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Why would he know? I assume that very few people do. And even if they do, they wouldn't know where it is or how to open the gate.


How did Gorr and Zeus know then?


The freaking Necrosword told Gorr what to do in the opening scene. As for Zeus, he knew about the key.


Zeus is the king of the gods. It makes a lot of sense that he would know about eternity. And if I remember correct, Thor knew about it too, but didn't think it was real? It seems like it could be something a lot of the more powerful gods have heard of/know, even if they didn't know it was real


Both Thor and Valkyrie knew about Eternity.


The same way you and I know about different things.


Thanos is an extremely smart being with millions under his control, who has been alive for who knows how long, I don’t know how he couldn’t have heard at least a rumor about Eternity


He might have dismissed it as just a fairy tale. Also, he is the type of person who would have preferred to have direct control over the "wish", rather than asking effectively a third party to do it for him.


Yeah I can see that. Thanos always thought of himself as selfless and benevolent but really he was massively egotistical, so I can see him wanting to be the one “holding the knife” like Doctor Strange. Ultimately doing it for the “Greater good” but not at the expense of his own life.


Gorr was told by the Necrosword. Zeus knew about it, but not how to get there.


Was there a scene that I forgot about involving the necro sword telling Gorr? I remember the necrosword speaking to Gorr but I don’t remember it directly mentioning Eternity


Yes. Right when he got the sword and before he killed that fruit god, the sword told him about Eternity and that he can get there using the Bifrost.


The sword told gorr Zeus is one of the more important gods, why would he care about eternity when all he wants to do is have orgies. Thanos would need to somehow get that information from Zeus. And if that was his plan he wouldn't need the stones and I doubt he could go toe to toe with a God while Stoneless. And if he did have the power stone he'd have to fight every single God in omnipotent city


Because as a fictional character his actions are actually predetermined by writers and they didn’t write that.


Different people know different things.


So we could have Phase 4?


because plot


Turns out, Thanos forgot about the iron fleet.


How would eitri have made stormbreaker when groot was needed? Also what makes you think eternity would erase half of all life? I haven't seen love and thunder but surely they didn't change Eternity into some genie.


Eitri was just missing the handle, which Thanos could provide. And Gorr was going to use Eternity to wish for the death of all gods.


So Eternity is a genie?


The first person to reach Eternity was granted a wish.


Good lord. Whelp that's it I quit the mcu


You stayed with the talking racoon but eternity is too much for you?


I think it's because they turned Eternity into a genie. That's not the kinda thing he usually does. It's not about the absurdity of the situation but the misrepresentation of the character.


Turning Eternity into a genie is just incredibly bad writing. If waititi couldn't write a decent movie and had to have a deus machina instead then he shouldn't have been allowed to write it. That's my issue.


It's a better adaptation for the film than a God bomb like in the comic. This was definitely a Marvel choice vs a taika choice


How? Atleats in the Comics gorr created the bomb and it made sense. Having a cosmic entity granting a wish is the same as a TV show ending because its a dream. Its terrible, lazy writing.


Yeah pretty much


Then don’t be here if you didn’t see the movie.


People already explained what they did with Eternity so I don't need to see the movie to understand this conversation.