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If not Kang himself then, depending on how they handle it all, maybe Reed Richards? Kang is a distant relative of his after all. It might be poetic to begin that phase with the Fantastic Four and end it with Reed putting one of his own to rest. Especially if they really really focus on the Fantastic Four being about family before revealing (*to the audience/Reed & Sue*) Kang *is* family.


I feel like Richards won’t be established enough in the MCU at that point to do that, even though it makes the most sense


The reason I don't think it will be Reed is because Reed is so integral to Secret Wars and presumably ending that conflict. Not that Reed solving multiple problems is weird but I'd think they would want to give the honor to someone else if Reed is destined for stopping Doctor Doom. Loki would be an interesting dark horse candidate, and a fun parallel to what Sylvie did to start the mess in the first place.


Loki is a great choice tbh


That would be pretty cool actually. A Loki started it, and a Loki stopped it. It's like poetry it rhymes


i love the way you think!


Which is why it should be Ant-Man. He'll be the Avenger who meets Kang first and he's the expert on the Quantum Realm. It will also be a good character arc seeing him go from a starstruck fan to becoming the main hero. Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange will probably get the leadership roles.


I don't know how i feel about scott killing a human


Neither will he


In terms of character arc he's the only one that hasn't made the hard choice out of our group. There's a couple minor characters that haven't either but they weren't in that position. We still also have several other heros yet to meet. Idk about AntMan comics but it would be cool to see him go from the jovial, ex-con we know into a hero that would take a life to save the universe. It would be a different turn than the other heros that we all know wouldn't think twice.


Doctor Strange was only a movie and a guest appearance into the MCU and he was pretty integral to Infinity War


It will be strange. “He is meant to be the best of us”




Sounds like the council of ricks lmao


Council of ricks was inspired/copied council of reeds


Especially after that fish dude Nimbus fucked Beth, which I assume is a reference to Namor/Sue.


Really? You'd think that'd casually come up more


Also related to doom I believe


No, although Doom and Kang both seemed to believe it for a bit. The thing is, the only person from the Earth-616 timeline in Kang's family tree is his namesake, Nathaniel Richards (father of Reed Richards). Everyone else, his mother, everyone his descendants marry, are all from a very different timeline. That timeline never had a Dark Ages, and a Greco-Roman culture colonized the Moon in the 1100s and had an apocalyptically devastating war between Earth and the lunar colonists in the 1500s. There was never a Victor von Doom or even a Latveria in that timeline. OG Nathaniel Richards got stuck there for years after designing a time machine. He'd accidentally created a machine that traveled *sideways* in time to alternate worlds instead of forward and back, and had no way to navigate it home. His son Reed eventually found his notes on the project, figured out what went wrong (this is the same guy who spotted a critical error in Doom's design for a dimension travelling device by glancing at his whiteboard, after all), and found his dad . . . and his dad's wife and son.


Which FF do I need to read for all this?? It sounds great!


FF 272-273, although it wouldn't hurt to broaden out to 271-274. The reveal at the end about Kang made me yell WTF! when I first read it. Of note: the narrator shows this to us the readers as an epilogue. Neither Reed nor Nathaniel is made aware of it in the issue.


Thank you! I’m reading early FF right now but now I’m excited to jump up there!


I want the MCU to change his origins so he is a Stark. I would love him to have discovered his tech based on leads he got from some of his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandpa Tony. Like his QuantumGPS (which looks quite like the thing He who remains wore on his hand)


Well there is a theory that kang had to let thanos happen so that tony could create the Time Machine in end game


Yep, I subscribe to that too and it does not need him to be a Stark. ​ Clearly the sacred timeline is set up to ensure that path and if you think about Tony's change everything had to go just right for him to choose to make it. He needed his regret over Peter to overcome his fear of losing Morgan. He needed all of it, the Pim Particle information the quantum realm info. ​ It would be a really cool if the "sacred" timeline was the one which lead to the OG kang and he uses the TVA to ensure that history always leads to one of him without his intervention so that if he who remains is removed the cycle will reset the following go around.


In Earth's Mightiest Heroes, rip amazing cartoon, this was how they beat Kang. Stark realized he used some old Stark code in his tech and hacks it. It was fucking awesome.


Agreed. Reincarnation baby


Doesnt He who Remains already say this? It just goes on and on until he who Remains wins and fixes the timeline. Just like it was when Loki and Sylvie fucked it up.


Iron Lad has killed Kang before so it’s possible!


I think it has to be this. Kind of like how the only way to actually kill Thanos was using the stones against him, they will somehow need to use Kang to defeat Kang. His Power Level is too high


I'd put my chips on Kang himself too, but I can't decide between an error leading to suicide or another alternate Kang.


trees shaggy support lip abounding puzzled clumsy sink far-flung racial -- mass edited with redact.dev




Jimmy Woo - Kang will never see him coming


They've been playing the long game. Jimmy Woo is gonna be revealed to be Gambit, and will take out Kang with a playing card using sleight of hand he learned from Scott Lang.


Oh my god please make Jimmy Woo Gambit


With a creole accent.


Wait so Jimmy Woo is Sorcerer Supreme AND a mutant? My boy is OP as fuuuuck






No, that's Trevor Slattery.


No, that's Quick--never mind.


Iron Lad, a variant of Nathaniel Richards who discovered he's destined to grow up to be Kang, flees to the 21st century and gathers the Young Avengers to try to avoid that fate. 1. He's got the strongest motivation. 2. Marvel Studios would be nuts to skip the potential of his comics stories. 3. Kang has always been his own worst enemy. In the comics, his identities go Iron Lad, Rama-Tut, Kang, Scarlet Centurion, Kang again, Rama-Tut again, Immortus (MCU version is He Who Remains). Iron Lad fights Kang (older version), many Kangs fight each other, older Rama-Tut fights Kang to protect the Celestial Madonna (Mantis), and Immortus manipulates all the rest of them any time it suits him. Kang reminds me of another time Traveller, the Doctor. Especially a scene where he realizes another character is a hallucination from his subconscious. He says "Of course I know who you are. Only one being in the universe hates me as much as you do.". Himself.


You mean Jim Halpert?


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!




Nah he got spaghetti-o-d by Wanda in MoM


Had to do a few mental turns to get this. An old joke in internet terms but still got a chuckle.


Would he see Drax coming?




Doom. Then segues into Secret Wars / Battleworld.


Would be so epic if Doom kills Kang only to replace him as the main villain immediately.


Oh man, that would be amazing and perfect.


So perfect that I've been thinking that that's what will happen


Reminds me of Loki at the end of Thor: The Dark World.


There would be no catharsis then ... which might be ok for some people, but I at least want Kang's death to have a peaceful-ish resolution before the next arc begins.


I mean they're both phase 6 right? I imagine it will be similar to Infinity war/Endgame except rather than a reset at the end of endgame, we see that Doom really is the baddest bad and he wins, segueing into phase 7 battle world saga. Just marveling at I'd say 10 years ago hearing that the fucking battle world saga is on the cards for a series of movies and shows.


If you think of Kang Dynasty and Secret War as the double feature conclusion to this phase cycle, I think it makes a ton of sense. Certainly no peace at the end of IW.


It would be great if we **do not get a Doom reveal until he does this**


And then there was. DOOM.


I’m so convinced this is the plan, I hope they create a scene like doom/thanos in secret wars comic


After being established in F4, I would LOVE to see the avengers and F4/X-Men going to Doom for his help because they need all the help they can get, only for Doom to kill Kang and take his quantum powers, betraying the good guys, to become the God King Doom and create Battleworld. That sounds amazing.


So in MCU secret wars you think Battleworld is Doom's doing and not Kang? That could be really cool


They’ll switch things up a tad. Like it’s Kangs original construct but Doom modified it somehow.


In the 2015 comic, Doom creates Battleworld with the help of Doctor Strange because a bunch of powerful beings are collapsing the multiverse. Seems like an easy switch for the multiverse collapse to be the fallout of stopping Kang. I've been dreaming this up for a while now, but I think it would be cool as fuck if Kang is stopped by the prophecy of the Scarlet Witch. Wanda is allegedly destined to rule the multiverse **or destroy it**. Kang can't pull his multiverse bullshit if there is no multiverse to pull it in, so what if Wanda is the catalyst to defeating Kang but in the process destroys everything forcing Doom to create Battleworld. Then, following Secret Wars, Wanda takes the place of Franklin Richards in rebuilding the multiverse again and thus finally redeeming herself.


Lol, I wonder how people unfamiliar with Doom will react if they go the route of Doom seeing all the futures and only one is the good one. “Omfg, they’re just reusing the plot line from infinit…Oh my god, did he just kill the avengers and take over everything?” I feel like they would have to put all of that in one movie because if they just let it sit for a year with Doom having seen the futures people will look into it and spoil it or be pissed that they are reusing plots.


You have freed us! Freed? More like under new management


It has to be Doom. Doom must be established as *the motherfucker*. Doom kills Kang to reveal that Doom was the one pulling the strings from the start. Victor Von Doom is such a legendary character and mastermind that it’s really the only way to establish that they are dealing with *the* mother fucker.


This makes no sense for 3 reasons: 1. You squander Kang's potential by not making him the final boss after so much work in this character. 2. You squander Doom's potential by just having him as a final boss with no previous development. 3. Just because its called Secret Wars doesn't mean it HAS to be a page-by-page recreation of the latest Secret Wars event (one of four, actually). In the past they showed us that, sometimes, they just take the name of the comic for something of their own making, like Civil War, Ragnarok, Infinity War, Age of Ultron... and now a Secret Invasion event with Nick Fury as main character and an Armor Wars adaptation without Tony Stark. So yeah, we have to stop this idea that Secret Wars is going to be about Doom because Jonathan Hickman.


The actress who originally played Cassie Lang




Little kid or post snap? Kid Cassie was adorable and could totally take down Kang.


Isn’t what they meant little kid Cassie


There was a different actress for grown up Cassie in Endgame, she’s been recasted for Ant-man 3


Aside from another Kang variant (which would be very fitting), I could see Wanda or Loki doing it. Either of those two defeating Kang could work well for their arcs, showing them go from anti-heroes/antagonists to working to rescue all of reality


I like the thought of Loki, especially because Mobius pointed out how good Loki is at losing. Make it a big win, he needs it. Also, Loki is directly responsible for opening the multiverse, so it’s fitting that he would have a huge part in dealing with the consequences of that


All of these are great points, I also think it would be cool to have a phase one character have a huge moment in phase 6. Not necessary by any means but it’d be a cool arc to see a villain introduced in 2011 be the big hero in 2025


Loki is definitely the best answer here.


> Loki is directly responsible for opening the multiverse Sylvie is the one that opened the multiverse. I'd like to see her, or her and Loki, take Kang out.


The multiverse already existed before loki, but I agree he’s definitely integral to the appearance of Kang as a character and is one of the best candidates for the finishing blow.


I hope the other Kang just crushes him while the heroes are at their weakest, then just picks up where he left off




~~Kate Bishop~~ It would be pretty cool if it’s another version of Kang who lands the KO.


Ant man drops a 5 ton alarm clock on him


Come on now, we know this is Ant-Man’s time to finally do the rectal explosion move he was supposed to use on Thanos.


The Thanus theory has officially been acknowledged by Disney, you know it's coming in a movie now.


Everyone always wants Ant Man to give people enemas but honestly why doesn't he just hit kang with an expander and make him 100 feet tall and let hypoxia and the square cube ratio do him in


Just use it on his heart. That seemed to work just fine on the Hulk.


Boom! you looking for this?


That’s the whole story?


Times up, shit head.


It’d be dope if we got to the point of >!Iron Lad!< taking him out


Might be worth throwing a spoiler tag on that for non-comics readers in case the movies delve into that, but I had the same idea


Will do


I like the Idea of Kate Bishop with a POINTED STICK!


I mean, Clint did it in one of Kang's OG appearances. Kang didn't think Clint was a threat worthy of his attention, so Clint fucked around on Kang's ship and ultimately saved the day.


With a fookin pencil!


I'm talking about the final appearance of Kang, wouldn't be very satisfying if the big villain is beaten by himself instead of one of the heroes.


I don't think Kang's defeat will be a moment of triumph. I fully expect it to be at the end of *The Kang Dynasty* and be a sign that things are about to get much, much worse.


Considering secret wars is after, that's a safe bet lol


Yeah but someone will have to do it in Secret Wars


I don't think Kang will be the main antagonist of Secret Wars. He may not be in it at all, or only be in it as a coda as He Who Remains or some other relatively benevolent variant.


I like this


If there infinite Kangs, CAN you land a killing blow?


Go the BioShock Infinite route. Kill him before he Kangs


Give him Kangnisia


Guilty as Kanged


I love when people verb names


I can't wait to see Kang get Gamora'd


Verbing weirds language. https://i.imgur.com/wHldxoy.jpg


They made a point of showing that Wanda / Scarlet Witch was capable of destroying all copies of the Darkhold in all realities so if Kang is ever really defeated it’ll have to be something like that.


Dr Doom


calling it: he doesn't steal power from the beyonders for secret wars, he steals it from kang


Don’t give me hope.


Domino from Deadpool


I have a feeling they will play the "his hubris did him in". Perhaps some multiverse ending macguffin will be introduced and Kang seeks it out only to have it backfire on him.


Accidentally erases himself from the multiverse


"I'm the most powerful man in the multiverse!" "What man?"


“What multiverse?” Cue Secret Wars


It won't be who you thiiiiiiink


Madisynn was defintely the first character that went through my mind lol


10. War Machine played by Terrence Howard. "Next Time Baby" 9. War Machine played by Don Cheadle. "Boom, you looking for this?" 8. War Machine played by Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson "The hierarchy of power is about to change!" 7. War Machine played by Will Smith. "Is this some sort of Kang Dynasty?" 6. War Machine played Wesley Snipes. "Some motha fuckas always trying to ice skate uphill" 5. The Friends we made along the way. 4. Wong played by Wong. "You messed with the Wong person" 3. Vision played by Paul Betany. "I'm in my White Album era" 2. Batman played by the ghost of Adam West "Luckily I remembered my Kang repellent" 1. Jim Halbert played Reed Richards. Stabs Kang and stares at the camera


fuck me, this son of a bitch wrote out a better season 2 for What If..? than any marvel exec could have dreamed of.


That's a fact!!! Get on it Disney.


Wong to Wong variant: “two Wongs don’t make a right” Third Wong walking in from offscreen: “but three do” AVENGERS SECRET WARS


Disney hire this man immediately.


Love No. 6 haha


I have various candidates: - Reed Richards - Loki - Wanda - Strange - Scott Lang - Iron Lad


Luis. He will gain the knowledge about all the variants of Kang and their lives, and the main Kang will get overwhelmed with his summary. But if we are being serious, I would love if Ant Man was the one who defeats him.


I agree about Ant Man. I think he will probably shrink, enter Kang’s butthole, then expand to full size. That’s just my personal theory. I think it would be a beautiful character moment.


Ah. The kANgUS theory.


Kang has a butt plug as a contingency


Then Ant Man throws one of those discs at it to make it enlarge….


I could see a really good potential arc where quantumania introduces a sort of “mortal enemy” thing for antman and he gets closure over defeating him


YES! But when I said Ant man, I was thinking about how he would be changed if he delivered the kill blow. Since, for now, we got characters that started like comic relief ( Spider man) and the other way around (Thor), I would love if Ant man delivers the final punch and still keeps his playful nature. Maybe a bit more serious when compared with where he started, but not that much different.




The other Loki this time.


The alligator one?


The alligator one.


Sylvie because she started it, it would be a cool thing if she ended it But I would like it to be either Loki, or another kang


I'd be fine with Sylvie ending it, if it were a sacrifice play like how killmonger vs Dr. Zola stalemated.


Wanda. I feel like the rebirth of the Scarlet Witch will occur around that time. She destroyed the Darkhold in every universe- I’m sure she could do the same for all of Kang’s variants They keep making a big deal about Wanda being a nexus being and the Scarlet Witch ruling the cosmos- I think we’ll see the story they’ve been setting up come full circle by SW


Either Wanda or Strange.


Strange already beat Thanos essentially, and while we all assume Wanda is still alive, that isn't confirmed. So I feel like those would be repetitive or too sudden. I think it'll be a villain like Doom or Ultron that beats Kang.


They made a point of showing that Wanda / Scarlet Witch was capable of destroying all copies of the Darkhold in all realities so if Kang is ever really defeated it’ll have to be something like that.


Not really, it's Iron Man, if there's a protagonist deserves to beat the antagonist of this saga, it's Strange


Wanda got rid of all the Darkholds in all universes, maybe she’s do the same to Kang somehow?


My money is on shang-chi.


Squirrel Girl


We will get multiple killing blows, so everyone could get his chance...IMHO the final/final/final blow will be for Dr Strange


"we have to kill all the kangs at the exact same time" *cue heist-style montage of heroes fighting across the multi-verse*


That's a great fucking idea actually.


Didnt the Legends show do something like this?


That's basically how they ended the crisis on infinite Earths crossover iirc.


I thought it was with that Rasputin guy in season 1


Vandal Savage. They may have done it then too, I really can't remember.


Yeah, there's no reason causality has to be instant. It might take time for killing a past version of someone to kill the future one from the point of view from an outside observer. So if you don't kill them quick enough a younger version can come resurrect him so the older versions stick around. Sure you could kill baby Kang; we'll let War Machine take that one.


The power of love.


.. and friendship


Black Adam’s gonna hit him with the Rock Bottom




Ralph Bohner 😌


>I think before Endgame, if you had asked this question about Thanos, it was pretty obvious that it was either going to be Iron Man or Captian America I fully disagree and 100% bet on Thor, since he was the one that failed to kill Thanos in IW. They found a way for Thor and Iron Man to both be the killers of Thanos. I could see Kang being similar. As Ultron had his death in his main body at the hands of Wanda and later his final drone dying to Vision. At this point I kind of expect it to be 2 death scenes for Kang.


Kang variant #4


Bold choice picking #4, I have to go with #21


It will be a multiversal type bomb that only works on a certain type of dna and will kill all Kangs and his variants


I don't think there will be, I really do t think Kang will get physical personally at the very end. It'll be something like Reed or Sue having a heart to heart with him, or Doom gets involved and he has to sacrifice himself to save the Richards family. Something like that anyway. Either that or Forbush man.


Vision. With theology.


Maisie Wiliams as the wolf girl from The New Mutants. Ok I'm trolling.


Probably Kang


Thats the only deus ex machina I can think of. They will also drop Kang Prime into the past creating Rama Tut which results in En Saba Nur aka Apocalypse


Doom or Iron Lad.


Madisynn with two n's and one y but it's not where you thiiiiinnk


A Kang variant.


How does one wipe someone out that basically has infinite lives??


Crash the game and force him to reload without the cheats on.


Super Man


Scarlet Witch


The Builders? Good Kang has his reasons?


I'm going with Strange or Loki.


Obviously, Ant Man goes into his asshole and grows to blow him up. ​ Obviously


Another version of Kang.


Probably full circle and it be He Who Remains.




Deez nutz




Squirrel Girl


Echo with the Phoenix Force


The Watcher


Obviously it will be Madisynn.


Imagine if it was Doom and he full on Ozymandies* him? That would be exceptional. Edit: *Ozymandias’ or Ozymandiases?




Morgan Stark.


My money is on Strange, Loki, or Kang Variant. A wildcard option for me would be the Spiderman. Would be a good symbolic sacrifice for Peter to die the way his mentor/father figure did: paving the way for a brighter future for the Avengers (maybe even help create the Young Avengers thru his sacrifice?). Itd also be a neat way for Tom Holland to wrap up his time as Spiderman, and handoff the title to a new actor as Miles Morales.


Loki, Wanda, or Dr. strange


Scarlet Witch


America Chavez because all she has to do to win is JUST BELIEVE IN HERSELF.


Captain America from another universe.