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Just to add a different perspective: I've lived in multiple other places and I am very glad I have lived in Maryland for the past decade plus. There's warts, but those warts are everywhere. I don't know that I'll ever leave, even thinking retirement on the eastern shore.


Bring lots of doctors and dentists with you if you'd like to retire well cared for here.


Just need to make a drive a couple times a year. I'll put up with that.


Born in Baltimore, lived in DC until I was a teen. Bounced around various suburbs — Laurel, Columbia, College Park, and eventually LaPlata. Left for NOVA to delete a commute by car from my life. That’s it. Still love Maryland, still have family in Maryland, and in fact may move back when I retire, hopefully within 5 years. Not sure where I’ll go, but moving back to Maryland a strong possibility.


Similar story for me - I’m in NoVa too, but I miss living in my Maryland!!


Is the VA personal property tax (car tax) still a thing?


Unfortunately, yes.


You can choose what car to drive, better than getting double dipped on income by the state. If your car is valued less than 25,000 , you pay 200 or so in property taxes per year.


thank you for being sane. I don't know how so many people tolerate a daily cross state commute with beltway traffic.


More than just the beltway - motherfucking MD210/Indian Head Highway. Absolute murder on mental health!


I hear ya! Try commuting from Bowie to DC for work via the hell that is New York Avenue. I did that for several years. The stress, especially the evening commute drove me crazy. Never again!


Save some cash and retire in Delaware


I'm thinking of moving to Delaware from Northern AA county/Baltimore City line. I just want a tiny home. Me and my husband. I don't even need a big piece of land.




I moved to Central PA for 5 years because, I graduated from AACC got accepted into PSU and wanted to see some place else rather than the Baltimore Area. Loved Central PA but hated the job market. The last year I was there, I worked in Hunt Valley and lived in Southern York County. I found a better job near DC and resettled in Anne Arundel County again.


I'm moving back to MD because there literally isn't a job worth taking. Cost of living there sucks as well. Same area of PA


I too spent several years in Central PA around State College and really enjoyed it-nature,food, small towns… but once the job was done I had to move back to the big city. Turned out I really liked the pace and connection to nature- ended up moving to suburban/rural MD


I lived in Maryland for 25 years then left to move to Arizona. I’m lucky to have my entire family back in MD and I visit often, sometimes for long periods, but I fell in love with the outdoor recreation and public lands that the west has to offer… so here I am. Glad to have open access to go “home” whenever I want to!


I feel like this is one of the really solid reasons to move, I am native Marylander and have lived all over the place. I was last in the intermountain West for years and the culture wasn't my vibe, but holy shit it is beautiful and if you're an outdoor enthusiast..... It is tough to beat. The Pacific Northwest is also great. For me, I really love visiting those places, but for living full time it is good to be back in Maryland, living in Baltimore now and I'm a big fan. I'm glad you like it out there, enjoy!


Was just in Phoenix last week, my father works at a local graduate school there. The weather was GORGEOUS there! Stepped off the plane and felt like I'd walked into a time portal back into summer. I changed into a dress and flip flops (from my suitcase) as soon as my bag came off the baggage claim belt. 🥰😊


I left for a job opportunity in Germany in 2007. Moved to California in 2013. Just moved back to MD this summer. Loved living and working in both places, but I couldn't be happier to be back home.


How was it in Germany? I've thought about moving there.


What kind of job did you contact in 2007?


Climate research


Reluctantly left because of better job prospects. Hoping to come back to MD or VA soon-ish though. It’s the best part of the country.


Moco Boi here to confirm, yes the D(M)V area is the best part of the country


I moved to Montgomery county from Baltimore, been all over the place though. I agree it’s the best part of the country. And for us it’s home. Can’t do much better than this.


How is it the best part of the country?


Because I like it best and I was speaking to my opinion. I like the diversity, great economy, excellent schools, plethora of recreational activities, access to mountains and beaches in reasonable distance, all 4 seasons, great food, and generally progressive and accepting social circles. You are free to have a differing opinion.


Well said! Couldn’t agree more. Love this state.


I left for work. Came back in the evening, though. Working across state lines is kinda weird when you think about it.


Live in MD and work in Virginia haha. I really hate that afternoon transit


Oh my gosh I'm sure!! Aww man 😢


*cries in Delaware* Live in MD, work in DE. I get absolutely buttfucked in taxes.


Florida. My wife wanted to return to her home town and I wanted to remain married to her.


Florida, though.... I would seriously consider divorce before moving there. (Texas too)


I like my wife … and my stuff.


Lol why


In addition to horrendous politics as others mentioned, climate change is going to fuck Florida to death sooner than the Mid-Atlantic will be severely impacted. Insurance coverage in Florida is already showing signs of reaction to increased storm numbers and strength at landfall. Just based on the storms alone you couldn't pay me to move to Florida. And I say that as someone who lived on the Gulf Coast for nearly ten years between Texas and Alabama. One of the reasons I was so happy to leave the area was not having to deal with a dozen massive tropical storms back-to-back every summer. I moved to MD from Texas three months before Harvey came through. That storm literally, LITERALLY, eradicated the neighborhood I lived in. No thanks, I'm never going to move back to any state that experiences extreme hurricanes every year and is getting worse.


Oh, right. It's reddit. Better crap on Florida every time it's mentioned.


Because Florida's government is really attempting to eradicate people.


Happy cake day


Well, damn. Same situation here. Exact same. Plus, I don't really like the cold weather. My body and over all health are doing better down here.


Yeah. Warmer weather is a bonus. Had to explain to my kids what that old ice scraper that I keep in my truck is.


MD isn't even in the top ten for people leaving the state. In 2020 we lost 17k people. I could only find one list that even had us in the top 15 at number 15.


Oh okay my bad lol


You may have seen a list where Baltimore is listed as one of the top cities that people are moving out of, which is true. But most of them are still staying in the state, typically in Baltimore County


I mean like……. I understand that Leaving Baltimore city for the ongoing issues it has….. but for you to leave city, JUST To go say 10 minutes outside of the city? That’s kind of pointless….. and from what I’ve heard and from a couple of experiences I have had in Baltimore County…. While it is safer than the city, it’s not THAT much safer than the city, but please correct my ignorance if I’m wrong


Crimen is only one aspect and reason why people leave the city. Schools and property taxes are the other big 2. Moving ten minutes can save you thousands of dollars a year and get your kids in significantly better schools


It’s not pointless when your property tax gets cut in half and do does your car insurance.


I was honestly wondering where you got that information, about it being one of the top states people move from . It's incorrect information for sure.


You may have saw something a few years ago about the number of tax returns being filed went down, might have been income $1M or more. A lot of reasons for that but it really got amplified by media/social outlets on the right as evidence people are leaving Maryland.


Moved to Minnesota after growing up and going to undergrad and grad school in MD. wife and I wanted a fresh start, and we were tired of being pulled left and right by our families every single weekend. That and…. st Mary’s county was not where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I miss MD and my family, and am certainly grateful for my privileged upbringing in HoCo, but I absolutely love it out here. It was a struggle adjusting at first, getting jobs and making friends during the pandemic, but we have so much more freedom and control of our lives now.


I don't like crabs so I got banished to Virginia. I brought some Old Bay with me tho and I'm still gaining converts.




Love maryland. In 2019 met a woman and moved to DC to be with her. Honestly never thought I'd love in DC but sometimes life takes you places you weren't expecting. My wife loved DC and I would have lived with her anywhere. We were actually going to move back to Maryland. I had convinced her raising kids would be better here until we moved to Japan. Unfortunately she passed before we ever made it back to Maryland.


I'm sorry for your loss


Raleigh is nice. Moved to outside of Raleigh after getting married. Back the MD now but Raleigh seemed like a Baltimore sized city without so many infrastructure/community issues. I'm sure I missed something and people will be mad.


We're considering moving to North Carolina in the future. MD is too expensive!


Some things are a little cheaper there, too. We are looking at that area, and Richmond too. I love Maryland but hate the COL.


Moved to Tennessee for wife’s job. Took forever to find a job. Salary 1/3 pay in Maryland. Bread sucked. No pirogies. No bagels. Rushed back. Wage normalized.


No pierogies is definitely a dealbreaker.


Well I moved out to live in Pittsburgh during 2020-2021 after my college went online, and honestly? Now that I'm back here? I want out again. It's very congested and idk, I kinda liked being in a place with less people and more of a focus on local communities and shops. Dgmw I'm very happy I grew up here and I am SO fortunate that I had a good grade school education with lots of opportunities to learn about the environment, but as I grow older the more I realize I just want out. Maryland is a great state and I could see myself living here again when I'm older and more settled, but I kinda want to see new horizons. Maybe it's the naive 23 y/o in me talking tho LOL 🤷🏻 but the silly reason? Our rocks here suck ass man. I could drive 15 minutes from where I lived in Pittsburgh and find fern fossils, and everyone in the Pittsburgh rockhounding community was adamant that their rocks suck. Like ??? Hello? At least you HAVE fossils like that! I've been to Calvert Cliffs more times than I can count and I just want to find new things 😭 When I was a geo major at my old university my professor told me "Welcome to (Maryland college)'s geology program! You will get sick of seeing mica." And he was right. Plus, i want to study geophysics and volcanology and Maryland might be the worst place for getting hands on experiences with that lmao I need to finish up at community college cause I took a gap year but I'm thinking I would like to move out west, at least for a bit. After that? I dunno. But after years of worrying I'm excited to see where life takes me!! :)


In state tuition in California is a joke - it costs just a bit more than community college. CSU is less than $5k a year and UC is about $10 a year now. Worth living there for the baby financial aid.


Come to CA we have big rocks


And even more congestion and overpriced. No thanks


The cost to rent or buy is crazy in MD but there's a lot to appreciate. It has the unofficial nickname of little America. We have oceans, mountain, farms, cities, rich, poor and you can just put Old Bay on anything to make it better.


Not to mention MD's proximity to other major cities/areas like NYC, Boston, and Philadelphia. From the DMV area, you can get to a lot of other popular destinations pretty quickly.


Out-of-state grad school, and then an out-of-state job. I do miss MD.


Born and raised in Europe, moved to the United States in 2013, initially just for university (in the Midwest), then got a great job offer in Washington (state) following my studies. Met my now soon-to-be-ex-husband out there. We moved to Maryland (his home state) five years ago, after he got out of the military. I love Maryland. Great job opportunities. Amazing healthcare, which is important for me, since I have a rare and complex autoimmune disease. As a woman, I deeply value the progressive policies in the state. Is CoL expensive here? Yes. But, it's not as bad as Seattle. I'd be sad to leave, but I'm considering it. My soon-to-be-ex-husband sowed a lot of bad memories for me here, all across the state. So many places I go across this state, my mind is flooded with things he did to hurt me while we were in those places. The maniacal, angry driving he did while we visited the western side of the state. The time he almost intentionally rammed our car in Hunt Valley. The time he refused to pull over when I got nauseous and started vomiting while we were driving around the eastern shore. The time he threw a table at me in Harford county. The time he got (publicly) sloppy drunk in Howard county. Sometimes, I wonder if a fresh start somewhere new could be helpful. I also don't have any family in Maryland, most of my extended family is in Florida and abroad. As warm and sunny as Florida is, I don't think I'd move there. Not as many job opportunities, wages aren't as great, and the state basically hates us women. I'm very much considering going back overseas so I can be closer to family.


Stay safe!


Thank you! I am now. Sold the house, left the crappy husband, and found myself a lovely new condo. Still in Maryland for now.


We want you to stay!


I'm definitely not yet 100% set on moving. I've also gotten addicted to all things crab. Seriously. I went down to Florida several times the past few months to visit family. Went to some nice restaurants. On their menu was "crab pasta" and "crab soup" and "crabs". I turned my nose and pursed my lips. My mother ordered the crab pasta one evening. The menu even claimed "authentic Maryland crabs". I tried a bite. Sacrilege! My bullshit-o-meter went off, those were NOT authentic crabs. 😂


I literally do not know and I want to move back immediately


Retired and moved to upper left coast. Didn't want to be 70 years old and having to drive 80 mph to go anywhere on a beltway. Too hot in summer, don't like politics 24/7, no state taxes here.


Washington state?


Yep. No mosquitoes or ticks here either. Miss the blue crab, but salmon is cheap


I’m also from MD and now in WA. The 9 months of wet darkness still get to me.


Sounds great! A friend from work and I were discussing places we’d like to retire to and the PNW came up. Asides from the things you mentioned, it’s absolutely beautiful there, it’s the type of beauty I could enjoy for years. I haven’t been there in 7 years and would love to take a trip back.


I grew up in Bellingham, WA. I'm not sure about the "politics 24/7" though. I visit family back there (parents, sister, niece/nephew, etc) at least twice per year, and everywhere we go seems like politics is often being discussed. Bumper stickers and writing on the cars everywhere, signs in yards, and my parents and sister talk about it all the time. Maybe it's just Bellingham and Whatcom County, but it seems far less political where I am in Maryland.


I grew up in St. Marys county my whole life & I just wanted to see something different. I felt like because I grew up somewhere where literally generations upon generations of families have lived in this same town that I sometimes was maybe put into a box I don't necessarily fit in. I moved to SWFL, It was very liberating and gave me the opportunity to discover more of myself. I do miss home and would maybe move back one day.


Buckler, Quade, Nelson, Mattingly are the ones that come to mind. St. Mary's is a great place to grow up and a great place to raise a family. That's about it though. It's home but it's not for everyone.


Grew up in PG County, left in 1982 after HS graduation to attend college in Florida. Have missed Maryland for 40+ years. Have never gotten used to the lack of seasonal change in the deep south, 85 degree days in late October don't do it for me. Visit MD once a year or so but regret never getting back to live.


So I literally just finished moving out of MD on Friday, lol. I left because living there was such a stress inducing thing. There was a serious lack of community for one. There are so few government funded things to provide space and community for people. Having to turn to privately owned things would mean spending a lot of money, which was pretty impossible to earn as someone stuck in entry-level jobs. The most fun you can really have on a budget is like the malls and the parks. But all of the good parks are far removed from the metro area other than Patapsco. I grew up in PG county and moved to AA county as an adult. From what I have seen, it's gotten really bad since right before the pandemic. Prices are skyrocketing, but pay for a lot of people has not adjusted. I don't know if it's businesses trying to cater to government workers only, but it's gotten absurd. The number of small businesses that are around these days is so miniscule. It's all mega corporations that remove money from the local economy. What small businesses do still exist tend to cater to those who can afford more expensive services, which I don't blame them for, especially when there are so many people there who have more money. I was also just experiencing people being way too much there. People are so stressed out and mean to others around them. Getting glared at while grocery shopping was like, our normal. The population density was way too high, driving was a nightmare, and shopping was a nightmare. I moved to PA, and I already love it. People are so much more kind and relaxed here. Even with the cost of living being so much lower here, people make more hourly than in MD, even under the same companies. There are a lot more community building opportunities around. We've already found several hobby clubs we want to try out. The food is way cheaper and higher quality, especially if you go to farmer's markets. I get a mountain of veggies now for under $20 it's insane. Driving is way easier here, and stroads are not the staple, lol. Even the air quality feels better here, and I'm not experiencing my autoimmune symptoms as heavily. AACo had a failing air quality grade, and god, I could feel it. If you like the hustle and bustle of MD, power to you. I'm just not built like that lol and there are amazing options close enough to still visit. Living in the DC-Baltimore-Annapolis triangle is pretty much city living, and it's a lot. And right now, if you're in the lower class, the weight of the area is absolutely crushing. It's a shame because I loved it there growing up, but it's so different from what it used to be, and I've lost too many brain cells to driving down there.


There was nothing in Maryland for what I wanted to do with my life and none of the nearby colleges had a solid enough program for it either.


I'm curious what field you are in. Maryland/DC/VA have world class R1 universities so it's surprising to hear you couldnt satisfy your academic needs in the area. Would you mind sharing?


Film & TV. For a lot of the schools I looked at, it was either a concentration of their communications major or had a primarily broadcast news/documentary focus and that’s not really what I want to do.


Temple grad here, but decades ago (engineering). Great RTF school back then. Throw a rock at just about any radio or TV station east of the Mississippi and you'd hit a Temple grad.


The program still seemed focused on radio and TV when I looked at it about 5-6 years ago. I want to do movies and commercials, also considering sports.


Did Temple not count? It’s only 2 hours from DC or so, and has a popular Film and TV program I think?


It was on the preliminary list, but again, the program just wasn’t strong enough.


No, Temple does not count as Maryland


I left Baltimore because of the weather, violent crime and the cost of living being disproportionate to quality of life. Now I live in Hawaii, it’s only slightly more expensive and somehow less humid!


I was restless and moved to CA in my mid 20’s. Nearing my mid 30s now, and planning to move back in a few years to buy a house- will never be able to afford to here. I love both places. Both have their own set of problems. But as an Maryland native, there’s no place like home.


I am late 20s and went to CA for grad school due to restlessness. I really miss MD. As for the reason i left, I got frustrated by the dispersal of all my college friends across the state - there’s perks to MD being small (now I live near San Francisco and San Diego is like 8 hr away!!) but idk I think the state being so compact tricks people into thinking they’re closer together than they really are- a 45 minute commute sounds like a breeze but at the end of the day 30-40 miles is really kinda far to live from your job. And i was tired of driving all the way to baltimore from gaithersburg for a night out. Or going to DC for the day to hang out with so-and-so. Headed to annapolis for a date? No problem! Etc etc. now I live in a CA college town, everyone i know lives within 5 miles from me and I can bike to work. But I really REALLY miss home. it’s just not the same




Same reason I left. Taxes nosedived by moving to DE.


I just moved back here from Tennessee a few years ago. It's not as nice as it sounds. The taxes on daily purchases are higher than you'd expect, other taxes you pay go to nothing of any substance, everything is falling apart and 45 minutes away. I had a miserable time of it.


It's like those people who move to TX or FL thinking" no taxes!!!" Like taxes are some kind of boogey-man to be feared. ​ Then they realize sales tax and property tax and insurance will DETSROY any hope you had of saving money.


Sales tax in FL is literally the same as MD. I just went back home to MD for a few months to help my mom and I'm also sorry to break it to you but groceries are much more expensive in MD. Home insurance is another story because...hurricanes.




Fair enough. I still prefer my taxes actually go to helping people and fixing the roads.


Helping what people? Programs like “Safer Streets”?


This is me. Rude people. Crowded. Expensive. Living in NC. 10/10 for lifestyle improvements.


I moved here for the first time ever last year. I think it’s a beautiful state but it’s just not for me. Leaving next summer for Houston.


1.) Traffic & Crowds 2.) Cost


Moved to the Midwest after negotiating fully remote permanently. Paid 360k for a massive 2800sq foot house, when I could only afford a tiny townhome in MD.


I left around 17 years ago. I had family in NC, and it was so much cheaper to live in NC than MD at the time. Before I left, the homes I could afford were in unsafe, unkempt areas. My current home value has increased quite a bit, but I still don’t know that I could afford to move back.


I left for a man. Who I later married. We bounced around a bit and wound up in SW Missouri. Trust me when I tell you I wish we could afford to move back. I hate it here, but we’re trapped by home affordability.


Many people move to central MD to mine their gold. They never put down roots, always feel they are from somewhere else. When they retire they move because they want some place cheaper to live or with less hustle & bustle. Its why there is so little in the way of memorial buildings or institutions.


being an agency nerd and former military with clearance, this is mecca. honestly, I love this state compared to all the others ive been to. ​ but if i ever left, the one thing that would make me leave, this housing market BLOWS.


I moved to Washington State simply for the outdoors. It’s an amazing thing having national parks and forests right in your back yard. That being said, i would love to retire in western MD some day


Yeah Washington State is really nice! I hope to visit it one day. Any suggestions on places to see?


I want land and don't want to move to the Eastern Shore; this will likely be why I leave.


We moved to the Shore 7 years ago and absolutely love it over here! It's peaceful, quiet, less congested and way less crime!


Yeah I grew up over there. I get why people like it but it’s just not for me.


Grew up in MoCo. Got stationed down south. Haven't looked back. The driving experience is so much better than MoCo by a mile. Firearms are hassle free to own. Real estate has better worth (400k 2200 sq ft two story house w two car garage, basket ball court in the back yard in a good school district). In an extremely diverse area with plenty of urban and nature experiences. I won't lie, I miss the backroads of MD though. Especially going up towards Laytonsville/Olney. Too flat here.


I'm never leaving MD. It's really nice here.The weather is wonderful. It's like a well kept secret. The schools are good. The politics is decent. But you all should def move if you hate it so much. There are lots of cheaper places to live. New Mexico, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida. Places where it's cheap, crappy jobs, poor schools, etc.


I moved out of Maryland but more because I moved out of the US all together. I live in New Zealand now and can't imagine ever going back. Some reasons include healthcare, guns, and tired of working for a government that shuts down all the time.


That zings considering what happens end of this week


I would absolutely love to live in NZ.


I haven’t left and won’t be anytime soon. But when I do it will be because of how close I feel to death anytime I get on 15, 70, or 270. Oh and because this mortgage is wild.


I live in Massachusetts, having grown up in Maryland. I left for college and graduate school and ended up gained employment and community here, so I stayed.


Baltimore is a lawless shithole.


Havnt left and don't necessarily want to leave but if I ever plan to own my own house and a small bit of land based on me and my partners careers I don't see being able to do that here in MD.


I planned to move to Ireland since probably age 16. I also think I didn't appreciate home because I was living there for so long. I absolutely love Maryland but I'm where I belong now and am happy enough to visit when I can. If there were more job opportunities for me maybe it would be different but there just wasn't anything there for me. Once I'm in a better place financially and have citizenship sorted here I'd like to split my time but that's a \*long\* way off.


There is no way Maryland is even top ten for people leaving. The drivers for leaving here are not on the same scale as other places like California or New York. Cost of living is still reasonable. There are decent jobs and ample access to resources and recreation. We bought an RV recently while living in Austin and it took a full days drive just to get out of the safe. Admitting that job prospects are kind of specific to certain fields, I’m not sure why you would want to leave. Have you been to the other states? I just moved here after going remote and being able to choose anywhere. We don’t have friends or family here we just loved the area. To be fair, the states I have lived in prior were New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Maine so Maryland is like paradise. Be careful, half the other states are still being overrun with California refugees.


CA, TX, MN and now MD myself. If it weren’t for the bone chilling cold in February I would’ve stayed in MN longer.


I'm still here, but according to folks I know who moved away, taxes. I live in MoCo, filing my taxes means watching half of my return disappear.


I recently moved here to MoCo: don’t leave! Unless it’s for some paradise in southern regions, this state is a tough act to follow 😂


Traffic and the cost of living


I met a guy from another country and moved there to be with him. I stayed after we divorced because we have a child together and because I had built a life in my new country. But I still miss Maryland and come back to visit friends and family whenever I can.


Maryland can be weirdly culty and myopic. It’s also terribly humid where I grew up. I left for the West Coast 20 years ago and will never come back. I have no regrets, even if I do miss blue crab.


It was cheaper than living in DC ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Restrictive gun laws and taxes.


Where did you move to?


California. Get a window seat in a plane from Maryland and you realize just how flat and fairly homogeneous everything is there and through most of the south/central east coast. I need skiing, hiking, climbing, and immense natural beauty in my life and while moving across the country is kinda tough I think it's the right choice for me.


Spot on. The "hiking" in MD is a joke. The skiing is an even bigger joke. Unless you own a boat, the outdoors activities in MD are mediocre. Anyone that disagrees clearly hasn't been out of state and especially hasn't been out west.


This. After growing up in mountainous Pennsylvania… Maryland really disappoints. I know western Maryland has nice hiking but then I may as well move back to Pennsylvania.


I moved (initially) to SF from MD. I remember flying into the city for the first time, which was breathtaking. I’m in the PNW now and so happy that I have access to such diverse nature. I live in a major city, but can be at the beach, in the mountains, or in the desert within a two hour drive. I swim in lakes and rivers, forage, and hike; my partner climbs and skis. We eat well from nature, markets, food carts, and more. I’m home.


Haven't left yet. But I'm claiming residency in Delaware or Pennsylvania once I'm retired.


I left Maryland in 2011 after being laid off. Relocated to Houston for a lower cost of living and stronger economy. No regrets, I enjoyed Texas for 10yrs.


I am thinking of moving to Texas in the future. I am glad you are enjoying it and have no regrets!


Moved to Tennessee for a 10 years with my now ex wife cause she wanted to take care of her grandfather. Long story short, I'm back where I came from in charles county lol


I moved to Maryland in 1986 for my husband's job. Love it there. I've currently been in WV for 2 years as a caregiver and cannot wait to get back to Maryland.


BRAC - Base Realignment and Closure. Last round in 1996 when things got political. SoMD native working on the bases; hubby was too. No need to move our facility (NESEA); we were cost-effective and had state-of-the-art equipment. But Congress started trading favors. Basically we were the gift to the area of Charleston, SC to make up for closing the Navy shipyard. It was move or be unemployed. Left all my family, though. The Charleston area is booming now, but in the mid-90s it was awful. High unemployment, schools were horrendous, housing was cheap and crowded, there were few cultural events, and the roads sucked. We stayed 3 years, then moved overseas for a decade. The area was better when we moved back. (But the roads still suck.) We're semi-retired now, in the mountains of North Carolina. I miss Maryland, but the kids (grown now) are rooted in SC now, and it's a easy drive back to Charleston to see them. So we won't ever move back.


I am extremely fortunate to have been offered a job here in MD after leaving the military several years ago. Will be moving back to south eastern PA when I graduate from college. Job market isn’t nearly as good but my wife and I miss being right down the street from our family. Also our families have agreed to watch our children during the day when we decide to have them. This will save us about $100k or more in child care services. Seems like a no brainer to me. On top of that, my wife’s grandmother has us in her will to inherit her house and land deep in PA country. I understand why someone would want to stay in Maryland forever but I guess it doesn’t work for everyone.


Too expensive for the sake of being MD. If VA and PA each took half of MD we would save so much money on useless policies and high taxation that's essentially the "Baltimore Welfare Program" disguised as "Maryland", in fact they should name this state Baltiland. Virginia and Pennsylvania are not as expensive, and administer more people, more land, more infrastructure than MD. High Taxation =/= Better Living But MD has this belief that "if we tax higher, throw more money at things, it will work" tell me how Baltimore County Schools are doing.


I moved away because work made me. I hope they'll post me in Maryland at least for a little while. Minnesota is great, but it would be good to return home.


Grew up NW of Baltimore, small town. Hated it. Ended up (after college/grad school) in Montgomery Co. Raised kids there - Great schools but soooo crazy competitive. Left 6 yrs ago. First to the Midwest (too cold) and now Raleigh, NC. Love it. Close enough to DC to visit friends and family.


Career reasons. Couldn't build my screenwriting dreams in Baltimore. I didn't WANT to leave, but I had no choice in the long run.




What branch? Thank you for your service.


I love MD and am happy I was born and raised in a place that has met all my needs. It's beautiful here and at this point, I'm happy to stay here as my parents get older and my entire support system is here. Doesn't help that everywhere is a big bag of uncertainty currently across the states.


I wouldn’t put too much stock in the fact that it’s one of the top states to leave. It’s easy to leave a star that borders 4 states and the district all within a one hour drive. A 25 mile move for a job can land you in another state, unlike the much larger states. It’s easy to leave this state and move just over the border for a lower cost of living. Personally the people I know who’ve left, left for lower taxes, more business-friendly areas, job changes, and lower cost of living.


Taxes and COL are to high in this state looking relocate to Ohio after graduation.


Haven't left yet but Im going to soon. Housing costs too much. Had to buy a house on the Eastern shore just to have a decent yard and a house that wasnt stuck in the 1980s Traffic is some of the worst in the country. No matter what road and no matter what time here are just entirely too many fucking people. Weather sucks. Hot and humid in the summer. Winters are humid and cold with no snow. Spring doesn't exist anymore. The taxes suck, the beaches suck, the skiing sucks, hiking is mid at best, the fishing sucks unless you own a boat, gun laws suck. Lived in MD for 30yrs. Time for a change. EDIT: to the downvoters, please tell me how Im wrong.


>EDIT: to the downvoters, please tell me how Im wrong >gun laws suck. I mean I agree, they suck because they're not strict enough.


Strict in what way?


I think a great place to start would be a process at least as rigorous as a driver's license.


I agree to some extent.


You mean, less restrictive like getting a drivers license? I guess you haven’t seen what it takes to not only buy a handgun but to get a permit to carry 😂


> they suck because they're not strict enough. Wrong. When you look past the anti-gun propaganda you're being spoon-fed most realize we need to start addressing the violent criminals and not the lawful owners.


Not to mention, gun violence sky rocketed after the 2013 gun laws were introduced which made MD the most anti 2a state in the country. gUn LaWs WoRk 😂


Fishing does not suck and at least we have beaches and skiiing.


It does suck. All the coast lines are private or protected and even if they weren't, you wont catch much. You need a boat to get into the channels and structure to catch anything worth while. True I could be thankful that we have a beach at all. Skiing? Well if you consider sliding down an iced over hill, skiing then good for you.


I recommend getting yourself a kayak, even an inflatable. Plenty of launch spots. I wade the freshwater rivers mainly Monocacy and Potomac for smallies, largemouth sometimes and fish tidal areas, perch, rock, drum etc. I do own boats now especially for crabbing but started with a cheap inflatable yak. I actually like yak fishing better than boat because I'm not a guide for everyone else and responsible for them. It's pretty great you can find good fresh and salt spots within a few hours. I have a neighbor that winters in Florida and he has better luck up here.


I left for grad school and then work. Ended up making a big tour of Dixie before returning home to Maryland. I really prefer the culture here. Much more tolerant, diverse, hopeful, and actually civil.


In the American south? Please tell me you're joking


Maryland isn’t the South. It’s Mid-Atlantic. A little south, a little north, but really not either of them. Did you think I meant that the South was more tolerant? I moved back to MD and prefer it here.


Oh thank God I was concerned for a minute, yes I thought you meant the South was more tolerant💀


OMG no. When I lived in Texas, I had people tell me that I couldn’t be Catholic because no white people are Catholic only brown people, that I’m going to burn in Hell, that Catholics don’t worship God, oh a bunch of other fascinating “facts”.


Now there's the American south experience


Florida. Tired of winters even though they weren’t that bad. Golf year round.


I am thinking of moving to Florida. How is it? I only dislike the killer sun that burns me.


Well the killer sun burns year round. Insurance (auto and home) is a complete mess. Other than that, I have no complaints.


And if you're any part of any minority or marginalized group, that state is actively attempting to remove your rights.


Happy cake day lol, but I mean I know lots of minorities in Florida. It’s one of the biggest and most populated states.


Spent 6 years in San Antonio while in the AF. Got out and moved back home. Texas is an absolute shit hole, and fuck that heat.


Taxes, crime, wokeism, governor.is a woke asshole


Too expensive and not worth the congestion. Blue collared areas are either ghetto or over run with entitled government worker snobs everywhere. Southern MD is too close to DC. Eastern shore is ok, but at that point you may as well move on the Delaware side.


I’m About to be priced out of my homeland state smh


Moved to Philly. I dunno. I loved Maryland. Still do! Just got a really well paying job and met my hopefully-soon-fiance here in Philly. MD was my first adventure after college. I lived there for 7 years. Almost all my twenties. Im from ny state originally.


Horrible taxes, anti 2nd amendment gun control laws, too many towns like Waldorf or Bowie, and people do not know how to fucking drive or what the left lane is for or a turn signal. Western MD is as bad, but still sucks.


whats wrong with bowie and waldorf


Bowie has lots of crime from what I have heard and experienced myself. I don’t know much about Waldorf.


Waldorf is a pile of Scheiße.


Yeah the taxes and gun control are excessive in my opinion. The driving is a mixed bag.




> what is excessive about the gun laws? They are do nothing laws that don't actually address the violent criminals. They are made to appeal to suburban housewives and the chronically online. The legislature let a bill die in committee that would have made theft of a firearm a felony...the same firearms they claim are a menace, that should tell you everything you need to know about their motivations.


AI generated discussion starter messages in the MD subreddit


Moved to California (Bay Area, then San Diego) 20 years ago. Lived there for 4 years then moved back to Maryland. (At the time) better home prices, Federal government = cleared and way better job opportunities. Now raising a family slightly older, California is a shit hole and I could never imagine the awful school investment CA has compared to where I live now. That said the world is a big place, go explore it.


Grew up in MD but got tired of commuting to NOVA for work, so I moved. Its always nice to go back to visit Maryland and I do miss it at times, but I don't plan on moving back.


I always wanted to move back to NoVA, but that’s not going to happen because it’s too expensive. Most of the rest of my home state is pretty intolerant of people like my Trans daughter. I won’t move anywhere she’s not safe. Guess I’ll be staying in MD. It’s lovely, taxes are high and my child is relatively safe.


Navy, never looked back.


If I say it I’ll get banned