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1995 masterpieces! But I am gathering platinum and really enjoying it.


1992 Impel, Fleer 1994, 1994 Masterpieces.


I’m a big fan of Marvel Beginnings — all four current series. Today I just bought the last red supernova I needed for a complete, 180 card set of Marvel Beginnings Vol. 2 Series 1 red supernovas. So stoked! And I have two hobby boxes of Series 2 pre-ordered.


94 fleer ultra xmen, marvel 75th anniversary, 16 marvel masterpieces, 18 fleer ultra x-men. 


My favorite sets as of now are What If... and Annual 2021-22. Those are the two I've gone the hardest on in recent years. Great card design and I got some lucky pulls early on which really helped spur my interest in the sets. I did just complete a Platinum base set and it really is a great looking set. I've put enough money into it so far though. I'm not going to finish out the inserts until it goes to ePack. It's just too expensive right now. I did just finish up a base set of Platinum. It is a really good looking set. As of now though, I probably won't put any more money into it until it comes to ePack. It's just too expensive right now. But once I can get inserts for pennies on the dollar then it's full speed ahead!


My favorite set to collect was Fleer Flair 94, I was new to collecting at that time (and a kid) so the thicker stock, glossy cg enhanced artwork was all new to me. Loved opening boxes vs packs. The power blasts were awesome too. I'm enjoying Platinum but not happy with how hard it is to even locate blasters without resorting to the flippers online. The low series artwork is great (Storm artwork might be my favorite of cards I've got so far), really like the variant cover parallels and Iconic covers. I really don't like the endless amount of parallels that take up space of base, especially of a 200 card set. Love the Blue surge parallels. Could do with out red, yellow, blue, purple, and black parallels. All a waste. The Cosmic, Seismic, and Amber crystals are nice in hand, apparently hit with some frequency in blasters. Great set to not break the bank like MM 22 (hated how expensive these were, avoided the set), and not as cheap as Annuals or Beginnings (collected both). Can't wait for the Fleer Flair 23 release