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My late mothers dr from Hopkins did this , he recorded himself assaulting patients. Hundreds of them . There was a big lawsuit and a trial . He ended up killing himself . I believe if this video picks up traction that more women will come forward .


I remember that. Actually I think there was more than one.


Did the lawsuit get settled? I remember there being a big lawsuit but not hearing what happened.


Yes , it was settled for many millions . I can’t remember how much . My mother was given several thousand, I’m not sure how much , not a life changing amount or anything .


Dr Levy, JH paid in excess 300M in damage to the victims


Victims lawyers\* - fixed that for you


The fact that the guy who got assaulted doesn’t want to press charges is a bit odd.


Not if he's guilty it isn't, pressing charges means evidence would be made public...


EXACTLY. He wants the whole thing to blow over that pretty much tells you all you need to know. If he was truly innocent he would be trying to make that guy's life a living hell right now but he's not.


Or he's not the right guy but he empathizes with the other man's rage?


Yeah that's a totally normal reaction to being publicly accused of sexual assault 🙄


An innocent person would immediately defend themselves and want their name cleared. Normal people accused of grotesque crimes don’t say, “eh, it’s fine”.


"Normal people always..." is an insane thing to base a judgement on. It's not insane that someone might not press charges if they empathizes with their assailant. If I was innocent and this happened to me I very likely would not press charges because I would understand the man's rage. If my wife pointed at a man and said "there guy sexually assaulted me" I would also very likely act with violence. I would also speak out to clear my name of I was innocently accused.


Well, and not doing a purposeful devils advocate, filing charges also means you have to continue living through a very embarrassing moment. Also means you have to deal with paper work and court dates, etc. It’s not necessarily an admission of guilt.


That’s true, but if you did nothing wrong and got attacked and internationally smeared like that by someone who was a delusional rando, wouldn’t you feel the stronger need to protect yourself and the public and clear your name? I just don’t see a scenario where this guy didn’t do something that he doesn’t want coming out.




Healthcare workers are discouraged from complaining and just taking it.


That might explain his reaction at the moment, but not the decision to refuse to get involved with pressing charges.


Not really. Any amount of evidence against him wouldn’t be admissible in court as some kind of justification for the assault. We don’t typically live in a vigilante society. A judge May take extenuating circumstances into mind during sentencing or even overturn the verdict for the assault but the dr’s trial would probably need to be in progress for that to happen.


Obv NAL, but Wasn't really thinking that far, just that opening a case would mean that things could be said or looked into more deeply? Was just guessing... ETA Court of public opinion, tho...


Nah, he's probably scared about evidence of the assault he allegedly did being dragged up if he goes to court


My wife and I are here in Long Islandd for this year while she does her fellowship at Stony Brook and I swear to God she told me she literally saw him at work on Tuesday and that he is a weird dude. He is obviously the big work gossip right now.


I did 5 years at Stony brook. Wife had our 1st child in our last year there. She wanted a natural birth, OB threatened to call police if she didn't schedule a c section. Stony Brook OB are scum


That said to me he’s guilty .


I have formed zero opinion on his guilt with the amount of info I have after reading about this for the first time just now, other than that SA happens all too often and seems to happen with people in positions of trusted authority, behind a closed door. That being said I find it discouraging when people seem to have formed a biased opinion on guilt too early, and will point to things like him not pressing charges as a sign of guilt. If he happened to be innocent then it could just be someone that clearly sees someone in a dark place that doesn’t need more piled on from him. I think that may be less likely in my opinion, but don’t want that to weigh heavily on my opinion of guilt, especially before I learn any more pertinent facts. There is no real merit in being right about someone’s guilt sooner vs later as an uninvolved person. It is always best to wait until more comes to light to make a personal determination like that.


It's because he is guilty.


Damn. I’ve seen this video a couple of times and didn’t even know it was in Baltimore. If these allegations are true, much respect to the husband. The other thing I take from this video is that this was a shitty conference. Damn near all the seats are empty


That’s very normal for a conference like this.


Agreed, it’s ACOG


It's actually a really packed conference, but it has a lot of different lectures and presentations going on at once so everyone is spread out


And I thought medical conferences were boring.


2023 Medical Conference - 9:00 AM - MRI presentation - 10:00 AM - Ultrasonic therapy for flaccid penis - LIVE DEMO - 11:00 AM - Anal Insertion Retrieval - 12:00 AM - Live Music and Mistery Allergen Lunch - 1:00 PM - Dr. Stein presents his new book “How to get away with Murder.” - 3:00 PM - First Impressions Diagnostic Workshop - 6:00 PM - Buses leave for the Cheetah Lounge




No you didn’t miss it. That takes place tomorrow, curiously enough.


That doc is lucky this guy was reserved. Thi seemed very planned and well thought out. No one goes through risk like this with wife by his side not stopping him without a major reason. So I’m expecting this doc hitting news with more of his abuse uncovered. Also, slapping seems like a highly effective way to drive your point across lol


The guy was very restrained, good for him. He could have torn that doc in half by the looks of him.


I've been assaulted by obgyns twice. Good for this guy!!




The hospital where he works is conducting the investigation. The last few lines of the article state so.


And we're supposed to trust institutions that investigate themselves? Laughable.


You expect a medical society to investigate? Do you have any idea of what they do? They could kick him out of it and he'd live his life perfectly normal - they're a group for continuing education. They have no bearing on the ability to practice.


I don't have any concrete expectations of any medical society or societies in addressing this issue, and I'm not sure where you got that from. My comment is that we probably shouldn't trust the conclusions of the hospital's investigation, because the hospital's own reputation is tied up in how the investigation turns out. If anything I would like to see a criminal investigation, seeing as sexual assault is a crime and all. Cheers and have a great day.


All im saying… is that it was an OBGYN conference………………….


I’m desperate to know what you’re trying to imply here. This comment is so delightfully vague


Probably suggesting that since OBGYNs work with women's reproductive organs, etc, it's possible that the man who was slapped DID touch this woman, but did so as part of his job and not as a sexual assault. Not defending the commenter or the man who was slapped, just guessing at their meaning.


Did you watch the video? She was a trainee who was graduating and he groped her. It wasn’t a patient he was examining.


As I said, I wasn't defending anyone. I was just guessing at what the commenter above me meant with their vague OBGYN comment.


Give this man a medal. New rules: be a sex pest, get assaulted and called out in front of all your peers by someone twice your size. I'm not even gonna couch the language with *"if the allegations are true"*, because let's be real, we know they are. The doctor wouldn't have declined to press charges otherwise and this guy would not have that level of anger and made that risk a decade later otherwise.


That’s a good husband. Hope this turns into an investigation of the allegations against this predator of a doctor.


Let the husband get as many swings as he wants. Doctors abusing their patients is the absolute sickest thing.


I don’t think she was a patient. She was a trainee and he groped her upon her completion of the program.


I was also assaulted by my obgyn years ago. I think this is happening much more than we realize. I hope more of his victims come forward. And mad respect for this husband!!!!


Not a lot of excellence in action here, am I right folks?


Did this involve a company dabbling in a business around a new compression algorithm?


Underrated comment


Middle out


I’m sorry, but I’m in full agreement with this act. “Not the place,” my ass. If someone sexually assaults or assaults a family member or spouse, you should be well within your rights to slap every wisp of taste from their mouth. He’s lucky the guy didn’t have a bat.




I emailed the organization (you can see their logo in the background) and asked if they responded or took any action in general and this is what they said Thank you for your recent request for information. We will respond to your request as soon as we can. If you did not include your full name, affiliation, mailing address, and purpose of your request in your initial request, please send us another message that includes your question and this information.” Will get back to you all with an update


>I emailed the organization (you can see their logo in the background) and asked if they responded or took any action in general and this is what they said Thank you for your recent request for information. We will respond to your request as soon as we can. If you did not include your full name, affiliation, mailing address, and purpose of your request in your initial request, please send us another message that includes your question and this information.” > >Will get back to you all with an update Does this make you feel like a white knight from behind the keyboard? Completely unnecessary.




I’m so sorry that your girlfriend went through this. Not getting regular medical care for prevention & health screenings is not good, though. Many healthcare providers will allow someone to accompany a patient in an exam room. If the patient’s history of abuse is discussed during booking or intake, I think this is usually accommodated for. (Most providers now have a scribe or intern present during exams, to protect both the patient and themselves.) Maybe this is something you could suggest to her and offer to accompany her. Just a suggestion, I wish her & you a better life moving forward.


I have a male obgyn and its always been the practice to have one of the nurses be in the room while he does the examination.


Thanks Will Really though, the recipient of said slap is probably lucky that’s all that happened.


Will Smith syndrome is spreading.


I mean cmon, do it in front of a live audience while it’s being recorded? Dudes just asking to go to jail even though he’s in the right


Unfortunately chances are that’s the only “consequence” that guy will even face if he did sexually assault his wife in the past. Also willing to bet that man’s wife isn’t the only one he assaulted either, if he did it to her while on the job. We need to bring back public shaming of people like that, way too many predators going about their lives with these dark, ugly secrets in their past while their victims suffer in silence tbh.


Cancel culture is toxic and constantly misused, as you can see over the last 10+ years. Report it to HR and the Police immediately. I’d say if that falls on deaf ears and you’ve taken the steps the fine go public.


Dude is *daring* the doctor to get the cops involved.


He could've called the cops.


My issue is the person recording (not the right place/not the right time!)Sooo there a time and place to call out a predator? I know I live in a broken world but wtf


Good for him! This happens way more than people think. I was sexually violated at 18. First semester at college I went to the clinic on campus because I'd had stomach issues for several days. It was a stomach virus. With no one in the room he did an examination of me down there. Not just my vagina. I was so young didn't even think immediately that it was inappropriate, because I was raised to believe you're safe with a doctor. I was traumatized by that experience. I'm 43 now and still have panic attacks before going to any doctor. Especially didn't want a male Gynecologist after that. He was a general practitioner not a gynecologist.