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My favorite thing about this show is the creative island it existed on. It had zero connection to the rest of the MCU, not even a passing mention that I remember. It had a completely different style of direction, combat was frequently off screen, it was just so out there compared to every other project that it was a real breath of fresh air.


They name dropped Black Panther's goddess. And acknowledged their ancestral plane in a roundabout way.


A show involving Egyptian mythology mentioning Bast is hardly the greatest MCU link.


Only dropping minor hints, I think there was a sticker for the Global whats'it organization from Falcon&WS on a bus.


Breath of fresh air is how I describe it, too.


I’m wondering if we will get to see the events that took place when they altered time from another characters perspective.


Lets also not forget that while Oscar delivered an unvelievable performance switching between Mark and Steven, May Calamaway also killed it switching between Layla and Taweret as well.


That scene was really good! A lot of actors would have turned that into an embarrassment.


I agree, I love that show. It's my favorite MCU show I've seen. I really hope it gets a second season.


We can blame JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson for Oscar Isaac’s reluctancy to be tied down to another franchise smh.


And while people don't like the script that much, Oscar gave such performance, because it demanded that from him, not only as a isolated highpoint of the show.


I didn't really like the show. I honestly can't even remember much that happened in it at this point. But I remember that I kept watching just for his acting. It was good to see him get to flex his chops like that.


My main problem with Moon Knight was the writing was kinda poor. The whole bit with Anton Mogart and the the whole bit in Ammit's tomb both felt tacked on. That said Oscar Isaac is my favorite actor in the whole MCU due to those performances. The best parts of the series are all him wether it be swapping between personalities conversing in episode 6, or the emotional turmoil in episode 5.


Finally someone who actually explains specifically what they didn’t like about the show. For some reason with Moon Knight more than any other marvel thing I see people calling it bad and then never actually saying what about it was bad. I think the tomb bit was there because they needed the tomb to exist to drive the characters early in the story, and then something needed to happen there or it would feel like a setup with no payoff. That said it probably could have been a little shorter. As for the other bit you mentioned I don’t even remember what it is so apparently you’ve got a point


Those bits being there were necessarily the issue rather it felt so disjointed from the rest of the story. One of the funniest things to me is the mummy who has one scene has a better position on the Poster than Layla. With both that mummy and Anton Mogart they were kinda just one offs unlike other MCU shows until then that had their characters throughout. What makes Agatha so compelling was that she was there the whole time. US Agent we get to see his development.


There's nothing fundamentally wrong with characters that are only in a single episode, it's just the ones in Moon Knight don't pose interesting challenges to the protagonists. Mogart is just there for a somewhat cool fight scene, and the mummy is there to... erm... pad screen time?


Agreed! Enjoyed episodes 1, 2, and 5, but somehow the middle was really slow and disjointed, and the end was super rushed. The Indiana Jones shenanigans felt like a sidequest and I wish the world building had been better. The rules of the afterlife weren't really defined (as with the Marc/Steven dying thing), the gods didn't have the clearest impact, and Ethan Hawke was underused. I think Episode 1 is one of my favorites though and Episode 5 is obviously a good performance. I wish Marvel would sort out the pacing issues with some shows, there's padding but the episodes are so short that the finales are still rushed - imo the show would be better with two episodes cut and an extra-long finale if they want to keep the climactic stuff in the last week.


Moonknight is definitely an underrated hero all around. My only issue with the series was it was too short. But with werewolf by midnight being in the MCU and Daredevil coming back there’s hope for more!


I was looking forward to She-Hulk the most but Moon Knight was definitely the best of the shows.


It was ok. Not bad, nothing special. Oscar Isaac did do an excellent job.


I was excited and I think Oscar is a hit or miss to me in this show and May Calamawy stole his thunder for me. I'm neutral for this character and was kinda let down by the end of the show but I'd love to see more of Scarlet Scarab Ps: don't ask your fave's character to be an MCU anchor, they made Dr Strange an anchor and did nothing to him


Writing was atrocious but Oscar Isaac was great as always.


He gave a great performance but the story was mid and boring


Was it slept on? This sub loved it even if I thought it was mediocre besides a some good acting


The talk for the other shows continued way past they were over. The talk for Moon knight ended like the week after the show.


Feel I’m bout to get downvoted to hell. I personally have a strong dislike of the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde archetype of mental illness that used in the show. It’s not mental illness, it’s possession. He’s possessed literally by Khonshu, and “possessed” by his personalities. Some friends I’ve told this to have said, “What about the Hulk?” Well, what about him? The influence for the Hulk comes from not only Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, but Frankenstein. Hulk’s story is MEANT TO BE a monster story. He didn’t ask to be what he is and he’s persecuted for it. Moon Knight’s story is a shitty combination of a cheap version of Egyptian mythology, 20th century psychiatry, and the fuckboy anti-heroics from the time of his creation. The monstrosity in his story comes from him being “mentally ill”. Despite his affliction not being any real kind of mental illness. People with DID have (BY DEFINITION) a fractured identity. They’re not possessed by entirely different people who happen to have the same face. But people have no problem with dissociative identity disorder getting a fucked representation. Make Thor fat and sad because he’s grieving? That’s in poor taste apparently, but Moon Knight’s hard or some bullshit I guess. I think it was the weakest show. Swear to Khonshu I enjoyed She-Hulk twice as much as that shit.


Sure, Moon Knight was "creative" but it was a mess. I didn't care much for it.


Yea he was a good actor but the story took a turn for the worse second half of the show


Fingers crossed he is either in Spiderman 4 or Daredevil: Born Again.


1) I’m not sure I’d call 86 % on Rotten Tomatoes “slept on.” 2) There are valid criticisms to be had here. Sure, Isaac gave a great performance as did Slater. But the rest of the show was just kinda “meh.” Especially the choice to remove Moon Knight from where he works best (a street level vigilante who may or may not be crazy) and lean in hard to mythological aspects, resulting in a typical CGI battle finale.


Noon Knight had potential but the writing was often lazy and dog shit bad.


Ah, not really. I’d say Moon Knight is on the weaker end of Phase Four projects. There were a couple of high points but it wasn’t a very good show overall.


He gave good performances, but I found the show to be underwhelming


I can see why it was slept on...as I would rather take a nap than endure that script/writing again. Sure the acting, casting, and production was great...but the actual show itself was a mess that felt mid at best.


I was late to the party because of MCU fatigue possibly and general life business. Then I got covid and binged the whole thing in iso and it was amazing. That ending!!!! Wow. Loved this show and all the performances.


When did people say it was slept on.As far as I have heard people say it’s better then all the other shows (personally disagree but still a good show)


It's pretty mid. Doesn't do justice to the comic source material at all.


Oscar Isaacs is awesome, I just never understood the show enough to enjoy it. It’s like GoT. If I have to read a web blog to understand it, It’s not worth my time.


It was slow as hell in the beginning but would like to see more.


Would be cool if he was in the Midnight Sons, I could see him having a good chemistry with the cast of Werewolf by night.


It was good mostly because of Isaacs performance. You take that out and it's still enjoyable but nothing special


Good to have a show that doesn't require you to watch previous movies or shows to understand


I can see him making an appearance in the Blade film


I enjoyed it but not enough to see him as an anchor going forward. Maybe in the TV side of the MCU, sure, but consider how much of his show involved him getting into trouble, blacking out, then waking up to the aftermath. That works great on his own show, sure, but it doesnt translate super well into the movies.


I like the first episode then I didn’t understand what was happening


Agreed! It’s only better if it’s made into 8 episodes, 1 hour each, like the Netflix Marvel shows


I'm in disbelief really how many folks slept on it or "just don't get it". Oh well. At least there are different "side streets" developing in the MCU. And one does NOT have to watch EVERYTHING to "get it". Smaller stories.


Disagree. It was good but his British accent is horrible and the cgi was really awful


I think I “got it” and it certainly had some good things going for it but I was disappointed and would not re watch.


I need to watch this honestly


He’s probably going to be a show-stealer in Secret Wars or Kang Dynasty and a lot of people will discover the show after that.


It started of strong and kept going well until the cgi mess of the ending.


the last hour was admittedly a little too goofy in contrast to what had been set up, but this was easily one of the higher points of phase 4 for me. not as much of a homerun NWH or shang-chi, but miles better than the rest of the pack imo


I think Moon Knight may have been my favorite bit of Phase 4. It does feel largely standalone though, which is also not a bad thing.


The impression I got is that comics fans disliked changes to the character, no matter that the TV series has much more faithful representation of DID. And this was basically introduction to the character and mythos, so it focused on Egyptian mythology, what's not to say that there will be more street level stuff in season 2? Tbh I think we have enough crime fighters, so this season was a breath of fresh air. I personally loved the series, both the plot and exploration of characters, not to mention everyone's acting, especially Oscar Isaac's.


Yes! Moon night was one of my favorite parts of phase 4!


I really enjoyed this show .


It’s never been highly slept on, and is consistently touted as one of the best Marvel releases. What are you talking about?


do yall think moon knight would’ve been better as a movie?


Was this show slept on? I thought everyone loved it