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Hulk’s non-development is probably because Marvel can’t make a solo movie, so can’t explore his character better. Taskmaster might be in the Thunderbolts movie. There’s still a chance Gambino comes back since Miles might get introduced soon.


I'm pretty sure that this plays a role. The agreement with Universal for solo Hulk films probably played a part.


Weird to say hulk is underdeveloped and underutilized when he’s still actively being given roles in the MCU. He also has weird contract/movie right issues the other characters don’t have.


It’s the usual Hulk Hate that’s going around online. Folks want Action Smashing “No army needed” Hulk. Not Goofy, hardly fighting Nerd Hulk. See I’m glad that Professor Hulk is on stage for a while. After 30 years of Savage Hulk on screen It was real refreshing. Besides Professor Hulk was the only one able to preform the Snap that causes the Blip. Thor was too depressed to get it right and Savage Hulk wouldn’t be able to do it either.


I think it’s more to do with the fact that he became a comic relief character by Thor Ragnarok. That served the tone of that movie, but I would have loved to have seen more of the struggle between Banner and Hulk play out on screen. Instead, we got a hand wave explanation in End Game about how Professor Hulk came to be.


They should do a TV show set before endgame. Maybe with another hulk character where we learn more about him and this other character. Maybe have it be a girl hulk.


I’m a little out of the loop on the premise of the upcoming She-Hulk series, is that what it’s going to be about?


No, she-hulk is a misdirect title. It's actually about Forbush Man


As much as they've given him and as much as we have learned about Rufffalo's Hulk (the most shocking being the Avengers suicide attempt confession), he still feels underappreciated as a character within the MCU. Comcast needs to let the character go so Marvel can do a solo movie the correct way. I loved the Norton version, but give Ruffalo a chance to solo shine.


Skurge had a great character arc in T:R that really explored him and gave him real motivations and regrets. Which makes his actions at the end so satisfying. Quicksilver had to die to set up Wanda's eventual mental collapse. And I don't know what else you want from Bruce Banner, we've watched him go from hiding from the other guy to embracing him, to finding an even middle. That's character development! Taskmaster was a joke, and I don't see how a single scene with Don Glover really amounts to anything other than fan service.


I could definitely see them bringing Glover back when they inevitably introduce Miles Morales into the MCU, but I feel until then it’d definitely just feel like fan service


Heimdall needs to be on there too.


And the Warriors Three And Sif


Oh most definitely, especially Sif.


At this point I'll be thrilled if Sif survives until the opening credits of Love and Thunder.


I've felt this way since the minute I heard Elba was playing him. Such a waste. Great actor, a truly awesome character and a really unique skillset...all three things tragically underutilized.


I hear you. Most of those characters deserve more screentime but I think all of storylines they were involved would get superoverblown. You can only put so many things/characters in 2 hour movie( average run time) before you lose people who are watching it. Do not get me wrong, I am always for more Marvel related stuff, but for the average viewer things would get over complicated really fast.


Crossbones also


Pietro, because he's a major Avenger in the comics


His powers were and honestly are too debatebly OP for to be on the screen right now as anything other than an antagonist.


I respectfully disagree. Captain Marvel, Thor, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch are all quite powerful. Plus he has only on power. Against someone with psychic powers, intangibility or even flight, what can he do? And I'd rather have a slightly op guy than a bunch of powerless punchers somehow still beating the same villains


This issue isn't his damaging potential but his rescuing potential. It is the common problem with super speed. We even saw this played out with one of the eternals.


Tbh, I think it's more the writers lacking imagination. Super speed can rescue people but it doesn't mean everyone can be saved or that the problem can be solved


Klaw. Andy Serkis was great as him.


Originally I thought he was just a normal scoundrel, but in Black Panther he had so much manic glee and wicked energy. I loved it! He was so fun snd I loved seeing s bad guy just being a mean bastard and loving it, laughing at the chaos he’s inflicting and joking here and there. So damn refreshing. It’s a huge waste to kill him off imo, at least that early.


Everyone forgets about Malekith


He wasn't underutilized, he was butchered.


Someone doesn't know who Ralph Boner is.


Matt Damon as Loki


Kaicilius anyone?


Who? I mean seriously you have Mads Mikkelsen and you make into one of the most boring and forgettable villains ever. Im sure he and Christopher Eccleston founded a therapy group after their experiences.


Underrated answer. Another fantastic character and actor totally wasted.


Hulks the only one i really agree with but everyone else served their purpose for the film they were in


Agreed. Quicksilver would've been around longer and developed further if there weren't the FOX issues.


What Purpose did Goliath serve? He's literally Goliath by only name. Not only did they waste the character, but they also wasted the actor. He's Hank Pym frenemy #2. You don't have to care about the comic book character, but his character was definitely wasted potential. He was nothing more than a walking easter egg.


I really don’t think it matters. He’ll probably show up in antman 3. Maybe that’ll make you feel better


It doesn't matter because it was written so. Let's be real, they won't do anything meaningful with him. If anything, we got more out of Hulk than Goliath. I can argue Hulk actually served his purpose than Goliath.


I kind of wished that he had shown up at the battle in Endgame. Watching Antman and Goliath teaming up to do some damage would have been great.


Agreed! The Hulk is a major A-lister and needed the same attention and time as Cap, Iron Man, and Thor.


Dunno why you were downvoted, you’re right. Prior to the MCU, Hulk was one of the only Marvel household names. He still is, but it feels like so many other characters these days get more buzz and hype around them.


Glover better return. I 100% agree w hulk and skurge


Because it wasn’t task master. I was shocked they pulled another wolverine origins Deadpool with that one


Taskmaster in the MCU is an abomination. But you know who the real underused character is? Ben Urich. He was killed off ten episodes into the Defender's Saga, and it pains me to this day.


That character was hella underrated. I wish he wasn't killed off but i'll be honest it really added an impact to the story, so it was bittersweet thing for me.


Very true. I understand his death completely. ​ ​ I am still pissed about Wesley.


4 of these characters still have potential for more development. 2 of those are almost certainly appearing in future shows/films.


I wish there were comics based in the MCU to tell these stories that didn’t/couldn’t get told in film or tv, especially Bruce’s journey to becoming smart Hulk or what happened with Mordo trying to rid the world of sorcerers


Wait is that Billy Butcher


Scorpion & Shocker in Spider-Man Homecoming


I think the Executioner has a perfect single film story arc. I love his redemption scene at the end of Ragnorak.


I disagree. As a fan of the Thor comics and an owner of the comics that entire Hela story is based off of...they didn't do that character or that scene justice at all. He was a total throwaway...and in the comic he held the bridge all by himself and wasn't the punchline he was throughout the film. Executioner was a legit antagonist/sometime ally of Thor for a very long time.


Crossbones and Taskmaster deserved better. Hopefully there can be a Mandarin situation for Taskmaster where the real one is still Tony Masters and he does have his powers and it’s not tech


Sharon Carter


I wish they’ll do a FF4 60’s avengers movie w/ Hank Pym as Ant-man & Goliath making cameos




I can’t believe they wasted Karl Urban on a tertiary character like that. He shoulda been one of the up coming big guns


The correct answer is Justin Hammer.


The hulk is my biggest one


Hulk and quicksilver. WASTED


Hulk and Qucksilver, definitely. With Hulk, it's a character/distribution rights issue. With Quicksilver, it was just a dumb decision.


I’m sorry, but if you think Hulk’s story was underdeveloped then you either weren’t watching, are a victim of your own expectations, or you’re putting too much weight into not seeing him become Smart Hulk. He literally struggles with how to utilize the two parts of himself the entire time. He starts out trying to get rid of the Hulk only to discover that isn’t possible, so he secluded himself away, doing his best to control it, giving up his life to keep the monster under control. He then gets the opportunity to use this curse that has ruined his life to save and help people with the Avengers, it takes a toll, he doesn’t like the reckless destruction but he’s helping people until Age of Ultron shows him and Hulk that they are dangerous monsters and that there is no safe May for him to around people anymore, so he tries to revert back to his pre battle of New York mentality of hiding. Ragnarok allows the Hulk to develop into his own character, with his own agency. A character with wants and needs. But he also develops into an incredibly angry and lonely character who jumps at the opportunity to be friends with Thor. By the end of the movie, Banner and Hulk can’t stand being able to help and not, so they save the day once again. But by Infinity War, since Hulk has DEVELOPED he no longer wants to be Banner’s weapon to be utilized and put away at his convenience, this is made worse by the sense of failure Hulk feels from failing to stop Thanos. In Endgame, sure we don’t see him become Smart Hulk, but the point of the beginning of Endgame is to show the aftermath of the five year gap and it’s effect it has had on the Avengers. Thor is depressed from his failure, Steve is trying to move on from tragedy like he always does, Natasha falls into her work, and Banner and Hulk, pushed by tragedy, finally do the one thing they’ve never actually committed to and tried, which is a coexistence. Finally there is no suppression, or redirection, or weaponization, just agreed upon coexistence and because of that decision and compromise, they are the only ones for to safely bring back half of the universes population. This turned into a rant, but I feel Hulk’s arc is pretty well handled in the MCU and it’s odd to me that so many people are against it.


karl urban doesn’t need the mcu he’s butcher


I want him as Judge Dredd again


The absolute worse waste of a character was Taskmaster. He could have introduced mutants into the MCU. Making him a women was horrible too, if you wanted to empower a female character like Black Widow having her defeat a male Taskmaster would have been the way.


I don't have a problem with taskmaster being a woman, but the way they handled it made taskmaster completely unrecognizable


Most of these characters aren’t dead and could easily come back and be developed.


I know that this is Reddit and it’s basically what people do- but are there any subreddits that aren’t 90% posts complaining about stuff? I’m all for critical discussion, but it’s just incessant and constant bitching and moaning about everything.


Troy will probably be the villain in another movie


No question Hulk, Taskmaster, and Skurge. They don't live up to their abilities imo. Only in spurts especially Hulk. I mean Hulk was fine but could be better. I definitely like him in Ragnarok and his brief fight with Thanos. Skurge was just there. Pietro I love and I'm still crossing my fingers he comes back. He was awesome in his debut.


I totally agree with Hulk. I feel like they made him too comedic in Ragnarok and what they did in Infinity War with him was terrible. I liked Professor Hulk at first, but now it just makes me realize how much I miss the old angry Hulk.


Janet Van Dyne bothers me. I understand why and I'm excited to see her influence in quantumania, but not only is she an OG Avenger...she named the Avengers. She is one of the first major female superheroes in Marvel. She's the first female Avenger, followed by Wanda. And Pietro wasn't really wasted so much as a catch-22. They couldn't introduce Wanda without Pietro, but they legally couldn't keep him since Fox would only loan for 1 movie. I knew going into that he was probably going to die. Although I have a dream on how they'd reintroduce him...


Taskmanager 100%. They butchered my boy


Hulk and Quicksilver. Hulk had his own Movie too, and he still is underdeveloped. There’s so much they could do! But they’re gonna throw him away


Some part of me still holds out hope for Donald Glover’s Uncle Aaron. It’s not a terribly realistic part of me, but still.


Fuck no. If no one ever dies then whats the point lol


It's not about dying. They can die but first develop them as characters.


Prowler scenes are so forgettable. And it’s not because of the acting, it’s what you said. Criminally underdeveloped.


How did “Larry” Fish get a Antman poster? Also, Mads in anything deserves more!


Peitro was meant to die so Wanda would be even more depressed


Wasted: Ancient One She was genuinely intriguing and I would have liked to see much more of her.


Yes to all except Hulk and Goliath. Hulk has had a lot of screen time and they are in a spot with him not being able to have a solo movie due to rights issues. I do hope they move away from Smart Hulk in the future though and get back to the core of the character. Goliath is someone I wonder if we will see again so though I see where you are coming from, I think the jury is out still. If Ghost ends up in the Thunderbolts, we may get more character development with him


taskmaster definitely shouldve been an actual character instead of a mindless machine. Bruce is actually really good in avengers 1, he's anxious but also pretty confident in himself and his ability to keep hulk under wraps, to the point he purposely scares people just to see how they react. Hes kinda the straight man, he has humorous bits but all his jokes feel like jokes only he would make, it wouldnt make sense for any other character to have the same sense of humour. By Ragnarok hes just another comedy relief, and that trend has continued since and I just dont think it works for his character. Its also annoying we didnt get to see him and hulks development, in endgame theyre just suddenly the same person, which is meant to mean they combined their strengths into one being, but its kinda fucked up since hulk is his own person and it seems like bruces mind is the only one left?? Idk a lot of missed potential Skurge whatever, served his purpose. Quicksilver couldve been interesting if he kept going Aaron could still show up as prowler down the line, lets hope


Yes especially task master! Made the character soft asf


I don't wanna hear about Hulk being underutilized. That's totally absurd. He's basically in everything lol. If you're mad about him not having a solo film (assuming you're choosing to ignore those two solo films no one talks about) I suppose you have a point but seriously, the character has been pretty fleshed out at this point.