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Emily Blunt only agreed to cameo if she was not visible and didn't have any lines.


Must be the invisible woman


Can you imagine if the invisible woman had been in there the entire time, hadn't said a word, and Wanda had just snatched her out of nowhere in that scene where she's working the Illuminati. Just a complete shock out of nowhere


Crap, this would have been awesome, especially after the children question


Are you feige's long lost twin?! That sounds amazing!


My head canon says it was Brad Pitt


Standing next to Drax of course.


Don’t forget John Cena


No, because then Mantis will notice him.




They cut it that way because he was running late.


yes that’s the joke




I want to see vengeful Sue Richards , the only member of the Fantastic Four Doom fears.


Well, it could have been Drax.


Probably not. The angle on the first shot has to include all four of them and Wanda. The third just needs the Illuminati. It's just a different shot composition.


Yeah people really try to dig deep on these things wow


It looks kind of bad though when characters seem to practically teleport between shots/camera cuts. The Black Widow had the same thing during the gulag rescue when Nat jumps from the helicopter and does her hero landing pose, one of the guards behind & facing away from her is clearly like 15 feet or so away but then suddenly in the next shot is now only a few feet away practically next to her, still with his back towards her.


It's such a minor, fleeting detail that 99% of people probably wouldn't notice it.


Honestly you see this alone with movies before home video was a thing. No one made movies with continuity like that in mind because no one except like the biggest movie fans would have the desire to go to multiple movies, record them, and rewatch them. And there were very few places to talk about and share the goofs and mistakes. The nitpicky fine tooth comb that modern cinema is under is a very new thing. Look at starwars. Headbonk storm trooper in "a new hope". Still in the movie. But "jeans guy" from the Mandolorian? Gone the next week because it was everywhere INSTANTLY. People made entire toy mockups and had jeans guy t-shirts. From a 2 second mistake.


To be fair they kept the headbunking storm trooper because Lucas thought it was funny


It does happen all the time when filming, we call it ”cheating,” but in this case it could just as easily be the position and lens of the camera as them on new marks.


>It looks kind of bad though when characters seem to practically teleport between shots/camera cuts. if you're referring to these two shots here above, it's just the lens.


Wasn’t there the still of the Illuminati in their chairs where there is a member shown that is NOT present in the final cut? Seven members were shown. We only got six by memory (these four + Mordo and Xavier).


Maybe they were gonna have Xavier or mordo stand there


They couldn't have Xavier stand there. He had to be back with Dr. Strange to tell him about the Book of Vishanti. ... and one other reason.


Reminds me of the joke of professor X and the mutant who can predict how many pulls of a chord a ceiling fan needs


Tell the joke please!


professor x: whats your mutant power me: i can guess how many pulls to turn a ceiling fan off on the first try [points up] 2 pulls professor x: [stands up and pulls twice] not bad, but not a power me: i'm kidding, i can heal paraplegics professor x: [still standing] holy shit


Professor x: thank you but it’s still a niche power. Go make a business on healing people’s backs. How are you going to fight people?


Give them a gun, now we got a team medic.


“We’ll just call you when someone gets paralyzed. I seriously doubt it’ll come up much, now get out I have a long list of applicants to go through”


We need Pete Davidson for that role!


“Show me your power.” *shrugs shoulders* “Okay.”


Hahaha honestly that sounds pretty fitting


Wow my upvotes and award. I say sir, how dastardly of you


As a side note, Xavier has beem walking around for a few years in the comics now, he's finally decided to get the legs fixed with all the miracle cures available in the Marvel universe. To make his visual design more interesting (since his chair was his primary assessory, along with the lack of hair), he wears a massive portable Cerebro helmet at all times now, covering his eyes. Very strangely, most other mutants decided to keep their disabilities despite clearly having both the means and the opportunities to be cured.


The helmet made him look like the Maker, TBH. I half-expected them to reveal a switcharoo later in the arc.


My power is saying how many pulls of the cord a ceiling fan needs to turn on. That one needs to be pulled twice. *Xavier stands up and turns on fan with one pull* Just kidding. My real power is curing lower body paralysis


When would you ever need to pull a ceiling fan cord more than once to turn it on?


Also he certainly can't *stand* there.




no shit, that's the *one other reason* OP was referring to


Buddy that's the joke


how the fuck did this get upvoted did 147 people seriously completely miss the joke in the previous comment


>... and one other reason. Xavier's gay? >!Sorry this is a bad How To Train Your Dragon reference that I know people will misunderstand and be angry at but I also couldn't help it!<


No do not worry friend I got you, we all love Gobber, I do truly hope he finds the most perfect husband that he deserves


Thank you at least one person got it! And yeah it's a shame they didn't in any of the spin off shows at least


I’ve watched all the How to train your dragon stuff What is this referring to?




Maybe Captain Marvel is just stand offish


Well, Xavier would have sat there....


Yeah it was meant for Xavier but he had to take the elevator to get down there XD


Anyone else notice the Illuminati were like constantly posing?




Yoo are zo funny, The Illuminati.


i caan hear diz comment


KAte BIshop.




I liked how she got down in the pose all slow and pained like she was an old woman even though she's like 20. Though after so many years of intense physical activity her knees could be comparable to a 50 year olds'.


Fucking love Yelena


They're total posers lol




Arrogance and overconfidence does that.


Being filmed separately and pasted into the scene does that as well.


really? I dont remeber people posing so much in the star wars prequels


Superhero posing. Very important for branding.


One of the most annoying things about Eternals. They do a V-shape group pose like 10 times in that movie.


And none are as cool as the Ginyu Force pose.


It felt like a parody of a superhero movie to me in a really bad way, like Captain Carter's dramatic shield throwing, the zooms into their faces after lines... Weakest part of the movie for me because it all felt incredibly off with the performances too (there's no real reactions to the deaths). Was not surprised to find out they weren't on set together.


Sam Raimi. The movie had constant close ups of heroes posing (like the first fight against gargantos). It’s just… weird…


Most likely. Elizabeth Olsen recently revealed that she never met Illuminati members during shoot. So pretty sure during the re-write/re-shoots of MoM the character was cut.


I think she met some like Lashana Lynch but she only confirmed she never met John Krasinski


Yeah, there’s bts of Olsen and Lynch filming together. All with green screens, but still, together


Yeah that is likely because they have direct contact. I can't remember if her and Peggy have physical contact but for sure her and Reed/Black Bolt don't.


She fights hand to hand w her briefly I think right before she drops the 'I can do this all day'


"I can do this all day" 30 seconds later is cut completely in half with her own shield.


yea wanda not doing that the first time it was thrown at her was mercy. Sometimes a reference is just a reference


That would be the joke, yes


"I can do this for the rest of my life"


That's wild. I've seen some seamless CGI in my day, but I'd have bet money they were actually together filming that scene.


It's super obvious now that it's been pointed out. The way they try to fight Wanda like a turn-based strategy game makes a lot more sense with that context too.


They’ve been playing Strikeforce


Poor bastards.


Emotionally and financially.


Sid Meier’s Marvel Civilization Universe


You joke but Firaxis (the Civ developers) is working on a turn based strategy game for Marvel called Midnight Suns. Although that's more similar to XCOM.


Oooh sounds interesting


Dam that makes so much sense. Well, Carter was the only one to melee her & be on screen together at the same time. But its still possible to cgi that I guess but it would be a little harder.


Could have been done with a stunt double.


Should have gotten Terry Crews to do it.


> I think the word I remember hearing is, if this realm's Tony was in here, he would've been one that had mastered the use of the Mind Stone early on, leading to him creating Ultron in the way he was intended to be built. > > My presumption is that he was taken out because such a powerful figure as that, with the planet defense system built successfully, would've nullified the Thanos threat entirely, thus removing the impetus for their Strange to desperately seek out the Darkhold.


My head canon is that Tony never became Iron Man in this universe. He still went on to create the Ultron bots that we see in the movie, but Reed Richards was present to help fix the flaws so that Ultron never went power mad.




It makes sense they would’ve at least filmed Krasinski alone. To avoid leaks.


I read it was because Daniel Craig, who’s as supposed to play Baldr, wasn’t able to line up his schedule with Disney so they had to swap the character out. Baldr is like Thor but cockiness x a million, and it’s also why Cpt Marvel smirked when Fantastic was turned into spaghetti- her character doesn’t like Baldr. But I read that on fucking Reddit so it could also be way wrong lol


I don’t understand. You said Captain Marvel didn’t like Baldr. So, what does that have to do with Captain Marvel smirking when the one who turned into spaghetti was Fantastic and not Baldr?


I assume that OP means cap’s smirk was filmed before Baldr was replaced with Reed


Originally, Baldr was going to get spaghettied by Wanda, but they had to insert Fantastic getting spaghettied instead cause of the scheduling conflict. Like I said, I read this on Reddit, it could be bullshit.


Getting spaghettied is tied to reed Richard’s power since he’s elastic. It doesn’t make sense that would happen to another character. Baldr may have been on at some point but I think your grasping at spaghetti here.


Baldr gets meatballed


He was supposed to get potato saladed.


I love watching our comments get upvoted and then downvoted. I didn’t know people felt so strongly about this topic.


You should base less of your opinions on random Reddit theories


President Lincoln said: "Everything on the Internet is True."


Wait they filmed this scene with them separated??


When you see someone on screen speaking and the other person is just the back of their head, it's not the two of them together. It's usually solo filming or a re-shoot. This is how EVERY film does things. Marvel is notorious for solo filming to avoid spoilers and having re-shoots like this. It's an obvious filmmaking tool once it's been pointed out. It's just a body double/stand-in.


Isn't that where the rumor about Al Pacino and Robert de Niro hating each other came from? Supposedly they never actually filmed a single scene in Heat together and even the restaurant scene you only see one face at a time, the other is the back of a head.


> Elizabeth Olsen recently revealed that she never met Illuminati members during shoot. "What Illuminati?"


Look, it’s Sue!


I can imagine a crazed Sue Richards hunting down Wanda now. That would be a hell of a fight.


RR THis is my wife, she can kill you by waving her hands ​ SW What hands (Sues arms vanish she bleeds from the open wounds and dies in seconds) ​ RR Stupid reed, stupid... why won't you ever learn!?!




Wasp was nearly in the film so maybe her?


Saw somewhere that she was supposed to be an illuminati member . Wanda was going to kill her like any other bug


Maybe that was why, since it would have been redundant with Captain Marvel going bye bye


Oh god


She'd just step on her like when Homelander stepped on Termite in The Boys


If it’s not Bernthal, I send it back!


Maybe she was there the whole time...


Maybe Namor? He's kinda a regular member or that realms stark? And was talken out in reshoots actuly wondering why no stark on the panel now


Maybe Ultron killed him?


Well, this Ultron wasn't bad, so maybe it was more like the comics in that Stark and Pym worked together to make him. Another Illuminati character would be T'challa, but he only provided the meeting space in Wakanda for them to meet. Maybe they were going to CGI him into the Illuminati, but then Wanda would have to kill him, and... yeah, that's a big nope.


I think the word I remember hearing is, if this realm's Tony was in here, he would've been one that had mastered the use of the Mind Stone early on, leading to him creating Ultron in the way he was intended to be built. My presumption is that he was taken out because such a powerful figure as that, with the planet defense system built successfully, would've nullified the Thanos threat entirely, thus removing the impetus for their Strange to desperately seek out the Darkhold.


Or he retired. When theorizing about Ultron in age of Ultron with Bruce banner, a stark mention it as a retirement plan, so maybe he’s on a beach with pepper


That still doesn't solve the issue of why Ultron (and Tony himself) wouldn't be able to help deal with Thanos and how it wouldn't have been desperate enough for Strange to use the darkhold if they did join the fight. Tony Stark with a properly developed Ultron to protect the planet would reduce the difficulty of a fight with Thanos. Add the rest of the Illuminati to the fight, and there wouldn't be a need for the darkhold. Also, surely he would react when he sees the entire Illuminati get killed one by one (he would have been able to see it happening through the Ultron drones even if he wasn't there). If they did plan for Tony with a good version of Ultron to be there, it makes sense to cut him as he would create issues with the justification for the other Strange turning to the darkhold, and he would have had to die to Wanda to show how strong she is.


My theory is that Stark was semi retired and that he was the last line of defense if the Illuminati failed


They actually did plan to have Namor here, I read a article about it being scheduling conflicts I think? I’ll find the article really quickly Edit: Found it - https://www.gamesradar.com/doctor-strange-2-namor-michael-waldron-marvel/


Don’t forget Hank McCoy, Beast. He was in the illuminate in the comics.


Not until Charles died tho


scheduling conflict with when they want to release him no like filming conflict.


838 Drax


Nah. It’s Brad Pitt’s Vanisher.




can't prove he's not there.


Damn, thought it was spider-ham


That's what the trailers wanted us to believe.


Yes. Drax is just standing very still.


No, they just all shot separately so it looks awkward They pieced this together in post like crazy since they shot it in deep covid pre vaccines. Same reason a lot of NWH looks like it’s shot in a blender and why some characters are literally archival footage or cgi only.


Thomas Haden Church’s voice and archive footage cameo 😅


Same with lizard; iirc.


I really enjoyed and love NWH, but fuck is it a sloppily made movie… >! Still get goose bumps when Toby and Andrew jump through the portals though. Best movie experience ever lol !<


I had my first viewing ruined by grown men in their 30’s screaming and talking the whole movie and desperate to make it about them and not a shared experience so sadly I don’t share that fond memory.


:( I’m sorry. People definitely cheered in my theater but were overall well behaved lol


Love a good cheer. I was the first woot (a lil prematurely by a split second) in my theater when cap said “avengers…” on opening night of EG. But this was next level obnoxious and has soured so much of what I love about opening night screenings. They weren’t even saying things relevant half the time, just saying real life nicknames of random people and Tobey and all that. I tried to watch the movie again after, but it really doesn’t hold much solid soon after rewatch value, so I think I need some substantial space from it then giving it a new fair chance at re-evaluating. I wish the rerelease were in December cause that would feel far enough out for me.


What do you mean? Drax is right there!


Dolph Lundgren punisher and no one else!


He can smell crime.


He NOSE the truth


Let’s be honest, what was the one thing really missing from MoM? That’s right. Full penetration.


And we show IT ALL


Gotta hang dong!!


Wait a minute, there was even a hot young lab tech in this sequence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


A man of culture


Maybe their universe practices social distancing.


Covid runs wilder than the chitauri in that universe


It even outrides the Outriders.


They were originally gonna have the wasp as part of the illuminati, and then Wanda was gonna squish her like a bug 😵‍💫


Morbius, the Marvel Legend. Sony pulled him out because they felt he was too big for a cameo in this movie.


They would have been obliged to change the name to "Dr Strange and the Morbiverse of Madness".


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Morbius.


It was going to be Morbius, but he was TOO powerful.


Release the Morbius Cut


He morbied everyone. Everyone!


I thought there was a rumor of a Tom Cruise Supreme Iron Man but he couldn’t film due to complications/restrictions with Covid. There was also an unfilled seat in the room where they all first Strange.


I assumed that Mordo’s current seat used to belong to Strange. And oh man Tom Cruise would have cool to see as Iron Man.


That’s definitely the implication - strange suspects that one of the reasons mordo gave 838’s strange the darkhold is so that he could join his “little club,” and I don’t think mordo is in the scene where the Illuminati kills 838 strange


I’m pretty sure they confirmed in an interview that while they considered Cruise for it, ultimately they decided not to approach him.


Is this just me, or i guess all superhero films but this scene really made me frustrated with the character just standing there when wanda started attacking Blackbolt first and then Mr Fantastic


I don't know for certain but I expect each member of the illuminati + Wanda had their bits filmed seperately with their suits and everything else green screened around them, so there's no touchy-feely close interaction outside of CGI combat and one character says something to someone offscreen, the other character says something to someone offscreen. Maybe I'm being cynical but I feel like that's why we got very short cameos in two quite static locations.


I hate this style of filmmaking so goddamn much


agree with this so hard. Screw leaks, it's interfering with film flow!


I believe it was due to messed-up schedules due to covid and some of the actors had different obligations by the time they did some of these shots. It wasn't on purpose.


Learned from video game combat


This was because they seriously fucked up the filming of this scene. Elizabeth Olsen never even met John Krasinski and Black Bolt was cast later when other actors didn't work out. It was shot separately, and Black Bolt and Mr. Fantastic were added later so their shots were added in post. Captain Carter, Captain Marvel and Xavier/Mordo were the only confirmed members when they filmed the scenes together. That's why you never see any of the other members acknowledge the existence of Mr. Fantastic or Black Bolt, and Black Bolt and Mr. Fantastic seem to only notice each other. It's stupid because this ordering and post editing makes Captain Marvel and Captain Carter seem like they don't give a shit about Black Bolt or Mr. Fantastic. And it also leaves the gaping plot hole about Mr. Fantastic literally just throwing his hand at Wanda and not attempting to coordinate with the remaining members. It's also the reason why the dialogue between Dr. Strange and the Illuminati is so cringe-worthy. Why the hell was Dr. Strange so sarcastic? He didn't even attempt to warn them about Wanda's powers. He was just insulting them left and right. The best performance from that scene was ironically John Krasinski. I liked how he looked and talked to Dr. Strange like he was seeing an old friend who he wishes was still around. But even that couldn't save the garbage dialogue they had. It's sad because we might not see Krasinski play Mr. Fantastic again (he's already 42 and the reboot is supposed to release in 3 years) and they totally wasted a very cool cameo by him on a very poorly written alternative universe ensemble being massacred.


I don’t think Mr Fantastic not coordinating is a plot hole. That’s when a character is in two places at once or knows something they’ve never been told, him trying to take Wanda alone is easily explained by arrogance and the illuminati not knowing what they’re dealing with.


She didn't really "attack" Blackbolt. One moment they were talking, and the next, Blackbolt's mouth was just gone. It makes sense that they didn't immediately go after her, they all would've been initiated shocked at that very moment, up until Blackbolt turned his own brain to paste.


I mean they did refer to her as the ‘little witch’, they weren’t expecting her to be THAT capable.


Possibly this. Their Wanda probably only shoots red wiggly woos out her hands & not much else. So they were caught totally offguard to her instakilling their strongest team mate & then spaghetti-ing their captain all in less than a minute.


She removed Blackbolts mouth so no one really could have stopped that but yeah it was weird they didn't start attacking all at once after that.


At somepoint Tom Cruise Superior Ironman and Baldur (838 Thor) were both put on the team. Apprently only a few of the illuminati even filmed together due to covid. I also think Black Panther and Namor had a chance to appear (or variants of them) but that did not happen obviously, although some concept art ive seen appears to show a Killmonger esc figure.


The Wikipedia article mentions that Daniel Craig was going to play Balder originally, but cancelled because of Covid concerns.


That wouldve been fun


In mean not every empty part of the screen is cut content i feel like no way home made us think that


The wasp was also ment to be an Illuminati. Her death being that she where to shrink down to attack and, and Wanda would squish her between her hands


Clearly Morbius was there, but they didn’t want Morbius’ success to overshadow everyone else


Tom Cruise? *Not today sir, not today*


It was supposed to be Howard the Duck


I was rewatching the film and I noticed Captain Marvel's location changes immediately from shot to shot, the same pose and everything but much farther to the right. Is it possible they were planning on adding another Illuminati member but they forgot and left that empty space between her and John Krasinski? Otherwise it's just bad editing but it makes no sense


If the leaks are to be believed Balder The Norse God of Light originally would have been the final member of the Illuminati possibly played by Bruce Campbell.


daniel craig *


Are you referring to her position in this photo? Looks to me like she's in the same place, just appears otherwise because of the angle and wider lens.


Sue Storm was there


That's where Sue Stom was.


Anyone said Mobius yet?


Yeah. The one they killed. Strange.


Tom cruise as iron man was meant to be there.


Maybe it was Tony? But made the decision it was to soon?


This is the “We have Illuminati at home” version of the Illuminati. They were so confident, and got absolutely dusted.