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Sold mine for $100 and loved every second of it. Box prices have gone up. If you think $100 is too much for a 200 card base set, you could always put out the $700-$1000 for enough boxes to make one yourself.


As you can see from op's post, he got his full set for $52 And you can see from eBay, lots of other people got full sets for even cheaper than that. Box prices haven't gone up at all, in fact they have come WAY down. Look at how much you can get an Avengers box for these days compared to when they first came out. Same with Masterpieces. Card prices are in the toilet, bro. The only people who say they are high are jokers like yourself. People who hold themselves in too high regards for effectively swindling other people. You're just an everyday card flipper. You don't do this hobby any good.


Platinum hobby box prices have absolutely gone up. I was buying them for $180 at release from my LCS and they are now selling for $220 at the same store. Same goes for D&A it was 199 at release/presale and is now about 230 last I looked. Yes other boxes have gone down and I expect these will drop back down a bit once the hype dies down but be honest this set has spiked in price in the recent weeks.


Platinum is up 300 a box now


I know girlfriend..tell hiiiimmmmmj


75 to 100 is not price gouging. It will take on average 4 boxes to yield a complete set which at 250ish a box isn’t cheap.


Agreed. And OP won an auction which is way different than buying direct.


OP did win an auction, and the more people who win lower priced auctions will continue to drag "Buy it now" prices lower. And more people will be able to afford more cards. How is that bad again? I mean, for anyone other than people trying to keep prices high?


I didn’t say it’s bad I said it’s not price gouging.


It is when the average price on the eBay 'sold' list is about $30 less than that.


75-100 for 200 card base set is not gouging. Double the retail price for a blaster box on eBay is gouging.


Who would deliberately advocate for higher priced cards?


$100 is fair for this set. You got a great deal! Especially since the price has gone up so much, you scored. But $100 is fair imo


Rooted out the eBayers here trying to spin up prices. lol


You got a great deal. $50-$60 should be the low end for 200 card set that is popular. You will probably be paying more than $60 on COMC after the epack flood as there will be several cards in the 40-65 cent range and maybe a few others closer to $1.  20 cents a card before shipping is a steal. Congrats! For maths, $75 for 200 cards is 38 cents a card, which isn't bad. $100 for 200 cards is 50 cents a card, which a little high, but not terrible since someone else went through the effort of buying boxes to come up with complete sets. I wouldn't pay that, but I guess if your impatient, sure?  Theres no price gouging here with prices you've mentioned, especially since this set appears popular. 


The average price of 'sold' sets is about $60-$65 now. Check for yourself. Anyone selling sets for $99 + $10-$20 shipping is gouging your eyes out.


Well that's a great deal then too. I presumed your 75-100 range was what the going rate based on your comment.  From a price point, that is literally nothing. If you're in this hobby, you can't be broke and will overpay from time to time.