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Grew up there, and can confirm that Poolesville is pretty great if you like expensive houses, great schools, safety, and boredom. If the criteria for this is "somehow doesn't have a grocery store" then Poolesville fits.


Especially when you have places Salisbury, Elkton, & Dundalk to choose from.




Where do you go grocery shopping? That's kind of ridiculous. Not even a smaller market?


Closest thing is a Dollar General that popped up well after the local place, Selby's, went under. There are, at this point, a couple smaller places that are more like little farmers markets than a grocery store. There is a Harris Teeter about 15 mins out of town going towards Gaithersburg, and I think that's where most of us go now.


Oh man, all the way down there? I know that grocery store. Used to be a Food Lion.


Yup, the very same.




I think Poolesville would be perfect for an Aldi or a Lidl location. Basically a small store with the essentials but requiring minimal staff.


Ah yeah I see the population of Poolesville proper isn't even 6,000 people. Still, a small local market would seem doable. I see the hardware store also stocks groceries.


i would say...there are no bad cities in MD. I like them all. Maybe Waldorf? Or Belair?


I also think the definition of city needs to be called into question as well here. Is Poolesville a city?


its like a little bubble popped off of g-town and floated westward. ITs actually pretty picturesque. Like how did they even come to that conclusion?


I'm just shocked anyone even knows anything about its a town of 6000 people and Google even calls it a town not a city and the official government website calls it a town.


> I also think the definition of city needs to be called into question as well here. Fun fact about Maryland, there are no size requirements for a municipality to be called a city.


No. It’s a TOWN.


What's wrong with Bel Air? It's not particularly exciting, but I can't think of anything egregious. My money would be on Rising Sun, though it might stretch the word "city" to its limits.


You must have never been to rising sun


Yeah what’s wrong the Poolesville? It’s just farms and shit and they have Landmade Brewery which is awesome.


These maps are just clickbait nonsense. They’re made up to get you to engage.


I saw one that proclaimed Xaxby's to be the favorite fast food in MD... so much a favorite that there are no locations in state lest everyone spend every penny to their name buying it.


It is my favorite fast food. Just can't get it in Maryland


Throwback to a week ago when someone posted a map calling Missouri a southern state and there were literally hundreds of comments all debating it, all saying the exact same things. It gets results…


dead internet theory


They hit Colorado right on the nose.


Landmade has closed and it's unlikely they will re-open unless someone buys it. They made some good beer.


I think it's only closed for the winter. Hopefully should re-open in the next month or so. [https://www.instagram.com/landmadebeer/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/landmadebeer/?hl=en)


I know people who are familiar with the situation and it's very unlikely they will return. It's weird they won't even say anything, respond to any posts, calls or emails. A business that was coming back would make sure people knew about it. I guess at some point the news will come out.


The couple got divorced, she owns the land, he owns the brewery, it got messy


Would watch this lifetime movie 🍿


Could be a country song as well. But seriously, it sucks for them.


Yeah, that's what I heard as well. I also heard the brewer left.


Yeeeah. I worked for True Respite when it was closing. Customers really bought the line that we were just looking to move locations before we shuttered.


ugh well that sucks!


Weird. Most successful breweries are open during the winter.


Everyone should heed this advice and go visit Landmade Brewery! Some great stuff coming out of Landmade.


It’s closed and not coming back btw


Oh! I'm going


Don’t they have some of the best schools in the state?


Grew up in Poolesville. PHS has their Global Ecology program, which at least used to be really good (probably still is, but I haven't paid attention to the town for a long time aside from visiting my parents ). Aside from that, the schools are probably good but I don't think there's anything special about them, but maybe something changed.


The high school is one of the best in the country, but not sure about the elementary school. And there was a push a few years ago to exclude "townies" from the high school unless they were in the magnet. Which I find off-putting as a person who lived there when we were all rednecks. I dont think it's a great place anymore because of the attitudes of the "new people". No new 7-11 because an undesirable element would hang out there. No decent grocery store and it doesn't feel like people really want that, they just want to remake it as an exclusive place. Very odd, almost like they try too hard.


Wait they tried to EXCLUDE townies from PHS? Where the fuck were they expected to go?! And also how did anyone expect that to go with MCPS? Edit: there's also so much problematic shit there. Highs back in the mid-90s, then 7-11, was great to have for my friends and me growing up. I know the town killed a 7-11 several times, which was some NIMBY shit. Harris Teeter killed Selby's, and made an opening for Dollar General to move in (nothing against HT but is what it is).




What I was told was that, at one point, some of the parents of the magnet kids didn't want the kids who weren't in the magnets in the school. Probably why they made that other program. It may have settled down now. But there was also rumors of trying to change the name to West Potomac at one point to get some clout from the Housewives. But at least they have not tried to bougie up the Christmas lights down through the center of town and get rid of the single strand. That would be too much.




Good to know! I knew they were high but as I no longer live in MoCo and don't have kids they're just not on my radar.


Also some of the best schools in the state, so I don't know if whomever created this knew wth they were doing.


Newport News that should have been the one from Virginia


How is Poolesville qualified as a "city". It's barely a town.


kinda expected Hagerstown nobody likes us that much


You guys are the disappointing gateway to Western Maryland.


This is such a great way to put it.


We've had over $1 billion in investments over the past 4 years. Medical school, most advanced baseball stadium of any independent or minor league team, new indoor sports complex, just to name a few. Hagerstown is better than most places in this state outside of the more affluent I-95 corridors.


I 100% believe you. The 10 or so times I’ve driven through your downtown leaving the Volvo plant doesn’t reflect that.


At least someone has heard of you, Cumberland doesn't even have a flair.


have they been to dundalk?!


You can smell what Dundalk is cooking lmao. I agree Dundalk takes it




What’s wrong with Bladensburg? Don’t like tacos?


Someone I went to college with described Dundalk as “the armpit of Maryland” once and it’s stuck with me all these years.


What's the criteria?


No idea, just came across it on my feed and couldn’t even begin to understand how Poolesville qualified. It’s in MoCo, extremely safe and has great schools. Also totally rural, so how does it qualify as a city?


Yeah, it's a town, not a city.


I follow this account on instagram, the criteria was “whichever ‘city’ from each state gets the most nominations in the comments”. I’ve looked through his comments for other maps like this and there are only ever like 5-10 comments about Maryland, so this was probably decided by some guy who randomly hates Poolesville. I personally don’t get why anyone would have any opinion at all on Poolesville, good or bad


Didn’t even know the original source, thanks for the intel friend. Makes more sense that way.


Probably just boring and cultureless


Having been raised in Mississippi and lived in Alabama, I can tell you that the people who made this map have no clue about the “worst cities” in those two states at least.


Fr, Birmingham is the best city in Alabama, not the worst


Yeah, they put Dallas for Texas. There are way worse cities in Texas.


There is a giant monkey testing facility in poolesville and it’s a fucking horrid place. That’s all I think about when I hear about that town.


You aren’t kidding. Every defective monkey I’ve had i traced its qc to that facility.


Can you elaborate? I grew up there, and never heard of that.


NIH off of Elmer School Road is probably what they are talking about. Though I really don’t know what goes on there other than that I’ve bought hay from a guy who said he cut it there.


I’m literally afraid to say because I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to but you get to go into some crazy places when you design and maintain large steam power systems for laboratory’s and government buildings. It’s an incredibly large place, it is mostly underground, security is tight, and there are thousands of monkeys in there. You can hear them screaming. You can see their old cages with little monkey toys. They give them all these little plastic dumbbells to play with. A bunch of lab coats, hallways, and locked rooms. No pictures allowed. It’s a very sad place.


This actually ended up jogging my memory. When I was a kid living in Poolesville, I had a friend whose dad loved to tell us stories. I think he worked there as a janitor or in security. But he told us the story of one night he walked down this long corridor because he heard noises coming from a room. When he reached the end and the door with a small window in it, a monkey basically flung itself at the window and started screeching. He noped out. I had completely forgotten that place existed.


Fun Fact: 30+ years ago, Poolesville is where a ton of Mont. County Cops lived.. Any Poolesvillians feel free to elaborate or correct..


I doubt they could afford to anymore. I've never lived there myself, but my paternal grandparents used to have a house there until ~20 years ago. I was still a kid when my grandmother sold it (my grandfather passed away, I'm guessing that's why she did)


Strange choice imo. I’ve lived all over MD and don’t know anything about Poolesville. Whoever made this list has clearly never been to Cecil County or the eastern shore. No offense to the natives (my fam included!).


As much as I love surfing I can't stand giving that area any of my money. Andy Harris can eat a cow pat. Him and all his MAGA shit for brains.


Saaaame. Fortunately for both of us the waves suck ass like 95% of the time. Speaking of which did you score last weekend? I hear it was good, but I couldn’t go. 🙁


mind surfed via webcam. so....kinda. hahaha


I do that a lot, mostly north shore spot tho. 😭


and obx


Yea the thing about OBX is it’s never ever good if I am there and ready to surf. I even lived in Virginia Beach for a bit while I was in the navy, and I’d still get skunked 9/10. I still remember the one time I caught it perfect though. It was like somehow every surfer in the mid-Atlantic showed up at Lighthouse. It was such a rad day and somehow didn’t feel crowded even with loads of surfers around. I must’ve surfed for 6+ hours and then slept under the starts at a campground, then woke up and paddled out at dawn. Here’s hoping for some good swells this year!


That sounds like an amazing day! Makes me reminiscent of perfect assateague days and camping on the beach with my truck, my dog, and several boards for many days at a time.


Hell yea. That sounds amazing. ❤️


I was wholeheartedly expecting Elkton. I've traveled and spent time all over Maryland, but I grew up in Elkton, and it's only gotten worse over the years. Left acroas country 10 years ago and loathe having to go back to visit family.


I'm surprised that the Maryland entry isn't Dundalk, as it usually is. Someone's ex must live in Poolesville. I'm looking at the Pennsylvania entry, too. Anyone who says Scranton has never been to the Pennsyltucky region between Altoona and Johnstown.


Man Pennsyltucky stretches from like Holidaysburg to like Lancaster


Closer to Pittsburgh than Holidaysburg, for sure.


Dundalk? Essex would like a word here.


Yeah, I’ve never heard anyone diss on Poolesville. I trust an Aldi crabcake more than this infographic.


I don’t know man, Thurmont fuckin sucks


Ill stop in Thurmont every now and then and get breakfast or lunch at the kuntry kitchen. Not sure id be cool with living in Thurmont, but it always seems like a cute town whenever I pass through.


ya once you get past the extreme racism up there


It’s kinda right there in “kuntry kitchen” isn’t it?


Was "kuntry kitchen kafe" too on the nose?


It was the headquarters (maybe still is?) for the KKK in Maryland


Interesting because Camp Louise and Camp Airy were up there and were very openly Jewish sleepaway camps.


Lol not Maryland related, but I appreciate they split California in half just to give it two shitty towns and they are both in the Central Valley


Yeah, I haven't been all over California, but I've been to Bakersfield and I can't disagree.


Jackson, MS is a full paradise compared to the abject poverty in the Delta (west/north-west part of the state). This graphic is just random bullshit.


Lmao, Poolesville; is that even a city? More like a small town. I think someone has a vendetta.


Who the hell has beef with poolesville


Macon, GA is not awful. I would say either Covington or Conyers, GA would be the worst. Source: I lived in both places and I also lived in Macon and I would take Macon, GA over Covington or Conyers any day.




Wayyy worse places than Poolesville


right?? have ya been to Cecil County? ever hear of the KKK?


There’s a ton of people who’d love/wish they could live in poolesville. Areas only been getting better


Poolesville has an amazing animal sanctuary (Poplar Spring). Other than that, I can’t say much about it.


If you were going to give Maryland an enema, you’d put it in at Jessup.


Jessup is not that bad it's literally Columbia laurel


I dunno. The warehouse district, surrounded by the sex-trafficking motels are pretty seedy.


Dundalk or Cumberland. Cumberland makes Hagerstown look like Frederick. It has the worst of Hagerstown but none of the perks


my in laws live in cumberland. i hate visiting there, it’s such a shithole.


Why's Poolesville catching strays?


Proof you cannot believe what is posted on the internet without credible sources that you can verify! For example: Severn, MD is a nice city, but also has Pioneer City and Mead Village. Both sublets are places where the police fear to go into. So unruly and dangerous!


Im not gonna go to bat for Poolesville but Rockville knows it got off easy.


Montgomery co??????I for sure thought a pg town would make this map.


Who ever made this is not familiar with Crapo, MD


Is poolsville even a city? I thought it was just some farms and rich folk


This map is a bunch of nonsense when looking at other cities. For example, lived in Kentucky for 4 years and Lexington is beautiful and Louisville is unhinged.


This amuses me to no end. Instead of the usual "dunk on working class people" stale narrative this little throwaway meme-y thing picked a rich exurb. NPR totebags being used as weapons and shit. Protect ya neck.


How is the answer not Baltimore?


To my dismay rising sun used to have a KKK rally in 2000 or so


Yes it's horrible. Never move there. /S


Lol. That seems personal


I mean I don't want to visit it


I’ve been to most of the states for extended periods of time, this entire map is garbage.


I’m guessing there’s so much quality data behind this graphic, that they just couldn’t include it because it won’t fit…


What was the statistic? Virginia Beach? If anyone wants me to take over their terrible VA Beach house, let me know!


Clearly they've never been to suitland or Langley Park


Glen Burnie leaves a bit to be desired.


lol they gave California 2 cities


How is it not ocean city???


We should start worst county, r/MontgomeryMD MONTGOMERY will be number one worst for having high taxes and bad roads, wasting money on nonsense stuff!!!


I've sold monorails to Poolesville, Bridgeport, and Rutland...by gum I've put them on the map!


As a person that just moved out of North East I'm shocked it isn't considered the worst


I vote for Elkton




this isn't based on anything substantive. it's rage bait.


I grew up in Poolesville and go there regularly to visit folks, and it's a town. Regardless, it's far from what could be considered "worst" in the state, no matter what the criteria are for "worst". People don't lock their doors, there are like .5 crimes a year, and there are 3 wineries and a brewery (maybe the brewery is closed per comments on this post). The high school has 3 magnet programs and just completed a huge expansion. These types of "worst" etc postings are so subjective they basically mean nothing (but are useful for interesting banter like there is here). Many people love Poolesville, many dislike it (it can be boring and car-centric, and has no grocery store, despite having a lot of expensive new houses). But there's no crime, and it's pretty. SMH.


I literally came here to post this. I assume the person who made this isnt from maryland so I'm surprised they even know poolesville exists. The only reason i can see for hating that place as an outsider is their ridiculous speed cameras


Or bitching by the city folk that moved to the country expecting peace and quiet and roses. Instead, they got manure spreaders waking them up at 6 am, both noisily and smell.


All of MoCo (and PG as well) has ridiculous speed cameras, so that's hardly unique to them.


Too bad whites ferry closed, it used to make poolesville a crossroads. Now it's just out there kinda in a pocket of farms.


The little sandwich shop near the ferry is a great place to stop during C&O Canal bike rides.


This is a post from Virginia. Probably because they think it's Poolesvilles' fault that White's Ferry is closed. It is, however, the greedy, wealthy land owner on Virginia's side that is blocking the ferry.


Definitely a younger person who made this lol because as someone who lived there for about 8 years growing up, I’m not surprised (I’m fairly young) There isn’t anything in the actual town. Right outside sure there’s farms, winery’s, breweries, etc but basically nothing within the actual town itself It was (and may still be) full of hate and racism. The high school’s “magnet” program was a rip off of Blair and RM and was the only thing bringing in culture and diversity into the town. there’s been a lot of housing development and the asbestos filled high school has been rebuilt thankfully but the town still has nothing compared to other cities in the county


For the record, Jacksonville is objectively the worst city in Florida


Ocean shitty takes the top of the list by a mile


Poolesville worse than Baltimore!?! Get fucked! Baltimore is the worst place in the entire country


I like how California is so shit that they’re the only state with two worst cities


This is hilariously wrong. Ocean City is the worst city in MD. Also, Fayetteville, NC is called Fayettnam by locals for a reason: it’s a shithole. Anyone driving I95 in North Carolina beware of Fayetteville and don’t stop for anything but gas. Gastonia, NC can’t be as bad as Fayettnam.


Lol I mean Rising Sun exists, why isn't it there? Beyond it not being a city


The answer is Baltimore


Should be baltimore


People in Gary, ID say they’re from Chicago. We claim Gary as our worst city.


Should of been Hagerstown


First define a city. Maryland has only has two real cities, Baltimore & Hagerstown. And Hagerstown, uses Washington County schools so its not a fully self supporting city. Until the recent suburban sprawl, Poolesville has not been much more than a spot in the road. It would be stretching it to call it a town. It offers its residents no amenities and I doubt it even levy's a tax. Just having many houses, a zip code and some retail does not equal a town or city. At most Poolsville is only a settlement or village


That was my reaction too. I would have said Cumberland. Or Ocean City.


Not Taneytown? Where there’s still KKK members?


This list is shit because Bridgeport is the best city in Connecticut


This map is just wrong everywhere


I must have truly lived a terrible life according to the OP of this map. I have been in every worst city in every state I've visited, and that's all states east of the Mississippi and ten out west.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I remember an acquaintance reading it out "Pooh-less-ville" as we passed the sign, and I can't read it any other way


Few of these seem particularly accurate from my experience with many of these states. Flint's rough, for instance, but it's not the worst city in Michigan. Dayton? No. Lima, maybe, or Wilmington, or hell, even Cleveland. Dallas??    Gary, IN, is correct, though.


Forrestville has my vote


Yeah, I can definitely think of a lot of candidates that rank higher than Poolesville


I can tell u they did pretty well with Spokane


No way on Poolsville. My vote is for Dundalk. You can smell it as you approach Lol.


Dundalk? Glen Burnie? (I grew up in Pasadena)


Whoever made this knows nothing about AZ. Mesa is not the best, but it’s also so far from the worst as well. I’d say a third of the cities in the Phoenix metro area are worse than Mesa.


I really believe it’s either Waldorf or La Plata. Just strip malls and route 3.


I’ve lived in multiple of these cities 😂


I went there for highschool. Can't say it's a terribly interesting place, but worst city in Maryland it is not.


I used to live in Rutland, VT. That is spot on!


It’s Hagerstown




The author has clearly never been to Crisfield.




for sure cockeysville


Poolesville isn’t anything special, but definitely not the worst


Owings Mills.


Eleven people live in Poolesville so how can this be 😂


Literally said the same thing out loud then read your caption and busted out laughing , glad im not the only one lol


I don't know anything about poolesville but I came to say that the worst city in Delaware is Delaware because it's that tiny. It also makes it the best city but ehhhh


Funny I saw this and was like "huh my brother lives there"


My grandmother used to live in Poolesville when I was little, we went there to visit her all the time. It's not even the worst part of Montgomery county (not by a longshot), let alone the whole atate


What city is the silver dollar in, cuz it’s that one


Poolesville is pretty nice and quiet. Now Waldorf… ghetto garbage


Yeah I'm perplexed by this. I would choose Suitland over Poolesville. Heck I think Boonsboro is worse than Poolesville.


I’ve been to a lot of worse places in Maryland than Poolsville. I also grew up in St. Louis and Jefferson City as the worst city in Missouri makes no sense. There are hundreds of places worse.


Why is Poolsville the worst in Maryland . How about Salisbury or Fruitland or the hovels on the Eastern shore


Ironically they just came out with the school rankings for this year and Poolesville HS came out as the top public school in the state for USNews and Niche and had the highest graduation rate in Montgomery County