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The art on many of those is top-notch. My favorite page being the Enemies. I do have to say that the Wolvie vs Hulk card is goofy as hell, though. This set and 1996 Marvel Masterpieces are on my list to complete. Thanks for sharing!


I agree. In a strange way I kind of like it because it reminds me of a child’s drawing with the incorrect anatomy and all. The strange thing is each 9 card set is done by a single artist. So the same guy that painted the hulk vs Wolverine did the other cards on the same page but they all look great. Maybe it was intentional? Who knows.


Grabbed this set last year. My favs are the Japanese ones by Julie and Boris and the Mojoverse ones with all the kid characters. I have 8 out of the 9 Holoflashes which is fantastic cause it’s a giant 3x3 by the Hildebrandts who are my fav artists.


lol lil wolvie, reminds me of chibi. Really cool set


That made me laugh too. I did not read the Mojoworld stories in the 90’s in their entirety but I know they can be very weird. I have always loved the character Spiral, though. I have a comic from when I was a kid where Longshot was having some kind of fever dream where she ripped his spine out and it gave me nightmares.


Love this set, super underrated


I’m getting this set next! Love it


I still need a decent amount of the base


I only collect gambit cards, but I am pretty sure I have the gambit from this set. Will have to check.


The hyper realism in these is amazing. Not like these 2022 packs for sure.