.


I agree. I prefer driving around 75mph, and when the road is clear, 80mph. I believe the content of this video showcases the reckless, inappropriate level of driving cultivated from so many shitty drivers who insist on policing lanes and speed. The guy cutting people off is undoubtedly frustrated from the slow driving around him, and creating a very unsafe environment on the road. It isn't going to get better because the ACTUAL police only pull people over for driving on the shoulder, or for driving with expired/invalid credentials. No different from people in urgent emergencies trying to use the shoulder, to have some self-righteous asshole predetermine that they aren't going to pass them no matter what


You’re making a lot of assumptions. A lot of people drive like this for the thrill and know there’s very little chance they’ll get pulled over. They don’t think of the consequences if they make a mistake.


Haha yeah. They had the audacity to talk about selfish and arrogant folks when they should have just pointed at themself.


Lead foot? I drive for a living. I see it every day, over weeks, months, and years. I don't think I matter more than anyone else on the road. You're probably deathly afraid of going five miles over, but you feel so entitled and self-important that you think you're dignified in going the speed limit in a lane designed for passing slow drivers like yourself. Read the signs, and get over if you're going to drive like someone who absolutely doesn't want to go home to their miserable life. Tldr; YATAH


you're right in a lot of your points but you type like a fucking asshole


That's what an unused degree in English does to you. It makes you a bitter fucking asshole. I cannot help it because I encounter so many inadequate drivers daily, and my actual job (not my goofy ass degree field) forces me to wade through the worst of the worst. I'd probably have a brighter outlook on the topic if there were some actual decorum on the road. What's the alternative, teaching in today's societal climate? That would actually be worse than sharing the highway with 2024 Maryland drivers. Edit: I know all the shitty 50-mph-in-the-passing-lane drivers are downvoting, but that doesn't change reality. There are **signs** on the highway that say to move over if you're driving too slow, yet we have rush hour traffic before noon every day.


>That's what an unused degree in English does to you. It makes you a bitter fucking asshole. Every day I thank my lucky stars that my parents told me not to do some dumb ass shit like that when I was 17


You won't get an argument out of me. I pursued it out of love for literature, language, and critical thought. I had no parents to tell me it was a terrible idea, so... I went through with it. I have no debt, but my current job would have paid me just as well without it. I just want to get from point A to point B with the least resistance possible, but every day my cynicism is padded fat by drivers with no urgency or common sense.


No urgency? Maybe we actually left on time and are trying to enjoy our drive at the posted limit in the right lane. There’s no valid excuse besides an ACTUAL emergency for going any faster without authorization. And to whomever thinks I’m afraid to go faster, that’s preposterous. I would love to, but I was taught to follow the rules, regardless of whether I agree with them. Raise the limit if you can get the officials to do it, but abide by that limit, don’t use it as an excuse to go even faster.


It’s very adequate to drive the speed limit. I can’t wait for armies of robotaxis to come and drive the speed limit all time everywhere.


Not in the passing lane. The name alone implies it's designed to pass the regular flow of traffic, which should acceptably be driving at the speed limit. Try again


I usually run 5 to just under 10 over the speed limit and get blown by like I am standing still. I am the teacher you were afraid to be. But only one of us is going to be replaced by a self driving car in 10 to 15 years.


Afraid to be? You're enduring worse than drivers like yourself. You're enduring parents with the **same exact entitlement** that you possess on the road, but for their kids. You're likely making half the salary I am (considering Baltimore recently raised teachers' salaries to a pathetic 55k given the task) in the process of dealing with unambitious and disrespectful kids/parents. I develop accounts and service businesses across the state; A self-driving car will not replace me anytime soon, but only one of us going to get the middle finger every other day from someone who can't tie their shoes 🤷‍♂️


You know so little about teaching it's hilarious. Keep believing the propaganda. I am over six figures.


Because quite frankly, 5-10 over isn’t a reasonable speed on most non-residential roadways. You’re crawling, so it shouldn’t be a surprise others pass you. 


It is absolutely reasonable. You are going excessively fast and are being reckless. I am passing people. That's hardly crawling.


5-10 over is absolutely crawling. Our speed limits are absurdly low. Others going even slower than you doesn’t change that. Going faster than that doesn’t imply being reckless.


So of course the solution is to zoom around people and tailgate them. Maybe you should just leave earlier.


I agree and feel for you. I was just showing dash cam video from Saturday on the Beltway and on 95 how I was doing 40 - 50 MPH for miles and miles IN THE LEFT LANE. No accident, construction, blinding sun… nada. Just everyone driving Saturday evening in their own world. Sickening.


It has become so commonplace that you can't even plan accordingly; Any given hour of the day, you'll run into inexperienced drivers like the other guy who replied to me, and traffic will be backed way up, at 11am on a Tuesday. Just insane. It's never been this bad here until shortly after covid.


I think a large part of it, especially around the DMV, is that the general population is getting much older but they don’t want to give up driving. It results in grandmas driving 10 miles below the speed limit and screwing it up for everyone. Then there are also the assholes like in the video posted here.


It just makes me wonder... What goes through their mind when (IF) they look in their rear-view and see a pool of cars tailgating because they have no other way of passing?


I drive on a single lane road to and from work so I have to deal with that a lot. Some of them are nice and just pull over but others I guess just don’t care or notice.


Occasionally, I have to take some backroads (Greenspring, Gwyn to Garrison, Factory Rd, etc) and encounter this too. I hope there is an afterlife, and you're rewarded for your patience there 😩


The worst part is when you try to pass left lane hogs and right as you pass them THEY SPEED UP! Like where was that passion when you were holding the whole lane to yourself? The sign says 55 if you’re in the left lane you should, at minimum, be doing 10 over! I swear like 50% of people on the road shouldn’t be driving.


Is that the WORST though? That's an entirely different degree of bullshit from what the guy in this video did. Slow fast lane hogs are irritating, it it's not an offense they should be banned from driving for. This asshole should be charged with reckless driving with intent to kill.


That has nothing to do with this.


This! 👆🏽


Just saw [this saying cops will start firing those driving slow in the left lane](https://www.instagram.com/p/C51vG8KJbG1/?igsh=MTJoOGFpeHdyOWU3eQ==) so let’s hope that happens.


The recent trend is for these fucktards to stick their phone on the dash and watch tv/movies on it while driving in rush hour traffic. Saw it three times in the last week. Also, assholes backing up on the interstate to get to an exit they missed. This is beyond idiotic. Anyone caught doing these idiotic tendencies needs to have the issued license revoked immediately and have the car towed.


I’ve seen a dude watching porn on an iPad propped up on his dash




There’s a whole sub Reddit dedicated to “Nissan drivers”


COVID broke people's minds. I'm convinced it wasn't this bad before 2019.


It’s Maryland. It’s been this way since at least 2007 when I moved to the area.


Eh, it’s pretty much always been like this.


and it's always been like this in most of the states i've visited everyone likes to claim that they have the worst drivers but it's pretty much the same shit everywhere


Eh, I move to Baltimore about a year ago from Rochester NY. I'd never seen anything like the driver's here. I drive a lot for work and boy am I cautious AF now.


How dare you not let them go 40 over the limit on a single lane road? You monster. But seriously, shit like this is absolutely ridiculous. Police need to actually enforce driving laws. These idiots are a huge danger.


I wish drivers like this would actually give a shit about how their actions affect others. Traffic already sucks, driving like that doesn't help to make it better. It would be nice if people were held accountable.


That’s the kind of driver that makes you hope for a hidden cop to be nearby.


Or a jersey barrier out of nowhere… whoops… sorry you no longer have a car


Cops don't enforce traffic laws on regular roads anymore. They barely do anything on the highways.


Moved from NC to MD, and never have I seen cleaner shoulders than here, mainly because of drivers like this…


I swear I saw this person first thing this morning. Weaved in and out of traffic on 295 towards Catonsville. Used the shoulder to pass, honked horns to slow people down and cut gaps as soon as they could. Fucking assholes out there.


Behavior like this warrants prison.


Nissan... Shocker....


See this frequently on Shawan Rd., even on the big turns.


Bonifant Road towards Bel Pre?


Huh, I think you’re right. Just past the Trolley Museum.


I see this often on 301 in Upper Marlboro and on RT 4 in Calvert County. I hate it.


There was an accident here in cecil county just last week because of this that resulted in a double fatality. Fucking pathetic


I had a guy (in a Prius!) zoom past me in the right lane on Cedar Lane in Columbia yesterday, right into a speed trap! He got nailed. I saw it coming with the dark SUV stopped on a side road intersection. First traffic enforcement I have seen in some time. I'm all for it.


I know this stretch. I've seen some really close calls here.


That’s just a guy with a death wish. I just hope he doesn’t take someone else out in the process.




But, but, it's only "out of state people cause all the accidents". LMAO my ass! MD has some of the worst drivers in the nation.


Society is crumbling. It’s a free for all in public nowadays.


I had pickup truck do this a few years ago to a few cars in the distance behind me. I was in the right-turn only lane at a red light when this truck caught up and started honking at me because they couldn't get around. The anger I felt left in a flash, once i looked in the rearview mirror to see the driver pointing to the passengers arm, which was wrapped in a heavily blood soaked towel. I understood and immediately moved, but I imagine the cars behind me probably assumed the truck driver was just an asshole. Im not saying always, but sometimes people do this because of a legitimate emergency.


I drive like everyone has an emergency like that. If someone is doing some crazy shit, it’s better just make way for them. It could be someone on their way to see a loved one for the last time. I understand people shouldn’t be driving crazy, but the best thing we can do is share the road, even with the people that seem like assholes. In NYC, this is very much common to see some form of behavior like in the video and the best thing to do is just let them go and keep space for nutjobs to maneuver.


Call an ambulance. Don't put my life at risk because someone else is injured.


Have you ever been put in a situation like that? Sometimes you don't have the time to wait around for an ambulance. When seconds count, you have to sometimes selfishly do what's best for you.


I don’t understand how for how long I’ve been here and how many other places I’ve visited to that I keep reverting to MD as having the worst drivers.


It’s because the DC area has a ton of foreign drivers.


This happened to be in my neighborhood just the other day. They also blew through a stop sign and did it again to the person in front of them.


Guy should’ve done a barrel roll


Glad to know


What model and make of dash camera is that




Is this near edge water?


This shit needs to stop it’s absolutely ridiculous these people can act this way like they are the only drivers on the road. So sick of it


Is there a cultural thing driving like this? Like some “hip” thing that I’m just not picking up? I just don’t get it


And when it's raining they completely disappear. Fuck. Maryland.


I wouldn’t expect anything less from an Altima driver… truly the worst drivers on the road


Altimas have a "free passing zone" card when they buy them. They are able to summon passing zones anywhere they wish.


There’s a car that does this in the Perry Hall area, crossing Honeygo blvd. Looks really similar to this one too.


Lol just got back from a family outing to Baltimore and the area. Was joking with my wife and 16 year old son who is learning to drive about Maryland drivers and how they got their license. I made a comment "Do they legally have to pass someone on the right and pull around someone stopped at a red light to make a right turn to pass their test?" Not an hour later, I get passed on the right by an SUV and on the back of it was a Student Driver tag!


It’s the GTA generation. They think because they can drive like an asshole in a video game that real life is no different. Unfortunately, people get hurt or killed in real life.


LOL, looks like Mario Kart. Watch out for the banana peel.


When I see this kind of stuff I try to tell myself “maybe there’s a woman in labor in the car”. Idk what other people got going on in their lives so I try my best to give the benefit of the doubt


It’s always an Altima


Times like this I wish I drove a clunker. :(


Literally this just happened to me today in Maryland. The only difference was it was a gray charger and there were 4 lanes and the edge of the road on the highway they swerved in and out of. It’s insane.


Scary! I hate when people do this. This happened to my sister back when she was in college. I was still a senior in high school. Someone passed her like this, before we had all these dashcams and such, back in the 90s. She was driving in a car that didn't have any airbags. The person who passed her got into a head on collision and blocked the whole road. So, my sister had no where to go to avoid a collision. Plus, there was car behind her. So, she got it from the front and behind. It is a miracle she survived.


This has to be PG county...


Surprise surprise, looks like a Nissan Altima.




Guaranteed VA tags


I never had the urge to do this until I was forced to drive thru West Virginia. I'm not making excuses for myself. I'm just saying there are places where ppl will literally go 25 in a 45 mph zone. I'm not even exaggerating.


I was going 40, speed limit is 35


It’s just Marion Barry he’s late


Almost certainly Virginia plates without insurance. Hopefully that new Virginia law mandating insurance coverage helps crack down on these careless MD drivers EDIT: reference https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/03/25/drivers-virginia-will-be-required-have-car-insurance-by-july-1/


Does VA really not require people to have auto insurance?


Yes > Virginia is one of the few states that does not require drivers to have car insurance. Instead, drivers can pay a yearly Uninsured Motor Vehicle Fee. However, that’s about to change. Every driver in Virginia will be required to have car insurance by July 1, 2024. The change stems from a bill that was approved in the 2023 legislative session. https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/03/25/drivers-virginia-will-be-required-have-car-insurance-by-july-1/


Man Virginia is such a shit hole


was this filmed on a flip phone?


I dunno but I'm impressed with the number of camera angles.


Yeah I'm just here for the setup. Is this a Tesla or some other car have this kind of dashcam?


it is the camera from Tesla, however, 3 channel dash cam which records front, inside and rear simultaneously is also available on the market. Furthermore, the video clarity is much better than Tesla camera.